Page 28 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 28
The Gold Bug, Jan. 18, 1955 High On The Hill Gain A Better Understanding Of Your SGA Dependability, Leadership Among by Henry Taitt S G A PrOll;dent Virtues Of Fraternity Presidents pectancy on the other, the student Government's cabinet is a small body of students located in the Bordered by the demands of the student body on one side and the high level of administrative ex- Education Workshop. The climate of its interior varies from hot to cold depending largely on the issue at hand -,Basically, it is a peaceful place where all are invited to attend whenever they wish. Those who do attend find 19 voting members and one non-voting member present on the cabinet. (The. non- voting member being the GOLD BUG. editor.) Three members come from and May Day are big successes, con- mittee which are doing something each class, one from each dorm and ducting the parades, stringing the constructive about the whole thing. two from' the election by th~ entire pennants" downtown, arranging for Due to the contacts that are being campus. judgement of the displays and the made both in westminster and in On Monday nights these members activities, and of course paying the Pikesville, the new program may seem gather, with any members of the bills. to be moving slowly. However, tboce student body, around 6:30 p. m. to The blotter which is on your desk who are interested and know some of decide and report upon any issues is another product of the Student the facts know that this committee is which are unsettled or which have Govern~ent, as well as the awards spending a\ lot of time in working out arisen in the past week. The meeting assemblies which occur twice a year. a program not merely for Civil De- is called to order by the president The recreation hall is, for the first fense, but for Civil Defense here on (unless he is still eating and in that time that any of us can remember, the campus. case the vice-president takes over) under the management of the Student The most important thing about Bert Spri1!gstoad to mixed-up college kid's problems and and usually begins with the reading Government, with Dick Huffines and the Student Government is that it by Bob Jackson offer them pastoral fatherly, advice. of the minutes and the treasury reo Mr. Foutz doing a tremendous job goes along unnoticed, doing little Dear Elaine, Need a dime for a phone call? Need port. Each year's Student Government keeping the debts and credits balanced. things that affect you and which you I am writing to give you the real a bar of soap, handful of pretzels, a Cabinet tries to solve the problems The annual battle to keep an ac- seldom even know about: assembly low-down on your hubby to be. For' three-cent stamp, or an Upper Room? which come before them and to leave curate calendar is in full swing again day schedule on Homecoming to give the past semester, in case you haven't See Brenneman. the college none the worse for wear. this year. Your thanks go to Harriett time to work on floats, a previously heard, your future husband, Bertin This year a newly organized traffic for the monthly calendar she keeps sealed door opened to relieve a fire Walker Springstead, has served as Ed Smith court has tried to solve the parking on the bulletin board to help us all trap, traffic speed signs (which you president of Alpha Gamm'1l.Tau, as By Jim Harrison: problems of the past. A great deal keep informed. She also presides over will soon see on the campus), the well as president of the Inter-iratern- A fitting title for this article would of credit goes to the traffic officers the Calendar Committee which has clearing of the bulletin board of all ity Council. Besides the regular duties be a study in motion. Edward P. and also to the three magistrates, charge of scheduling the events. but pertinent information. Yes, these that are attached with being presl- Smith fits the description well, for . Shirley Gootee.. Jo~n Scott and R~y In case you haven't heard, the cab- and other little things help to make~ dent of the Bachelors, Bert has served his activities are many and varied, Etzler who grve so much of their inet hasn't given up on the Civil De- your stay here on the college campus in many other capacities, such as and his work has been fruitful. time in carrying out their duties. fense program. The assembly was a lot more enjqyable. So drop around chairman of the party committee, and, Ed's leadership ability was recog- Last year's newly organized men's not all that could have been desired, to the SGA room some Monday night, coach of the fraternity basketball nized early in his collegiate career. He Dorm Council is again in effect this and the cabinet realized it. Now Char and see for yourself just how your team. was chosen president of his class duro year with top honors going to Howard Eggan, Pricilla :McCoy (also the able government is being run; it could use When Spring rolls around, Bert ing his freshman and sophomore Hunt and the boys in McKinstry for secretary), and Gus LaMar are a com- your suggestions. will probably once again play Leo years. He was also elected president having the quietest and most con- Durocher as manager of the Green of GBX, to guide its destiny during ducive dorm for studying. They take Tenor baseball team if you let him. this semester, n job which he has done pride in this fact and if you ask them I hope you are not too strict with him well. they will tell you that this rule is and allow him to run around with the Another important but thankless self imposed and thE;yall respect it. boys once and awhile, because I know job he has done, is sports' publicity The quiet and efficient Women's he loves to socialize. Ask Mrs. Shipley for the college. He has handled this Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- if you don't believe me! He kept her job with vigor and even managed to Council and the much discussed and Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. from going bankrupt, the sweet thing. get a few articles published by our perhaps less efficient Men's Council Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. As