Page 52 - TheGoldBug1953-54
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4, The Gold 'Bug, April 27, 1954 'Brainy' Athletes Score High I College Calendar II As Campus Frat Presidents wr:~~~:'~~£~::a28 Golf, Johns Hopkins Saturday, May 1 WMC On The Air, WTTR, 1:45 p.m. Monday, May 3 Glee' Club Assembly, Alumni Hall, 11:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 2 Piano--violin recital, Lee Gongloff, Betty Parsons, 8 p.m., Levine Hall Wednesday, 'May 5 Art Exhibit, Smith Hall, 7-30-9:30 p.m. Thursday, May 6 Lantern Chain, 9:00 p.m. Hoffa Field (rain date, May 11) Friday, May 7 Junior Follies, Alumni Hall, 8:15 p.m. Saturday, May 8 WMC On The Air, WTTR, 1:45 p.m. CARPE DIEM GETS A NEW LOOK aB w(ffkrncn renovate the octagonal Monday, I\Jay 10 portico between McDaniel an.d Soienoe Hall. The supporting, b~itial-covcrecl Pat Roga-n, Harry Granrkr, Chick Silberstein a11d Carville DowneB Joint Glee Club Program, Alumni POSUl which long have threatened to tumble ha-ve been replaced with sturdy in one of their lei8urc 1nomentB. Hall, 8:15 p.m. n.ew ones. New benches will be installea and the etmccusre will bc brightC1ud with paint. Pat Rogan Chick Silberstein Tuesday, May 11 by Dick Carvel Just as a bit of practice for com- Piano Recital, Virginia Hoff 7:30 It was just a scant four years ago ing exams, all students are hereby p.m. No Bugs In WB Bayliss To Be Queen that I met a smiling, dark-haired advised to match the famous charac- young man entering his first day at ters at the top with the list of equally (con't From p. I, col. 4) (con't. From p_ 1, col 5) Western Maryland. His vivacious famous accomplishments printed be- farther hom the center of campus The Preachers will direct the pub- smile and warm conversation led me low .. than McDaniel, but many residents licity and the sale of tickets. The to become one of his dose companions a. Chick Silberstein b. Chick Si1· believe the benefits of Blanche Ward price is $2 per couple. Jack Turney and roommates. I refer to no other berstein c. Chick Silberstein d. Chick are worth the distance. is the chairman. than Pat Rogan, six foot senior, from Silberstein e. Chick Silbeatein f. It is my hope that the new men's Crum Lynn, Pa. As a Green Terror, Chick Silberstein g. Chick Silberstein Weekday Matinees: 2 p. m. dormitory will fill the needs which Chick Silberstein, chairman of the Pat has played Varsity Track and h. Chick Silberstein 1. President Evenings 7 and 9 p. m. seem so evident for the men of West- Black and White committee, is in Varsity Football for four years. An Black and White Frat 2. SGA men's Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p- m. ern Maryland. With only a few re- charge of clean up. early injury in basketball kept him representative to Frosh 3. Chairman Evenings 9 p. m. pairs and additions to both Blanche The sister sororities of these fr-a- from further pursuing this sport. 1953 Homecoming Dance 4. Headed Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and War~ and, McDaniel Halls, I think ternities will assist them in their jobs. Although small/compared to his beef- for Md. Medical School 5. Took lea- Holidays the women students should be per- Dean David and Dean Howery and ier teammates, Pat possesses the drive sons from M. Troupe and D. Lurie "on fectly content with their living quar- the sorority and fraternity advisers and will to win that makes him a How To Win Friends And Influence WED" THURS. APR'. 28, 29 ters. will be the sponsors of the dance. giant on the gridiron. Always encour- People. 6. On Social Activities Com- LILI aging, seldom complaining, constantly mittee 7. Great tennis player 8. Etc .. driving-that's Pat Rogan in sports Correct Answers: a-4, b-B, c-2, d-B, (Technicolor) CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR and in life. e-L, r-a, g-7, h-8 Leslie Carron Mel Ferrer Pat's ability to score applies not COLLEGE GRADUATES only to athletics, but to academic and - Carville Downes extracurricular activities aa well., by Robert Shurtleff Dennie and FRI., SAT_ APR. 30, MAY 1 SALARY - $3,000 In Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity he Charles Henry Wheatley III 'GYPSY COLT attained the position of President in (Technicolor) VACATION - 4 WEEKS WITH PAY tho second semester of this year, The author8 