Page 36 - TheGoldBug1955-56
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The Gold Bug, Feb. 28, 1956 COLLEGE LIBRARY LIST OF PERSONS EAGLES RALLY TO TO RECEIVE SET 'OUTSTANDING' TOP W. MD. QUINT OF 'GREAT BOOKS' IN 83-75 CONTEST Western Maryland Library has been selected to receive one of the American University defeated 1600 sets of Great Books of the Western Maryland by- an 83-75 count MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS Western World being distributed last Thursday night in Gill Gym- through a selection committee of The nasium, dropping the Terrors deeper S.bscriptio. Price $2.00 Per Aouum American Libr-ar-y- Association under into the Mason-Dixon Conference cel- a grant from the Old Dominion lar. American U. overcame a 17-point Foundation. Announcement of the G. deficit. and managed to come out on names of recipients was made at the top after trailing more than three American Library Association head- quarters of the game. quarters by David H. Clift, Executive Feature Editor __. _ The Terror courtmen jumped out Spor"" Editor. .._._ Secretary. ~:~:-~d'i~~_~~~~:: The celebrated 54 volume work, in- in front, mostly due to the red hot 23-6, in the first part of the contest. Copy Edltor_ cluding the unique idea-index. the Dusty Martinell, who hit for 8 of 9 Synopticon, was produced by Encyclo- shots from the floor before he was pedia Britannica in collaboration with removed from the game. This hurt Culinary Delights the University of Chicago. To essure of the Terrors and by halftime their that cross - section adequate an lead had dwindled to 43-37. universities, colleges, and public li- There is always great reluctance to no more than twenty percent of a braries possessed the set, the Old American Goes Ahead comment on subjects wherein there is reasonable amount. How.can this kind Dominion Foundation advanced a sum The game was a' nip and tuck af- no authoritative knowledge, especially of thing be .justified in an. institu- sufficient to distribute 1600 sets and fair until the last quarter when Dick when the comments may be contro-; tion which makes physical and mental invited the American Library Asso- Parker of the Eagles made his first veruial, and especially when there is demands of the most consuming na- ciation to serve as the agency of free throw, and had a missed one the feeling that we may be writing ture---and colleges are this way- selection and distribution. tapped in by Wallace Rylen, giving with' our left flank open. But there is even while seemingly failing to pro- The set contains 54 volumes en- American a 63-61 advantage. West- an ax to grind, or, more appropri- vide the means of meeting them? compassing 443 works by 74 authors ern Maryland tied it up again, but ately, a bone to pick, with whoever is It is logical to assume that there spanning Western thought from from here out it was no contest as ultimately responsible for the opera- is a problem of buying for great Homer and the Bible to the 20th American found a weakness in the tion and functioning of the dining masses of people. At a non-profit in- century. It totals 32,000 pages. com- Terror defense around the foul circle hall. Logically, the person would be stitution, it is obviously true that~ prising 25,000,000 words. Editorial and hit for three quick baskets. Mr. Byron E. Rice, who is the school there can be no waste of any kind, preparation of the set occupied 1004 Martinell Jed all scorers with 22 steward. But since these are only the for money is in demand and must be scholars, chiefly engaged 0 nth e . points, 19 of these coming in the first observations of laymen, we leave open spent where it will do the greatest Synopticon, for eight years. half. Bill Spear collected 14 for the the possibility that Mr. Rice may have good. If the dining hall must be run home team, and Tom Riggin and as much to do with the operation of on a shoe string for these 'reasons, SGA Ponders Hugh Mclntyre chipped in with 13 the dining hall as the editors of the certainly