Page 39 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 39
The Gold Bug, March 9, 1954 3 Locker Room Low-down Terror Nine Begins InitialWorkoutsFor by Eddie Smith First of all, it's good to be back with the GOLD BUG in the Season' sFirst Game capacity of "guest columnist" fas Jack Duhl put it). Lots of faces have changed since the spring of '52 when, like Les Werner is doing Anxiously awaiting warmer weath- now, I was trying desperately to put together a Sports Page. It is good though to be back, working for such swell people. I'm not mad er, the varsity baseball squad has at anyone, and I hope no one is mad at me and with that in mind been limbering up within the protec- let's look across the Hill at the current happenings in the realm of tive walls of Gill Gymnasium. Last W.M.C. sports _ year's captain, first sacker Pat "Lefty" and Kaufman, Biddle pitchers Did you know that some 30 fellows are listed on the "ineligible list" for and Ray Faby have graduated. intercollegiate sports this semester? It seems a shame that the various spring "Jeep" Walker, ace left hander, sports should be deprived of some good material because some guys are just and Bruce Mills, last year's leading plain lazy. Come on fellows-get those averages up and get back into good standing with your profs and fellow teammates. hitter, have been declared ineligible. The nucleus of the squad, however, Two spring sports began to catch on campus rather rapidly as spring is back supplemented by some fine blossomed forth a few days ago. In lacrosse, those that freshman prospects. The team, last do know how to play raced around somewhat wildly while season had a .500 won and lost per- those that never saw the sport before gazed in amazement. centage in league competition, and On the other hand, there was a small very different group For-mer WMC tccrossc team in act·ion working out at the base of the hill. These guys will form Coach Jim Boyer is confident if his pitching shapes up, the boys will fin- the nucleus of WMC's track team for '54. ish higher in the Mason Dixon stand- The Military Department has eome up with quite a RinemenPlace Tenth St~ckmen To Play iugs this year. volleyhall contingent. Although no accurate records have been kept., in the several encounters with various campus In 2ndArmyMatch MIT March 26 Pitchers to Return aggr('gations the "crossed r ifle group" hasn't finished Returning hurlers include letter- away from the top in many of these tilts. men Walt Sanders and Bill Clem. Dean David is to be commended for coming up with the idea Outscor-ing 54 other teams WMC's The Green and Gold stiekmen have These two carried the brunt of the of inter-dorm basketball. The first activity along this line began rifle team took tenth place in the once more taken the warpath under pitching chores last season and figure March 3. Second Army area. the coaching eye of Bruce Ferguson. highly in this year's plans. 4ndy Ta- It's a personal opinion but-wouldn't it have been better to The record qualifies the team to Returning lettermen from last fui-i and Denny Harmon, both con- make this an "open" affair with Varsity and JayVee ball players fire in the national intercollegiate year's lacrosse team are a.ttackmen verted infielders, John Kaufman, and joining the frat "pros" in the event. Would have made things much match which gets under way this Don Radcliffe and Carville Downes; Lee Bowen are the leading new can- Jim Eckhardt; defense- more interesting! " week. mid-fielder Applestein, Skip Berends didates out for pitcher. men Frank Freshman Mary Ellen Weber is to be congratulated on her showing Captain Fred Hubach led his rifle- and Ellis Cline. Barry Winkelman, Catching shows two veteran re- against St. Joseph's a few days back. With the "female Terrors" winning 41·27, men with a 743 score out of a pos- top goalie the past two years, returns ceivers ready for action: Charlie White and Dick Linton. she contributed 20 points-just a fraction short of one-half of the total mark- sible 800. again this year to the team. 'ers scored by the whole outfit. In other recent matches the rifle Also bolstering the prospect for a Fielding Positions THUMBS UP ... to Western Maryland's rough 'n rugged team has a_win over Gettysburg and successful team are Reuben Bard, Ted Brad Jones has been shifted from grapplers for their fine showing in the Mason-Dixon Conference a loss in a 3-way match to VMI & Cauliflower, Ed Kane, Bob Radcliffe, his right field position to first base. meet; to Army's fighting basketball team for finishing their season VPI. Score for the Gettysburg match Dick Rockwell and Lou Richmond. Returning infielders include second in a blaze of glory against Navy (85·72) ; to the many pledges that was 1352-1274 with Fred Hubach baseman Danny Moylan, third baae- withstood almost insurmountable odds and DID complete their leading the-way. with 275. Against The first game is scheduled for man Phil Jackson, and utility infield- "Hell Missions"; to the male students that kept their heads and VMI, Western Maryland scored 1354, March 26 against Massachusetts In- er Lou Fogler. Ronnie Jones is out stayed in the dorms daring the second display of "student spirit" with Dick Titlow taking scoring hon- stitute of Technology on the home for shortstop in an effort to fill