Page 55 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 55
The Gold Bug, May 18, 1954 II Locker Room I Canceled Game Kills Terrors' Lowdown Chances For M-D Loop Title by Eddie Smith A canceled game Saturday and a double victory by Washington With another season of sports College over Catholic U. Friday prevented the Terror baseball team behind us let's quickly look back from clinching a tie for first place in the Northern division of the and see how things were in gen- Mason-Dixon Conference. erai, The Green and Gold, by virtue of their percentage, finished the The "winningest" sport on season in second place. the Hill was Jim ~oyer's ~aseball Entering their final three games the Terrors were-tied for first team. Paced by pitcher BIll Clem place because of a win over Mt. St. and infielder Al Miller, the dia- Mary's. of the Lacrosse Fu,ture mondmen turned in one They took the first of these Friday finest performances ever expert- when they knocked over Rutgers, 9-5, b~~:~a3Yc;~~eWt1~~. Terrors in Dim At WMC ~~~l:se~:~~h~i~~o:d:~~e~~~~~;o~~! After sweeping aside all M-D com- Catholic U. I petition in dual match play, the Ter- by LeG Werner This gave the Shoremen two more 1'01' Jtnksters finished second behind eOLD Due SpOrts Editor victories than the WMC squad, who Loyola in the Mason-Dixon Conier- Western Maryland's lacrosse tearll closed their season against Hampden- ence Tourney at Mt. Pleasant Golf may have played for the last time on Sydney yesterday. Course. Hoffa Field last Saturday when it The Hill nine needed two victories Always providing a strong will-to- was humiliated 11 to 0 by Dickinson to insure a tie, and while rain forced NE WGHEERLEADER captain Patty Hamereleu (center) watches a recent win spirit, and tremendous spectator College. a cancellation of Saturday's contest, lacrosse practice /I'O'll~ the hill with gmd-uati11U co-captai1l$ Janet Gross (left) appeal, the Ferguson-led stickmen This loss climaxed the third Washington took the Northern title and Joan Kellogg (rightQ) Sh01'Uy after Patty WM -nam.ed head of WlIfG's have completed another rugged cam- straight year that the team has not and the right to meet the Southern chee1'leadi11g sq1wd [or 1954-55. paign. All the team members have produced a victory. winner. given their best and are deserving of School athletic officials now are Reliable sources in the athletic de- WMC GolFers Cop Baum Appointed much praise. ~:~t~::, :l:!~f b~ec~~: faced with the problem of either con- partment pointed out the fact that class and exam schedules would not tinuing to field a mediocre team 'which (aP;::tU~~~ Second In Tourney To Head WAA synonymous with his name) Coach ~~cu~~~~~~: t!Od:;e;h:uS~:;:~:.i: ~:~~~~ ~ t~~:~o~adW~!~n:~ise~ington of this Because the athletic program. Frank Hurt's tennis outfit closed their Western conflict, Western Maryland's Golf Team ha;~~m~:::~'~tsA~~~:~C'rr!::;!:t~~~ ~~::i~~~:r~:::y i:g:~::: D::a:::: fa~~lei:i!~:~~~t ;e~~c~e~~: at:~~~l~;~ :t~~:~::.m:~:I~heha;o:t~~:~ei~~~s;~: would be M-D Champions today if league records meant anything. ~,~eag5S~;5~a~::0~ic:_~;!~~;etnt~i~a~; five engagements in the Conference, show no signs of improvement, has Next year's schedule is expected to They have defeated every team met Lou At-nie ; Secretary, Doris Tuck- ~:~~:~:~r :::~~e:n!i~~::gS~~:~o:~so ~::: o~\7:t~:e:st~aCk o~ material and ~:it~r~::~~~e ~a~:~v~:~::,Y conflict in Mason-Dixon competition and end- ed the conference season with a 5·0 WO;:~r~n~~~:~Se~:e~r:~o~. sl~~~e:~h, So, in summary, WMC has pro- It's no secret that the '54 squad-c Coach Jim Boyer will have practi- record . .They cannot claim the honor of be- Basketball ; L. Fowler, Hockey; M. J. ~::~~ t~:: ye;!::~!r :;t;~~~~e~!