Page 14 - TheGoldBug1955-56
P. 14
6 The Gold Bug, Oct. 25, 1955 Sororities Initiate New Cuts - - - Gipe's Pet Peeve: Calendar Committee Meetsi Dates Open (Continued from page 1) The Guy Who Never The first meeting of the Calendar from the GOLD BUG. 54 Members less responsible for absences occurring Committee was held yesterday, Men, Danny Moylan bas announced that before his registration. Payment of a Jumps Off The Roof day, October 24, at the south end of Howard Hunt will be in charge of the The sororities on the hill have reo' late registration fee shall not excuse (Cont·inucd from pa.ge2, Col. 2) the dining hall during the fifth period. half-time activities during the Home- cently eonducted the bidding and a student from absences incurred Anyone wishing to reserve a date On coming football game. Pete Urquhart pledging of new members. Bids were prior to his registration. However, the But it was too late. The policeman the college calendar for a club or or- will supervise the displays, Wray received on October 4, and accepted student will not be charged with had already turned and sauntered ganizatitm may contact a membcr and Mowbry the pennants and street deco- and Judy Corby and Marilee rations, on October 5. The initiation period absences resulting from legitimate down' the boulevard. Earl turned his reserve an open date. Members of the began the following day. This year, changes in aehedule, frenzied eyes toward a clergyman. committee include: Dean Helen How- Hodson will order prize ribbons and this period lasted only three days In- (8) Dean's List students should be "I'm going to jump! I'm going to ery, Dean William David, Danny Moy- flowers. stead of the usual week. exempt from rules 1, 3, and 4; how- jump!" he croaked. lan, Priscilla McCoy, Millie Mackubin, Ann Voorhees is a new member of ever, this exemption shall not be -in- The minister was carrying a collec- Dean Howery's secretary, Bruce Book Sale Delta Sigma- Kappa. Marjorie Pott terpreted to relieve the student of his tion plate in one hand, and was there- Price, SCA representative, Shirley has joined Iota Gamma Chi: responsibility for all assigned work. fore a Methodist. He smiled politely Gootee, senior class representative, The library will have a book sale The new members of Phi Alpha Mu and glanced upwards at Earl. "Does Jeanne Blair, junior class represcnta- November 7-12 in the bound periodical include Ann Acree, Willa Benson, Take a deep breath. Breathe a sigh the number fourteen car go past tive, and Lori Jones, representative room. The price is twenty-five cents Judy Board, Naomi Bourdon, Carol of relief. This is the cut system here?" he inquired. of the sophomore class, and Kay Mehl the first day and Will decrease five Burton, Ardella Campbell, Louise adopted by Dll-vis a.nd Elkins College, Earl raged. "I'm going to jump be- cents a day as the sale progresses. On Clark, Judy Corby, Sue Davidson, Elkins, W. vc, and not at Western cause as a boy my parents wouldn't let Concert Date Schedule Saturday all remaining books will be Norma Fulgrum, Jean Grenzer, Joan Maryland. Aren't you glad you're me listen to Gabriel Heatter." free. The books are in good to fair Grenzer, Barbara Hunt, Lori Jones, here? And aren't we devils? By the The clergyman smiled again and. The College Choir, under the dtrec. condition, it is reported. Jean Kuhlman, Jean Lambertson, way, the above is a reprint from an tion of Professor de Long, will give a Nancy Lindsay, Mary Lowe, Jackie Intercollegiate Press Bulletin. -Ed. caressed his collection plat. "I'd like performance of "The Merry Widow" May, Flo Mehl, Gail Mercy, Dee Mil- to talk to you further, young man Do with the Baltimore ,Symphony Or- English Bicycles for Rent - Ier, ArIa Saunderson, Mary Tomlin- you feel that something is missing in chestra at the Lyric Theater in Bal- (Men's & Women's) son, Lorena Trace, Natalie Warfienld, your life-that warming glow that timore January 7, 1956. The same Heagy's Sport Shop Margaret Whitfield, Bee Whittington, Corrections comes from close affiliation with a performance will be given here the Florie Willis, and Nancy Willis. friendly neighborhood church? Do you preceding evening, Friday, January 46 Penna Ave. Sigma Sigma Tau welcomed as new The name of Sam Reed, '57, want to feel the loyal fellowship of 6,1956. Phone 1350W members Nan c y Banks, Barbara was inadvertently omitted from others joining you in work relaxa- the list of Campus Citizens pub- Boggs, Peggy Conover, Pat Coyle, lished in the October 11 issue of tion?" Mary Lou Dorsey. Caryl