Page 47 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 47
TI!e Gold Bug. April 13. 1954 3 Locker Room Low-down. Stickmen Meet Sanders Pitches Nine Innings Delaware U. Ten by Eddie Smith Those venturing "over the hill" toward back campus after re- As WM Defeats Catholic U. turning from Spring Vacation could not have missed the improve- Having suffered two recent defeats With thebaseball season underway, Western Maryland's slug- ments made in the athletic facilities on Hoffa Field and thereabout. at the hands of Massachusetts Inst.i- gers have already begun to crash the old apple. In the first three To mention a few of these (for those who do NOT venture "over tute of Technology and Loyola, the the hill"): the improvement of the 440-yd. track, and the placing Green and Gold-stickmen will be Iook- games the Terrors have scored a total of 25 runs. Several of the of the pole vau1t pit, as well as adding'new sand and sawdust to the "ing- forward to their next contest boys are above the .500 mark in the hitting department. But even with this early season spurt the squad has still given broad jumping and high jumping areas. against Delaware University April the impression that they intend to keep the winning column far 17, on Hoffa Field. (And those who even went so far as to cross the seventh and eighth fair- ahead of the losing one. The Green and Gold Friday ways no doubt noticed the erection of a right field fence and backstop on to a strong Loyola ten, 7-3. bowed The Terrors lost their first game to "Boyer Field.") "the Nimrods Take 4 Coach Fergeson says that Dickinson 11 to 7. In spite of their we're also glad to see that the unsightly and unused steps on the bank of hitting, the squad was unable to head poten- Straight Matches Hoffa Field have been removed and replaced with dirt, which, when resodded, larger part of the squad suffers from the Devils because of the ineffective. will present a much neater general appearance for the stadium area. inexperience", but that "the ness of the pitching department. are good." tialities As your columnist was preparing to leave for Spring Vacation very late Both Red Devil pitchers were wild, that memorable Saturday afternoon, he was fortunate enough to meet Fred Scoring hon?rs in the fir~t game, str~~~so~nonree;in~h~:a~~,tt~~~r'~n~i~! issuing 16 walks, but Western Mary- Burgee who had come from Frederick for an afternoon on campus, Fred, went to Carville ~owne~ With two team is riding high. land was unable to capitalize and although considerably smaller than the figure we remember as blocking back goals and Bob Radchffe With one goal. They have nosed out Temple 1331- left 17 men on the base paths. on the '53 Terror grid team, told us that he was coming along very nicely in his 1329, downed Frederick National The big three pitchers of the squad, recovery, Unaware that the "week siesta" was beginning that day, Fred had d Miller, White, and Jones gathered two travelled the 30-odd miles to visit his many friends on the Hill, Linksters Defeat ~~7;~ed ~:t~~:~7 St:t: 13;;~t20;0~hlY hits apiece. In big-time baseball, today was the "opener." The Cactus and Mike Savarese Grapefruit Leagues have folded for another 10 months and today's American U. 6-0 was the highest in 11 years. State seven runs. scored four of our The score against Potomac activity in Washington with the Nationals against the A's starts Against Catholic U. the Terrors another season of professional competition in the country's national The Green and Gold linksters came turned on the hitting power and sport. . out victorious in a match played RacqueteersBeat scored 10 runs on 12 hits. And as a sidelight-most of the 30-some thousand that packed Thursday, April 8, against Loyola. Walt Sanders pitched the "Hill" Griffith Stadium for todayss opener no doubt were watching the With the aid of two defaults, the final Towson Teachers team to its first Mason Dixon victory President of the United States to see if he would fulfill a promise score was 6-0. by scattering eight hits in his nine made last year: that if given the chance this year. he would prom- The four members of the Western Starting off their 1954 schedule the'" inning stint. ise to throw the ball much straighter when he was to heave out Maryland team who ditl participate in Western Maryland tennis team came Al Miller, freshman first baseman the "first ball." Many of us remember how last year he aimed, tbe match were Al Trevethan, Bob out victorious in a match against knocked in five runs with two tower. wound up, ana threw the horsehide straight into the back of the Steelman, Jim Marshall and Dick Towson State Teachers on Thursday, ing home runs that cleared the right unsuspecting plate umpire ... Hill. It is interesting to note that all April 8, by a score of 6-3. field seats, and was the hitting star While playing host to Potomac State college (a branch colt.ege of West of the men who played were unde- Henry Taitt and Sam Reed col- for the victors. Virginia university) several weeks ugo, the local nimrods humbled their op- feated and we hope that that is an lected double honors by winning their Tomorrow the team travels to ponent!hurn, Loyelm; Eutwi.tJe,' WMC; Vitek. WMC; Time: 6:00 100 Yd. Dash-Smith. WMC: Barranller. Loy_ <>Ia: HeMlh. WMC: Time: 10.3 120 Hi$"h Hurdl ... (Tie r<>rflI1!t)-Englar and R<>"an, WMC: Buyan. Loyola; Time:. 11.6 H~ Yd.-Butler. WMC, Vaeth. Loyola; Pugh. Loyola; Time: 64.6 2Z~ Yd. Duh-Butler, WMC; Smith. WMC: 88;oy~~.~:~~:~n~imr::Y~:·~ we:ncr. 'WMC: Wood, WMC; Time: 2:10.2 220 Low Hurdl""'_V.eth, Loyola; (Tie f<>r Ti~~~)2:4.3Englar, WMC; Buyan, Loy<>la: 2 Mile---Entwi.t.le. WMC; Ray( Loy<>la; Vitek, WMC; Time: 11.56 Shot-Duhl, WMC: Lentz. Loyola: Cuculd, Loy<>la; Feet: 41.4 . lIigh Jump-Lawyer, WMC; (3_way tie for """ond) Jenkine, WMC; Muha, Loyola; Height: 5'6" Diseu5-Duh!. WMC; Blehl, WMC; Huut, WMC: F ....t: 112 Broad Jump---Hall, WMC; Hied, Loyola; Smith. WMC: Feet: 20'4'1.1" P<>le Vault-Buyan. Loy<>!a: Englar, W!IIC; Meehan. Loyola: Height: 9'1" LAUNDROMAT 5 Locust Street Opposite Parking Lot DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 Closed Wed. Afternoon Westminster 1287 FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ED KELLY COME TO 105 WARD HALL PHONE 454 DUTTERER'S IS YOUR CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVE 114 Pennsylvania Ave. FOR THE Westminster 350 MODER~ G.I. LAUNDRY FOR THE FINEST 223 Eo GREEN ST_~~PHONE WEST_ 1478 IOTTlEtl UNCEIT AUTHORITY Of THECOCA-COLA COMPANY n IN CORSAGES AND ALL DRY CLEANING AND WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTrLING CO, INC_ FLOWERS LAUNDRY WORK IS GUARANTEED "Cah"l ... '.gl".",d 'rode'OIIark. @19,n, THE COCA.COtA COMPANY
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