this is understandable. But and 12 respectively. Frank Weiss had GOLD BUG. For this reason, we ad- what more basic need can there be (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1] 20 tox American U., while Sandy dress these comments not to him, but, than the need for an abundance of will present possible 'Solutions at the Sneddon scored 16 and Rylen and for purposes of the editorial, to a good food? And if money must be next meeting. During the discussion, Parker 14 apiece. hypothetical cloud of hydrogen sul- spent. what other place could be more Dean David stressed the fact that phide. logical? there are not enough parking 'Spaces There seems to be two things wrong for the number of cars, and that the with the food situation as it now College people are meat and. pota- area around the boys' dorms is often stands. First, there is a great deal toes eaters, to state it concisely. They jammed with many cars parked il- prepared which simply is not apperiz- are not interested in a lot of pretty, legally or on Seminary property, ing enough to eat, and second, there but not particularly-filling- or noJr. while vacant spaces exist behind Old is seldom enough of what is appe- ishing, accessories. They do not object Main, McKinstry and Lewis Hall. A ______43 32_75 tizing enough to eat. At Western to plain food, so long as it is good and traffic assembly will be held soon so Wern"r. _______37 46-83 Maryland, the unappetizing food con- abundant. We wonder how much could that everyone involved will have a Willen. Erich. Han. Willen. sists of the many varieties of chlo- be improved if the side dishes which chance to understand this problem. Wright. Ray MOUNT COURT TEAM Donald Zau.he. rophyll-infested salads which seem are invariably shipped back to the Until then, the present rules will con- Zimmerman. Gro"er to be refurbished and regarnished and kitchen were eliminated and the mon- tinue in effect. TRIUMPHS BY 90·62 served again and again; the many ey spent for such things directed to New Movie Screen WESTERN MARYLAND kinds of Jello which are made suit- other more popular foods. If, as we EMMITSBURG, MD., Feb. 21.-Jack able for appetizers, desserts, and even would suppose, each student is en- The SGA, through the effort'3 of Dr. BOWS TO BALTIMORE Sullivan wasn't on a scoring rampage, vegetables; and the odd-looking, odd- titled to three meals per day, it seems MacDonald. advisor. and Larry Hall, but that didn't prevent Mt. St. tasting substances which turn up in logical that he should be able to get has purchased a new movie screen for Western Maryland fell from the Mary's from drubbing Western Mary- is a large bowls almost daily at luncheon. at least two good ones. Breakfast $165. This screen will probably arrive ranks of the Mason-Dixon Conference land, 90-62, here tonight. This is not to imply that these foods study in absence, with hardly twenty- within the next week. unbeaten on Wednesday, February 15, Western Maryland trailed by only are spoiled or moldy or rotten. They five percent of the student body pres- Coming attractions will be "Keys of as Baltimore University scored a de- nine points at intermission, but the simply are of a composition which ent. the Kingdom," on March 2, "Stage cisive 32-7 triumph over the Terrors second half proved a decisive one, and does not inspire enthusiastic eonsump- One must recognize that there is a Coach," on March 10. and "Arsenic in Gill Gymnasium. the Mount quickly pulled away. Only tion. distinct problem. If it were readily and Old Lace," on April 21. The loss dropped Western Maryland Dusty Martinell, aggressive Terror Much of the food is very good, but solved, it would not exist in the first Unfortunately, another' reel arrived (4.1) behind Towson Catholic (4-0) forward, could keep up the pace for there is not much of it, if this is place, and possibly it is not approprt- instead of "The Snake Pit" at the in League standings. the visitors, tallying 11 markers in dear. It is, for instance, rather fool- ate