Ensor, Foddy The final stab of indifference came Fay, Betty Flohr, Mary Lou Fowler, the Gold Bug. after Earl stepped back inside. His BIXLER and GUILD LAUNDROMAT Eileen Galvin, Linda Gay Gauer, .Mr. Richard W. Kiefer, in- faithful wife was standing beneath 5 Locust Street Marcia Hayes, Marge .Hull, Jean structor in business law, did not the arch at the end of the room. (Walgreen Agency) Luckabaugh, Millie Mackubin, Rusty receive his LL.B. degree from \ "Where were you all day?" she asked. Drugs . Cosmetics Opposite Parking Lot Maryanov, Claudia Payne, Wilma the University of Maryland as Earl struck a majestic pose. "I was DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 Robertson, Jane Roeder, Shirley was erroneously stated in the obsessed with suicide. My brain was Soda ~Candies Stevick, Elinor Summers and wtnt- issue of September 27. He at- crazed, and I walked out on that FRIDAY UNTIL 8 :00 fred Walsh. tended Duke University School ledge." Here he made a vague motion School Supplies of Law and received his LL.B. toward the window. "I was going to Closed Wed. Afternoon degree in 1937. Currently, he is jump." . John & Main 8t. Twirlers To PerForm associated with the firm of Westminster, Md. Westminster 1287 Bartlett, Poe, and Claggett, Mrs. Wells started taking off her FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Three majorettes will march. with Baltimore. jacket. "Oh?' she said. "And did the band this year. They are Jean you?" Lambertson, Florie Willis, and Mary Lou Maddox. The majorettes will wear green and Rasinsky's Pharmacy Stationery gold uniforms and will twirl with two J. WM. HULL, Joweler THE FLOWER BOX and batons. They will appear at the Home- For Over Half Century 14 W. Main St. "Reliable Prescrlptlons" coming game and the Johns Hopkins Expert Watch. Jewelry Westminster, Md. Greeting Cards game. and Eye-Glass Repairing "For That Special Corsage" Drugs and Everyday Needs Jean Lambertson, head majorette, is 105 W. Main Street at conducting- a class for iiir!s interested 30 W. Main St. in twirling next year. The class will P. G. COFFMAN meet in Blanche Ward gym and em- Westminster, Md. phasis will be put on marching steps Phone 101 Times Bldg. and twirls. Earn $100 per month for part-time sales work which-is pleasant and dignified. Aecess to car necessary. Reference leads backed by national ad- Yearley's Restaurant Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. vertising. Work will not interfere with studies. Evenings 9 p.m. HOME COOKING Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on Saturday and Holidays The Vita Craft Corporatien will hold a group in- Submarines A Specialty 'pues., Wed., Oct. 25-26 LOVE IS A terview on Nov. 7th at 2:00 P. M. in Room 104, Route 7 - Taneytown Road MANY SPLENDORED THING William Holden Jennifer Jones - Formerly Wilson's Technicolor • Cinema Scope Lewis Hall. Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 27~28·29 UNCONQUERED Gary Cooper Paulette Goddard Compliments of Technicolor -Please Be On Time- J. R. EVERHART THE COLONIAL Sun., Mon., 'Iuee., Oct. 30-31· Nov. 1 MY SISTER EILEEN COLLEGE BARBER JEWELRY CO. Janet Leigh Betty Garrett At the Forks Jack Lemmon TechnicoJor - CinemaScope Since 1922 Wed., Thurs., -\- Nov. 2-3 John & Main St. THE COBWEB Richard Widmark Lauren Bacall "Fine Watch Repairing" New high grade By any test, this button-down Technicolor _ CinemaScope Fri., Sat., Nov. 4-5 Arrow shirt rates 100'10 .. "'rom the BRING YOUR SlUlLE ALONG in shirts exact flair of its medium-spread collar Frankie Lane Constance Towers and lustrous fabric to its rich Technicolor window-pane checks and solid colors Sun., Mon., Tues., Nov. 6-7-8 ••. all~but~endlcss wear and LADY GODIVA Maureen O'Hara George Nader stitch~for~stitch valuc. Technicolor - CinemaScope Question: why not pick up a few n'ght away? Chccks and solids in broadcloth, $5.00; white, $3.95. Oxford, white and colors, $5.00. 'kI~AlJ. Our New Addition Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi~ The, Colonial Dining Room day shows continuous from 2 p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Evening shovr 9 p. m. Weekday shoWI For Your continuous from 6:46 p. m. HOMECOMING Fri., Sat., Oct. 28~29 CORSAGE FEMALE ON THE BEACH Order From Joan Crawford Jeff Chandler Jan Sterling DUTTERER'S Sunday . Oct. 30 114 Pennsylvania Ave. THE NIGI;IT HOLDS TERROR Westminster 350 Jack Kelly Hildy Parks SEE Fri., Sat., Nov. 4~5 THE MAN ALONE Earle Finley (Campus Rep.) Ray Milland Mary Murphy Technicolor
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