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lB' Library Gootee, -':)::t'lJ_~l~;L(-.r, lId. Outstanding ';e,;terll Maryland College Citizens i ug Smith Roster Featured Page 2 Page 3 Vol. 33, No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 28, 1956 w. Md..Routs Rival Hopkins Again; 77-62 Victory Ends SGA PONDERS NEW PLAN FOR STUDENT Jay Hopes In PROGRAM RATING A new plan, a student evaluation Tourney Bid 'system whereby students mal evalu- ate their COU1'ses, texts and teachers by means of a questionnaire is in the process of being adopted by the SGA. An inspired and spi rited Western At present, a faculty-student com- Maryland basketball team thoroughly mittee consisting of Dr. William Mac- trounced the Blue Jays of Hopkins Donald, Dr. Ralph Price, Dr. Isabel University Saturday night to the tune Isanogle, Priscilla McCoy and Howard of 77-62 in Gin Gymnasium. This was Hunt, is working on the questionnaires the second time within three weeks to be used at Western Maryland. Thi-s that the Green Terrors clipped the plan, in use at many other colleges, wings of the Blue Jays, and this vic- was suggested as a SGA project at tory knocked the Hopkins quintet out the National Student Government of the Mason-Dixon playoff picture. A Convention last 'Summer. Hopkins triumph would have given The values of this program are re- the Jays' a berth in the eight-team ciprocal in that the student gains tourney. the unique responsibility of active The contest was a see-saw affair participation in his own education, - until about three minutes after the while the teacher has the oppor tuniby start of the second half, when Dusty of having his courses evaluated. Thus Martinell dropped a one-hand push the concept of rating the faculty be- shot through the nets to put the comes secondary to the effectiveness Terrors out in front, 41-40---a play of the educational process. Danny that was actually good for foul' Moylan, president of the SGA, states points. Martinell was fouled while that such a system calls for serious sinking the field goal, and after responsible attitudes on the part of Dusty missed the free throw, Bill the student and just consideration of Spaar tapped in the rebound to send criticism by the faculty. the home team into the lead, 43-40. However, it is important to note After this it was no contest, as the that the system works completely on T~ITOl'S' hustle and all-round floor a voluntary basis, for the instructor HUGHIE SCORES-Hugh McIntyre, high-scoring West- watches play. Loyola players shown are Jim Allenbaugh play left the Blue Jays reeling under may or may not desire to use the ern Maryland backcourtman, drives in for a layup against (53), and Tony Pistorio. Loyola easily triumphed in the at least a ten point deficit through- course evaluation forms which the Loyola College. Denny Harmon (15), Western Maryland, game played in Gill Gymnasium, 89-67. out the remainder of the game. SGA will make available. Also, none Jlopkins Leads Earlv of the students are required to sign The first ten minutes of action was the form'S, and the results are known Music Department's Club News Marjorie Woodward b'asket for basket, then Hopkins only by the instructor. Wins Award Citing jumped into the lead, 21-18. They Coming SGA Elections Recitals Scheduled S.C.A. held on to this margin, and led at At an assembly on Monday, March A Leap Year Party will be held on Chemistry Ability halftime by 36-30. Bill Civiletti and 12, self nominees for the officeof SGA For Presentation Wednesday, February 29th by the Al Slechter set the pace for the Hop- president, introduced by their cam- S.C.A. Refreshments will be served, kins quintet during the first half, paign managers, will each give a five The Music department has an- and everyone is invited. Dr. Karl Lockwood announced that each registering 10 points, and ade- minute speech. Election'S will be held nounced the recitals to be held during The following Wednesday, March the Chemistry prize sponsored by the quately handling the backboards to on Thursday, March 15. The person the coming weeks. On Friday, March 7th, the denominations will meet. On Chemical Rubber Company has been keep the Jays in front. wit.h the highest number 'Ofvotes will 2 at 8:00, Fairy Frock and Nancy awarded to Miss Marjorie Ann Wood- The second half was an entirely be made president. Election for the Kemmerer will present a joint recital. March 14th, the Robert Moton Choir ward of Baltimore, Maryland. different story, with Hugh Mcintyre vtee.president will be held the foltow- The following Tuesday, March 6, will sing in McDaniel Lounge. The prize consists of a Handbook of and Martinell pacing the scorers, and I.R.C. ing day from the remaining candi- David Balcolm will give a recital at On Thursday, March 1st, Ed Kane, Chemist7"1J and Physics imprinted with Bill Spear mopping up both back- dates of the opposite sex. 4:15. Charlotte Ridgely's program president of the International Rela- the winner's name and the name of boards. Mcintyre began to hit with his Parking Problem Discussed will take place on Sunday, March 11 tions Club, will speak on Sea Power in the. school. The winner also has a jump shot which couldn't seem to find After a lengthy discussion about at 3:30. On Tuesday, March 13 at World Politics. His talk will center chance to compete in a regional con- the range the first half. Martinell the parking problem, the situation 4:15, Betty Ely will present a voice about the maintenance of the Seventh test for a prize of $100 worth of simply