Page 25 - TheGoldBug1954-55
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LibrDry -,ester,n '1~~~~ai~~tCOl,'lt,elege Day Students All Students GOLD BUGS for day etc- An students are welcome dents are placed on the day at SGA meetings. For a voice students' table in the maga- .... each edition . in your school government, zine room of the library at support your SGA. WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. January 18, 1955 L~Mar Appoints Kay Mehl E~s?r Approve~ Faculty Sponsors Free Party; GOLD BUG)Editor-in-Chief ~I~!nnf~,!:!,!!t~!~~,'Frolics' Are First At WMC Kay Mehl has been selected Editor-In-Chief of the GOLD BUG dining hall was approved by President Rivers Chambers' Orchestra Slated To Play; for the coming year, it was recently announced by present Editor Lowell S. Ensor Saturday and is ex- Gus La Mar. Bob Crush is the new Business Manager and replaces pected to be put into effect for a trial Professors To Entertain At Int"rmission' Jim Marshall. Both Kay and Bob are members of the class of '56. period sometime in February. During her high school days at Mardela High School on the President Ensor's decision followed Western Maryland's faculty will play host to the students at Eastern Shore, Kay was the associate editor of The Spotlight, the an approval of the plan by Deans the admission-free, date-optional "Faculty Frolics," Saturday night, school paper. She has worked for two summers on the staff of William David and Helen Howery and February 5, President Ensor announced at the assembly yesterday . The Salisbury Times as society re- . by the Student Government Assccta- Rivers Chambers and his orchestra will provide the musical porter and Jast summer en the police tion in a meeting last Monday. atmosphere for the dance. Dr. Wil- "beat." At WMC, Kay works as Dean Clubs Elect Omcers Poll Considered liam A. MacDonald, general chair- Howery's secretary. In considering their approval, the MitcheliT oAppear man for the event, commented that Newspape,\ Woman pub- For Second Term SGA reviewed the, results of are· the faculty "has been planning this opinion In Annual Program Kay, "an English major, has cent poll among Western Maryland fo!" months, and is very excited about lished feature stories in The Typo- Sororities and fraternities have students which sought their the whole thing. cycle, a trade journal of the Brush· elected second semester officers. on a plan for reserved tables. An The National Symphony Orchestra, "This is the first time," he went on, Officers of Iota Gamma Chi sorority overwhelming majority of the students are: president, Betsy Meyers; vice. returning the questionnaires was in under the baton of Dr. Howard Mitch- "that the faculty has ever sponsored ell, will present its eighteenth annual such an event for the students." ::::!~:~;: :r:~ha W~~~i:;; ;r:c::::~~ ~:;: ~:e S':~m::,la;71 O~::e6 ;~~urr~~ concert February 4, in Alumni Hall Dates Optional at 8:15 p. m. Mollie Hargett; corresponding secre- served tables, five against, and one The orchestra was established in Stress is laid on two points: that it is not necessary to have a date to ~~:~~y~e;r::en~:~i:e,H;:~e~~I:~:~:;: • ;~~n:;t t~:~~::~ti~:~~h.!!, :~~~ r3~ attend the dance; and that dress is lain Mary Leese: historian Dolly m favOJ: of the plan, seven agamst, optional-that is, "a happy medium Rill: and social ch;irman, Jan' Boller. an~hoenep~:~,cO::~;~i;g·to eliminate between evening dress and dungarees." Sigma Leaders shoving through the dining hall doors , Entertainment, by several "selected" Sigma Sigma Tau members elected at mealtime, was based on the theory members of Wl\IC's faculty, under the as president, Doreen McNeil i vice- that most of the shoving results from euspicies of Professor Oliver K. president, Sue Dorsey; secretary, a desire of the students to obtain Spangler, will highlight the intermis- Doris 'I'uckwood ; treasurer, Mary Lee certain seats in the dining hall. It sion of the dance. Younger; sergeant-at-arms, Mary was hoped by assuring students of a Dr. MacDonald prefers not to Warren; chaplain, Patty Harnersley: seat at the table they desire, that the indicate the names of the performers, inter-soror-ity representative, Nancy entrance into the dining hall may be but says that the entertainment should Bearinger; sunshine messenger, Carol made more orderly. contain some "interesting surprises." Moore Syndicate of which The Salis· Bingham; and alumni secretary, Numbered Tables bury Ti'l'lw$ is a member. One of these Nancy Ripple. In the near future students will be Decorations A Secret articles brought her a $25 War Bond Phi Alpha Mu's new officers are: asked to observe the numbers which Decorations are also "classified in- as first prize