Page 26 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 26
2 The Gold Bug, Jan. 18, 1955 nJ. I •• ~ tfJ_ !~~han~n'ka~pr~~te"~ cerning this situation will have a trial M ..,.,ond eb••• matter at W... tmin8ter Post Offioe. under period of three weeks. the Act ot March S. IS79. It has been suggested that we should Member have representatives on the council from Associated Collegiate Press each fraternity and sorority. They will Subscription Price $2.00 a Year participate in every meeting but will not have any voting power. EDITORIAL STAFF Dean David has warned the student Editor-in-Chiet~ Gu. LaMar. '55 Aso<>eia\e Editor~ Cal'<)1Coleman. '65 body to beware of salesmen on campus. Managing Editor Mary Lee Younger. '55 There have been some fraudulent deals Newa Editors .~Marilyn Geldring Rigterink, '66 Kay Mehl. '56 a Feature Editor ~_BiJI Tribby. '66 Sp<>rta Editor~ .__ Les Werner, '56 tr¥~~~g 1t~~~tings are held every News Feature Ed!tor_~ Earle Finley. '57 Cartooniot George Gipe. '56 Monday evening at 6 :30, in the Educa- ~~~:;:;.p;;y~=___=__===___==_=_='_O~_~~;.dF.:..;,~~.. tion workshop. We want everyone to at- Tom Braun. '1;5 tend these meetings, and we hope to see BUSINESS STAFF a better student representation there ..... ManBger __. Jim Marsball. '56 in the future. It is your Student Gov- Advertising Manager Bob Crush. '56 CireuIBtion._ __~ ~ Craig S~hmall, '55 ernment and it is your privilege and Exchange ~ Ron Wilson, '67 Okay, YOJ,{ tWQi ~reak it up! right to attend these meetings.
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