Page 27 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 27
The Gold Bug, Jan. 18, 1955 3 Terror Quintet To Play Host I NevertheLES I Wrestlers Down Catholic U. i To Mt. St. Mary's Tonight . c~:~;.;~::::':;;;w, Win Five Of Eight Matches Be,heve It or not, ~he basketball sea- On Wednesday, January 12, the Western Maryland wrestling team re- On the laurels produced by four consecutive victories against our Terrors, the Mt. St. Mary's team will look eagerly toward their game here tomorrow son IS. now one ,thIrd complete. And versed last year's upset at the hands of Catholic University by defeating the night at 8:30. WMC IS faced with t~e same problem same team by a score of 21-15. Playing on their home court the Terrors dis- The Terrors role in the contest will be to get back on the winning train that has .be~n plaguing- her for two appointed the critics by downing the favored Catholic U. team. basketball games. against the small powerhouse from Emmitsburg and snap the mounting loss yeara=-wmnmg big schools there would The meet proved to be an interesting but short one as each team had In most . record compiled over a two year have been raised by this time a big period. In the two teams' last meeting, howl. But not at WMC. for she seems approximately one year ago, the Nimrods Capture to have become too used to the fact. Green and Gold fell hard losihg 89. In the last two years the Green 69. With the home campus squad-so Split In Openers and Gold cohorts have been victorious desirous for revenge it should be a only 8 times and have tasted defeat great game to witness. WMC's rifle team, looking forward 34 times. This year's scheduled games got to the opening of their new rule range, Already this year the team has underway back on December 6, as our began a 13 match schedule'in Decem, seen defeat in all of its 7 games to team traveled to Catholic University. ber and thus far have a record of one It was rather a disappointing opener win, one loss, and a third place in a date and the pr-es- pecta for the fu- as we suffered a loss; yet the team four way match. ture aren't too en- showed some promise of better things On December 4 the squad held a couraging. to come, being stopped by tbe narrow postal match with Vermont U., Col- The coaches, margin of six points, 78-72. Coach orado U., and the U. of Illinois with I'm sure, have Ferguson had his first look at the Vermont coming out on top with a-" their theories to team in court action and was pleased 1875 score followed by Illinois with what is wrong. 1864, WMC with 1781 and Colorado with Al Bopst's 27 points, and new- with 1760. The players must comer to the varsity, \Vayn~ Hess's 17. The nimrods squeezed out a close have theirs. I Unfortunately, since then the quin- one over Gettysburg on December 13 have several myself, probably as do tet has met with little success along by 1312-1311. most of the fans on the hill. But all the victory lines. Going into their Johns Hopkins won the match on the theories in the world won't win first home game OJl wednesday night January 8 by 1346-1301. basketball games. they had lost five with no wins. Tile Bill Adams is leading the team with I'd like to see the problem solved, '55 WreBffi1lg Squad-Left to Right-Back Row-Jam May, T01n ETlglar, scores ran like this: Hampden-Sydney a 264.7 match average. Ken Smith as I know you would, but it won't be Ed Heflin, Charlie Cock, Coach Vic i1Jak01)itch. Fron Row-Brandt Vitek, 79, Wl'IIC 71; Lebanon Valley 85, follows with 259.1. Other team mem- until there have been some changes John Scott, Jim Hendriksen, Earle Finley, ATldy Tufuri, Mike Conoereo, WMC 56; Gettysburg 106~ WMC 68; bers and averages are Marty Broad. made. I three pins. Two victories in points by and Washiniton College 84, WMC 74. hurst, 2q6.6; Ron Graybeal, 256; The intra-mural basketball Harmon Earns the Terrors were the deciding factors. Thus the early road trip showed no Gerry Anderson, 250.1; Carl Halle, program got off to a good start saw Brant 'Vitek match The first over the All-Star Honors brillance for the team as a wh~le. 249.6; Mike Leftwich 249.6; John with the. Black and Whites pull- pinned by his opponent. Andy Tafuri There have been two of our players, Dewey, 248.7; Bob Dubois, 245.8; ing an upset victory then won his match in points, 10-6. though, who are doing rather well in Jim May, 245.7; Wayne Holter, 241.6; blue and white jerseyed Bache- For the second season in succession John Scott and Jim May then lost the scoring column. Al Bopst still con- and Ray Mowbray, 238.6. lors. This was quite a surprise the Western Maryland soccer team on successive pins. Tom Engar kept tinues his first game form with a total Sgt. Brouillard says that he expects and leads me to predict the has had an All-American chosen from Western Maryland alive by defeating of 101. Wayne Hess also remains