Page 37 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 37 Mary.and 1HAN~~;uAtl.Id. 'WMC HALF-MAST ••• ON THE AIR' PAGE 2 'PAGE 4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. March 9, 1954 Nan Bayliss To Reign Over May Day Activities College-PlayersHonor Annual Juniors Sponsor Sau{e, Allen, Cermak Elected 'Theater Month' With Plays Rivers Chambers Senior May Court Attendants Nancy-Ann Bayliss was elected Queen of the 1954 May Court The Junior plays, under the direction of l\lj~s Esther Smith. At Paraclise Sail at the Student Government assembly on Wednesday, March 3 in will be presented in Alumni Hall on Friday evenmg, March 19, at The Junior class will honor- the Alumni Hall. The other members are: senior attendants-Carol Seniors with the annual Junicr-Se- Sause, duchess, Adeline Allen and Lois Cermak; juniors-Sue Dor- 8:15 ~~~ber one on the program will be Uplifting Sadie. a satirical nior Prom on' Saturday evening, sey, duchess, Betty Bixler and Harriet Cooley, attendants; sopho- comedy by Alice C. D. Riley. The play, a gentle jeer .at would-be March 20, from 8:30 to 11 p.m. in mores-a-Peggy Artigiani, duchess, Sharon Albaugh and Priscilla high-brows, takes place in the director's room of a CIty women's Gill Gymnasium. McCoy, attendants; freshman-Marilyn Eccleston, duchess, Ellen club. The cast is composed entirely of women and presents a clash The current popular tune, "Strau- Placht and Sandra Jackson, attendant~. between genuine people and would-be ger in Paradise" inspired the theme imitators. of this year's "Paradise Bali." Deccra- In the title role of Sadie, is Pat ROTC Cadets Form tions will be in keeping with this -Leyasmeyer Speaks Hammersly; others in the cast are over-all plan and will employ a color Barbetha Goeb as Miss Clive; Lady scheme of gold and light blue. This O~ World Affairs Mrs. Gat- Color Guard Details Fitz Roy, Carol Coleman; "Paradise" will be populated with an- ling, Betty Norwood; Mrs. Price, Sue Lt. Col. Robert J. Speaks an- gels and other celestial creatures. Dr. Karlis Leyasmeyer-, European Dorsey; Mrs. Standish, Janet Sey- nounced February 23, that ROTC Music will be supplied by Rivers editor, author, and educator will be mour; Mrs. Cutting, Carol Stockard; Miss Blum, Irene Pope: Mrs. Green, students will be responsible for rais- ~:a~~er~:~e:~tr~1a:yi::ili~:;;:s~ ;~~~ta;:;;~:;h ~~.C~:~~~llSI::~~cree~~ Jane Collins; Mrs. Splurge, Marilyn ing and lowering the flag in front of T' k t b btel d f 0 chao "The Present Predicament and the Goldring; Dinah, Nancy Pennypacker; Old Main on specified days. be ml;n eo~ ~::; Ti~k~t ~I:l:s a~: Invi;~~ ... SO~;.iol~;asmeyel' came to the United One Advanced Cadet, who win Mrs. Smith, Nancy Kemmerer; and in charge of the detail, and two Mrs. Jones, Janice Stowell. ~~o~h~o~::!!e~lao:s.f~~: ;~:e :e~2~~~ States in 1949 and has lectured on Cadets frem the Basic Course, will be Theater Celebration Color Guards for one day. per couple. Seniors are admitted free. f~:~~;~o:~rl:hepr~~~:~ t~~~e~ie:c:~ For the past four years, theaters The flag will be raised daily except Gloria Bunting, chairman of the Canada. His lectures have been heard throughout the United States have Sunday at 7:45 a.m. and lowered at ;::c~~~:~!i~~~~!i;~heP;~~~:oo:~~: ~;c!l'O::S:~;e a~~nst~;~n~sni~:r:~~~ participated in International Theater 5:30 p.m. Month. Once again, March has been Students performing their duties :~;c~~d":~~; t:S!:~; ~~I~~t!~u~a:~~ and colleges. Besides having lectured set aside as the month to celebrate are required to be in uniform. Over- this occasion, which will stress the coats mayor may not be worn at the creative-a typical great Junior class !~r:~~;u;t~~: t~:;~~n:.nie;~::~;:~ Nancy-Ann Bayliss themes of world peace, harmony' and discretion of the Advanced Course ~~~ b~;nC h;:~~o o:~~ t;e~e~:~~ ~!~ international understanding. through student in charge of the detail. All pr;i~ct~~:;ehurst is General Chair- a form of dramatic presentation. men will be in the same uniform. ~~:~s ~~e ~~bli~~~; c:~~~~:e;C~~~i~ ~~~~:d a~~a~:n:~~ca6a~::!:.n~~n ~:: te~::~y~~nl:stB~~~:,~ ~~aju~:~~t,a:~ The College Players have chosen Cadets detailed to this duty will Tu kw d P C 1 H II the Art Editor for the ALOHA and Pierrot Before the Seven Doors as report to the Assistant PMS&T the De~ora~~o~s; ::r:r;:;y T:i~t, CI:a~~ aSltSaOte~adCd::SgS::ss~e;r~?bO~~pUa:~~:~ president of Delta Sigma Kappa last their part in this nationwide celebra- afternoon before going on duty to ~ semester. She is a member of the Col. tion. Arthur Cantillon, the author of receive instructions. The Advanced up. It is a custom of previous years and his address was printed in the lege Players and can be remembered Ptcrrot, is one of the most cstcemed Course student will be responsible to that the entire senior class be guests Congressional Record, October 15, in the 1'01(:: of Mrs. Chumley in among the younger Belgian writers. insure that all report together and at of the juniors and receive compli- The authorized English translation is a time agreeable to the Assistant mentary tickets. 