Page 40 - TheGoldBug1953-54
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4-The Gold Bug, March 9. 1954 Western Maryland Takes To The Air McKinstrylsScotch 5) from page 2, column (Continued for student needs, particularly over phone IlBe i8 part of the tape selections of the prograll~ to be pre- the weekends, when the boys are more Radio Program Features , recorder purchased- by the college for sented", Bob commented, prone to tidy up their rooms, and the progrart~ a.nd is built to carry one A permanent place to record i8 also when there is no janitorial service. All-Star WMC Cast speaking voice. needed. "A desirable ?'oom would be This request was not yet honored at the time this article was written. 80rno soundproofing," Bob by Kay l\fehl that The job of splicing the progrlllln 80 one with stated. "ilf08t of the record· But, for all these things, the heat- wist/1dly be hcard as a eOllgTuCllt it will GOLD BUG News-Feature Editor performance falls to Bob. On Friday ing is ?WW done in Levine Hall, ing system is the most annoying. to th~~i;~ Saturday at 1 :45 p_rn_ Western,Mut'yicmd College takes nights he, often wit1t the a1lBistam.ce which i8 hardly the quietest 8pot on DUring the entire winter, some radia- order tors have not been in working of one 01' 1MJ'C of his staff member8, campus," he added. This time marta the end of a week of vebeareale, interviews, work with the tape, usually ~nto the and still are not operating properly. and vertormomcee of talented students, the finished p1'Oduct of wee hours of the ?norning. Routint< Futurc platts inel'Ude program.s In addition to that, even during the 'which is 'wt'upped up on t-eco1"ding tape and broadcast from Sta- announci11g mltst be dubbed in and featltring various campus organiza- coldest.. weather the heat is turned off tion WTTR_ This is "Westen'!. Mm'yland 01~ The Air." pa,rts w'~ich are too 1011gmust be cut. uone. Bob hopes to pa,ttern these pro- at approximately 11 p.m. and there The idea for an all-star Western Mat-yland show was conceived Time is important. Although a lef;way srcme aftcr the Janu.ary 2 prog'ram. is not heat in the dorm again until early in October by Bob Bat,a, a student [rom: Washington, D. C. of 15 seconds is allowed, 14 ?ninutes The Inter-natiOnal. RelatiOns Club at six in the morning, During exam time that a progJ"art~ with presented and 30 seconds o-f air time must be week the situation is especially no- fillcd. the foreign students of WMC describ- ticeable, when the men study late and arise early. ing eome of the c-ulfmre and custom.s Competent Staff of their homelands. How ca'I- these conditiOns be im· An undertaking of 8uc1~ a task "All prog?'ams are designed in an proved? One step has already been could not be succesBful without OJ', effort to pleaee the listenerB," Bob 8aid. taken in that direction. That was the ganization. Bob has gathCl'ed about "Tha.t's another thing we need which recent organization of the Dormitory him a competent staff. He eeroee as the college could BupplY a large pro- Council (thanks to the Dean of Men). pl'ogram director and chief an, portion of ... more listen.er8." Thus far it has proved effective in n07tnCer, hi'mSelf. Stan Greenburg is the regulating of overloaded lines, in ch.arge of 8ecuring ta~ent for each: the replacing of fuses and was even week's p'J"ogrart~j Sandy Roberts is in instrumental in obtaining heat for charge of the "Per8MWlity of the 24 hours a day during the last cold Week"; Dick Shenton, technical di- J. WM. HULL, Jow.l.r wave. rectO)'; Charlie Fessenden, director of More consideration on the part of the Radio - Choraliers; and Bobby For Over Halt Century the men of McKinstry and more reo Phillips, in charge of special pro- sponsibility on the part of the admin- gra.lIts. Actinll in an advisory capacity Expert Watch, Jewelry istration would help ameliorate the is Miss Jafj Sleeper, Irene Pope, , other prOblems and perhaps (though, DOI'een McNeil and.,Bill Bevans. Oth- and Eye·Glass Repairing Heaven forbid!) make Western Mary- land's second-class dormitory livable Bob, who has previously worked in for another 47 years. ?'adio, saw a. golden opportunity for 105 W. Main Street (Next is8M: "Rep-o'rt on tlw DO?'mi- the show with the opening of Sta.tiou torie8," NO.3-McDaniel HaU, by WTTR in Westmimte'r. Carol Coleman.) Appr01!al was obtained frort~ the proper (J,ltthorities. With the coopera.