~: ~~~;: b:~:~v~il~t~::~~~t~~~s ~:~~~ ~:~i;~~r~fD~i~ ~;:~:~gisn~~: ~~~~ ing the champs because of an out- Davison, Hiking; M. E. Weber, Vol- this spring. The eligibility rule has probably ta- member the squad will lose through moded method of choosing the winner. ~~~~aa~;,jT:·nn~:;~fr~ri~O~~;!~~o~Ar~~~ Along other related lines, your ken some of the toll but the fear of graduation. Thus M-D teams will be The league championship is based er y ; J. Nuttall, Badminton; and Betsy ~~~~~ni~!u~~ w;~l~e;;~a:Ht~: l::~~ ~;!~:~IY c;;::e~d th\:~:staaws:~~k has !:~i~:k:; t~ae~:a~~:a~h~;~i~:SS~:~s- on one match in which all teams, whether they have won all or lost all B°;Z:t:'r~~!.finish of the girls' inter- than-adequate ones that now grace the Interest of the coaching staff and their games, have a shot at the crown. mural volleyball tournament, which ~~~~::l~ee;;:::eh::e~Yh!:~\~O :~;~;eo~: ~::ki~~~mTh~S~!ra~:sofd:~;i~~;m~;:~ Net Tearn Ends WMC lost out to Loyola, a team it had defeated earlier in the season, :~~ec~~~h07ho:e~~:o;:~~ th;oii~:b~i in the "gentlemen's" sport of tennis the most part, is the responsibility of 6-3, and took second place. team. Members are T. Baxter, R. ~:urSt~~~a~o~;e ~~!~i~~~: a~~rso~e:~is ~::,~o~~r'o~~~ ~~::o:c~ea:us~o~:~! Winning Season ~~a~:~r,E'R.CO~~:~~~s'K~·P~~~~~:: ~~: int~~~l~r~~i~~~itiis:;: h!~~t~U~ some of the blame. Coach Frank Hurt's tennis team "You're Good For It At" , Upperco and M. E. Weber. Alter- ting Seminary nine. Possessing te:m g;:~C~i~~~he~:~~S;=y~h~~t~~hhei~ closes another successful net season DAVID'S JEWELERS na;:s~:::I. ii~~~!:;,~dS;'t~;!:~~i :u~~~~t~i;~~e~h:rrd b~~h~rs:Ot~~ half a team is permitted to practice today against Delaware U. Going into today's match the Ter- 19 E. Main Street 1'01'netsters have a record of 6 wins Westminster, Md. ::ntl:s~e~~': ~~;;~e~~i~i~i~' p~a~:~ Ministers have scored surprising ~l:~~:i~egt~;:u:~~~tS~:n\t~:ee~~!c!:~ and 4 defeats. The doubles combinations of Davis Phone Westminster 1167 in the No.1 position, dropped a hard- ~16~~ti~(~;e~~eachers and Bach- to be in shape for a game. and Taitt, and Trader and Silberstein Bulova - Longines - Elgin !~~,g;~. ~~~;s';;:uo~~ p~~~~;lIin ~~~ THUMBS UP , .• to Chuck se~oem: t~~~~~hs:~l~v:~~~y:~dhadr~ have helped defeat such teams as Benrus - Gruen No.2 position, easily defeated her· Bohan for his recent appointment and taken their share of the cuts and Towson, American U., 'Vashington, Wittnaue,r opponent, Joan Perkins, 6-1, 6-1. "Jo" ~ca~~:'. y ~.,n,i~:ta~tL~~b;:~S.~~ bruBiu",S""h"h'" \"'le fi,ld" , '"m and :r.'lt. St. Mary's. , dealt by Loyola, .. Siehler, the No.3 girl, put up a good were Setbacks OPEN AN ACCOUNT ..y n ., Hopkins, a.nd Maryland U., the only ~~~~e~~f~;er.~~~i~:,~!~:~~to "Essie" ~i~le w~~::::gMe~~erO:'~~~:d~~l~~ '~:~:ilie:; :~l O~o;h~e~~~~u~~o~h~:~ teams to shut out the Green and ~~~ ~~~~f:i:~~a~j~inae~mtlh~s!~~: coaching :taff and the response to a Gold, 9 to O. Next year's team will be without dents in cheering the Terror the services of Silberstein and Trader, teams of the spring on to victory COInp1iments of but Terror hopes, besides the combi- • , . to Dick Linton, Western nation of Davis and Taitt, will center Maryland's second soccer AII- J. 'R. EVERHART around Bopst, Crush, and Reed. American , , , and to so many COLLEGE BARBER fine people for supporting the Junior Fol1ies. At the Forks ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE GOLD BUG . 8-Week Course For College Students Intensive Shorthand, Simplified Gregg, College edition, 80 les- sons in 40 days. Also TRIPLESPEED, the new, easy ABC System. 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