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Miss Ws.rd ,.-,!. '.Mol c. College Players To Close Year Wit~ Wilder's lOur Town l Commencement weekend activities will begin Friday, May 28 at 8 :15 p.m. when the College Players present "Our Town", a three- .28. act play by Thornton Wilder. The play is under the direction of Miss Esther Smith. Donald Bailey is in charge of the, settings and lighting, and Miss Joy Sleeper will supervise the production. Vol. 31, No. 14 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. May 18, 1954 Admission for the general public is $1. Students and faculty will be admitted on their activities cards. The story takes place in the typical ROTC Awards ~::,E;.gl~~~~~~::ft~:o~:~i:clCo~~Club News Bishop Oxnam To Speak At 1901 to 1913. It is, in essence, the A~e Presented story of the whole American way of Hill Organizations 84th Annual Commencement life, using this stolid N~\V England The Military Department of West- setting as a background. families, the Name Fall Leaders ern Maryland College presented its Bishop C. Bromley Oxnam, Bishop of the Methodist Church, will The' play features two particular annual awards on May 13, 1!J54. address the members of the graduating class in Western Maryland's Webbs and the Gibbs, who live across The Association of the United 84th annual commencement exercises. the street from each other. French Club The academic procession will begin at 10:00 a.m. Monday, May 31, The French Club presented its an- States Army Medal was awarded tQ. Absence of Scenery nual play Monday, May 17. in Robin- Cadet Lt. Col. Arnold Hayward. This in Alumni Hall. The College Choir, under the direction of Alfred del.eng, will Si~lg"America, The Beautiful," by Ward. One of the most striking details of son Garden. This year's play was medal is awarded annually by the As- Honorary degrees will be presented the production is the comparative Anatole France's "Celui qui epouse sociation to the most outstanding to the following people: Paul C. cadet of the Senior' Class. The medal Ie femme muette." absence of scenery, and the aid of was presented by Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, Omcers Elected By Whipp, L.L.D., a me~ber of the class relatively iew props. It is the story LSA President of Western Maryland Col- of '04 and of the New York-law firm which has made this an American The Lutheran students had their last lege. Cadet Hayward, who was re- FratsAndSororities of Campbell and Whipp; Rev. Eugene classic. It was the Pulitzer Prize play meeting Mey 12. Their newly elected C. Woodward, D.D., '2S, pastor of in 1939. officers are Doltie Rach, president, and cently granted a commission in 'the Sororities and fraternities on the the North Avenue Methodist Church Joan Luckabaugh, secretary-treasurer. U.S. Army as a 2nd Lt., was Presi- JaneĀ· Collins 'plays the part of dent of the SGA and an outstanding Hill have elected their officers for the in Baltimore; and Norman L. Trott, Emily Webb, and Harold Posey is The group is planning a picnic in the member of the Senior Class. coming semester. D.D., who was acting head of the George Gibbs. The rest of the cast fall for the incoming freshmen. Jimmie Rae Mister will be the new Westminster Theological Seminary includes Kenneth Ruehl as Stage MSl\I The Baltimore Sun paper's Medal, president of Iota Gamma Chi. Jo Ann from June 1 to December 1, 1953, and l\:Ianag-er; William Harvey, Dr. The Methodist Student Movement awarded to the most outstanding Waffensmith was elected vice-presi- who is now the District Superinten- member of Cadet Battalion, was pre- Gibbs; Frank Benson, Joe Crowell; recently elected their officers for next sented to Cadet Louis H. Manarin. dent; Sue Burkins, recording secre- dent of the South District of the Donold Horowitz, Howie Newsome; year. They are: Irma Lee Hohmann, tary; Kay Holt, corresponding secre- Baltimore Conference. Nancy Bayliss, Mrs. Gibbs; Jane president; Howard Shores, vice-pr-esi., Medals Awarded tary; Mollie Hargett, treasurer; Jane To Present Awards