Page 45 - TheGoldBug1953-54
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LibrlOl'Y --estern Maryl ar.d "eSL[]1l"~ , , Mel. 'AH ONLY KISS OPERA MUH HOSS' PHOTOS PAGE 2 PAGr 4 Z28. Vol. 31, No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 13, 1954 TaittSeeks InformationAbout Dean Announces Music, Drama Groups Plan SGA Rules Through Letters Senior Graduate Sea Opera In Spring Concert Henry Taitt and Harriet Cooley were elected president and Record Results "The Lowland Sea", an opera by Alec Wilder and Arnold vice-president, respectively, of the Student Government Association Sundgarrd, will be presented as a part of the 23rd annual Spring for the school year of 1954-55 at the election which was held on by Dr, Joktt D. Makosky concert on April 23 at 8 :15 in Alumni Hall. The other part March 26 and 27. Dean of the Faculty of the concert wjll feature Betty Parsons as the violin soloist in The first step of next year's SGA is to arrive at an understand- The Advanced Tests of the Grad- Concerto No.3 in G Major by Mozart. ing as to the purposes, objectives and power invested in the Student uate Record Examinations were ad- The presentation is a composite production of the Dramatic Government, by the administration. A letter was sent by Taitt to ministered to senior students at West- Art department, -the Little Symphony Orchestra, and the College President Ensor, Dean Ho\very, Dean ern Maryland on March 6. As a . Choir. Donald Bailey, formerly of the result of the planning of the commit- ~:;~~~ld~:~~er!:;;Ot;?se~:~s.DeanArtExhibitFeatures tee, headed by Dr. Russell, the ex- Hagenbuch \Ivins ~l~a:~!\f~r~afl:a::~~nt~e ~~:it~~:~ ~ cerlent morale of the Senior Class, the Answers Sought fine cooperation of the student body, SeA Pr.e.sidency. he made of the Massachusetts sea- The purpose of this-letter is to get Baltimore' Painters and the efficient assistance of student shore last summer. The admission is a statement from each administrator proctors, the administering of the free for students and $.75 for the so that the SGA may know just what The art works of Edward Rosen- tests was smooth and conditions were Over 50 pel' cent of the student general public. will Philip S. Royer jurisdiction they cover and therefore feld and Matauml Kanemitsu are on very nearly ideal. . body elected Alan Hagenbuch ,presi- Little Symphony Orchestra conduct in the Asso- Christian dent of the Student the expend their efforts directly in that display in the art exhibit room in Old Scores were returned to the College ciation in the election yesterday. concerto and also the opera. Alfred direction. The GOLD BUG has se- Main. The exhibit opened on Wednes- on March 22 and were distributed Other officers are Mildred .Ecka.rdt, deLong is director of the choir, and cured an exact copy of this letter as it day, April 7 at 8 p.m. during the week preceding Spring vice-president; Barbara Phillips, sec- was sent to the administration. Below Mr. Kanemitsu came from New Vacation. retary; and Louis Manarin, trees- Miss Esther Smith is in charge of the dramatics. is that letter in its entirety: York for the opening. Although he Results Gratifying urer. Cast Listed April 9, 1954 was born in Ogden, Utah, 32 years It can be said at-once that the re- Al Hagenbuch is a philosophy and includes Schneider, The cast Bill Dear Sir: ago, he spent much of his earlier life sults of the examinations should be religion major from Princeton, N. J. Charles Wheatley, Meta Justice, Les Being UR8ure of the pOWf!r and the in Japan. He began his art studies at gratifying to both students and fac- He has been in the SCA for three Werner, Hugh Howell, Charlotte purpOSf! of the St1went Government the age of 12, continuing them at the ulty. The average percentile for the years and on the cabinet for two. He Ridgely, and Nancy Kemmerer. 57, well here at Western Maryland College, I Llniveraity of Japan. While serving in entire class is approximately distribu- is this year's president of the wes- The setting of the story is centered above the middle of national am. ?t8i;lg tkis letter as a m.cans of the U.S. Army from 1941 to 1947, tions, and a definite indication of the Ieyans. Other activities include three around a sea theme. Meta, as Dorie contact with. you, so that (1) [ 'TIWY he did illustrations, posters, and quality of work done in major depart- years on the soccer team and a year Davis, plays the role as the girl know what purposes and ob}ectivee murals. ments. on the lacrosse team. He is a member "waiting- for her lover, Johnny Dee, yon place under the Stndent Gouer-n- Metzler Student In twelve of the fifteen areas test- of Alpha Kappa Alpha and Gamma 1Jzent's supervision, and (2) how much After his military experience he ed, the average score was above the Beta Chi. played by Bill Schneider. Meanwhile ami what kind of power do you invest came to Baltimore and worked in the national median, or 50th percentile; Vice-president Millie Eckardt is an Nathaniel Hazard, a widower, played under Us at~thority. shipyards. He later studied with Karl the twelve areas include all