Page 36 - TheGoldBug1953-54
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4 The Gold Bug, Feb. 23. 1954 .JIu;k (1)#1. ~~ .JIdL Co-eds Are Not College Calendar Pre-Med And Education Majors Husband Hunting wednesday, February 24 St. Joseph's Friday, March 5 Mclraantel Lounge, Club Classics Basketball, Women's 6:45 p.m. Madison, Wisconsin (l.P.) Don't College, Blanche Ward Gym, 7:30 Saturday, March 6 p.m. Reigned As Past Frat Presidents sell Betty Coed short when it comes Friday, February 26 "WMC On the Air," WTTR, 1:45 to ambition for a job and a career. They used to say that the main inter- National Operatic Sextet, Alumni p.m. by Don Haut by Soup Cwmpbl?ll est a girl had in going to college was Hall, 8:15 p.m. Women's Athletic Day, Blanche to catch a' husband, but thc latest Wrestling Tournament at Towson Ward Gym, 12:00-6:00 y.m. "interests" survey conducted among (also Saturday), Mason-Dixon Con- Sunday, March 7 some 600 women students on the Uni- rerence Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9 :30 versity of \Visconsin campus shows Sa turday, February 27 a.m. that only 68 coeds are primarily inter- WOmen's Basketball, State Teach- Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p.m. ested in marriage as a career, while ers College, Blanche ward Gym, Monday, March 8 154 are interested in jobs only and 2:30 p.m. Frenc~ Club, McDaniel Lounge, 7:00 369 are as much interested in jobs as "WMC On the Air," 1:45 p.m. p.m. they are in mar-r-iage. Sunday, February 28 Tuesday, lIIarch 9 Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 0:30 Assembly, Donald Kirkley, T.V. Varied Interests a.m. Critic (Balt.imore}, Alumni Hall, And their interests spread widely Chapel Alumni Hall, 7:15 p.m. 11:30 a.m., "They Came Into Our through some 40 different fields rang- Parlor" ing from child development and ele- Wednesday, March 3 mentary education to scientific re- Assembly, Student Governmont, search and the legal profession, the Alumni Hall, 11:30 a.m. • PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS survey shows. The survey was conducted by a committee of the Women's Self- Government Association in prepara- tion for the 1953 Women's Careers Conference to be held here February Weekday Matinees: 2 p. m. Fred Hubnch: wnue« Pieiior 23-25. The questionnaires were Evenings 7 and 9 p. m. Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- circulated among women students I first met Fred Hubach over a If you should ever be walking in throughout the campus. Sunday Matinecs: 2 and 4 p. m. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. dead cat. He was dissecting it in Ward Hall parking lot and see some Evenings 9 p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. biology lab and I saw' his handsome young gentleman hanging by his Crashing Male Ftelds Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows features, elfish gr-inr-und undoubtedly fingertips out of the window of room The modern young woman is not Holidays continuous from 6:45 p. m. blue eyes reflected in the formalde- 108 Ward Hall, don't be alarmed, it's confining her ambitions to traditional hyde coating of the cat. He was also only Will Pfeifer trying to dodge the feminine fields, the survey shows. TUES., FEB. 23 my lab assistant. (Fred, not the cat.) cleaner. Although you may find it a College women of today want to carve (Technicolor) TUES., WED., THURS. I asked him his name, and, receiv- trifle odd, his connections with the out a career for themselves in many Kathryn Grayson Howard Kcel FEB. 23, 24, 25 ing it, asked: "What, perchance, are laundry's representative have made fields formerly considered "male," CLOSED you majoring in, Fred?" him one of the best-dressed men on and many of them want preparation I{[SS " ME KATE "Pre-med," he answered and campus. for different allied fields. WED., THURS. FEB. 24, 25 gouged a frightful hunk out of the Triple Major For instance, 164 of the women are . [Teclmicolor) FRI., SAT. FEB. 26, 27 eat. "1 may even be a surgeon." Bill as he is known to no one has after careers in such business and THE BEGGAR'S OPERA John Wayne Henry Fonda I shuddered but proceeded. "Can combined a tough phys. ed., math, and industrial fields as banking, account- with in you help me with my biology, maybe, education major with numerous extra, ing, insurance, and administration, Laurence Olivier Dorothy Tuttin FORT APACHE huh?" I was only a lowly rrosh at curricular activities to establish him, while another 160 seek careers in the time, floundering poorly in the self as one of the campus leaders. such international relations areas as FRI., SAT. FEB. 26, 27 many mysteries of a frog's digestive In the Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity he the' State Department, bilingual sec- APPOINTMENT IN HONDURAS SUN., MON. FEB. 28, MAR. 1 system. attained