19~\. Leya.smeyer was born in ~atvia, H~:::i~::s;~ !~O~r~~~!c!~:~~d~a. • by the English dramatist, Hennon PMS&T. Roster of men detailed to a neighbOring country to, and jor from Baltimore, has been on the Ould. - the duty will-be posted by Thursday Membel·S of the cast include: Pier- of the week preceding their duty pe- MedicalT estsDates ~~~~~V~~t:h~::n::~~st~nh;~NI~~.p!~ !!~:a~;: ~~ur:h:n~9~h3e ~::~C:~i:e~ rot, Harold Pose~; The Old Man, riod. Michael Leftwich; Puppazina, Meta ~;C~vt;~n~~ie ~~rs;;eas~net~~rl~~ea:~i~ ~o~r~h~~re ai~dap:::e~lb~a o~u~he Col- The Alumnus Killecl Justice; Harlequin, Daniel Yeoman; Announced ByETS ences, through a thorough tmder- g p Death, Barbetha Goeb; and standing of world problems, his an- Third Appearance Young Man, William Tribby. Candidates for admission to medi- alysis of the present situation. Adeline Allen hails from Front be The Pot Boilers, a satire on play- In Korean Action cal school in the fall of 1955 are ad- Royal, Va. She is a cheerleader and The third play of the evening will Medical take vised College the to writing by Alice Gerstenberg. In the First Lt. Carlo Joseph Ortenzi, Admission Test in May, it was .an- Club News an oftlcer of the Phi Alph's. Adeline was on the May Court in her fresh- play an author conducts a rehearsal alumnus of Western Maryland Col- nounced by Educational Testing Serv- man year and also in 1953. and the principles involved in play- lege and president of the 1948 grad- ice, which prepares and administers S.C.A. Lois Cermak makes her first ap· wright. uating class, has been declared by the the test for the Association of Ameri- Beginning March 17, the S.C.A. pearance on this year's Conrt. Lois Villain Appears Army as killed in action in Korea. can Medical Colleges. will sponsor meetings dealing with is the senior SGA representative, The characters are the stock char_ He has been listed as missing in These tests, required of applicants the three main religions. The topic was president of Phi Alpha Mu last acters of melodrama, so the play action since December 2, 1950. by almost every medical college for March 17 is "The Catholic Faith." semcster, and a nlusic major. She should provide plenty of opportunity Lt. Ortenzi won the outstanding throughout the country, will be given On April 7, the meeting will feature was general chairman of last year's to hiss the villain and cheer the hero. Boxer's Trophy of the Eastern Inter- twice during the current calendar "Basic Protestant Beliefs." "The Junior Follies. Cast members include: Thomas Pin- Collegiate Boxing Association in 1947 year. Jewish Religion" will be presented on Sue Dorsey, a music major from ikles Sud, the author, William Har- while at W. M. C. He won two other Candidates may take the MCAT on April 21. Comunion services will be Baltimore, has made several appear~ vey; Harold Wouldby, the novice, championships of the association in Saturday, :May 8, 1954, or on Mon- held every 'Wednesday morning at unces on courts. She represented her Donald Harowitz; Ivory, the fath- 1942 and again in 1947. day, November 1, 1954. The Associa- 6:30 a.m. in Baker Chapel during the class in her freshman and sophomore , er, Irvin Cohen; Mr. Ruler, the hero, Cadet commanding officer of the tion of American Medical Colleges Lenten season. Episcopal Communion years on the May Court, and also on Ellsworth Schabert; Miss Ivory, the ROTC unit, he received a Baltimore recommends that candidates for ad- will be administered every Thursday this year's Homecoming Court. heroine, Doreen Mcijeil; Mr. Inkwell, Sun medal as the outstanding ROTC mission to classes starting in the fall at the same hour. Betty Bixler is making her first ap- the villain, Charles Fessenden; and cadet in Maryland, as well as a medal of 1954 take the May test. The S.C.A. expects to send dele- pearance also. She is a member of Mrs. Pencil, the umpire, Gloria Bunt- from the Officers' Reserve Corps. Application forms and a Bulletin