depart- English major from Towson. Millie's by Charles Wheatley, tries to win her affection. Suzanne, John and Judy are I would greatly apprecia,te a prompt Metzler, who had a one-man show ments in which enough students were activities include secretary for the Nathaniel's children. and written a.nswer because there is here in !'IV-rch. Mr. Metzler was also majoring to make the scores a re- SCA, vice-president of the Wesley, a. probability that your anfnVer will here for the opening. Mr. Kanemitsu liable indication of departmental anettes, junior class secretary, the Members of the chorus are Billie apl)eal' il~the sCMol paper." continued his later studies in New Sunday Fellowship, the Freshman Bean, Sue Dorsey, Betty Ely, Pat York. achievement. Scores in physics, biol- Advisory Council, the Argonauts and Hamrner-aly, Irene Pope, Jan Sey- - Thc next issue of the GOLD BUG Mr. Rosenfeld is a well-known Bal- ogy, sociology, mathematics, music', Sigma Sigma Tau sorority. mour, Mary Werner, Pat Werner, will carry in whole, or in part, tile timore artist. He has traveled through and government were outstanding. A sociology major from Montclair, Lois Cermak, Barbethe Goeb, Peg replies of the administration to this France, Holland, Belgium, and Eng- Departments with the largest reg-is- N. J., Bobbie Phillips has been at Janney, Sylvia Kim, and Shirley letter. land during his studies. trations-c-economlcs, literature, and WMC for two years. Besides being Woodruff. rebi'rning a consider- Support Asked Some of his paintings may be found history-though of scores, averaged well the, newly-elected SCA secretary, she Also included are Dave Balcom, able spread in Phillips Gallery, Baltimore Muse- is a cheerleader and a member of the Martin Broadhurst, Sam Reid, David Harriett Cooley hopes "to increase above national medians. Reifsnyder, Sandy Roberts, Ray Root, the strength and power of the SGA um of AI'It, Peale Museum, and the 7 Score Above 90 Sunday School choir and of Sigma and Dale Wood. as an organization of student repre- University of Puerto Rico. Seven departments had students Sigma Tau. sentatives striving to do the best for One-Man Shows Held scoring ill the 90 percentiles and four Louis Manarin, the SCA's new Children Included the students." Her belief is that "the He has many exhibits and one-man other departments reached the 80 per- treasurer, is an economics major from Three professors' children are in- SGA cabinet can do more for the shows in this country. The exhibits centiles. No department, however few Washington, D. C. Since his transfer cluded in the production. They are student body but only if they are in New York have received favorable major students registered in it, failed to WMC, he has been active in the Suzanne deLong, John Royer, and given much more support and coop- criticisms from the Times, Herald to show at least one student in the SCA as a member of the Social Judy David. eration than has been evidenced in the Trib-ane, and the New York Sun. Responsibilities Commtsston, the Bap- Similar programs presented pre- past." Mr. Rosenfeld's collection includes ~i~~~r half of the nat~onal distribu- tist Student Union, the Wesleyans, viously here are "The Songstress," Arnold Hayward, this year's presi- 14 oils of various subjects which are Highest scores for the college were and was recently elected treasurer of by Haydn, at the 75th anniversary of for the next term. Lou dent, stated tha\ 86 per cent of the representative examples of his style. made by Jean Willis in mathematics, the Argonauts member of the Sunday the college in 1942, "Down In The a also is student body voted in the presidential Also present at the opening on Bever-ly Stringfield in literature, and School ehoh- and of Pi Alpha Alpha Valley," by Kurt Weill and Arnold election, and 83 per cent went to the April 7 waa J, Blankfor-d Mar-tenet, a Larry Taylor in biology, all of whom fraternity. Sundgarrd in 1949, and Minotti's polls for the vice-presidential Baltimore art collector. Mr. Martenet were at the very top of the national "The Telephone," given in 1951. test. owns over 100 of Kanemitsu's works. distribution. Dorothy Krug in litera- This is the first performance of ture, Nancy Caskey in home econom- Phi Alph's Capture "The Lowland Sea" in Maryland. The Club News ics, Ivan Armacost and Dave lIotten- opera will also be presented in by the Balt.i- in fine arts, and Shirley Woodruff in Sorority Bridge Cup Western Maryland group Hutchinson stein in economics, Jane MSM Sponsors Interracial Conference music' also exc;eded the 90th per- The annual inter-sorority bridge more on April 28 at Eastern High School. centile. tournament was held Friday, April 9 The authors, Alec Wilder, who An inter-racial conference spon- recent EUropean tour. A reception Students exceeding the 80th per- at 7 p.m. wrote the music and Arnold Sund- sored by MSM will be held Saturday, followed. centile included Weldon Reed in biol- The tournament was won by Phi garrd, who wrote the words have been April 24 at 1 p.m. to Sunday, April Rehearsals for the annual Spring ogy, Barbara Almony and Robert Alpha Mu. invited to the performance. 