Hutchison, Mrs. Webb; Ann Spears, dent; Bev Reiber, secretary; and Paul' Maj. John Reifsnider presented Wheeler, chaplain; Jan Boller, social Activities previous to the gradua- Rebecca Gibbs; William Cook, Wally Ensor, treasurer. Tom Carrick and the Reserve Officers Association Mod- chairman and Barbara Hoot, Inter- tion exercises begin with the third Webb; William Tribby, Professor Nancy McWilliams were congratulated als to the three outstanding members sorority rupresentattva. annual Senior-Alumni Banquet on Willard; and Charles Wheatley for their elections as president and of the Senior Class. The Gold Medal The new president of the Phi Alphs May 26 at 6 p.rn., in the dining hall. Mr. Webb. secretary, respectively, of the Chesa; was- awarded to Maj. William Cam-. will be Mimi Whitfield. Barbara Representatives' of the Alumni Asso- Con- presi- Townspeople peake region of the M. S. M. The pell; the Silver Medal to Cadet Capt. Harding will be vice-president; Wantz, ciation, including the national '25, of Mr. Charles T. Holt, dent, secretary ; Jean nie Rector, election took place at the Regional Frederick Hubach; and the Bronze Gloria Bunting plays the Woman Conference recently held on th~ Hill. Mertal to Cadet Lt. Edward Kelly. Ridgewood, N. J., will. be present. in the Balcony; Michael Leftwich, the ~:~~~u~:; ;e~~e:'h:O~~~I~~~~rn~:=c;:: During .the banquet, the Alumni Man in the Auditorium; Doreen Canterbury Club Each year, certain members of the Blanche Ward; Peg Artigiani, social Citizenship Awards will be presented McNeil, the Lady in the Box, Charles Betty Shepherd was elected preai- Junior Class are designated by the chairman for McDaniel and Steve to the senior man and woman who Fessenden, Simon Stimson; 'Carol dent of the Canterbury Club at their, P.M.S. and T. as Distinguished Mili- Worrilow, sergeant-at-arms. have proven to be the most outstand- Bauer, Mrs. Soames; Irvin Cohen, last meeting. Also elected were Leroy tary Students. The designation is Sigma Sigma Tau elected Gloria ing campus citizens during their col- Constable Warren; Frank Benson, Si McWilliams, vice-president and Kathy given to those cadets who possess Bunting as its new president. The lege careers. Last year the awards Crowell; Ellsworth Schubert, William Chamberlin, secretary-treasurer. qualities which would be an asset to new vice president will be Doreen were given to Ashby F. Conins and Tribby, Frank Benson, Baseball play, Argonauts a future officer in the regular U.S. McNeil; secretary, Irma Lee Hch- Jane McLeOd. The speaker for the ers ; William Tribby, Sam Craig; The fnllcwing Seniors have been in- Army. The following cadets were mann: Alumni secretary, Mary War- banquet will be Mr. Wilbur Preston, Michael Leftwich, Joe Stoddard; Ray ducted into the Argonauts as Fellow'S: awarded this distinction: Cadet Ser- ren; chaplain, Mary \Varner; sun- '46, Baltimore attorney, who will Root and. John Batista, assistant Jane Hutchison, Dorothy Krug, Alma geants -Louis H. Manarin, J. D. La- shine messenger, Jean Wootten; In- speak to the gt-aduati ng class on the Stage Managers. McKeldin, Etsu Sano, Betty Walz, Mar, Philip R. Lawyer, Samuel L. tersorority representative, Nancy subject of the liberal arts student in The people of the town include Shil'if>Y Woodruff, Jean Hendren Mann, James M. Marshall, Charles Ripple. the business and professional world. Carol Coleman, Betty Parsons, Gloria Young, Bev Stringfield, Jean Willis, E. Phipps and Ed\\'ard P. Smith. Gretchen Pierson- was elected pres- Alumni To 1I1eet BUnting, Doreel} McNeil, Pat Ham- Don Erb, William Harvey, Donald Riflem('n Commended ident of Delta Sigma Kappa. Vice Alumni meeting will be held in ersly, Shirley Woodruff, Charlotte Baut and Charles Wheatley. The P.M.S. and T.'s Medal, award- president will be Betty Bixler; secre- Levine Music Hall, at 10 :30 a.m. The Ridgely, Ellsworth Schabert, Denton IRe tary, Toni Baxter; Alumni secretary, traditional Alumni Golf Tournament Bliss, Hans Willen, John Batista, ed to the most outstanding member of Mary Bond; treasurer, Barbara