Page 37 - TheGoldBug1955-56
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The Gold Bug, Feb. 28. 1956 JUNIOR PLAYS TO High On The Hill Smith, Merrill Are Appointed 'Sharemen' Gootee and Smith The BE HELD MARCH 16 To BUG Posts By Muhlenfeld annual Junior will be Plays Active In Campus Affairs presented in Alumni Hall on Friday, Editor-in-Chief Wiliiam F. Muhlen- over the. added burden of circulation March 16, at 8:15 P.M. The casts of the three one-act plays will consist of feld has announced two new appoint- when William B. Holland withdrew BY PRISCILLA McCOY AND ~~~~e;~s~;a\~~~gb:e::~~-:~~: :~;::~:i~ menta to the GOLDBUG;taff, effective from school. Tom Merrill will lessen JO ANNE SEIHLER 1 once heard Ken Smith called "the the dual burden of this double role-by If you are one of the many people typical college man." Anyone who has of Miss Esther Smith. immediately. Charles F. Smith, Jr., of assuming the circulation management looking for Shirley Gootee and you ever met and talked to Ken .will cer- Romanco and, a comedy ~~I~s:i~::'as~tJ:::Sn~di~~~~:~~s T~:;~ of the tw-o men's dormitories and haven't been able to locate her for the tainly agree that he is something more by Walter Prichard Eaton, White as -B. Merr-ill, of Westminster, be- other college departments. last sever-al days or even months-let than the average or the typical. He ~~~:~ ~r~~~;~:Ii~f :~e:o~~:k~Z comes co-manager of circulation, in Chuck Smith is entering the field of us give you an explanation. It is as has a well-rounded personality, an journalism for the first time, but does simple as this: Shirley is involved in unassuming perpetual good nature, spea1"o's Ladios Meet, a comedy of ;~i~~~~~!~:~:i:is~h~;:::n~~ ~d~~d: not assume his duties without experi- a lot of things. and a strength of character that ;::~rs t:: ~::;;:~l~e~::a:~ c~~~ Dave Bailey, who had served on the ence. He has been active in athletics Shirley hails from the Eastern makes you feel you would like to be a sports staff for two semesters and since his high school days and brings Shore, Cambridge, Md., to be more friend of this guy. ~ubb~~: ~e ar::~;:n~f ~!::sse;h:~:: succeeded Les Werner as Sports Ed.i- to the GOLDBUG sports desk an inti- specific. This senior has lived in Ken has made quite a record for 8P~a1"f!'8 L~ws r-. group~ all- ::d l::~erS:~~;:cbue::'ic~~~~dob~~;:~~~~ mate knowledge of his task. Chuck Blanche Ward for four years, and she himself here at WMC. He assumed played football and track at Wicomico has survived the fourth floor for the responsibility early in his college Shakespeare's ~eromes together III one too demanding and was forced to re- High School in Salisbury, and has last two years. Her four years at career as freshman SGA represent»- pl~~r the second consecutive year, a :::;: s~:end;e;t~:::;' !Xc~;;5~e t~:~ played these same sports at Western uve. In his sophomore year, he was Maryland since his freshman year. selected to serve on the F AC commit- \V est ern Maryland student has He is a member of the junior class. tee, a position he held for two years. written one of the Junior Plays. During his junior and senior years, :::':~~:~'~:",~:,:~~~'';'o:t,;';'i~~;;FISCHBACH REPORT Science Awards he has served the "Preachers" com- time, is a symbolic tragedy. The G. Lee Fischbach, Jr. Memo- [CONTINUEDFROM PAGE 11 mendably as corresponding secretary, Behind the scenes, Mrs. Joy WinfTey rial Scholarship Committee wishes Marjorie was the outstanding fr-esh- and during the past semester as presi- will design the sets which will be con- to report that just over $1,000 has man in the first semester of college dent. Last year he received the Dis- been raised. The goal, as set for chemistry. She attained the highest tinguished Military Student award structed and set up by Hie junior this fund, is $6,000. The freshman from the ROTC department. Having class. Bill Tribby and Jack Anderson class would like to have this money average of any student in Chemistry Erich Willen are the stage managers; 101. survived the six weeks endurance test will handle lighting effects. by the end of March so that the Erich Willen has been awarded a scholarship can be announced in copy of the Handbook of Chomistry the 1956-57 catalogue. Collections a11d PhyIJios for the best work in the in each of the four dormitories will first semester of General Physics, [CONTINUEDFROMPAGEJ] be continued for their combined ef- Physics 201. The contest was spon- which will not be announced until the forts have not even netted the sored also by the Chemical Rubber night of the dance. amount desired by one dorm. Col- Company, of