Page 35 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 35
The Gold Bug, Feb. 23, 1954 3 I - - I Girl (agers Beat WMC Finishes Cage Season by Jim, Roach here on the hill will end. S!:Y~i~'~~:'~'ll~~:"fAgainst Hopkins On 27th In a couple of weeks winter sports In their place come baseball, tennis, lacrosse. golf, etc. Jim Boyer's the Women's Athletic Association, has With the cage season coming to a close, this Saturday on Johns baseball team has lost only a few men from last year, Lefty Kauf- announced that volleyball practice Hopkins' court, Western Maryland's hope of surpassing last sea- man being the most outstanding. With many good lettermen re- began yesterday for all those inter. son's record rests on the remaining two games. turning, Uncle Jimho's chances this year seem great. The tennis ested. Girls must attend at least two Last year the "Terror quintet" compiled a 4-17 record for one team, minus captain Art Saltmarsh and A.T. & T., should come up practices before they can be put on of their poorest cage seasons. This year's team, despite their terrific with another winning season. 'an intermural team. As the basketball season comes to a Fergie and his lacrosse men will find it extremely difficult to replace the close, the junior girls are once again many players they lost from last year's squad, but "Bones" Winkelman in on top. The junior A team defeated the goal forms a fine nucleus for the team. If the box lacrosse team was the Mixed A (made up of girls from allowed to function, W.M. might have bad a fine team this spring; as it stands, different classes) 38-17, went on to things might not be as bad as they seem. The loss of Ed "Curly" Coffman top the sophomore A team 47-37 in a to the golfers leaves the number one spot open. The linksters are sure to miss hard-fought battle and completed "Curly" but should have a winning season. their schedule by downing the Fresh- man A 62-32. Westminster High can thank its lucky stars that Warren The girls of WMC were hostesses Boyer (Jim's son) matriculated there. Young Mr. B. has definitely to St. Mary's Seminary Junior Col- been their best player in basketball. lege for a basketball game Fehruary 11. Western Maryland came out on Pat Rogan had a friend of his, Loft Sorrentino of Lebanon top 56-29, in a game much closer Valley football and basketball teams, pay him a -visit. Lou, voted than the score indicates. Rags Baum the outstanding player in the Blue-Gray game, claimed playing collected 27 points for the home team. against big time athletes the same as opposing small time players: Forwards Betsy Bowen, Jo Taylor, they hit just as hard. Shown pictures of the L.V.-W.M.C. game in Sharon Albaugh, Kay Phillips, and which he starred, Sorrentino admitted it was the first time he had Nancy Pennypacker, all helped to run seen himself play. up the score. Outstanding were guards Sorry to hear about "Nick Bonelli" Carlucci's leaving school. John had to Mary Lou Arnie, Marie Upperco, undergo a stomach operation in a Washington hospital. Kate Service, Sue Dorsey, Dottie lVESTERN lIfARYLAND'S 1953-54 BASKETBALL SQUAD: Top TOW: Wade, and Ruth Dickson, who held Kirk GrijJith, John ]((wjJ"/I!an, Jim IVhitehur8t, IVhitey Schofield, Shuck Bohan, Does the recent surprising marriage of golfer Dick Hill to Bea the opponents to only 29 points, as F-ront row: Soup Campbell, Ha1'rY Tull, Ai Bcpet, ChaTlie PhipP8. Not .pie- Shaw mean that Richard will not play for the linksters this year? they completely controlled the back- tured : A1-nie Needleman, Gcorge Sipe. " boards. Well, the Bachelors finally broke the Preachers' reign over intramural Sorority basketball has finally got- showing against such teams as Balti- basketball after many years' rule. This happens to be one time the Blue and ten under way. The Sigmas defeated Riflemen Will Fire more U. and Loyola have won only Whites had it when the chips were on the table. In the playoff game, Alpha the Delts 106-11 in a run-away game. 4 while losing 15. Gamma Tau beat Delta Pi 41-37. Sorority games are played on Mon- Last night the Green and Gold Congratulations, Alpha Gamma Tau .... "Coue" Davis (G.B.X.) led day nights at 7:30 in Blanche Ward Match At VMI bowed to a determined American U. the League in scoring with 141 points. Second was "Ginmill" Jackson Gym. five in Gill-Gym, in the last home (A.G.T.) with 131, followed by "Hank" Taitt with 101 points. The Bachelors Western Maryland's rifle team fired game of the current cage season. having won two championships-touch football and basketball-c-will now seek a 7141 score in the National Inter- The Terrors' best chance of win- the coveted softball crown. Mat Tearn Ends scbolastic 'I'oumament 16th. for the 2nd ning will probably come against Dick- Army on February The big elephant-like hulk of man you see walking around campus hap- This was 2 points less than last inson College tomorrow night at Car- lisle, Pa. pens to be "Moose" Burch, graduate of the class of '50_ The big job has re- Successful Year year's score of 7143, which put the Last year the Green and Gold met turned from army dut.y in Korea to obtain courses needed for enrollment next team in 11th place within the 2nd defeat at the Devils' hands, 76-66. fall in dental school. The Terror matmen finished up Army. In their last six encounters, the their '53-'54 schedule on Saturday, This year's standings have not yet Don Seibel, a pretty good ping pong player, can rqtum almost any kind going down under Gettysburg 