to criticize a recognized problem last movie. Later, the film service Baltimore scored a total of six falls, the final 20 minutes. ish to suppose that one serving bowl which poses difficulties easier to con- sent a letter of apology. "Snake Pit" settled for a draw in one bout, and Martinell made 21 points for the of anything could ever serve as many sider than to surmount. But there are is planned for sometime in the future. lost the 167 lb. test by forfeit. Ber- night, topping Terror scorers. Denny as ten people. Yet, there are times times when there are things which nie Gordon, who regularly wrestles at Harmon and Hugh McIntyre each when this is of necessity the case. want saying, and, in honesty, there is the 167 lb. level, moved up ten pounds registered 10, while Williams and There are also times-and these more little satisfaction in putting them WESTERN MARYLAND to 177 and pinned Casey Day in 1.55. Stanley paced the Mount with 24 and frequent-when meat is in so short away because they may be contro- This was his first loss of the cam- 15 respectively. supply and· so garnished with fat versial. Let us hope that the situation HAS 9 GRID TESTS paign. MT. ST. ~IARY'S WEST. MD. , G F that the edible portion on one plate is may improve. Charles W. Havens, Western :Mary- In the' 137 lb. class, Phil Neary, also Sta·Iey.f __6 4_616 T Kauf'n,f .. 0 0_ 1 0 T G land's athletic director, announced the proving it was a day for spoilers, Wil'~m",f 11 2_ 324 Riggln.t .. 86· S 2_ 9 8 pinned Brant Vitek in 7.57. Mart'll.f 721 Military Ball Green Terrors' 1956 football schedule Andy 'I'afur-i, Western of three ~~;~d-llJi '2_ 410 4 0 2_ 2 2 Lamb·t.f Maryland's Spaar.e._.12.S last week. The Terrors will open their Harm'n.lI" cam- season on September 22 when they battle, scarred veteran only source of M']n·re.g 34.410 Scb·eck.g 00_00 the provided paigns, On March 17 the members of the The point of it all is that there is meet Dickinson College here on Hoffa cheering for Terror fans, holding Pete Hol'ner.&" 0 2· 2 2 Pas·lIo.1f 1 3_ 4 5 Advanced Course in Military Science an obvious and sincere effort to make Field. Alb'gh.g .. 0 O· I 0 will present the Military Ball, an the enjoyments of the milita.ry course This year the gridmen will play Karukas to a 5-5 draw in the 137 lb. annual function of the Reserve Of- in Borne measure commensurate with nine games instead of the usual eight. bout. M<>unt St. Mary's ..._.._._.._..._..._ •.. _45 45_90 ficers Training Corps at Western the labor it frequently entails. There The newcomer on the schedule is Laf- l23_pound elall.-N"ary, Baltimore U" pinned Western Maryland _ .._. 36 26-62 Vitek,7.57. Maryland. In the past the affair has is the effort to demonstrate the facet ayette College} of Easton, Pa ... The 130_pound olall&-Seller., Baltimore U.. pinned / llailel'.7.22. olall.-Karuka&, been, for the most part, a perfunctory of military life which can be im- Terrors met Lafayette two years ago, 137·pound Tllluri. 5_5. Baltimore U.• drew Drexel Grapplers Win, with kind of thing, staged simply because pr-eaive socially as well as in tradi- with the men from Pennsylvania H7.pound cl......-Fl'Ommelt. Baltimore U., 20·13, Over W. Maryland Euler, 6.34. pinned it was traditional and because the tional ways, and most of all, there is coming out on top 28-0. This year's IS1.pound olall!!----Calder. Baltimore U.• pinned Myer.1.33. Calendar Committee had given it a an effort to show a tangible manifes- game will be held in Easton, Pa. 167_J)Ound olall"-Mlller, Western Maryland, PHILADELPHIA,PA., February 22- tation of pride in organization at won by forfeit. Drexel Institute built up a command- There home games only four ~6:~:m~~lsedne::th:eS~:S~e ~~~ecth~! some place other than the drill field. listed this are year, and on those occa- 177_pound<>rdon,Baltimore U., ing lead on the strength of three falls Day, 1.55. always had to compete in a season It will be a dance primarily, and sions Western Maryland will play Unlimited cla!!B_Kieenl', Baltimore U., and then held on to defeat Western Butler. 