of gates to an Inter-Collegiate Confer- Dclta Sigma Kappa Sorority and an ing. Having entered the service in Sep- Information, which gives details of ence at Hopkins on March 20. The art major. Betty is from New Jersey. Donald Bailey will be in charge of tember, 1942, with the Antilles Com- registration and administration, as subject under discussion at the con- Harriet Cooley is the junior SGA settings and lighting. Production as- mand, he was discharged in Novem_ well as sample questions, are avail- ference will be "Campus Idols." Any representative and a Sigma. She ma- sistants are Sue Dorsey, Doreen Mc- ber, 1945, as a first sergeant. He was able from pre-medical advisers 01 student interested in attending see jors in math and education. Harriet Neil, and William Harvey. Other commissioned in 1948 and went to directly from Educational Testing "Perk" Parsons. Bel Air, Md. members of the Junior dramatic art Japan in 1949 with the 32nd Infantry. Service, Box 592, Princeton, N. J. classes will assist with costumes, Lt. Ortenzi was with the 32nd In· Completed applications must reach Baltimore Musician Sophomore Duchess furniture and publicity. fantry Regiment of the 78th Division the ETS office by April 24 and Octo- Peggy Artigiani, thc sophomore The Junior plays are the special at Chosin Reservoir when he was re- ber 18, rcspectively, for the May 8 Plans Piano Recital duchess, is an English major from project of the JUllilft dramatio art ported missing. He received the Sil. and November 1 administrations. Ruth Schaffer, pianist, will present Baltimore. She was on the "May Court students. No admission will be ver Star posthumously in September, a recital in Levine Music Hall on last year as the freshman attendant. charged. 1951. Fl'iday, March 12 at 8 p.m. Miss Peg is a Phi Alph. Don Haut Win. Award Schaffer is a graduate of the Peabody Sharon Albaugh, also a member of Entries For SGA Nominations Due new 35th edition of the Handbook of Conservatory of Music. include: J. S. Phi Alpha Mu, was the freshman Donald D. Haut won a copy of the program will duchess on the 1953 May Court. Shar· The Arnold Hayward, this year's presi- held on Thursday, March 25 in the Chemistry and Physics for the best Bach, French Suite in G, Allc?nGnde, on is from Frederick. dent of the Student Government As- book store. The voting for the vice work in the introductory physics Corianto, Sarabande, Gavotte, Bour- Priscilla McCoy is also making her sociation, announced that aspirants president wiIl be on Friday, March course (201). 1'CC, Loure Gigue; L. von Beetlfoven, first appearance on the May Court. for the offices of president and vice 26. It is a rule that the vice presi- The cover of the book is inscribed, Sonata in a Op. 2 No.2, AllegJ'o She is a member of the Blanche Ward president for the next school term dential race be among the remainder "Western Maryland College, First Vivace, Largo AppasBionato, Scherzo.- House Council and a Phi Alph. Rondo: Graziazo; should have their names submitted to of the presidential candidates of the Term Physics Achievement Award." .411egrettc, Intermezzo Op. 118, No-. 6, J. Marilyn Eccleston is the freshman Brahms, him during the week of March 8 to opposite sex. The book was donated by the publish- Inte.,.mezzo Op. 48, No.1, Rhapsody duchess. Marilyn is an art major, and March 15. The candidates' sponsors will begin ers, The Chemical Rubber Company she is from Takoma Park, Maryland. their activities with the nominating of Cleveland. Op. 79, No. 1. The candidates and their campaign This award is similar to the intro- Follo\ving intermission, the pro- Ellen Placht, a majorette, plans to managers will present speeches at the assembly. The campaigns will run ductory chemistry prize presented to gram will consist of Debussy's L'/slo teach elementary school. She is from until the election on March 25. assembly on Monday, March 22 in This annual voting takes place in Larry Hall on February 3. Joycuse and Chopin's Nocturne Op. Baltimore. Her sister, Ann, is a West- Alumni Hall. Only members of the the spring. The new officers will be- Don is a senior pre-med student. He 48, No. 1"Etude in FOp. 25, Mazurka ern Maryland graduate. junior class are eligible for these two gin their responsibilities in the fall plans to go to Temple University in C# Miner Op. 30, and Ba-llade Op. Sandra Jackson is an art major offices. Elections for president will be term. Medical School next fall. 52. from Baltimore.
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