the position of presidency in retary, or interpreter. Another 25 arc (Technicolor) RIDE CLEAR OF DIABLO "Sure. Look me up tomorrow after- the first semester of this year, after after research careers in science and Glenn Ford Ann Seridan Audie Murphie Susan Cabot having prcviously held the offices of (Technicolor} Search Begins mathematics, while seven want to SUN., MON., TUES., WED., THURS. noon." Fred agreed good-naturedly. corresponding was secretary and treasur- become modern "Portias" in the legal FEB. 28-MARCH 4 of his vice-president er. Willy and several plan on jobs profession, Accordingly the very next day I class during his junior year, and this in crop and livestock production. GLENN MILLER STORY TUES., WED., THURS. set out in search of Fred Hubach and year was elected president of the (Technicolor) MARCH 2, 3, 4 sauntered up to the first person in Future Teachers of America. Largest single group of the girls, James Stewart June i\l1yson CLOSED sight. "Where can I find Fred numbering 100, was interested in pub- Hubach?" I asked. Future Coach lic welfare careers in social service FRI., SAT. MAR. 5, G FRI., SAT. MAR. 5, c "Do you mean the guy who was Besides these many social activi- work, largely in vocational guidance, TAZA, SON OF COCHISE TARZAN AND THE SHE DEVIL president, of Gamma Beta Chi last ties, he has been very busy in the field juvenile delinquency, or child welfare Rock Hudson Barbara Rush Rex Barker J oycc MacKensie semester?" was the interrogated of sports, where his main interest lies. fields. Another large group, totaling' (Teehnieolor) answer. I didn't know if the descrip- Bill, who hopes to pursue a coaching 103, was interested in a field usually tion fitted the man I wanted, so I career in his native Baltimore, has predominant for women-fashions- SUN., MON., TUES. MAR. 7, 8, 9 SUN., l\'lON. MAR. 7, 8 sidled away and buttonholed a second well prepared himself in his chosen in the clothes and furnishing division. MONEY FHOl'tl HOME JIVARO prospect. In reply, thc person asked: field by active participation in varsity Within this field also another 81 coeds (Teehnicolor) (Technieolor-) "Do you mean the ace shot and cap- basketball and baseball. In his sopho- expressed interest in merchandising, Dean Martin Jerry Lewis Fernando Lamas Rhonda Fleming tain of the rifle team this year?" more year, Jim Boyer's fine fielding 58 in modeling, and 85 in interior Again I couldn't actually say, so I shortstop surprised everyone by lead- decorating. mumbled a few barbaric phrases and ing the team in batting. This year he corralled still another student. "Do has turned his efforts to officiating, you know Fred Hubach?" I inquired. and has proven very adept in this LAUNDROMAT "Sure. He's ill Tri-Beta and the work, having handled many high Camera Club with me," was the school basketball games in the sur- 5 Locust Street rounding area. However, before his Opposite Parking Lot Confusion coaching and teaching career can be This was harder than I thought. realized, a two year tour of duty in DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 Obviously there was a confusion of the U.S. Army must be fulfilled upon FRIDAY- UNTIL 8:00 names 01' a whole swarm of Fred graduation in June. IIubachs moving around campus. The Whether it be in the Army or teach- Closed Wed. Afternoon fourth person I approached said, "Oh, ing in school, Bill's four years on the yes, Fred Hubach, he's captain and "JIill" arc certain to help in his Westminster 1287 commander of A company in the achieving success in the years to FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ROTC unit." "Oh, shut up!" I said and limped away. Somebody must know which Fred Hubach I mean. I must have COME TO been deliriously mumbling .his name, because a passing girl grabbed my J. WM. HULL, Jewel., arm. "Did you say Fred Hubachj" -DUTTERER'S she gushed, and her eyes registered For Over Half Century TILT, "Even if he is getting fat, I 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Expert Watch, Jewelry sure go for his blond haii- ... and Westminster 350 his smile ... and his pcrscnafity . and Eye-Glass Repairing and ... FOR THE FINES1' "Don't get slushy," I said. Well, to IN CORSAGES AND make a short story still shorter, 1 105 W. :MainStreet decided to go to the registrar's office FLOWERS and pick out the i"red Hubach I wanted. I did, and got the shock of my life. In spitc of all the above ae- Ctlmplishments, there was only one Fred Hubach. .. And that's really DON'T DUN about the gist of it-there's only on~ .P Fred Hubach! ))...DAD FOR DOUGH DELICIOUS SOAVE YOUR FUNDS FOODS AT o Griffin's BLUE RIDGE LINES BUS DEPOT-Phone 199 WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTI'LING CO" INC. "(o.e" 1$ a regi,lered !rode·mar ••
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