2.22. which presents the Sweetheart Dance, rightly so, for the ROTC::,but it will host to Dickinson, Hampden-Sydney, Maryland by a score of 20-13 here to- the Junior-Senior Prom, and the May also be a dance for the college, and, Franklin and Marshall, and .Johna Terrors Romp night. , Day Dance. At best, it has been re- in the light of the circumstances, -it Hopkins. Drexel scored pins in the 130, 157, garded as a stuffy sort of ordeal, is not out of place to suggest that [CONTINUED FROM PAGE II and 167-pound classes, but the meet made uncomfortable by ill-fitting uni- here is something which merits sup- 1956 TERROR FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Spaar to completely dominate the was in doubt until the final bout when forms and awkward military cour- port. SERIES RECORDWon Lo8t Tied' backboards. Spaar kept the Green a fall could have given the test to testes. And the uniforms are not ill-fitting Sept. 22 H Dickinson J( ~ ~ 10 Terrors in the game during the first Western Maryland. Bob Butler lost in ~~t.t. 2: t ::~~.'11~~~y The situation this year promises anymore. Oct. IS A Getty.burg (20 half, registering 12 of his 16 points a decision though, by a count of 9-5. to be markedly different, so different Dr. Falzone 10 Exhibit ~t.~1~!?~r-~~~~'~ ~ and playing an outstanding floor fact, that the dance may well rival game. and possibly exceed standards set by Paintings and Drawings Nov. 10 A H John._Hopklno 12 0 16 3 Team Victory season tonight against Gallaudet, in Layfayette Nov. 17 "the various fraternities in their cus- On Wednesday evening, March 7, The triumph was a team victory, in Washington, D.C., and, if victorious, tomary procedures. If this happens one of Baltimore's well-known young which all concerned played an equally will close the season with five wins, Jr., AGT SCORES UPSET to be the case, it will be only because artists, Dr. Joseph A. Falzone important role. Four Western Mai-y- one more. than they registered last the Military Department has tapped will have an exhibition of his paint- BACHELORS land cagers hit double figures: Mar- year. resources not considered in the past, ings and drawings. Dr. Falzone, a G F T T tinell had 18, McIntyre had 17, and WEST.MD. .. O 0_ 0 0 and, in the past, generally not avail- practicing physician, is one of tj1e few Blo'm·r.f __ 0 0.0 0 HerSh.! ... 3 6-U 11 Spaar and Tom Riggin collected 16 Civi·t-I.f HOPKJNSF T Mart'll,f .. 90.213 F T G Baker.l Martin.f _ 0 0_ 0 0 .... 9 2- 520 2 (). 04 Mund.l M..rkle.f _ 2 a_ (1 able. An example of this will be tables young Baltimore artists to have a one Pearce .... 1 2_ 3 ( Hay ..... f _.0 0_ 0 0 and 14 respectively. Got'ieb, f _ 5 4_ 514 Riggin.I _ 6 2· (14 54-614 with tablecloths, seating up to 300 man exhibition in the Baltimore Mu- Wright.c _ 6 01_00 1_1219 T'nker'y.c ..._ 0 0_ 0 0 Al Civiletti paced the Hopkins Seh·ner.! S 4·610 H<>l'ner.g _6 00_22 4_616 Spa ..r,e 2_ 4 4 Hort.c Raueeh.c I Newton.! persons. Another example will be the seum of Art. His work will be shown Jacka'n.g 16.98 S"v'""e,!!" __O 1-41 scorers with 20 points. Jerry Gottlieb, Hol'rth.c __ 1 0_ 2 2 Kauf'p,c _ 0 0_ 0 0 8 6·712 73_517 Spi'ito.e M'ln're,g Krantz.g scheme of decorations, impossible in the exhibition room of Old Main Urq'h't,g _ 0 0_ 0 0 Gun·.on.!!" _. 0 11_ 0 0 usually the big gun for the visitors, Dwyer.1i: .. 0 O· 0 0 Harm'n,1l 3 2_ 3 8 0 2· 2 2 Clem.g 3 2· 2 S without material procured as only the from 2 o'clock till 5 o'clock on Sun- ~ibel.ll._ 3 6_912 G·rd·n·r.1l 00_00 tallied 14, and Tom Hollingsworth Hyde,ll 0 0_ 0 0 Sch'eck,a- 20_04 army can procure it-from Ft. George days and from 7:30 p.m. till 9:30 p.m. chipped in with 12. Totals 2218-2962 G. Meade. on Monday and \Vednesday evenings. Delta PI Alpha T"u _~.__ .._ _. __. .__. 17 22 30-52 Western Maryland closes out its John. Hopkins _._. . 36 30 26-n Alph" Gamma Maryland Weatern 41-77 21_38
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41