couldn't miss, and garnered 14 was referred to a committee which recital. All of the above programs will Fleet in the Straits of Formosa. scientific books for the school library. markers in this half, besides helping [CO~TINUED PAGE 2. COL. 3) be held in Levine Hall. [CONTINUED PAGE 3. COL. 5) . [CONTINUED PACE 2. COL. 4) Frank Machovec, Chairman of the the Military Department Schedules National Veterans Howard Hunt, ROTC Chief, Republican will be the speaker for Com- mittee, March 15th meeting. His topic will be Receives Commission In Army one is cordially invited to attend both Dance Featuring Carl Hamilton and Communism Democracy. Ever-y- of these meetings. cadet corps who are in the Advanced Howard Hunt was recently in- FRENCH CLUB The 1956 Military Ball, under the formed by the Department of the At the March 11 reunion of the supervision of Col. Robert J. Speaks Course. Present plans are to convert Army in Washtngtcn that he had French Club in McDaniel Lounge, a and the direction of Cadet Lt. Col. J. the gymnasium into something on the been selected for a commission in the piece choisie accompanied by a few Howard Hunt, promises to be the line of an officers' club. There will be tables seating a capacity of 300 with- Regular Army of the United States. chansons franlJaises wir( be presented most elaborate dance of this kind in in the gymnasium itself. Tablecloths To be considered for the appointment, by the first year students. the history of the Reserve Officers' are being imported from Ft. George Hunt sent in a application for the TRI-BETA Training Program at Western Mary- commission last fall. First of all, 'I'r-i-Beta will initiate new pro- land. G. Meade for the occasion. Various however, he 'had to be deemed a Dis- visional members early in March. To Set to the traditional military college fraternities have donated tinguished Military Student by the be eligible for provisional member- theme, the dance will be held on couches and arm chairs to make the PMS&T of Western Maryland College ship, a freshman must have completed March 17 in Gill Gymnasium from atmosphere complete. with the approval of the President of his first semester with at least a 1.4 8.45 to 11.45 p.m. It is to be semi- Guests will include Dr. and Mrs. the college, Dr. Lowell S. Ensor. index and at least a B in Biology. formal, with uniforms optional for Lowell S. Ensor, and two members of A Distinguished Military Student ARGONAUT basic cadets. the faculty who were chosen as spon- candidate must be scholastically rated The Argonauts held t,heir annual Music by Carl Hamilton sors by the cadet corps. They are: in the upper half of his class. The scholastic tea, February 23 in Me- Music is to be provided by Carl Dr. William A. MacDonald, and Mr. Robert E. Adkins. Col. Speaks, Maj. candidate must possess outstanding Daniel Lounge. Entertainment con- Hamilton and his orchestra, which qualities of leadership which are de- sisted of piano selections by Stanley will feature a vocalist and eleven Waugh, and Capt. Carter will repre- termined by the staff of the Reserve pieces. Widespread interest in the sent the Military Department as spon- Officers Trajning Corps in the candi- ~i::be;;;ett:~v1~~ a sC;;~n ~~10t~; dance and resultant prospects of a date's respective school. He must show Gail Eddy. big attendance have enabled the Cadet CENERAL CHAIRMAN-J. HOWARD HUNT promise as a possible career man in Corps to stage the affair at the cost DecoraHons ... .._.__ the army. The candidate must also be maintaining an honor index during of only $1.50 per couple, a price which Rerreshmenta_._. ._._ .._ ,,/ outstanding at his summer camp. his college career, he is recognized as Nrcrplpgy is the lowest for 3 dance of this kind Hunt was labeled as a Distinguished a Campus Citizen. He has been se- Dr. George S. Wills, Professor in many years. Military Student at the end of his lected for inclusion in Who's Who of English, Emeritus, died yes- By vote of the members of the junior year here at western Maryland Among American Colleges and: Uni- terday at the Keswick Conva- cadet corps the dance will be restrict- College. The Army Staff in Washing- versities. Hunt holds and has held lescent Home in Baltimore. ed to members of the ROTC cadet ton selects about lout of every 3 many responsible positions while on He is the father of Richard unit and their inv:ited guests. There applicants for the appointment. Hunt the campus of W.M.C.-from a chair M. Wills, McDonogh, Md., and will be no general ticket sale to the As a highlight of the Military Ball, will be commissioned sometime in the in the Alpha Gamma Tau Fraternity Mrs. A. Vail Frost, Allendale, public at large, but each cadet may a queen will be crowned, chosen from latter part of June. He will enter the to Battalion Commander of the Re- N. J. invite one other couple in addition to among the six co-eds who serve as Regular Army as a 2nd Lieutenant serve Officers Training Corps, from Services will be held at the his own date. unit sponsors. She will be chosen by shortly thereaiter. President of McKinstry Hall to class Ascension Episcopal Church! Seating for 300 means of an election held among the Howard is a senior and is an Eco- representative in the Student Govern- Westminster, February 29, 2 All work, including decorations, is members of the cadet corps, results of nomics and Pre-Law major. Besides ment Association. Please omit flowers. being carried on by members of the rCONTINUED PACE 3. COL. 3]
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