Page 33 - TheGoldBug1955-56
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TlJe Gold Bug, Feb. 14, 1956 High On The Hill Leonard Ang Florence Bahr, Duo Artists, Mehl Terminates-GOLD BUG Post; Crush Remains On Staff Exhibit Portraits And Paintings In Gallery BY VIOLET FONNER ed by several years in the-Navy. When originally a stump of wood which a~ IJILL TRmay BY FAIRY FROCK AND JEAN WARFIELD "Today everything is confused and he returned in 1946, he was so eager to give the picture more unity of There is nothing spectacular about "The deadline is Thursday supper there are not enough standards to tie to paint that he was delighted when and distribution. Bob Crush. -No Later." No doubt many of you hold of in the field of art; therefore he got a model for hi'S portrait entitled In 1.952 Mr. Bahr presented a one He supports the movement for have heard this said, especially art is one medium where I find unity," "Louisiana Belie", which won for him man show at the Baltimore Museum around the GOLD BUG Office where states Mr. Leonard Bahr, who is cur- the Popular Award that year. of many of the same portraits., which \ Kay Mehl reigned supreme during rently displaying his paintings, along are on the display here. Several of his the last two semesters. As Editor-in- with his wife's, at WMC's art gallery. Following Many Classes career, Mr. very latest pictures are on exhibition Navy his Chief of the college newspaper, Kay Mr. Bahr is well known here for his at various other places also. • put into practice many of the skills portrait of Blanche Ward which may Bahr went into teaching again. At Portrait Painter she learned while working as reporter be seen in the Blanche Ward dormi- the present time he is teaching practi- . On the feminine side of the artist for the Salisbury Times during her tory lobby. He was commissioned by cally every night of the week. Recent- team is Florence Bahr whose special- ly he started Saturday classes at the summer vacations. the college to do this portrait from a br-anch-school of tfle Institute, which ty i-s portraits of children. Mrs. Bahr, Limited to two newspapers? No! photograph, which he feels made it i'S located in Glen Burnie, Maryland. an attractive woman of medium build Kay has had several articles pub- much harder for him, especially since and dark, hair and eyes, agrees with lished in the Mag~zine (brown sec- he had never seen the woman. Then he began classes for a women's her husband fully. She says he makes tion) of, the Baltimore Sm/day Sun. club of Baltimore. a wonderful teacher (and she should.-\. It is important to note that these An instructor at the Maryland In- Paints for Jo'UIl know) and is patient and full of en- were not just ordinary write-ups, but -stitute of Art, Mr. Bahr stands about He said all his paintings are done thusiasm. She feels his students try to , by-line articles. five feet ten inches and dresses in for fun and he doesn't expect to sell work hard under his guidance. Getting back to the Hill, this Eng- plain complementary colors. His grey them. His favorites are the old mas- Mrs. Bahr graduated from the In- lish major was co-author of the Jun. suit matching his hair contrasted ters such as Rembrandt, Tit-ian, and stitute in '1931 and spent a year ioi--Folliee-c=Scalping the T.P." and wonderfully with his blue eyes. Like EI Greco. Time which 'is allotted him abroad studying art also. Several (If composer of the famous song "Stars Dr. W. A. MacDonald, he too is quite 'to paint has now diminished to two her portraits are of her own children in the Sky." attracted to bow ties. nights a week. Another disadvantage at various year-s of age. She has one She is an associate member of Teaching Career is that hi-s studio is twelve miles from of her baby Mary on display, which Alpha Kappa Alpha and belongs to In an interview on February 8, Mr. his home. He says that "if I'm inspi r- was done about six years ago entitled S.C.A. and F.T.A. We owe thanks to Bahr and his wife discussed their ed after a symphony, ctc.. I should "Head of Child". This portrait won a Kay for-initiating the reserve table various collections with many of the .Iike to have my studio near so I could prize in the "All Maryland Show." atudenbs present. Mr. Bahr has been interpret immediately". One of the favorites of the students teaching at the Institute since 1929 He clikes to do por-traits, but feels three desserts per student; sings in when he graduated. His classes in- he gets a better painting if he is not is her portrait of her 18 year old daughter called "Yellow Scarf". the shower; is now only one academic clude portraits, still life, anatomy and under pr-essure such as doing commis- She enjoys doing illustrations for point behind; insists on afternoon designing. After graduation he WQn sion paintings. Hi-s picture of the children's books and magazines and sleep; and is amorously linked with the European Travel schclar ahip and "Thoughtful Girl" is an example.z.of spent part of the Christmas holidaya-c, Audrey of Goucher. He plots a future studied art extensively. He mentioned this desire. He took his time while do- doing commissioned paintings of two including service in the Army, ac- that he would like to repeat his travels ing the girl's face and did it in many small children. She like'S this kind of quisition of a wife, and proprietorship again because he feels he knows more sittings. He say'S all his portraits are work but prefers painting the chil- of a nursery (horticultural variety). about art now and could produce from actual models except the paint- dren at play rather than sitting. He laughs with mouth wide open, better pictures. ing, "The Good Earth", which was Her hobby of doll collection inspired nose pinched, eyes squinted, and ears After he married Florence, who in- done entirely from imagination. This another 1)f her paintings entitled "At. and forehead careening out of con- . cidentally was a student of hi'S at the picture is interesting and how he per- forms. ice-cold Coca-Cola. Bob Crush will definitely succeed- quietly. J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- day shows continuous from 2 p. m. For Over Half Century • Sunday Matinees: 2 and" p. m. Expert Watch, Jewelry Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday showl and Eye-Glass Repairing continuous from 6:45 p. m. 105 W. Main Street Tuesday February 14 THE SECOND GREATEST SEX Jeanne Crain George Nader Technicolor-CinemaScope Rasinsky's Pharmacy Fri., Sat. Feb. 17-18 THE SPOILERS "Reliable Prescriptions" Jeff Chandler Anne Technicolor-CinemaScope Drugs and Everyday Needs 30 W~ Main St. Westminster, Md. lOHUO UNDER AUTHORttY 0' TlH COCA· COLA COMPANY aY Phone 101 __ WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOT"!LING CO,. INC. "Coke";, a registered trade-mark. © 1953. THE COCA·COLA COMf'ANY
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