Cleveland, which The six young ladies are Wilma lection cans will be placed on the tributed the prize. Robertson, Battalion Staff; Patricia counters of the Grille and Book- Ann Schaefer, Band; Dor-othy Ann store, also. The freshman class, Snider,. Drill Platoon; Marilyn Rae realizing that this is the largest Eccleston, "A" Company; Claire project ever undertaken by a single G.C. Murphy & Co. Gates, "B" Company; Nancy Lind- Shirley M. Gootee class, hopes that every member of say, "C" Company. the college community wlll help The Friendly Store WMe have been well-rounded and her The colorful coronation ceremony them to establish this full tuition record has been very impressive both has been planned as the highpoint of scholarship in memory of their Dormitory and Ctllilroom as a history and an education major. the evening. for-mer classmate. Donations can Suppliu Shirley was secretary of her class be given to the dorm ehatrmen 01" both her freshman and sophomore J. WM. HULL, Jew.ler Carol Petterson, Head Treasurer. years, and because of her outstanding For Over Half Century Cheeks may be mailed to The G. 6·10 Wut Main Sb"eet leadership and scholar-ship, she was " Expert Watch, Jewelry Lee Fischbach Memorial Fund, WeltmilUter. Md. selected to serve on the Freshman Ad- and Eye-Glass Repairing P. O. Box 500, at the college. 'visory Council her sophomore and 105 W. Main Street junior years. While she was busy be- fore, Shirley's proven capabilities this summer, he is serving as Com- brought her many offices o£ leadership pany B commander. He has been a It Pay. To Look Well Rasinsky's Pharmacy during her junior and senior years. member of the Rifle Team during his She has been an active member of the junior and senior years and is current- -Drift in to "Reliable Prescriptions" F.T.A. and one of the trial magis- ly captain of the team. He has gained trates for the past two years. At the a great deal of recognition as the Avenue Barber Shop Drugs and Everyday Needs list of Griffin's present time she is president of the state president of the Future Teach- Argonauts, president of Phi Alpha ers of America. As you can easily un- 30 W. Main St. Mu, president of the Inter-Sorority derstand from this impressive Where The Student' Go Westminster. Md. Council, and Associate Editor of the honors and achievements, he has been Aloha. Last November she was one chosen as a member of lVho's Who' Phone 101 of the thirteen seniors elected to Among College and University Stu- FINE FOOD Who'8 Who in American College8 and dents. Universitws. Ken is combining an Economics ma- While Shirley is kept busy as presi- jor with an Education minor. He has dent of three organizations, she can been a consistent Dean's Lister and THE HI·TONES included among the Campus Citizens. always find time (usually after 11:00 Ken is now living in Vetville with his LAUNDROMAT p. m.} to have a friendly chat with 5 Locust Street "A Distinctive Dance Orchestra" you over a bag of peanuts, and she is very attractive wife, the :Cormer Miss Opposite Parking Lot Finest Dance Music, Vocal and Novelty Tunes As Meta Justice. for future, the bridal consultant for the f-ourth floor. there's a hitch in the Army coming With all these activities, Shirley is up soon. After that, possibly teach. DAILY-7:30 • 5:00 For Information Phone or Write gradually finding time to plan for her ing, possibly a job in some area of BOB SCHULTZ wedding for June 16, 1956. Her fiance business. Everyone who knows Ken is FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 is a pre-med student at the University sbre he will be successful in any Closed wed. Afternoon 47 Sipple Avenue Baltimore 6, Md. of Maryland, and he also hails from undertaking. Sometimes I've mentally Northfield 5-7208 Cambridge. They plan to live in Balti· backed off a few paces and sized him Westmin.ster 1287 more County where Shirley hopes to up -objectively and I think Ken Smith FREE DELIVERY SERVICE teach history next year. is going to be outstanding! Baugher's Restaurant Campus capers JUST OFF 'THE CAMPUS call for Coke Homemade FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Milkshakes Ice Cream and, Thick OPEN EVERY DAY Parties click when the mood is right. With enough Coke on hand you can set the scene for a gay session •.• STEW DODSON HANK SCHORRECK anytime. 231 A.N.W. 233 A.N. W. CAMPUS AGENTS For The Modern G. I. Laundry 223 E. Green St. Westminster 1478 All Laundry and Dry Cleaning Work is Guaranteed WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTFLING CO.• INC. "Coke" i. a reat
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