- tum of tho staff of WTTR, the first show, a hista-dcal documentary on the .fl ",DON'T DUN college was b1'oadcast Octo be?' 24, Many hours of prepa,ra.tiOn go into J) DAD FOR the fifteen minute show. The theme l/Lust be decided, the script written, interviews planned and the 8tudent8 DOUGH wlw are to be feafmred on ea;ch week'8 program rttust be contacted and re- hearsed. Rec01-dings (we made at dif- SAVE YOUR FUNDS ferent timos during the week. To record the show at one tinl-e would (}o lIy 'US bc vi-rtua.lly imp08sible. A definito reo cording time would be surt< to con- flict 1vith 80:meone's sched1de or extra- Wl\1C Broadcasting. (upper, left to right) Bob Bartl, Stan Greenburg, curricular activities. Sandy Roberts, Bill Bevans, Charlie Fessenden. (lower) The Radio ~lUE RIDGE LINES Choraliers Formed Choralicrs. With the Thanksgiving and Christ- Right now, the big p/'oblem, a8 with eJ' announccJ's are Dick Tinklel' and BUS DEPOT-Phone 199 ma8 shows a 8pecialvocal group, tho other o)'ganiza,tiom on the Hill, is Sandy RobC1·ts. SecretaJ'Y for the Radio Choraliers, was incorporated rtWney. Bob feels that _the scope of the gJ'OUp is Sally S?nith. into the progra'm. The Choralier8 pl'ogrart~ is limited now because of Much tcchnical assistancc is sup- havo gained much popularity. Over insujJici6'lIt funds. "We need llew l>lied by the 8taff of Station JVTTR. 20 'mixed va-ice8 blond together in the oquipment, especially a dynamic ,ni. "Jack Little, pl'ogra?n director there, rendition of 8uch selections as "Give crophone which will take the power of ha.s been especially helpful with 8ug· Mc Your Tired and Poor" from Miss Binging voice8," Bob 8aid. The micro- gC8tions f01' tho im,p'J"ovClncnt and Liberty and "You'll Never Walk Alone" from Carousel. Charlie Fe88emien, a; native of PLANNING A SPRING WEDDING? Bethesda, 1I1d., is tlw director of the See Our Smart Line of Ch-oralierB. bL his hOlM county, WEDDING INVITATIONS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Charlie lead a. choir of 250 voice8, Also---Napkins, Matches, Cake Boxes and other imprinted accessories. which well qualifies him for his pres· Times Bldg. P. G. COFFMAN CO. Westminster, Md. ent position ...Me'mbCl'8hip in the Radio ChoraHer8 is still open to anyone who' wishc8 to join. Male voices are especially needed and those with pre- vious choral experionce al'e desircd, Bob like8 to think of "WcBternMary_ land Olt The Air" a8 a pioneer proj- ect. He hopes that futurt< cla8ses will Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- continue the work that he and ki8 Weekday Matinees: 2 p. m. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. staff have beg_un. This isn't the fir8t Evenings 7 and"9 p. m. time Westel'n Maryland has had its Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m, Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. own radio show. Its predeceB80r was Evenings 9 p. m. Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows a I show Imder the direction of Dr. Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and continuous from 6:45 p. m. John D. lI!a;koBky, from a Holidays _SPORn" VACAT'ONWJAR Frederick station. * pnP. THOROUGII An .portlwea, 100" bett.r and WMI,. 1otI1I'" wun CLEANING TUES., WED., THURS, pro~rly and ,..rlodlcaJly cI.aMd. W. do .",...1 WED., THURS. MAR. 10, 11 cI.anlnllofalillt.n.W.po.tffabricta ...... 'lNwooa... :+ A'R'WASHED DR"''''O MAR. 9, 10, 11 "')'On"'nyI""._dlnlxtu .... * CAR'"'' PREU'.O G.C. Murphy & Co. Laurence Olivier CLOSED 81111N1"$5 wrAR. HAlULET FRr., SAT, MAR. 12, 13 Ow f"n-IM_I""""" dHmng ,.mo".. an ,.... of The Friendly Store l\fOGAl'IIBO ,..,.plrolianandbodyoc1dl,alw.llalollolh •• $Ol1 FRI., SAT. MAR. 12, 13 A va Gardner Clark Gable ~ from )'0'" go.m.nto •.. lnc1"dl~ ""'p deaninll of aU Dormitory and Clauroom JUBILEE TRAIL (Technicolor) in_ foldl and poddl~l. Vera RalstQ.lI Forest Tucker SuppUu (Trucolor) 'ORMAJ. WIAR SUN., MON. MAR. 14, 15 Ca.-.fvI handling IIfId Ironing III... YOWl ftttfl,·fOWIIJ 6·10 West Main Street ALASKA SEAS t}; IHMId,.....lhcrtprof_r-l1aok. SUN., MON., TUES., WED. Rob~rt Ryan Jan Sterling Weatminater, Md. MAR. 14, 15, 16, 17 THE LONG, LONG, TRAILER TUES., WED., THURS. Lucille Ball Desi Arnez MAR. 16, 17, 18 ED KELLY (Technicolor) CLOSED It Pay, To Look. Well 105 WARD HALL PHONE 454 FRI., SAT. MAR, 19, 20 Visit The THURS., FRI., SAT. MAR. 18, 19, 20 THE GREAT DIAMOND ROBBER , IS YOUR CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVE BOY FROM OKLAHOl\IA Red Skelton FOR THE Will Rogers, Jr. Avenue Barber Shop Nancy Olson (Technicoior) SUN. MAR. 21 MODERN G.I. LAUNDRY INFERNO Where The Students Go Robert Wayne Rhonda Fleming 223 E. GREEN ST .....PHONE WEST. 1478 MON., TUES., WED. MAR. 21, 22, 23 (Technicoior) ALL DRY CLEANING AND 85 Pennsylvania Avenue SASKATCHEWAN LAUNDRY WORK IS GUARANTEED /!..Ian Ladd Shelley Winters MON., TUES. MAR. 22, 23 (Technicolor) CLOSED
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