25 at 3 p.m. The program will in- play are undenvay. The play, Anatole Benton in economics, Beverly String- / Char Eggan, Janice Stowell, Mar- clude addresses, discussions, and rec- France's Celui Qui Epousa La Femme field in French, Lou Jordon in gov- ilyn McLennen, and Nancy-Ann Bay- reation. Most of the meetings will be M1ff!{te, \vill be presented by the ernment, Joan Barkelew in historY, !iss played for the Delts. The Phi Advisory Council in McDaniel Lounge or Bakel' Chapel. French club on May 17 in Robinson Betty Wah in home economics, Betty Alphs were represented by Marge The speakers will be Dr. Earle garden. Harding in literature, Alma McKeldin Cherry, Adeline Allen, The Sigma's Revises Program Law- Ellie Furgeson, National Director of the Tri-Beta and Barbara Plasket in sociology. son and Sue Radcliffe. MSM, Roger Burgess, and Fran The Milton Hendrickson Scholar- Stringfield Triumphs who played were Nancy Casky, Lita The Freshman Advisory Council Molesworth, a Western Maryland ship Fund received $53 from the A personal triumph was scored by Rollins, Carol Coleman, and Janet set a precedent in selecting future graduate and now a missionary to movie that Tri-Beta sponsored. Beverly Stringfield, who not only Cross. Kay Holt, Laura Lee -Kline,' members at a meeting held at Dean India. The club began another project last scored a 98th percentile ,rank in lit- Fran Paul, and Mary Jane Munson David's home last Wednesday. Jim Approximately nine schools will be Saturday. Several members started erature, but reached the 87th per- represented Iota Gamma Chi. Whitehurst and Harriet Cooley, co- ~. represented. They include Howard cleaning out the spring house so that began in college and in which she has I" I J I chairmen, c'onducted the meeting. a subject which she centile in French, university, Morgan State college, it may be used by the biology depart_ The Council decided to choose 40 University of Maryland, University ment to keep live specimens. ~~:~!~ted only 21 semester hours Co ege Ca en ar students-20 sophomores and 20 jun- of Delaware, Dclaware State, Ameri- Other plans included the forum hcld can university, Washington college, today in McDaniel Lounge featuring The Advanced Tests constitute an W~:~~;~~~k!:~r~h!pel, 6:45 p.m. ~~~~ ~h~e:~;~:. S;~;~~dci~~~:;e!e~~ and Towson State Teachers college. Rachel Carson, author of' The Sea ~~~~:~~ o~x~:::~~re~~~~~e~n~~ !~:Thursday, April 15 pJe will reduce the number of advisees A1'(I1uui UB.. Frank Brooks, the Na- Home Economics students' major fields. No other com- AKA, Baker Chapel, 6:45 p.m. pel' adviser. tional Secretary of Tri-Beta, will be On April 14 Dr. Isanogle will show the speaker at the April 22 meeting. slides taken on her recent trip to ~:~~~~e nationally administered test Fr~;::ie:::~1 :6weSleyanettes, Baker pe~p~~h,~:m~~:yw~~i~~r::; :u;i:~I:~ Europe at the Home Economics club The main attraction at the meet- For the third straight year the re- Chapel, 6:45-8 p.m. and the list will be considered by a Meeting to be held in the clothing lab. ing to be held on April 27, is a movie suits of the examinations indicate that Saturday, April 17 nominating committee. at 7 p.m. on the phase microscope. The. meeting the work of specialization at Western WMC on the Air, 1:45 p.m., WTTR.... The nine so,Phomores remaining on She will give a short talk on the will be open to all the students who Maryland is administered by excellent Lacrosse, Delaware, Home next year's Council are Nancy Kern- picture, and then the freshmen girls are interested. instructors and mastered by excellent Monday, April 19 merer, Priscilla McCoy, Bill Tribby, will model the dresses they have made Argonauts ( students. Argonaut Banquet, 6 p.m. Hugh Howell, Shirley Gootee, Jack in class this semester. Don Hensler is the new president Tuesday, April 20 Turney, Bev Reiber, Charlotte Davis, of the Argonauts. The other ne~ of- Tennis, Washington college, Home and Ken Smith. The new chairmen French Club ficers are Marilyn Goldring, vice pres- ABSENCES Friday, April 23 for next year will be chosen from this On Monday evening, April 12, the ident; Milly Eckardt, secretary; and Opera, 8:15 p.m., Alumni Hall group. French club sponsored an interesting Lou Manarin, treasurer. There will be a meeting of the Ab- Saturday, April 24 The group discussed the question- travelog, presented by Dr. Bachman They will hold their banquet Mon- sence Committee on Friday, April 16. WMC On the Air, 1:45 p.m., WTTR naires filled out by the freshmen. of Gettysburg college. Dr. Bachman day. April 19. The speaker will be Dr. at 1:30 p.m. All those who are sub- is the head of the Modern Languages Paul S. Havens. president of Wilson ject to the $10 fine .are requested to MSM Regional Meeting They showed that the freshmen were department and showed slides of his College in Chambersburg, Pa. attend. Sunday, April 25 Meeting decisively in favor of the Council and orientation week in general. Methodist Regional
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