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i.ibrar'y '7estern Ivaryland College ';-;(jt:;tmj nster j,Icl,. 'ROLLING IN NEW SUPPORTS THE ISLES' FOR CARPE DIEM .... PAGE 4 PAGE 2 Vol. 31, No. 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER. MD. April 27, 1954 Parade, Crowning Of Queen Highlight May Day ActiviHes; Taitt Receives Answer To SGA Letters From'Administration Joint Letter Q~otes SGA Constitution; S ' A t' 't' May Fet~ Includes Band Concert, Game, . 'P rovi e E xpenence , u I ream bl e H prmg G cI High School Guests And Annual Dance 'F e IVI res If'll P 'd ~ Henry Taitt, President of the '54~'55 Student Government As- onor ra uafes sociation, last week received an answer from the Administration The crowning of Nancy-Ann Bayliss, 1954 May Queen, will to the letters of April 9 which he had sent to obtain views on the The traditional round of pre-com- highlight the activities of May Day. Other parts of the program powers, purposes, and objectives of the SGA here. mencementactvltiea will begin May include a parade, a baseball game, a band concert, and open houses. Taitt's letters asked President Ensor and Deans Makosky, 6 when the freshmen women will The parade will form at 1 p.m. and begin at 1:15 p.m. There Schofield, David, and Howery "what purposes and objectives you honor the senior women in the Lan- will be three floats. The freshman class will decorate a float for place under the Student Government's supervision, and ... how tern Chain ceremony. Other activities the Queen and the junior and senior attendants. The senior duchess are Lois Cermak and is Carol Sause, and the senior attendants much and what kind of power you In- include the Rose Cup and Trumpeter ~~i~h~:~?e;' came from French Major Wins ve~n~::~: ~ ~:~:~~~~e~h: ~~~el!'v!~~n~~e:~~e~~: the Administration through which Taitt Fulbright Award AAUW Tea which was held Saturday, President Ensor in a joint letter, April 24. will post tomorrow on the bulletin As is the custom, the freshmen, board. carrying lighted lanterns, will call for SGA Preamble their senior- sisters and proceed to In answer to the first part, the an: Hoffa Field. Following the singing of swer-ing- letter quoted the preamble 'to the Alma Mater, the freshmen will SGA consitution (adopted September-, salute each class. Both classes will 1948) which says: then return to Blanche Ward Hall for "1.) To provide experience in self the singing of class songs. Betty Rig- government. 2.) To promote harmony gleman, the freshman representative and understanding among student on the women's Council, is in charge groups and among the Administration, of the ceremony. the students, and the faculty. 3.) To " To Entertain women help new students orient themselves Following the Lant~rn Chain cere- to the campus. 4.) To encourage high mony, the Dean of Women and the ethical and moral standards, and to House Mothers, assisted by the sopho- ~:nf~~i;s ~!lh~~a:;: ;!w:O:.I~~;~~~'e:~ more women, will entertain all of the give direction to the conduct of stu. at an informal re- women on campus the students to a feeling of comrade- ception in McDaniel Lounge. Front row: Sue Dorsey, Carol Sause, Nancy·Ann Bayliss, Lois Cermak and The Rose Cup ceremony, sponsored ship, and to common purpose with by the junior class, will take place at Marilyn Eccleswn. Second row; Betty Bixler, Harriett Cooley, Sha,ron students on other campuses. 6.) To 4:15 p.m. in Robinson Garden May 13. Alhangh, Prisoilla: MeCoy, Ellen Plaeht, Sandra Jackson and Adeline Allen. st.imulate active citizenship a,!llong Beverly St:rinp_jield- Each junior girl will impersonate a the students." senior girl and the traditional nose' Adeline Allen. Sue Dorsey is the Court representatives are Peggy Ar· "This was adopted," the letter goes A F'ulbright' Scholarahip has been Cup will be passed ro all graduating junior duchess; and Harriett Co~ley tigianni, duchess, Priscilla McCoy on, "a few years ago by the Student awarded to Beverly Stringfield, a women. , and Betty Bixler, the attendants. and Sharon Albaugh. Marilyn Eccle- Government, with the complete ap- senior English and French major After dinner on the evening of May The sophomores will decorate the ston is the freshman duchess. Ellen proval of the Administration. This in from Washington, D. C. 13 the junior women will assemble on float for the freshman and sophomore Placht and Sandra Jackson are the my mind, is an excellent