an econ major Bert is no slouch. old friend, ~the Baltimore Sun. This .nre both prominent-parts of the stu- Evenings 9-p.m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. The Women's Right now he is pulling a B 'average. is a major accomplishment in itself. dent Government. ablely managed by Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Council is most And as far as handling money is In recognition for his work, the Harriett Cooley, vice-president of the Saturday and Holidays continuous from 6:45 p. m. concerned, he's tops. For two semest- college has seen fit to nominate Ed era he served as treasurer of the frat, for the cherished honor, to be a mem- cabinet, and has the feminine memo and besides leaving the club in the ber of Who's Who. bel'S of the Cabinet as its wise ones. Jan. 18 Jan. 16-17·18 Men's Council, being run by the lhe black, he came out with a new car. Along with his leadership ability p~esident and having the male mem.- DESIREE CREST OF THE WAVE Elaine, I must be truthful with you and adeptness for hard work, Ed is Marlon Brando Jean Simmons Gene Kelly Jeff Richards Also Yankee Doodle Bugs .!'r.d tp]} you -'I!wut Bert's one fault, a genuinely nice guy. His warm Cam- bers ofiicating, is at present having Cinemascope - Technicolor molded by a committee in its future which is that he hails from New bridge smile and his easy-going man- Jersey, rather than from Pennayl- ner, typical of an eastern sho'men, which outstanding interest and achive- Jan. 19·20 Jan. 19·20 ment has and is being shown by Bert vania. Well, I guess no one is perfect. make him a cinch to get along with. Springstead. It is the hope of this THE BLACK KNIGHT RING OF FEAR I have to close now, Elaine, as J Whether' you're looking for someone committee that ~ better council will Alan Ladd Patricia Medina Clyde Beatty Pat O'Brien have to meet Bert, I think he plans to to chat with, cr to take over a job Technicolcr 'I'eehnieolor- take the flagpole down. I'll see you and do it proficiently, Ed Smith fills come from its efforts. at the wedding on January 29. the bill. His dependability will carry Other than the Men's Council, Jan, 21·22 Very sincerely, him far in life. women's Council, Dorm Council and Jan. 21-22 THE BLACK DAIWTAS Traffic Court, the Cabinet keeps it- THE CAINE MUTINY Bob Jackson self busy making sure Homecoming Humphrey Bogart Van Johnson Gary Merrill Wanda Hendrix Charles Phipps 'I'echnicclo r 'I'ecbnicolor Dick Brenneman by,Harry Tull by Gus Lamar In my opinion, Churfie Phipps is a Jan. 23·24-25 Jan. 23·24-25 Richard Floyd Brenneman is big. perfect example of the well-rounded Delicious ON THE WATERFRONT TRACK OF THE CAT He is a big boy in more ways than college student, and is' certainly de- Robert Mitchum Dina Lynn serving of the distinction of being Foods Marlon Brando Eua Marie Saint Technicolor Dick measures six feet-four in his "High on the Hill." Charlie, or "Flip bare feet (size 13), and an inch or Boy" as he is called by his friends, is Ja.n.26·27 two more in the heavy work shoes a good student, athlete, and campus AT THREE HOURS TO lULL Jan. 26·27 SARATOGA TRUNK he wears on special occasions (such leader. He finds time to take part in Dana Andrew Donna Reed Ingrid Bergman Gary Cooper as snow, peach-picking, and ice cream- all phases of college life. Technicclo'r in. During the past semest- Griffin's eating). Charlie's report cards are usually Dick weighs 202 pounds. The boys fuJI of B's with an occasional A or C Jan. 28·29 Jan. 28·29 in McKinstry don't doubt this one scattered YOUNG AT HEART MASTERSON OF KANSAS around in room 200, shaking the walls, er, he did an excellent job as president Nancy Gates windows, and Posey. of the Preachers, and as a member of '__ ========:_~D:"~iS Day Frank Sinatra I George Montgomery Dick has a big mouth and a big the Inter-iraternity Council. For voice. Choruses of "Rock of Ages" three years he was a stalwart on the echo down the dim halls at odd hours forward wall of the Delta Pi Alpha of the day and night. If his boming football team. / laugh was any louder, Hunt wouldn't Charlie played varsity bat:;,ketball be able to study. When he comes up for two years and was a starter both to the Tower every Saturday to con· years. In the spring he can be found vert Winkelman, his oratory would behind the plate for the Preacher put Billy Graham, Jonathan Edwards, softball team. As a member of the and Daniel Webster to shame. track team 'he was the top half-miler Dick has a b.ig backgrouud. Life in his sopholllore yeal·. As if all this among the Y01"~ County Pennsylvan- isn't enough, he is a regular waiter ians has agreed with him. He collected in the dining hall. most of the A's distributed by Stew- Always with a smile and a big artstown High School in his years at hello for evel'yone, Charlie is liked that institution, played a lot of half· by all who know him. He is not lacking back on SHS's football team, and in the social aspect of college either. took time to serve as president of his I have roomed with him for four class there. years, but I'm pretty sure he likes an- Dick has a lot of big jobs at WMC: dthe-r 111ember of the Tull family first·semester president of Pi Alpha better than he doe!' me. Alpha, ex.presidcnt of the Wesleyans, Commission Chairman on the SCA Japan's production of whale oil duro cabinet, local vice·president of Alpha The hour h~nd rn~ves fast the night ~~~ t:oen;,95:-!e~:~~onp~~~:~:d ::t:~t: ~a:::li~~iitn', ~/~~o~~iz~:p~:St;::!~~~ and nearly 4,000 tons above the pre· before exams-lots of ground to cover and er of the Inter-fraternity Council, vious year's figure. president of' the Sunday Fellowship, panic setting in. To relax and refresh? an Argonaut, and Dr. Whitfield's That's casy. Have a Coke ... it's delicious. iflvorite m:!jor. (He's taken every Compliments of, .~ history course WMC offers.) Rumor . J. R. EVERHART has it that he got a B once, but it's BOrTLED UNDER AUTHOR!TY Of THE COCA·COLA COMPANY 1'1' only a rumor. COLLEGE BARBER WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. Dick has a big heart and big am· At the Forks "W."j.Dr
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