Page 44 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 44
4 The Gold Bug, March 23, 19M .IIiyI. g,. ersity of Innsbruck, Austria. "think for oneself." Mary Lee, a Now serving as a Lieutenant with the U.S. in September on a Dutch ship, member of Sigma Sigma Tan, is also U.S. Army, Mechtly is scheduled to but the Army cut short my postpone- co-editor of page one for the GOLD epeak: at Fireside on April 11. At thut ment of call to active duty. I flew BUG. "Character, backbone, does her tim.e ho ?IJillshow slides and sout>enir8 beck to the U.S. in time to report at own thinking" were phrases used to collected during his year in Europe.) Fort Meade in August as ordered. describe Mary Lee's ability and qual- Because this account is an outline ifications for the position. My name is Gene. J want to share of a year of experiences, I've had to Mary Lee stated that no SGA can some of the experiences of my year omit many interesting details e.g. "produce miracles" but that she will Seated behind objects representing their 1'espectit>e s01'orities are (left to ?-igkt) in Europe with you. attending ati Austrian university and stand up for what she believes to be presidents Gwen Blon?n, Joan Barkelew, Charlotte Eggan and Betty Norwood. September 10, 1952----1boarded the living with an Austrian family and a right. Queen Mary with four Fulbright lec- member of the Hitler youth. These Barry Winkelman was nominated turers, nine research scholars, four To delve into the campus life of the All this and a sense of humor too? experiences and my impressions of by Ernie Birch. Barry, a member of four sorority presidents, the room- Only Char would dare to present a secondary school teachers, and forty- attitudes, living standards, oppor- Alpha Gamma Tau and captain of the eight graduate students all bound for mates of three and a friend of the squeamish roommate with a juicy Austria. On September 15th we tunities, reconstruction and the ef- lacrosse team for the second consec- other were asked for information on pickled embryo so early in the morn- landed at Cherbourg, France and fects of American aid will form the utive year, possesses "definite ideas , the subject. Following is their com- ing. Perhaps her success is the mas- were taken to Paris by train. After a topic of my Fireside discussion later for a working SGA." He is a "good mente. tery of the three "C's"-Cooperatio~, this spring. worker, associate editor of the 1955 Competence and Cheerfulness. day in Paris the Arlberg Express took ALOHA, and an officer of his fra- Joan Walter-The raving maniac us through France, Switzerland and ternity." roaming the cells of Onion Hall lately Lee Lee Kline-President and pro- Austria to Vienna where we enjoyed DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE Barry stated that he felt that "con- really isn't an escapee from Sykes- fesseur plus characte~izes Betty Nor- a three-week orientation program. fidence in the SGA brings power" and ville. It's just Gwen Blohm's reaction wood this semester. Her days are busy COPY that in order to have a better SGA, to her newly acquired diamond. at Milford High where she is student German Roommate APRIL 8 there must be more "interest created The object of her affection is a teaching in French and Spanish. October 3rd, I went to Insbruck and . in the organization." young man named Stan, who resides When back on campus she Serves the registered at the University. At fit1jt I lived alone in a room rented from in Baltimore, as does Gwen. Sigmas well as thei; prexy and also an Austrian family. Later in the fills the same office in the French Gwen transferred to WMC from spring of 1953 I moved into a room Towson State Teachers' College at the Club. with a German student, Wolfgang cbeginning of her Junior year, and is Betty's flare for dramatics was Hartlieb of Frensburg, North Ger- an English-Education major. Her aptly shown in her portrayal of Mrs. many. We spoke nothing but German future plans, other than becoming Gatling in the Junior Plays. ' unless he had specific questions about Mrs. Tisdale, are undecided. Among A loyal Sigma, she served as treas- the English language. He had a deep Weekday Matinees: 2 p. m. Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- those who know her best, though, it is urer last semester and Alumni secre- interest in English as did most of the Evenings 7 and 9 p. m. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. rumored she is compiling information tary the preceding one. Not to be students I met. However, they seemed Sunday Matinees:'2 and 4 p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and" p. m. on crazy mixed-up college students slighted in the music line, Betty has to prefer British-English to Ameri- Evenings 9 p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows with her favorite pastime, her tape been a member of the Choraliers and can-English. Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and continuous from 6:45 p. m. recorder. Girls' Glee Club. She also claims J spent all vacations and most Holidays membership in the Canterbury Club. As president of the Iotes and of the church holidays traveling or skiing. Intersorority Council, Gwen expresses Among her many attributes, this Posed As German WED., THURS, .MAR. 24, 25 WED., THURS. MAR. 24, 25 strong leadership ability. She adds petite miss has proven herself a CLOSED I spice and humor to the meetings and worthwhile friend and confidant. She Two German students, Hans and HELL'S HALF ACRE frequently employs her well-known always has time to listen to a problem Fritz, and I toured Italy during the Wendell Corey Evelyn Keyes phrase, "Q.K., simmer down!" or give a needed boost to someone's three-week vacation between semes- FRI., SAT. MAR. 26, 27 morale. ters in March 1953. To avoid compli- FRI., SAT. MAR. 26, 27 Jane Hutcniaon-Fol!owing the cated explanations in a language we MISS SADIE THOMPSON PRIVATE EYES current political trend in favor of did not know, I posed as a German. (Technicolor) and golfing ICepublicans, Phi Alpha Mu Since all three of us were "Germans", VIGILANTE TERROR -caa-eleeted Joan Barkelew (the Jer- the Italians revealed their candid and Rita Hayworth Jose Ferrer sey Divot-digger) to the presidency. For a Streamlined SGA sometimes uncomplimentary opinions Tho success story of this amazing of Americans and Engfishmen. They SUN., MON., TUES. SUN., MON. MAR. 28, 29 MAR. 28, 29, 30 {~~~!;;l~~~'t~;t~~:~i~!~?sm C~~~~ Get on the Right Trae]; like the Germans because of wartime RIOT IN CELL BLOCK II CITY OF BAD MEN is not associations, but the feeling Three Short Years", would do credit mutual. The backgrounds in Latin of Neville Brand Frank Fayle to Horatio Alger himself. Hans and Fritz, a pocket dictionary, TUES., WED., THURS., The Phi Alph prexy is a history VOTE FOR COOLEY and gestures enabled us to talk with WED., THURS. MAR Sl-APR. 1 MAR. SO-APR. 1 major (of the Whitfield variety), cap- the Italians. ROB ROY CLOSED tain of the majorettes, and a four- (Paid Politi"al Advertisement) At the end of the summer semester (Technicolor) year McDanielite. She takes her turn in the middle of July, 1953, I began a Richard Todd Glynis Johns at K.P. on tuna fish night, religiously tour by bicycle, train and Rhein FRI., SAT. APR. 2, 3 draws up schedules for herself, and FRI., SAT. APR. 2, 3 FLYING TIGERS is perenially obessed witlv the idea and that she is getting fat. BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES FIGHTING SEA-BEES Our heroine is a non-smoker, but Baugher's Restaurant All Star Cast drinks quarts of black coffee and en- SUN., .MON., TUES., APR. 4, 5, 6 joys an occasional game of bridge. JUST OFF THE CA~WUS SUN., MON. APR. 4, 5 She has a mania for shoes, the RED GARTERS ponies, stuffed animals, souvenirs of FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Rosemary Clooney Guy Mitchell CRIME WAVE everything imaginable, and counting (Technicolor) Gene Nelson Phylis Kirk the days until graduation. She pre- fers men at the graduate level, and is Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes Just the ticket preparing for a career as a lawyer's wife. OPEN EVERY DAY for spring Gloria Bunting - A true biology major at heart, Char Eggan, spends vacation! 99 per cent of her waking hours with "Arthur", the dissipated cat in the anatomy lab. She competes in a man's .JJ ;DON'T DUN world of advanced chemistry and involved sciences with a real passion )) DAD FOR f.or the stuff. With all iron hand, she presides over the Delta and attends inter- DOUGH sorority, Tri-Beta apd Junior class activities. Always ready for a fast hand of SAVE YOUR FUNDS cards, her after-dinner procedure is to invade the rec room, where she Go 1I,8fJS lures the helpless victims to partici- pate in this light sport. Rer endless record collection provides music for _the waltz and the Charleston; both dances she tackles with unusual grace ~lUE ~I~GE LINES WHY INCH THROUGH HIGHWAY TRAmC or wait until skyway weather and vigor. She's also a master at the clears? Take a train home and keep that very first date for sure! keyboard BUS DEPOT-Phone 199 rr's MORE RlN GOING with the crowd all together on the train. There's room for bridge or bull session. And. in the dining car, you can WAKE UP! 4 -FOR For Over Half Century back with two or more friends on Group Econmny Plan Tickets. enjoy the next best to home cooking. J. WM. HULL, Jeweler home and co FOR 25% LESS than the regular coach fare by traveling They're good on trips of *100 miles or more. Gather a group of 25 or more and you edch save 28% riding long-distance on the same VOTE Expert Watch, Jewelry train, then returning LIln .....ter.P«.;«n.dW ....ll.inoton.D.C. as a group or individually. """n.ded bll N"", Y ....k C;tJ/; for ,tip. be' ....... _toU.".. and Eye-Glass Repairing ·e:t"C
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