con- range under Gill Gym very soon. closest race yet. Phi) Jackson led its number. Last year it was Dick Lin- his man on points, 7-6. Charles Cock stant with his first game showing, SCHEDULE the victors with 29 points. I ton who received the top award; this and Ed Heflin ended the meet in the Jan1la...,. having 64. These records include only 15 U. of Delaware Jim Boyer has already got his season Dennis Harmon was honored. Jast two bouts of the season by the games up to the Washington Col- 5 Villanova F~bruary eye out for some Bob Turley-type Denny turned in a splendid year's pinning their men. lege match. ~~ ~~~:~~!a hurlers to bolster his mound work. In his position of center for- The Green and Gold wrestling squad Western Maryland's court quintet, 24 26 G~ttyabUrg staff this spring. Anybody in- ward, he was a real threat and con- had had only one meet previous to stantly on their kept the opposition Open unsuccessful in their five previously terested see Jim. toes with his scoring efforts. this one. On this occasion they met played games suffered two additional Vic Makovitch has been doing a Before the news of his choice as an defeat at the hands of Towson State losses last week as they fell 87-75 to commendable job as the new coach of All-American reached campus, Denny Teachers College. Vitek, Finley, Eng- hands Loyola and 90-64 at The double loss KEEP SMILING the wrestling team. The match with Jar, and Heflin turned in personal of the American University. Catholic U. points this up. The team had learned of his being selected as a victoriesforWMC. member of the Southern Conference placed the Terrors in complete pos- appeared several times to be down All-Star team. session of last place in the Mason. "There arc two kind. of healtb- for the count, but C.U. underestimated Along with the report of Denny's In a practice match last Saturday Dixon Conference as they show an- natur81 and artWeial. Chiropractic the team's will to win. selection came also the news tbat Roy afternoon the team split twelve con- tests with Johns Hopkins. Ed Baxter, 0-3 record. means that nat"re'~ own lawa are I think the best tribute to Vic's professionBllyapplled to eorreetbuman Etzler, Ray Davis, Bill Clem, Don Mike Converso, Tom Englar, Charles With 12 games remaining to be uie.-' ability came from one of C.U.'s wrest, Seibel, Al Hagenbuch, and Bob Crush Cook, Jerry Miller, and Darryl Mar- played it is hoped that the team can Iera in a comment to Andy 'I'afuri, all made the Southern All-Star team. tin won their matches find a winning combination and finish E. A. Schmall, D.C. "Boy, have your guys improved". the season much stronger than they Ed Heflin was a little slow in have begun it. pinning his man and gave Jim Boyer LAUNDROMAT Fresh! quite 'a score. His excuse was that his POPCORN' kids had kept him up the night be., 5 Locust Street CARAMEL CORN fore and he was rather' tired. Opposite Parking Lot PEANUTS Flash~ DAILY-7:30 • 5:00 Another NevertheLES prediction HOME.MADE CANDY comes true. Harmon makes the All- FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 Salted Nuts and Home-Made American Soccer team, the first sopho- Mints To Order for Parties more in WMC's history to do this. Closed Wed. Afternoon Congratulations, Dennie. Westminster 1287 THE TREAT SHOP Interesting Sidelights FREE DELIVERY SERVICE opp. Carroll Theatre Chuck Bohan, former Terror hoop- ster, is playing plebe basketball for the Naval Academy. Western Maryland's new. rifle range, G.C. Murphy'& CO. It Pays To Look Well located under Gill Gym, will SOon be ready for use. Visit The Look for a larger track schedule The Friendly Store this !:'pring. Congratulations to Charlie Cock COl Dormitory and Classroom Avenue Barber Shop surprising this editor and a lot of Supplies Baugher's Restaurant other people by pinning his man in Where The Students Go the Catholic U. match. Track men will be interested to 6·10 West Main Street JUST OFF THE CAMPUS know that there will be a meet before Westmimter, Md. 8' Pennsylvania Avenue spring vacation. FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milk.hakes 1. WM. HULL, Jeweler COME TO Stationery OPEN EVERY DAY For Over Half Century DUTTERER'S II and 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Greeting Cards Expert Watch, Jewelry Westminster 350 at and Eye-Glass Repairing FOR THE FINEST RONNIE JONES I P. G. COFFMAN 105 W. Main Street IN CORSAGES AND Times Bldg. 103 Old Ward FLOWERS I CAMPUS AGENT For The Rasinsky' 5 Pharmacy WILSON'S RESTURANT "Re1iab1e Prescriptions" SUBMARINES - 3 KINDS Modern G. I. Laundry Drugs and Everyday Needs SPAGHETTI & ~iEAT BALLS 223 E. Green St. Westminster 1478 30 W_ Main St. PIZZA PIE HOMEMlIcDE BAR·B·QUE All Laundry and Dry Cleaning Work Westminster Md. ALL KINDS OF is Guaranteed Phone 101 SANDWICHES
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