Sheu- and Alumni-Varsity Baseball game is Hugh Howell, Dale Wood, Les Wer- At a :.:ecent meeting of this club the rifle team, was presented to Cadet brooks; chaplain, Pat Ellis; Business scheduled for that afternoon. There ner, Martin 'Broadhurst, Ray Root. the following officers were elected for Sgt. Paul J. Lambertson The by Lt. Col. manager, Mary Angell and Inter- will be an Alumni reception in Mc. Robert Ed Speaks. Sergeant's neXt year: Bill Adams, president; The production will be taken care Kane, vice-president; Billy Bean, sec- Medal was presented to Cadet Ronald sorority representative, Marilyn Mc- Daniel Lounge at ":30, followed by fraternity and sorority open house, of mainly by the junior dramatic art retary; and Ronnie Graybeal, treasur- S. Graybeal, as the most valuable Lennan. students. Ed Smith was elected president of The classes of '84, '89, '94, '99, '04, Freshman member of the rifle team. Gamma Beta Chi with Pete Posey, '09, '14, '19, '24, '29, '34, '39, '44, and Athletic Director, C~les Havens, vice-president; Craig Schmall, seCl'e- '49 will hold a l'eunion assembly in Looking For Something To Do? presented the awards to the three tary; Gus LaMar, vice secretary, Jim McDaniel Lounge at 6 p.m., followed members of the rifle team who fired Marshall, treasurer; Ray Davis, chap- by a procession to the dining hall by classes. The Alumni Banquet will be- Spring Exams Begin Tomorrow the highest scores throughout inter_ lain; and Martin and Jim Monninger, gin at 6:30, Broadhurst, ser- collegiate competition. The first place at arms; geant medal was awarded to Sgt. Paul Bet~ Pi. Dr. Ensor will officiate at the Sen- The second semester examination General sciencc-l02, 24, a.m. Lambertson; the second place medal The Bachelors elected BeTt Spring- ior Baccalaureate Service, which will period begins tomorrow, May 19. To- Gennan-l02A, 24, a.m.; 102B, 24, to Cadet Capt. Frederick Hubach; and stead, Alpha, and Lou Fogler, vice- be held at 10 :30 a.m. in Alumni Hall, day is a reading day. All morning p.m.; 104,21, p.m. due to a two-way tie, the dual recip- Alpha; Gene Paul, Gamma; Howard Sunday, May 30. Randall Thompson's exams begin at 8:30 a.m., and after- G-rcek-l02, 24, p.m.; 222, 25, p.m. ients of the third place medal were Hunt, Tau; William Cook, chaplain; "Alleluia" and "The Lord Bless You noon exams begin at I p.m. The place Hisl;ory-l02, 22 p.m.; 108, 25, Cadet Sgt. William Adams and Cadet Bob Davies, cOl'l'esponding secretary; and Keep You", by Carl Mueller, will of tile examination has been an- n.m.; 202, 24, a.m.; 206, 22, p.m.; Capt. David H. Gwynn. The winner Bob Jackson, sergeant at arms, and be sung by the College Choir dUring nounced by the individual instruc- 308, 19, a.m. of the handicap team match and re_ Bucky Manuel, house mether. the services. Carol Sause will be the tors. Home Eco1wmlc8_102, 24, p.m.; cipient of the handicap medal was Charlie Phipps ,vill head the Preach- soloist'. Below is the examination schedule, 20~, 22, a.m.; 302, 25 a.m.; 306,20, Cadet Sgt. William Adams. ers, and Ronnie Jones, vice president; including, in order, section, date and a.m.; 308, 25 p.m.; 404, 21, p.m. The platoon winning the Platoon Larry Crist, secretary; John Batista, Trumpeters Tap 3 time. Latin-l02, 19 p.m.; 104, 19, p.m.; Drill Competition was the second corresponding secretary; Jack Tur- Art-114-A, 21, a.m.; 114-B, 19, 202,19, p.m.; 110,19, a.m.; 224,20, platoon of Company "B", led by Cadet ney, treasurer; Brad Jones, chaplain, Into Honorary Group a.m.; 222, 25, p.m.; 226, 24, p.m. p.m. Lt. Arnold Needleman. The squad Astronomy_302, 21, a.m. _ IAbrary 8ciencc-3l8, 21, a.m.; 324, winning the Squad Drill Competition and Bill Stewart, sergeant at arms. At the annual tapping ceremony' President of the Black and Whites Biology-l02, 26, p.m.; 106, 26, 19 a.m. was the 2nd Squad, 1st platoon, Com- will be Dick Brenneman. Vice presi- held by the Trumpeters on May 13, p.m.; 202, 25, p.m.; 204, 20, p.m.; lIIathem.atios_l02A, 24 p.m.; 102B, "C",'led by Cadet Sgt. Louis