Page 51 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 51
The Gold Bug, April 27, 1954 -3 Locker Room Low-down Rifle Team Fires Trackmen Beat St. Mary's A Record 1373 by Eddie Smith 66-56, InYear's Second Win Unmentioned to date, but deserving of the highest praise, Western Maryland's rifle team is the Western Maryland golf team. Led by their captain, Bob Steel- closed its 1954 season by defeating Thanks to. a swift-footed cinder man, the Terror track and man, the linketers recently handed Loyola College a 6-3 loss at Mt. the Gettysburg Army and Air Force field team won its second victory in three outings last Saturday. Pleasant Golf Course. This marks the first time-at least in recent ROTC teams last Saturday in a tri- In one of the most thrilling finishes ever witnessed on Hoffa years-that the Green and Gold have taken the Greyhounds on the angular match. Field, Western Maryland edged out Mt. St. Mary's 66 to 56. rugged Baltimore cours-e. With Al Trevethan, Jim Marshall and In winning this last one, the nim- •Dick Hill behind Steelman, the locals have yet to taste defeat in rods stretched their winning streak to their Mason-Dixon Conference action. five straight wins and ended the year with an 9-6 record. Your columnist cannot recall, or even imagine, worse conditions for athletic competition than those that existed during the recent The 1373 points scored by WMC in Bridgewater-Terror track meet. In torrent after torrent of rain the this match set a new high total for cindermen continued their events. Fog at times became so thick the year: Nick Gwynn led his team to victory .. that the opposite side of the 440 track was scarcely visible. with a 279, missing by one point that And to those fans who will attend the track meets still remain- magic number 280, coveted by all ing on our home schedule-let's give the fellows more vocal sup- riflemen. port. Sure your presence shows your interest, but after a guy has All of the Terrors figuring in the run the 1,4-mile,440, or even the 100 yd. dash a round of applause scoring fired in the 270's. goes a long way in getting the team off 011 the right foot in the next Scoring: event. So let's sing it out!! GWynn _. __ .__ . 219 LAmbertson ~ __ 215 Western Maryland's ability to win the lower brackets Alama _. __ . . 27~ Broadhurst 274 in their Aennis matches this year has several times re- Herzog _ ... 271 lieved the worries of "Coach" Hurt. The numbers 4, 5, and the Terrors Bow To 6 punch of Davis, Crush, and Reed has been fairly con- eistent-c-produolng many times when the going was roughest. In matches involving the three newcomers to this Baltimore U. 4-2 year's tennis squad, Al Bopst, Bob Crush, and Sam Reed, the local trio has capped 12 of the 20-8 rather tndteattve Western Maryland was toppled iIL.__ .......LI statistic of their promise for the future. from the undefeated ranks in the Mason-Dixon Conference last Mcrr- In the sports world about the' State of Maryland, two contacts of your day. The boys lost a close 4-2 pitcher's columnist have recently taken on new aspirations. Andrew Kirkpatrick, for- duel to Baltimore University. With mer sports staffer on the Baltimore News-Post and Lacrosse Commissioner for men on base, Eilmer, a crafty leit- this area has moved his desk from the city room to the Editor-in-Chief's bander, was unhitable. His battery room of the Sunday American. Congratulations, Andy. mate, Wohlfort, drove in what proved TRACK COACH HARLOW talks wUh fioe 7n81nbers of the '5~ Terror cinder Stan team on Hoffa field dtw-ing a recent practice. S1tite(il!p are Phil Lawyer, Also, a former member of the Sports Publicity Department of Loyola to be winning runs when he smashed Entwisle, Chuck Smith, £any Hall, and Lcs Werner. College, Baltimore, E. Bruce Alderman, has recently become a Democratic a three-run double off loser Denny Candidate for the Maryland House of Delegates from Baltimore's 2nd dis- Harmon in the third inning. Reliefer Going into the last two events, trict-c-subject to the June 28th prtmarjes. Currently a senior at Loyola, Bruce Walt Sanders pitched shut out ball WMC trailed by four points. was a bustling publicist for the Greyhounds during their recent. domil1ation f~r the remaining six innings but lIIetmen To Meet But led by Larry Hall, the home M-D basketball and swimming. Western Maryland was unable to get team captured all three plates in the any runs. broad jump to go ahead by 5. Back here on the home front the April 30th baseball game The two previous games were Loyola; CU Off The last event, the 880 relay, was with visiting Drew has been postponed until one day later. This played with Gettysburg and Ameri- was done so that the Green and Gold could provide May Day en- can U. Western Maryland outhit Get- Coach Frank Hurt's netmen play worth five points and Mt. St. Mary's tertainment for visitors to the campus. The Mason-Dixon Confer- tysburg 7-4, including home run host tomorrow to a strong Loyola ten- needed a win to insure herself of a ence-ftlt scheduled for that day against Hampden-Sydney will be smashes by Al Miller and Brad Jones, nis team in Mason-Dixon conference tie. For the first three quarters staged on May 17 in Virginia. executed three double plays, but came play. race it appeared as if she might of the do out on the short end in the runs scored With a 3-2 record to date, and With sprinu am.d the warm weather the tennis enthu
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