the (????) in the flagpole affair; and to Don Wallace for representing ors with a 276 score. - field. spot left open by Bill Pfeifer, who Western Maryland in the 8th Annual Mason-Dixon Conference practice teaching this spring. Also, Swimming Meet. to Jim LeVay and all the others in the several VIIrestlers Score 9 'Raquet Squad' freshman infielders Del Cole, Doc THUMBS DOWN ... Lenhart and Dick Maxwell plan to fraternities that created a spectacle and unmercilessly paddled the "poor give the varsity infielders plenty of pledges" ... ; to the many guys that haunt the frat leagues (whether it be InM-D Tournament Getting In Shape competition. football, basketball or softball etc.) with their "pro" ability and that haven't got the stuff inside to be men and go out and play varsity ball for the Green Western Maryland's wrestling team The WMC tennis team will start LAUNDROMAT and Gold; ... to the same fellows that control the ping-pong tables in the made one of their finest showings practice within the next ten days, rec hall night in and-night-out and who don't care to remember that the fe- when they competed in the recent Professor Frank B. Hurt, the team's 5 Locust Street males on campus DON'T har-e the 5'x9' plywood in their sorority clubrooms, Mason-Dixon Tournament. coach, announced today. The 1954 and to the residents in the "high rent district" who park their autos on the Led by Coach Ed Heflin, the Terror schedule will consist of 15 matches to Opposite Parking Lot grass along the side of Gill Gym. be played in both the Mason-Dixon grapplers scored nine points, and four DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 of the home team placed third or and Eastern Pennsylvania Confer- FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 enees. Mr. Harlow And The Captain fourth in their respective weight Expected back from last year's Closed Wed. Afternoon groups. Andy Tafuri decisioned his oppon- team are Chick Silberstein, Merr-ill Westminster 1287 Trader, Henry Taitt, and Ray Davis. BlowWhistles For Cindermen ent to take third place on the 133·lb. FREE DELIVERY SERVICE division. Brant Vitek captured fourth place PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS by Jack DuM and Roland Hays. in the 123-weight class. Other veterans of the cinder path Tom Englar outpointed his oppon- Two years ago when Dwight Scott whom Coach Harlow expects to see in ent and won third place in the 167 (class of '63) arrived in Baltimore uniform are: Phil Lawyer (high class. with his four man track team for the Mason-Dixon Championships, he had jump) ; Pat Rogan (hurdles), Charlie Ed Heflin pinned his man, and took Les Werner hopes that in the future Western Clark (100 yard dash), and Charlie third place in the heavyweight divis- two (mile ion. mile) and Maryland would be represented by a Phipps (880 yard dash). The non- stronger and well-balanced foot and veterans are: Thomas Couse (pole field team. Dwight's hopes soon be- vault and broad Jump), Stan En- came realities. twisle (440), Gene Jenkins (440); Last year (1953), track once again Chuck Smith (100 and 220), Bob DELICIOUS became a varsity sportr at Western Butler (440), Harry Parks (pole Maryland after a lapse of many vault), Dave Osgood (100 and 220), FOODS years. Dick Harlow, gridiron wizard, Dale Wood (mile), Gary Meson- stepped in and greeted about 40 hope- (dashes), Tom Englar (hurdles), AT fuls on the first day of practice. The RoJy Baughman (hurdles) and Larry including Griffin's sport was just about as new to Coach Hall (broadjump). Harlow as it was to most newcomers, So far, the track team faces a six (Harlow never coached a track team meet schedule this year, before), so actually it was an ex- ho~e encounters with Bridgewater, perimental year. This team, however, Washington College, and Mt. St. was very successful, winning two Mary's, and road engagements with dual meets and picking up eight Catholic U. and Loyola. The season points in the Mason-Dixon meet in will reach its finale at Lynchburg, Washington as the season came to a Va., with the Meson-Dixon Cham- COME TO close. pionships. A practice meet is also This year (barring the feared scheduled with talent-loaded Gettys- DUTTERER'S eligibility rule) should be a very burg before the official season gets interesting season. The weight men, under way. 114 Pennsylvania Ave. coached hy former field star Captain Westminster 350 Thomas Thornton, are already start- ing to get in shape. They include vet- Compliments of FOR THE FINEST erana: Robert Hedgecock, John Be- J- R. EVERHART tiata, Jack Duhl, John Snover, and IN CORSAGES AND Howard Hunt. Newcomers in this COLLEGE BARBER field are: James Lackey, John Os- At the Forks FLOWERS borne, Bill Biehl, Harry Kacandes, Baugher's Restaurant DAVID'S JEWELERS "You're Good For It At" JUST OFF THE CAMPUS 19 E. Main Street Westminster, Md. FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Phone" Westminster 1167 Bulova • Longines • Elgin Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milk.hakes Benrus • Gruen Wittnauer OPEN EVERY DAY eomee UNOE~ AUTHORITYOF TH£ COCA·COLA COMPANY IY OPEN AN ACCOUNT WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC_ "Coke'";$" registered Ir"de-m"rk. © 1954, THE COCA·COLA COMPANY
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