Manarin. dent, Bob Haugen; corresponding sec- Gloria Bunting, Millie Eckardt and 302, 25, a.m.; 306,20, a.m.; 320, 19, 19 a.m.; 103R, 20, p.m.; 202,21 a.m.; retary, Ralph Close; recording secre- Harriett Cooley were initiated into a.m.; 40S, 19,a.m. 302,24, a.m.; 310, 22 p.m.; 315R, 25, tary, Chip Chapin; chaplain, Bob the honorary society. Clwmi8try-I02, 20, p.m.; 104, 24, a.m.; 316,20 p.m. Classes Choose Leather; and Bill Snyder, sergeant at The ceremony took place on the a.m.; 212, 25, p.m.; 304,21, a.m.; 404, Music-l02, 24, p.m.; lOS, 21, p.m.; lawn of Presidellt Ensor's home. All 24, p.m. 206,19 a.m.; 20S, 22, p.m.; 214, 20, Officers For '55 junior girls are eligible,for election Dramatic Art-202, 22, p.m.; 202-B, p.m.; 308, 21, p.m.; 310, 24, a.m.; and are selected on the basis of a point 21, p.m.; 202C, 24, p.m.; 202D, 20 314,25 a.m.; 400, 24, p.m. At recent class meetings, elections College Choir Sings system. Points are awarded to those p.m. Philosophy_211R, 24 p.m.; 214, 20, who lead in extra-curricular activi- Eoon(Y)nic8~202_A, 21, a.m.; 202-B, a.m.; 304, 22, p.m.; 30S, 19, a.m. of officers were held for the coming In Local Program ties on campus, with extra points 22, p.m.; 202,25, p.m.; 204,21, a.m.; Physical Educaf.ion_204, 22, p.m.; semester. given to the girls holding positions of 20S-A; 19, a.m.; 20S-B, 21, p.m.; greater responsibility. .... 301R, 24, a.m.; 308, 20, ,p.m.; 402, ~~!'.24, p.m.; 304, 22 a.m.; 404, 20 Wi~e~: YJei~:\;:i~~~urc~:~s vr:e~~;:~~ The Western Maryland Choir has 19, p.m. Physic8-202, 19 a.m.; 304, 22, dent, Ellis Cline and SGA Represen_ been invited to join with the Balti- Gamma Bels, Phi Alph. more Symphony Orchestra in present- Eduoatim1.--303R, 25, p.m.; 305R, a.m.; 310, 22 p.m. tatives, Roy Etzler and Sue Dorsey. ing a program of Rodgers and Ham- 26, a.m. Politieal Science-l02, 20, a.m.; The Junior Class elected Hugh merstein music at the Lyric Theater Win SCA Service Cups English-l02-A, 22, p.m.; 102-B, 202, 24, p.m.; 30S, 20, p.m. Howell, president; Charles Luttrell, in Baitimore on October 23.{ each The SCA Cup is presented 24, a.m.; 102-C, 19, a.m.; 102-D, 20, P8ychology-203R, 24, a.m.; 210A, vice-president; Jim Pearce, secretary; Western Maryland College was year to a fraternity and a sorority, p.m.; 102-E, 20, p.m.; 102-F, 26, a.m.; 26, a.m.; 210B, 20 p.m.; 302, 24 p.m.; Dottie Rock, treasurer, and Bill Shel- chosen out of all the colleges in 1'Ilary- who, in the opinion of the SCA have 102-G, 26, a.m.; 102-H, 26, a.m.; 132, 312, 21, a.m.; 314A, 22 p.m.; 314B, fo and Priscilla McCoy, SGA repre- land for this honor. The program will contributed the most to the campus 24, p.m.; 202-A, 20, p.m.. ; 202-B, 19, 25, a.m. sentatives. include approximately twelve num- and community in the way.of service a.m.; 202-C, 24, a.m.; 210-A, 26, p.m.; Religion-20IR, 19, a.m.; 202A, 26, The Sophomore Crass has elected a bers by the choir plus solo numbers. projects. 210-B, 24, a.m.; 212, 19, a.m.; 234, a.m.; 202B, 22, p.m.; 310, 24, a.m.; nominating committee who will pre- The Baltimore Symphony has en- This year, the cups were awarded 22, a.m.; 304,20, a.m.; 308, 22, p.m.; 316, 20, p.m. sent their selections of nominees to gaged soloists from New York. to Gamma Beta Chi fraternity and 332,19, p.m. Soc.-lOlR, 22, p.m.; 106,22, a.m.; the class at a future meeting. The Choir members will return to col- Phi Alpha Mu sorority, Both these Fl'ench-102A, 19, p.m.; 102B, 20, 202A, 19, a.m.; 202B, 20, p.m.; 204, Sophomore SGA representatives will lege during freshman week for sev- clubs have contributed to numerous p.m.; 104A, 25, p.m.; 104B, 24 a.m.; 24, a.m.; 402,20 a.m. be Paul Ensor and Jo Ann Parrish; eral days of concentrated work be- needy organizations, and the Phi 202, 21, a.m.; 302, 21, p.m.; 304, 22 Spanish-l02, 19, p.m.; 104, 19, social activities representative, Stan fore the regular college program be- Alphs projects included the support a.m.; 402, 19, a.m. p.m.; 204, 24, a.m. ' Entwisle. gins. of war orphans.
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