25-5. cagers have tasted defeat six times, of shot on his side of the table, so people say. Lenny' Martin feels sad these The match was the last in the Mason- been released. losing to Lebanon Valley, Catholic In two other previous matches, the days after being beaten by Nan Pennington, a girl yet. Dixon loop season, but the team still Terror riflemen were defeated by D., Johns Hopkins, Loyola, Baltimore order. U. and American D., in that In a basketball game against Kappa Delta Pro, Gettysburg College, the has the tournaments held at Towson Johns Hopkins 1354-1347, and Fred- The terrors' nest effort came in Bachelors came out on top in overtime 66-59. The boys from Merchantville, Teachers College .in which to partici- erick National Gnard 1329-1304. their final home game against Loyola, N. J., arranged the game with friends of theirs attending G-burg. Barry pate. The next match will be against who squeaked through a 58-51 win. Mayburry of the visitors led the scorers with 23 points, all in the first half. The season consisted of a loss to -l{MI. A] Bopst edged out George Sipe by - Bob Jackson with 18, Howie Zimmerman with 17, and "Moose" Burch with Gallaudet 31-3, a second defeat by one, scoring t.hree baskets and several 15 led Bachelors. "Tiny" Jones, 300-pound hulking friend of Mike Leftwich, Catholic D., 33-2, a triumph over fouls for 13 points. hailing from Dundalk, made big "Moose" look like a pygmy. Loyola, 18-16, an 18-18 draw with have done their best and with the Baltimore U., and the last contest experience gained this year, fans ean Orchids-to Bob Bartel and his crew for their efforts in presenting West- with Gettysburg mentioned above. look forward to something to talk ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE ern Maryland on WTTR, to Miss Cooley and obnoxious Whitehurst on en- Among the most successful of the about next season. GOLD BUG gagement, to Prof. Hurt for defending himself in the faculty game according WM matmen is Andy Tafuri. Andy, to the Marques de Queensbury rules and Southern code of nicety; to Joan a sophomore, has two falls, one Bunie,: for doing people a great many favors: 10 C. Downes and Bobby also dccision, one stalemate, and a loss by engaged; to those people marrying in the future, good luck; to the faculty decision in his five bouts. Also to be for participating in benefit fame; to wrestling team for recent victory over included are heavyweight Ed Heflin, LOOkl , II> tJANDBOXI Loyola: to Bachelors victory in basketball; to all teams for playing cleanly who is serving this year as student __ ._.~ .. "to.I,fi 0,,1 0 during all the season; to King Farouk's clowns for ending season in blaze of coach under Charley Havens: Brant glory by beating Seminary. To all those people who have stuck with the Vitek (123), and Tom Englar (167), WMC all through the season. who along ,vith Tafuri have known Onions-c-to "Rags" Baum for complaining against officiating in sorority what it is to win individual tiffs this games; to all those guys complaining about officiating in foot games, those year. guys don't get paid to referee and they're only human; to those who refuse The rest of the team is not to go to support Terror teams. without mention however, for all This Saturday night our junior to close a very team brings G.C. Murphy & Co. It Para To Look Well varsity Hopkins Freshmen playing the at successful season by team Johns Homewood in Baltimore. The Friendly Store Visit The Their latest encounters show the boys have beaten the Hopkins Fresh- * DnP. THOROUGH Dormitory and O.uroom Avenue B.rber Shop men and dropped decisions to the An Jportswe"r looks be" .... nd wee" .. lonller whe" CLEANING o;!r~::C:~rflc::i.~:'!·a.W';ert:, PRYING Supplies Loyola Freshmen and a semi-pro :,~O:':;~: nylon, .. nd mixtures. ::!i~II- AIR-WASHED PRESSING ,,,yo,,,, * CAREFUL Where The Studenu Go team from Frederick. The Hopkins game showed West- 6.10 Weat Main Street ern Maryland making an exceptional 8USINESS WEAR 85 Pennsylvania Avenue ol troc" remoVM on WeabnirUJter, Md. percentage of their shots. Phil Roi- Our full-penetratIon deon;ng ... well .. s all other soU acid., .. nd body per.p;rol;on mendo led scorers, caging 21 points- f,omyourgorment •... indudl"lld .. pdeoninllof .. U final score: Western Maryland 71, ~ Jnne,foldlondpaddlngl. Hopkins Freshmen, 46. PLANNING A SPRING WEDDING? The Frederick Rebels, made up of FORMAL WEAR SCI"Our Smart Line of former college stars, showed too much Ca .. fulltandHnll .. ndJ,onin9Iliveyourfin"'Stowal WEDDING INVITATIONS & ANNOUNCEMENTS drive and experience for our younger a"ddrKHI,holprofeNJorICIlloolt. Also-Napkins, Matches, Cake Boxes and other imprinted accessories. cagers. Roimondo again led our ~ Times Bldg. P. G. COFFMAN CO. Westminster, Md. scorers, chipping in with 19 points. The Rebels' deadly foul shooting in the fmal quarter helped them to pull ED KELLY ahead and win 70-60. The Loyola Freshmen successfully Baugher's Restaurant stopped Western and won 58-45. Gene 105 WARD HALL PHONE 454 high Maryland's scoring attack Jenkins led WMC's effor.t with 12 IS YOUR CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVE JUST OFF THE CAMPUS points. FOR THE FOR A MEAL OR SNACK MODERN G.I. LAUNDRY Compliments of 223 E. GREEN ST .....PHONE WEST. 1478 Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes J. R. EVERHART ALL DRY CLEANING AND OPEN EVERY DAY COLLEGE BARBER LAUNDRY WORK IS GUARANTEED At the Forks
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