for a story about what president, Barbara Harding; vice- will be placed upon certain dining formation," at this time, "but we hope happened to her on her "day off." , president, Mimi Whitfield; secretary, hall tables and to remember the num- the students will be pleased," said Mr. New Staff Next Issue Shirley Gootee; t:r€aGurer, Jean ber- of the table at which they-wish Philip E. Uhrig, "and hope a big Besides her GOLD BUG duties, Kay Wantz; sergeant-at-arms, ElIel'} Pla- to sit. Dr. Howard Mitchell crowd will attend." is a past member of the IRC, a mem- cht ; chaplain, Sharon Albaugh; inter- A few days after tne numbering of \Vorking under Dr. MacDonald ber of the French Club, SCA and co-- sorority representative, Marina Xin- tables, lists of these tables will be 1931 by the late Hans Kindler. For are Mr. Byron E. Rice, in charge of author of the Junior Follies. After tas ; sunshine committee, Nancy Pen- posted on the dining hall bulletin many years it has been famed as one refreshments; Mr. Spangler, handling college, Kay hopes' eventually to go nypacker; and alumni secretary, Jo board which the students desiring a of the top major symphony orchestras entertainment; Dr. Clyde A. Spicer, into some field of writing, and says Slehlei-. reserved table may sign. in the United States, Dr. Howard taking enre of the checkroom; and that it will "probably be the news- Bixler Delts' Prexy A copy of the complete plan will be Mitchell has been conductor of the Mrs. Uhrig, in charge of decorations paper". The new staff will be listed in Members of Delta Sigma Kappa posted in a few weeks. orchestra since 1948, when he suc- and clean-up. the next issue of the GOLD BUG. elected as president, Betty Bixler; ceeded Hans Kindler. Miss Margaret Snader heads the secre- Bob Crush, the new Business Man- vice-president, Mary Angell; Bobbie Art Show Features One of America's most highly re- committee for hospitality, with Presi· ager, is a biology major. Bob is a tary, Mary Bond; treasurer, spected violinists, Werner Lymen, dent and Mrs. Ensor as honorary member of Gamma Beta Chi fratern· Sheubrooks; sergeant-at-arms, Millie will appear ns concertmaster with chairmen; while Mr. Joseph R. Bailer ity and the soccer and tennis teams. MacDonald; intersorority representa· Works Of Martin the National 'Symphony Orchestra will provide chairs and equipment, During thc past year, Bob has served tive, Marie Giesler; chaplain, Gracie during its engagement in Alumni Hall. and Miss Mary Louise Shipley is in Pat manager, business well· Mr. Keith the GOLD BUG as Advertising Man· Fletcher; and alumni secretary, Janet known artist, Morrow Martin, latest A graduate of the famed HocMchule cltarge of posters and other publicity. Richter, his will open age!". fur M1lI3ik in Berlin, he was hailed by Perkins. exhibit in the art exhibit room in critics throughout Europe upon his Officers of Gamma Beta Chl fra. old main on Wednesday, February 2. debut in the concert world. On his Industry's Gifts ~'~;;:!~e~~;~n~~e~\~ntM~~~;~~~~m:~~:/ i~:ru:;~~i;. will continue th~·ough arrival in the United States in 1936, SCA Schedules of the Metro· Religious Week To Benelit WMC retary, Jim treasurer, Jim Marshall; Al oil paintings, some gour:che, pencil, he was immediately engaged as As· chaplain, Included in this showing are mostly Harrison;· sistant Concertmaster Hagenbuch; The Association of Independent and sergeant-at.arms, Ed Smith. ink, and charcoal drawings. politan Opera Company's Orchestra. Religious Emphasis Week sponsor· Tickets for the conceh may be ob- Colleges in Maryland has received Alpha' Gamma Tau officers are: Mr. Martin's work has been ex· tained from the McDanicl Hall office. ed by the Student Christian Associa- contributions amounting to $32,000 president, Lou Fogler; vice.president, hibited in private collections and gal. tion, will be observ~d from February during 1954, a percentage of which Art Gould; secretary, Bob Jackson; leries of all important cities, in the 6-8. The main speaker will be Dr. will be granted to Western 'Maryland treasurer, Howard Hunt, chaplain, United States as well as the famous Professor Joins George Harper, active in many Metho-- Cellege. Bill Cook; and sergeant-at-arms, Gene Batsford Gallery in London and Gal· dist Student groups. Assisting as dis· Now in its second year of operation, Goll. erie Vendome in Paris. Panel Discussion cussion leaders will be Nan Doggett, the association solicits funds from Preachers Eleet Jones wife of a Baltimore Methodist minis· national industries for support of the Delta Pi Alpha officers are: presi· Choir To Sing At Dr. William A. MacDonald, profes· ter, and Ira Zepp, a 1952 Western independent liberal arts colleges of dent, Ronnie Jones, vice·president, sor of History of Art, was one of -iour Maryland graduate. Maryland. Charlie White; secretary, Ken Smith; persons invited to participate in a Chapel With Harper Sixty percent of the funds received treasurer, Walt Sanders; sergeant· Constitution Hall panel discussion on the "Role, of Art is divided equally among the member at·arms, Arthur Thomas; correspond. Sunday's activities begin with chap- colleges and forty percent on the basis in~ secretary, Larry ~all; and chap· en:~c!