statement, Application for the scholarship was President Ensor's lawn for the Trum- attendants. The sophomore May attendants. and we concur with its provisions in made in October of last year. In order peter tapping ceremony. This award The junior class has charge of the every respect." to receive the award, the student must will be given to the junior women who float which will carry the May How Much Power? show proficiency in a foreign len- have displayed outstanding leadership Juniors To Present Queens of the past ten years. Only In answer to " ... how much and guage and write an essay stating the and service during their stay on the six, however, will be present. They what kind of power do you in- purpose of the foreign study. "hill." 'Rolling In The Isles' are Rebecca Larmore Griffith, 1944; vest ... " the letter from Dr. Ensor Beverly will leave the United States President's Reception Marion Whiteford, 1945; Shirley Sny- stated: It ••• the Student Government in the latter part of the summer. ar- At 8 p.m. that same evening, Pres- "Rolling in the Isles," this Spring's der Carver, 1947; Janet Hering, 1951; has all the authority required to ful- riving in Paris hy October for a ident and Mrs. Ensor will be at home Junior Follies, will be presented by Jeanne Dixon, 1952; and Nancy fill the purpose set forth in the Pre- month of orientation. The next eight to receive in honor of the entire senior the class of 1955 on Friday, May 7, at Kroll,1953. amble referred to above." months wil l be spent in Clermont- class. 8:15 p.m. in Alumni Hall. The script Ensor Crowns Queen "In my mind, this all can be summed Ferrand where she will study French The Carroll County branch of the has been written by Gus LaMar, The ceremony will begin at 1:45 up by saying that in the area of stu- literature, concentrating on the real- American Association of University George Gipe and Gloria Bunting, and p.m. in the amphitheatre. In case of dent affairs the] authority of the Stu- istic school of Daudet, Balzac, Zola, Women honored the women of the features a south sea island back- bad weather, it will be held in Alumni dent Government is as broad as the Flaubert, and de Maupaussent. class of 1954 on Saturday, April 24, ground. Hall. The program includes the pres- responsibifity the Student Govern- By studying the social, political, with a reception at the home of Mrs. Under the direction of Gloria, Gus entation of the court, the crowning of ment is willing to accept. The Deans and economic conditions of the late Montgomery Shroyer of Westminster. and George, the production calls for the queen by Dr. Ensor, and the May of Men and Women ere your advisors 1800's as tlley appear in the realistic Mrs. Ensor and Mrs. Schofield essiet- three major roles. Ruben Bard is cast Pole Dance under the direction of Ann and not your dictators and stand ready novels of these authors, Beverly hopes ed the hostess. as the Cannibal King. Meta Justice Spears. to assist you at all times." . to increase her understanding of the as the heroine. Main supporting roles At this time the former queens "You can draw your own conclus- development and manifestations of will be handled by Larry Crist, Ellis witll be introduced. The Men's and ions from this letter," Taitt said, "but these conditions in the twentieth cen- Departm~nt Opens Cline, and Henry Taitt. The remain- Women's Glee Clubs will each pre- it is evident that the Administration tury. der of the cast will be made up of sent two selections. gives to the student body all the pow- Studio, Art Exhibit other members of the junior class. The crown bearer will be Russ De- This Student Government says: iLet's Officers Inspect I There will also be a grand presenta- Courcy, and the flower girl will be handle. er which it can satisfactorily tion of the 'Island Queen'. show them we are grown-up enough The Art Department of Western Committee heads for the 1954 Fol- Barbara Spangler. Nancy Corday and Lillian Fowler will be the heralds. to govern ourselves!' " ROTC Facilities Maryland has announced that it will lies are Carl Halle and Craig Schmall The baseball game with Drew Uni- dedicate a room in the studio to the who are in charge of the stage set- Club News The Reserve Officers Training late Dean Alvey M. Isanogle, to be ting and design; Anne-Marie Sum, versity will begin at 2:30 p.m. The College Band will give a band Corps of Western Maryland will un- known as