Page 56 - TheGoldBug1953-54
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The Gold Bug, May 18, 1954 Vetvdle A World To Lost Can Be Found In McDaniel Office around groping anyone the Half Of Ex-Army Camp Housing l Is campus peering anxiously with a pair of handicapped eyes :(01" an essential , Occupied By Married' Students pair of spectacles that he mislaid? If so, won't someone kindly direct by Thomas H. Ma.bry, '55 him to McDaniel office? Mrs. Jefferson has several pairs of eyeglasses in the If someone were to ask me, "What is it like to live in Vetville?", Lost and Found "Depar-tment there, I would have this to say: to live in and be a part of the village is one of which he might surprisingly a new and happy experience filled with fun, responsibilities and discover m-e his own. hardships. With a little effort you can make a warm, comfortable home. If, however, you are resigned to complain about some of the Right now the number of unclaimed poorer conditions, you will not like Vetville, and -oice-oersa. articles in the McDaniel office is at a Vetville is like a small world set aside by itself. It is one in minimum. Stray pieces of jewelry which there is a definite need for cooperation and understanding seem to predominate the list with fountain pens and gloves running a close second. Also a man's jacket has wandered in looking for its owner. The lost and found business is due to perk up in a couple of weeks when WMC students pack up for the eum- mer vacation. Don't be like the coed who several years ago was so anxious to go home that she left her entire unfurnished units looks like on the son and at the same time facilitates summer wardrobe behind! Fortu- inside. To begin with the apartment studying in a healthier and more de- nately for her, Mrs. Jefferson's alert consists of a living room, two bed- sirable atmosphere. About the only action prompted the quick return of rooms, a kitchen, and a bath. The shortcoming is the money problems, the stray goods. Make that last glance kitchen is furnished with all apart- but it should be remembered that a long lingering one beFore you close ment-size gas range, shelves for "where mere's a will there's away". up shop for the summer. canned goods, and a water heater. In If you ever have a free moment, Articles which are not claimed the living room there is a space heat- come down and pay us a visit. Vet- within a reasonable length of time er and two closets, one of which is ville welcomes you all. Perhaps we are packed up and given to the Good- very lar-ge. The bathroom is equipped can show you more of OUl' little world will Industries, a national organiza- with a shower stall, a medicine cab- and entice you to join us. How about tion designed to provide employment inet and the usual facilities. Each of it? for the handicapped. the two bedrooms have large closets. HILLTOP VIEW-Once an a,r-my tra.ining camp, those Vetville units have The amount of space for two or even been transfol"'TIted into living quarters for WlI1C mar-ried students. three people is sufficient. CONGRATULATIONS, CLASS of '54 among the families who live there. opment could continue under college Being married and attending col- SPRING WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Following World War II the gov- sponsorship, if the college so desired lege at the same time has its merits. and CARDS at ernment decided to dismantle many and if the townspeople of Westmin- For one thing it eliminates many of .._ army training camps. The housing ster were willing to let it remain . the frustrations of an unmarried per- Times Bldg. P. G, COFFMAN CO. Westminster, Md. units were to be made available to After all the red tape had been colleges in order to provide housing cleared, the Vetville project became for veteran students. WMC applied the property of Western Maryland J. WM, HULL, Jeweler for forty units and their request was College. 9 granted in the spring of 1946. All of The total population of Vetville is Baugher s Restaurant the units were shipped here from somewhere in the neighborhood of 120 For Over Half Century Shenango, Penn., to be erected on persons. Following- is a breakdown of Expert Watch, Jewelry JUST OFF THE CAMPUS land provided by the college. The first the families occupying the 40 units: tenant moved in on August 3, 1947. Faoulty • 19 S and Eye-Glass Repairing FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Students Alumni • Carroll County Public Scboolteachc!"!I_ 6 Mr. and Mrs. Tom lIIabry have been Seminary students S . Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes residing in Vetville since February 12, Army peroonnel , 105 W. Main Street 1954. A junior from Catonsville, Md., TOTAL .. Tom is an Economics major. In addition to this there are about OPEN EVERY DAY thirty dogs, cats and other pets. To date there are eleven applications for At first the college acted as a rental apartments next year, seven of which agency for the government, A definite It Pays To Look Well limit was placed upon the length of are from Korean veterans. Some have probably never had the time the development could stay up. opportunity to see-whet one of 'the Visit The When the time limit had expired, the LOOk! of It. BANDBOX I units were supposed to be disas- Avenue B.rb.r Shop ""',..,,9IN" sembled and disposed of. 0,,1 • However, there was a provision in Keep In Touch the agreement stating that the devel- Where The Students Go GRADUATESl Don't be left out. Keep up on the news of 8S Pennsylvania Avenue your alma meter.; What better way is there than subscribing to the GOLD BUG? See Gus La Mar or Jim Mar- shall. For your convenience they COME TO Weekday Matinees: 2 p. m. will be in the GOLD BUG of- Evenings 7 and 9 p. m. fice from 1 :30 p.m. to 5 p.m. .... Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. rn. Sunday, May 23. DUTTERER'S Evenings 9 p. m. 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Holidays Westminster 3"50 FOR TBE FINEST TUE., MAY 18 ELEPHANT WALK IN CORSAGES AND (Technicolor) FLOWERS Elizabeth Taylor Dana Andrews Continuous 1 p. rn. Saturdays. Holi- day shows continuous from 2 p. m, Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. WED., THURS., MAY 19-20 Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows LAUNDROMAT HEIDI 5 Locust Street BUSINESS WEAR. continuous from 6:45 p. m. Ov. fun·penetratlon deaning removei oil '.OCH of Opposite Parking Lot persplrolionond bodyoddl, 0. wall 0. ollolhe.loil ~ fromyourgarmentJ ••. Jndijding deepdeaning of aU FRI., SAT., MAY 21-22 TUE., WED., THUR., MAY 18-19-20 DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 inMl f"ld. and pUddings. PLAYGIRL CLOSED FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 -Shelley Winters Barry Sullivan 'ORMAl WEAR Closed Wed. Afternoon Corefulhundling und jrenins gi"'e your fint.1 gowns FRI., SAT., MAY 21-22 Westminster 1287 t; anddfftSellhalptofluionullook.. SUN., MON., TUE., MAY 23-24·25 FIREMAN , SAVE MY CHILD EXECUTIVE SUITE Hugh O'Brian Buddy Hackett • FREE DELIVERY SERVICE William Holden June Allison ED KELLY SUN., MAY 23 WED., THURS., MAY 26-27 IN SOCIETY G.C; Murphy & Co. 105 WARD BALL PHONE 454 GENEVIEVE Bud Abbott Lou Costello IS YOUR CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVE John' Gregson Donna Sheridan The Friendly Store FOR THE (Technicolor) MON. - THUR., MAY 24 _ 27 Dormitory and Cl~sroom MODERN 'G.I. LAUNDRY CLOSED Supplies 223 E, GREEN ST... PHONE WEST, 1478 FRI., SAT ., MAY 28-29 DANGEROUS MISSION FRI., SAT., MAY 28-29 6-10 West Main Strut ALL DRY Cr.EANING AND (Technicolor) LAUNDRY WORK IS GUARANTEED Victor Mature Piper Laurie TARZAN'S SAVAGE FURY Westminater, Md. Lex Barker Dorothy Hart
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