~:;~~o;:a~,mth:u~~~~::e a:~~l~~~t!ni~u~:i;:~~~e~h;h!f;:~~~n!a~n~~i~ el at 7:15 p. m. led by Dr. Harper. of enrollment. Dr. Lowell S. Ensor lam, Harold McClay. Following this will be a Fireside chat is president of the Maryland Associa·, Officers of Pi Alpha Alpha are: ::!~:!~;a~ith a well·known symphony ~a;h:el~~:~Utl;~~~! ~~: i::t~~u~~arter and refreshments in McDaniel Lounge. tion of which \Vcstern Maryland, president, Bob Haugen; vice·president, In October, the Choir, whose direct. Others participating ...on the panel At 10 p. m. bull sessions will take Washington, Hood and St. John's Duvall Jones; secretary, Bob Green; or is Alfred de Long, presented a con. were: Mrs. George Hunt, Chief of place in the various dormitories led Colleges are membets. The contribu- corresponding secretary, Bill Adams; cert of Rogers and Hammerstein the ·Washington Bureau and former by Mrs. Doggett, Mr. Zepp, and Dr. tions are used by the colleges for cur- treasurer, Lou Manarin; sergeant-at· music with the Baltimore Symphony Art Editor of Life Magazine; Mr. Harper, rent operations and general expenses. arms, Harris Waxman, and chaplain, Orchestra. On January 29, they will Carl Maas, Head of the Art and Pho· Morning devotions led by Mrs. Dog· Thirty-two other states or regents Mike Leftwich. I tographic Section, Esso Standard Oil gett will be held in Baker Chapel on of the United States ha,:,e similar ~;:;~:~~ ~~c~re:::\~ ~~n~t~:!~~oan Company of New Jersey; ~Ir. Stanley Monday. Following will be class visi· associations. The idea orginated nve Hall, Washington, D. C. The concert' Korol, of th: Central DeSIgn. Depart· tations and a student assembly led by years ago in Indiana as an outgrowth Eight S"niors List"d will begin at 8:30 D. m. and tickets ment, Westmghouse Electnc Com· Dr. Harper. The afternoon includes of the theory that if small liberal arts As February Grads discussion in McDaniel' Loun~, a colleges are to remain independent of may be obtained th·rough the Public ~:~\:~~!S~:!:I,P~~I~n~~i:o~~;a:~: meeting with the SeA cabinet in the government support the interest of Eight seniors are listed as FebruarY Re~aut!~;s~!~~~~or of the orchestra Baltimore News·Post and radio com· SCA room, devotions in Baker Chapel large industries must be stimulated. candidates for graduation from West· will be Henry Maser. Mr. Maser is mentator. with discussion, and ends with bull Recently, Dr.-Ensor and eight other ern Maryland, the Registrar's office conductor of the Wheeling West Vir· ,------------, sessions in the dormitories. state association presidents conferred has announced. They will receive di· ginia Symphony and formerly of the with the heads of twenty·five national plomas in May, with the rest of the Buffalo Symphony. Chap,,1 Cuts Class Vi,!its corporations in ·New York. class of '55. Five 'of these seniors are The program will include the f01· On Tuesday chapel devotions will Among the firms contributing to veterans. lowing selections by the chorus and Beginning next semester four be conducted by Mr. Zepp. Also on the the Maryland association this year are The graduating students are Ivan soloists: It's A Grand Night For cuts will be allowed in chapel agenda are cbss visits, a chance to General Foods Inc., the Arundel Cor. Armacost, Albert Bleakley, Emory Si'nging, I Whi8tle A Happy Tunc, and assembly attendance. The discuss problems with Dr. Harper, a poration, Black and Decker Mfg. Co., Davis, Richard Durst, Robert Leather, June 18 BU8tin' Out All Over, You'll student may choose to take all _discussion in McDaniel Lounge with McCormick and Co., U. S. Fidelity \Valter Preston, Florence Collins and Never Walk Alonc, Happy Talk, There his cuts in either assembly or fraternities, sororities, and other and Guarantee Co., Inland Steel Dorothy Mudley. 18 Nothin' Like A Dwme, Keep It Gay, chapel or he may divide them campus organizations, ending with Foundation, the Beaumont Founda· No formal ceremonies have been No Other Love, KalUJa8 City, Many between the two programs. vespers in Baker Chapel and a discus~ tion and the Fidelity and Deposit Co. planned for February by the college. A New Day, and Oklahoma! sion group in McDaniel Lounge.
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