the Dean ISGnogw Room. mers, make· up; costumes, Milly Eck- concert in the newly·renovated Carpe . Clubs ~Ian Concert dergo its annual government inspec· Dean Isanogle, who was connected ardt; Al Wahlers, programs; and Diem at 3 :30 p.m. tion on April 30. with the school for 26 years, founded The inspecting officers will be Col. the Art and Education Departments Marilyn Goldring and Ed Smith, tick- Following these activities the so· Glee Clubs Robert C. Larson, Transportation ets and publicity. rorities and the fraternities are hold- A concert of sacred and secular Corps, Col. G. L. Holsinger, Artillery, ofWMC. Admission for the Follies will be ing open house for the school guests. music will be presented by the Men's The machinery, donated by Mrs. 75c. and Women's Glee Clubs on May 10 Major M. Kielbara, Infantry, and Isanogle, will be placed in this room, High School Guests and used chiefly by the crafts classes. at 8:15 p.m. in Alumni Hall. Capt. Delmus D. Thomas, Infantry. Miss Shipley, who is heading the proj- Eggan, Younger The sophomore class, under the di- IRe The officers will inspect the facili- rection of Mr. Uhrig, is in charge of The IRC Club will play host to rep- ties of the Military Department, and ect, hopes to have the room open by Electecl Prexies high school guests. They will conduct tours through the science laboratories, observe the ROTC Classes. In the last resentatives of several colleges who 15 minutes of each class they will Wednesday, May 5. will attend the district conference to quiz the members of the class on the Charlotte Eggan and Mary Lee where there will be demonstrations, be held here on May 15. The speaker present subject they are covering. Demonstration and eJl;hibit of work Younger were elected house presi· and other points of interest. will be from the British Embassy. All DUring the assembly that day, the done under the direction of Miss The annual Pan-Hellenic Dance will Louise Shipley will be presented those interested in taking part in the officers will quiz the members of the the Art Department on Wednesday, by dents of Blanche Ward and McDaniel on elimax the day's activities. It will be house meetings Halls, at held held in Gill Gym from 8:30 to 11:30 conference are invited to attend. corps on the subjects wbich have been May 5, 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The Monday, April 12. The duties of the p.m. According to Burt Springstead, University Professors covered the entire year. work will actually be performed in newly·elected councils began Monday, the general chairman, the theme of The Regional meeting of the Amer- During the regular drill period, the front of the viewer's eyes. Some of April 19. ican Association of University Pro- corps wil! pass in review and be the art majors demonstrating will be: The members of the Blanche Ward the dance )'Iill be "Stardust." fessors is being held bere today. The inspected. The dismissal from drill Pat Ellis, portrait painting; Nan council are Gloria BUnting, senior The decorations will be handled by local chapter at Western Maryland is concludes the inspection. representative; Nancy Bearinger, Lou Fogler of Alpha Gamma Tau. oil the sponsor. Captain Crouch said, "Western Bayliss, casting; painting; Jim Levay, junior; and Joan Durno, sophomore. There will be a throne for the croWD_ plaster ing of the queen by Dr. Ensor at 10:30 Mary Bond, clay The main program will be present· :Maryland has always achieved an out. modeling; Jane Hutchison and Joan McDaniel elected Irene Pope, senior p.m. ed in McDaniel Lounge at 8 p.m. after standing record in the past inspec_ Patterson, water colors; Betty Bix- representative; Connie Rector, jun· The Gamma Bets, under the super- dinner. The speaker is Dr. E. Ken- tions, and it is hoped that each and ler, air brush; Dotty Wade, paper ior; and Sue Ellen Price, sophomore. vision of Carville Downes, are in neth Brasted, director of the Depart- every member of the corps will put sculpture; Helen Bordman, design; The senior representatives, Irene charge of the concessions and obtain- ment of Education of the National forth his best in an effort to retain Evelyn WeIsman and Ann Miller, silk and Gloria, automatically become sec- ing the orchestra of Brayden Riden- Association of Manufacturers. that distinction." retary·treasurer of their dorms. hour. (can't. on p. 4, col. 5)
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