of this article ha,ve Donna Corcoran Ward Bond after having previously held offic'es of lived with the Bubject for al'l1W8tfour CALL: ENOCH PRATT FREE LIBRARY Secretary and Treasurer. Pat was ,year8. C.D. and Luski are used syn- PERSONNEL OFFICE President of his class during his on1J1!WU8lyforCarville lIfoffet Doumee. SUN., MON., TUES. MAY 2, 3, 4 MULBERRY 5·6700. EXT. 27 freshman year. When not on the grid- inA & PA KETTLE AT HOME iron or in Delta Pi Alpha's clubroom, The alarm clock struck seven bells Pat may be found laboring earnestly (it was an unusual alarm dock) but Marjorie Main Percy Kilbride and hard for Dean David as his as- the inanimate object with its head sistant. under the pillow could not be wrested One of Dr. Phillip's prize pupils, from the arms of Morpheus (a fancy WED., THURS. MAY 5, 6 Pat has pursued an Econ Major to go name for sacking-in i.e., sleeping.) RHAPSODY along with his Physical Education "Get up C.D.," droned the simul- (Technicolor) activities. taneous order from the opposite sides Elizabeth Taylor Vittorio Gassman of the room. It was repeated many Harry Grander by Burt Springstead times with an increasing air of plain. tiveness (we were begging). Three years ago last fall a West- "Guess Luski won't make it this FRI., SAT. MAY' 7, 8. field High School graduate arrived on morning." YANKER PASHA campus. Ever since then, this New (Technicolor) Jersey boy has been a leader here on A conversation continued on sub- Rhonda Fleming Jeff Chandler the hill. dued tones and at distance (we A great sports enthusiast, Harry hadn't banished morning mouth yet.) has been quite active participating in "1 can't imagine why he's tired." sports for his fraternity, Alpha Gem- "Yeh, Luski didn't do much yester- rna Tau. When not actually involved day!" in a sport himself, he can usually be "No, it was a plain, ordinary run found sitting on top of the TV set, of the mill day."· especially when baseball season comes A day in the life of C.D.: 6 :50-- Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holt, around. Up for breakfast; 7:00--Back in bed; day shows continuous from 2 p. m. "H." does not halt his love of sports 7:10--Up for breakfast: 8:00-12:00- Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. as a participant or spectator but car- Classes (sometimes); 12:00--Chow; Evening show 9 p. rn. Weekday shows ries his favorite pastime into the field 1:00--Meeting of the men's dorms continuous from 6:45 p. m. of writing as well. He was sports council (he's president of ANW); editor of not only the GOLD BUG, 2:30-5:30--Lacrosse (WMC's leading but is now sports editor of the 1954 WED., THURS. APRIL 28, 29 ALOHA. scorer and in the winter he manages CLOSED As a member of Alpha Gamma Tau the football team); 6:00--Chow; he has served as Housemother, Chap- 6:30-Frat meeting (respected prexy of Gamma Beta Chi who speaks soft- lain, Sergeant-at-arms, Secretary, and ly and carries a big gavel): 8:00- FRI., SAT. APR. 30, MAY 1 is currently President of his rrater- Study (Poly-Sci and other numerous PACK TRAIN nity. and sundry subjects); 9:00--Bopby, As an economics major Harry's etc.; 10:00-1:00-Study, food, friends, Gene Autry study time is dominated by Econ. 402. and bed (not necessarily in that "H." is not one who "Sets the work order). on fire" as a deans lister but he does SUN. MAY 2 his best, which he hopes will be the "Yeh, just a plain, ordinary run- WITHOUT RESERVATIONS means of fulfilling his main ambition of-the-mill day for C.D." -graduating from Western Mary- "Yeah, can't see why he's tired." land College. "Yeah, but let him sleep." MON., TUES., WED., THURS. MAY3,4,5,6 ED KELLY CLOSED J. WM. HULL, Jewel.r It Pay, To Look Well ' 105 }VARD HALL PHONE 454 FRI., SAT. MAY 7, 8 IS YOUR CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVE For Over Half Century Vi,it The THE STRANGER WORE A GUN FOR THE Randolph Expert Watch. Jewelry Avenue Buber Shop Clair Trevor (Te-ehnieolor) Scott MODERN G.I. LAUNDRY and Eye-Glass Repairing 223 E. GREEN ST .....PHONE WEST. 1478 Where The Students Go SUN. MAY 9 ALL DRY CLEANING AND 105 W. Main Street 8' Pettntylvania Avenue MONEY FROM HOME LAUNDRY WORK IS GUARANTEED Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis (Teehnicolor)
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