Page 41 - TheGoldBug1953-54
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i..ibl'ary ·iestern M:i.rylandCollege V;,ii;;J,, j~.;..... nineteenth century, this exhibit, which luncheon was held at Hochschild- resentative on the SGA for the past ship in 1949 and, in 1950, a $1,000. en. This method was abandoned be- can be seen until March 27, includes Kohn's in Baltimore. The whole soror- three years and pcsesses "experience, George Westinghouse Foundation cause of the constantly increasing such curiosities as two sparking ity was invited. Seniors attending leadership and sound judgment." award _for oustanding magazine writ- number in the graduating class. lamps, one brass and one glass, which were Dot Krug, Shirley Jefferies, Lee "Her desire to serve the students," ing in the field of science. Her ar- At the present time, the President were used in earlier days as an indi- Lee Kline, Fran Paul, Dottie Phil- Pat said, "vwill make the SGA an tides have appeared in such maga- of the Class, Charles Wheatley, will cation to boyfriends that the hour of lips, and Gwen Blohm. Joanne Waf- alive and functioning organization on amea as Colliers, The Yale Review be robed by Dr. Ensor. This symbol- departure - had arrived. The lamp fensmith abo attended. this campus." andlrhe Science Digest. tees the robing of the entire Senior burned a small amount of whale oil, Harriett made no campaign prom- New Yorker Series Class. and when it went out, out' went the Beta Beta Beta ises except that she would do her Before "The Sea Around Us" ap- An address will be given at the beaux. Tri Beta held its initiation Monday "best" and hoped that her best would peared in book form, it had appeared conclusion of the Service. According Of special interest is the Early evening, March 15, at the home of be "what the students want." in the New Yorker magazine as a to tradition, the speaker is unknown Christian bronze lamp, upon which is Dr. Isanogle. Four full members were Eilsworth Schabert, in speaking for series of ,articles called "Profile of until the time of the service. the symbol XP, standing for Christus. taken into the club and 15 others Henry Taitt, pointed out that Henry the Sea." Also featured is an Early Persian were made proviaional members. The possessed no "false pretences." He After receiving her B.A. degree in clay lamp from the Daniels collection provisional members entertained by felt sure that Henry would do what- Biology at the Pennsylvania College Alumni Vote For of Boston dated as tenth century by presenting skits of the professors on ever was "right, resasoneble and for Women, Miss Carson attended Arthur Hayward, authority on early the Hill. Afterwards, Dr. Isanogle practical" with a character balanced Johns Hopkins University where she Abolition OfDues lighting. served refreshments to the group. with "insight and open-mindedness." "received her M. A. degree in Zoology. "Burning the candle at both ends" Those taken in as fulI members Henry, in accepting his nomina- Miss Carson, who has been inter- An amendment to abolish dues for is an expression whose ~rigin is found were Fred Huebach, senior, Maxine tion, outlined four points containing ested in Oceanography for many members of the Western Maryland in the rush-light holder, also repre- Mull and Betsy Meyers, juniors, and his belief about the SGA. A member Marilee Hodsden, years, published her first book in College Alumni Association was ratti- sented in_the display. This held rushes lowing freshmen sophomore. The fol- of Gamma Beta Chi and president of taken in as were 1940, entitled "Under the Sea Wind." fied at the recent meeting of the from the meadows that had been provisional members: Nancy Pen- the Junior class, Henry felt that the Board of Governors of the Associa, dipped in grease and were burned at nington, Lynnda Skinner, Anne Grif- "SGA is weak and needs a diplomat, Ridington Sets tion. Other business of interest to mem- both ends as cheap substitutes for fey, Anna Jarrell, Joan Halter, Joyce not a figurehead." He feels that "a new purpose" will lessen the discon- candles. bers of the senior class was the voting Harrington, Millie McDonald, Joan tent Qf the students and said he would Goode, Bruce Taylor, Leroy McWil- De~dline For Test to continue the Senior Banquet, one I College Calendar I liams, Mark Meyers, Paul Ensor, make no promises but "stands "There for what he believes to be right." of the Dr. Ridington, Counselor of Guid- activities. many Commencement Week Larry Hall, Howard Genderson, and will be no publicity campaign", said ance and Testing, has announced that At this banquet, given by the Saturday, March 27 Carlos Gosnell. Henry. "You must seek your own students who wish to take the voea- Alumni Association for all graduat- _Spring vacation begins. Argonauts facts." tional guidance tests should contact ing seniors, the Alumni Citizenship Sunday, April 3 The Argonauts will hold their Eggan Fot' Progress him in 206 Lewis Hall before April Award will be presented to the senior - Spring vacation ends. initiation of new members on Tues- Betty Parsons, in speaking rcr 10. man and woman chosen by the Alumni Wednesday, April 7 day, March 23, at 8:15 in McDaniel Charlotte Eggan, stated that her The service is offered by the col- committee as the most outstanding Baseball, Dickenson. Lounge. Those juniors who have a 2.1 candidate, who is the president of lege to help students determine the campus citizen during their stay at Friday, April 9 average for their college career are Delta Sigma Kappa sorority, would vocational areas for which they are Western Maryland. Recital, Miss Heggemeier, Alumni eligible for membership. Following strive for "progress and a satisfied best suited in view of their aptitudes Hall, 8:15 p.m. the initiation ceremony, Dr. Holthaus student body." "Impartiality, under_ and interests. The interviews and Tennis, Maryland. will speak. standing and consideration for all tests are appropriate to each indi- Hegemeier PI.ns Recital Saturday, April 10 students" were the main attributes of vidual's need. Miss Arleen Heggemeier will pre. WMC On The Air, 1:45 p,m. Char as outlined by "Perk." As announced in the college cata- sent a piano recital in Alumni Hall on Sunday, April 11 Day Students Charlotte, in her acceptance speech, logue, the fee for the guidance serv-, April 9th at 8 :15 p.m. Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:30 stated that she would do her best as ice is ten dollars. GOLD BUGS for day stu- The program is as follows: Orgel- a.m. the impartial servant of the students on the day placed Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p.m. -' ckoTalvoTspiel, Bach-Busoni, Wach.6t Monday, April 12 dents are table in the magazine to "make the wheel of the SGA students' strong!" Election Day auf, ruft U1I8die Stimme, Nun komm Investiture service, Alumni Hall, room of the library at each edi- Charlie Phipps presented Jim Heiland, der Heiden Nun freut, lwben Christen. ..- 8:45 a.m. tion. Whitehurst as his choice for the SGA Voting for 1954-55 Student The program also includes Chopin, French Club, McDaniel Lounge, 7 This policy has been in effect ,position. Jim, a member of Gamma Government president will take Berceuse, Op. 57, Three lffazurkas- p.m. since February, 1953, when it Beta Chi, is also vice-president of the place 'I,'hursday, March 25 in the Op. 59 No.3, Op. 17 No.4, Op. 50 Tuesday, April 13 was seen that day students can Junior class, was chairman of the bookstore. Ballots for vice-presi- No.3 Scherzo, Op. 20; Haydn, Sonata Assembly, Rachel Carson, Alumni receive their papers more rap- Jr. Prom, chairman of the freshman ~:~t will be cast Friday, March in E flat ma.jor, Allegro, Adagw, Hall, 11;30 a.m. idly this way than through the advisory council which functioned in L __J ~;:;~:.; Franck, Prelude, Chorale and Conference, McDaniel Lounge, 2:30 mail. the Fall, and has had other "respon- p.m. (Continued on page 4)
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