Page 48 - TheGoldBug1953-54
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4 The Gold Bug, April 13, 1954 Here And There At Our Colleges imagine. the many costs, To defray fLowland Sea' Brings Sa/t- Tanged Dorie and tries. unsuccessfully to win an admission of 75 cents for non-stu- her hand. But a shipwreck off Cape Hatteras, dents is being charged. Proceeds, aft- (ACP) At the University of To- Atmosphere T(; College C~mpus in which the Scarlet Sail went down er deduction=of fund costs, will go in a ledo, Ohio, the Ca1npWl Colwgian's sponsored lost, brings with all hands scholarship hopeless the by sought reporter students' inquiring by Kay M6hl grief to Dorie. Only a miracle could Alumni Association. and faculty members' pet peeves. GOLD·BUG News_Feature Editor bring her Johnny back. Miracles do After the Friday night perform- Here are some of the results: Put on your sea togs, don your weather-beaten caps and come sail the occur, even in the "Lowland Sea", ance, orchestra sets, and cast will be "Teachers fail to realize that they Lowland Sea. some in time, others tragically too moved to Baltimore for a special have been teaching the same subject Even "landlubbers" will not be able to resist the call of the salt-tanged late. The audience is sure to be emo- performance at Eastern High School for a number of years," says one stu- air as the curtain opens on a Mar-yland first, "The Lowland Sea", an opera tionally stirred as the plot unfolds. on April 28. dent. "They think we should know as which will be presented as part of the Twenty-third Annual Spring Concert In leading roles are Meta Justice, "The Lowland Sea" promises to be much as they do In- a much shorter of the Western Maryland Lij;tle Symphony Orchestra on April 23. who sings the part of Dorie Davis and one of the highlights of the year. It time." As the lights dim in Alumni Hall at 8;15 p.m., the lilting strings of the William Schneider as Johnny Dee. is. anticipated that no one will be "For the most part," complains an orchestra, combined with the plaintive French horns and the a{ry.lightness Others in the cest are Charles Wheat- seized with a case of seasickness after English professor, "it is the lack of ley as Nathaniel Hazard, Charlotte its performance, but it cannot be Ridgely as Hannah, Nancy Kemmerer curiosity which I object to. Students in the part of Belinda, Hugh Howell guaranteed that there will not be some are not interested ill learning just for as Captain Jesse; captain of the Scar- who will leave the auditorium with an the sake of knowing something. Ev- incurable, let Sail, Leslie Werner as the ship's fever. but not fatal, case of sea erything must have a praettcal appli- cation." doctor and Nathaniel's three chil- dren, Patience, Suzanne deLong; Another profgssor terms "laziness" Isaac, John Royer; and Delight, Judy Compliments of his pet peeve. "College students are David. The women of the town and the only people in the world," he says, the sailors who make up the chorus J. R. EVERHART "who pay for something and then do are selected voices from the College COLLEGE BARBER their best to cheat themselves out of Choir. it". At the Forks Absent-Minded Profs Sets From Nantucket Sketches (ACP) How absent-minded can a Philip Royer, Alfred deLong and professor be? A class at Oregon State Miss Esther Smith are combining College organized one day to find out. their talents in the direction and pro- "You're Good For It At" By prearrangement, they protested duction of the "Lowland Sea". Don to a professor that he had failed to Bailey once more is plying his paint- DAVID'S JEWELERS announce a test he was scheduled to brush for Western Maryland College. 19 E. Main Street give them. The sets for the opera should contain Westminster, Md. Startled-and clearly confused-by a realistic touch, since he is construct- Phone Westminster 1167 the mass argument, the professor ing them from sketches he made last UN-SEA-LIKE SURROUNDINGS: The 1!Osttrlgic quality of the 860, is cap- postponed his test. tured by the orcheetre e'Vel. againM tha bare background of the practice l'oom summer in the seashore resort of Bulova - Longines - Elgin (ACP) Students at the University in Alumni Hall. ],11·. Philip Royer conducts the orcneetra d1in into its production than the student Holidays the strings in the Mozatt Concerto No.8 in G Major. not directly connected with it can WED., THURS. APR. 14,'15 FRI., SAT. APR. 16, 17 THE SEA AROUND US GOLDTOWN GHOST RIDERS BE READY TO REMEMBER THOSE YOU LOVE (Technicolor) Gene Autry Smiley Burnette AT EASTER It Pay, To Look Well Also Walt Disney's Academy Award EASTER CARDS AND GIFTS AT Visit The I Winner The Alaskan Eskimo Times Bldg. P. G. COFFMAN CO. Westminster, Md. FRI., SAT. APR. 16, 17 SUN., MON. APR. 18, 19 PETER PAN Avenue Barber Shop HONDO (Technicolor) John Wayne Geraldine Page Where The Students Go ./ (Technicolor) You'll give with pride TUES., WED., THURS., SUN., MON., TUES. APR. 18, 19, 20 APR. 20, 21, 22 85 Pennsylvania Avenue CASANOVA'S BIG NIGHT Easter remembrances (Technicolor) CLOSED Easter cards Bob Hope Joan Fontaine WED., THURS. APR. 21, 22 FRI., SAT. APR. 23, 24 G.C. Murphy & Co. (Technicolor) and FROM TENNESSEE CHAMP SKY COMMANDO HAMILTON HOUSE The Friendly Store Shelley Winters Keenan Wynn RIDERS OF BLACK RIVER FRI., SAT. APR. 23, 24 "Gifts of Distinction" ) Dormitory and Classroom TOP BANANA SUN. APR. 25 (Technicolor) Supplies Phil Silvers Rose Maria CHINA VENTURE Edmond O'Brien Barry Sullivan 92 E. Main St. Westminster 3.fOM 6-10 Weat Main Street SUN., MON., TUES. APR. 25, 26, 27 (Facing the Post Office) Open Friday & Saturday ...... NAKED JUNGLE .. westminster Until nine Weatminster, Md. (Technicolor) MON., TUES. APR. 26, 27 Charlton Heston Eleanor Parker CLOSED
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