Page 32 - TheGoldBug1953-54
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4 The Gold Bug, Feb. 9, 1954 o#«jh (jn '11ce o#dJ. College Calenclar It Pay. To Look Well ""heatley, Lambertson Leave Thursday, February 11 J. WM. HULL, J.w.l.r Viait The McDaniel Lounge, 4 p.m. Argonauts, For Over Half Century Saturday, February 13 Important GOLD BUG Posts "Western Maryland on the Air," Expert Wateh, Jewelry Avenue·Barber Shop WTTR, 1:45 p.m. Monday, February 15 and Eye·Glasa Repairing by George Luski Roach by Nick Gwunn Where The Studenu Go Student-Faculty Basketball Game, Gill Gym. Thursday, February 18 105 W. Main street 85 PelU1J)'lvania Avenue Assembly, Dr. Donald Grant, Alum- ni Hall, 11 :30 a.m. Saturday, February 20 "Western Maryland on the Air," WTTR, 1:45 p.m. VALENTINES Women's Bas k e t ball, Goucher, WHEN YOU CARE ENOUGH TO SEND THE VERY BEST Blanche Ward Gym, 2:30 p.m. . YOU'LL FIND THE VERY BEST AT Sweetheart Ball, Gill Gym, 8:30 p.m. Times Bldg. P. G. COFFMAN CO- Westminster. Md. Cereal (Cont. front Page 2 Col. 5) Here follows my research: Women are but reincarnated cer- eals. There is the bran flakes type- hardy, muscular, sickle - swinging Weekday Matinees: 2 'p. rn. Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holt- Maud Muliers who breathe in farm Evenings 7 and 9 p. m, day shows continuous from 2 p. m. air-and exhale a l.a barnyard. Gren- Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. del's mother is sufficient evidence. Evenings 9 p. m. Shredded wheat lovers appear as Evening show 9 p. m, Weekday shows Charles Wheatley III Paul Lantbert80n Jr. nervous, loosely-knit, bits of fragility Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and continuous from 6:45 p. m. -unable to face runs in hose and Holidays The ALOHA was in a bad way; it At the outset let me say that. J. enterprising sailors. When you're needed a new flashbulb carrier be- Paul Lambertson Jr. is better known about to drown, and are hauled into WED., THURS. FEB. 10, 11 cause of the resignation of the little about the Hill as "Goose". Goose is a shore, these will be the first to ad- TUES., WED., THURS. FEB. 9, 10, 11 CLOSED idiot boy who formerly held the job. nickname acquired on "hell night" minister artificial respiration by CEASE FIRE I took it-not fa'!' love, loyalty or from his fraternity brothers. If you breathing down your throat until it Capt. Roy Thompson, Jr. even money, but because I thought I are interested maybe he will explain. tickles. Corporal Henry Goszkowski fR FRI., SAT. FEB. 12, 13 might broaden my knowledge of the Traveling east in 1950 -rrom Pitts- For those who have an aversion to WAR ARROW various organizations on the Hill. burgh, Goose carne to Western Mary- Wheatics, little else need be added to FRI., SAT. FEB. 12, 13 (Technicolor) For six hours I followed the cute land. He attended Dormont High, and the accepted exemplification of prl- (Technicolor) little girl photographer around camp. in order to maintain the Lambertson mary success in our laboratories: PARATROOPER Maureen O'Hara Jeff Chandler us. Those six hours will remain ror- tradition (higher education at WMC) Dimaggio and Monroe met over a Alan Ledd . Susan Satphen ever as a greasy spot on my memory. he came to roost at Albert Norman soggy bowl of this cereal. Thus, the Don't fret. I'll explain. Ward. By the way, he still has a nest only legal grounds for divorce in this SUN., MON., TUES. FEB. 14, 15, 16 SUN., MON. FEB. 14, 15 _ First we took a shot of the senior there today. happy duet will be a strike at Gen- HIS MAJESTY O'KEEFE FORT ALGIERS class. They had a grinning president (Technicolor) Yvonne De Carlo Carlos Thompson named Wheatley who frankly un- Active Gamma Bet eral Mills. Richard Todd Glynis Johns nerved me. I was glad to leave. He joined the Gamma Bet rrater- Ballet dancers, like Sophie Tucker, Five minutes later we were in the nity in his sophomore year and has find that extra strength housed in WED., THURS. FEB. 17, 18 TUES., WED., THURS. FEB 16, 17, 18 GOLD BUG Office. The Edttcr-In- been an active and enthusiastic par- Puffed Wheat and Rice. These are THE SWORD AND THE ROSE CLOSED also, a quick way to shot from guns; Chief of this publication was a leer- ticipator in all frat functions. In get married. (Technicolor) ing character named Wheatley. Must recognition of his ability he was Ching Chang Chow Richard Todd Glynis Johns be his brother, 1thought. __ elected secretary for second semester. As for me-none can surpass the FRI., SAT. FEB. 19, 20 FRI., SAT. FEB. 19, 20 Smiling Wheatley As a, freshman, he joined the rifle breakfast nook companion who slurps SAADIA KEY LARGO The Student Activities Committee team and has been one of its most Rice 'I'caaties. She's employed on the Cornel Wilde Rita Gam Humphrey Bogart Lauren BaeaU photo was next on our agenda. Beads improved members. In his junior year eight-to-six shift in the local paddy of sweat started to form on my fore- he earned the 'highest. intercollegiate fields-leaping through swamps at SUN., MON., TUES. head when 1saw smiling Wheatley on match average for the team and was $1.75 an hour; figuring out her own FEB. 21, 22, 23 SUN., MON. FEB.-21, 22 the front row. 1 dropped my flash. awarded first place honors. Reaum- income tax, deducting me as a de- KISS ME KATE bulbs and headed prematurely for the ing his old style, he is the leading man pendent; playing chess with the (Technicolor) THE STEEL LADY location of the Wesleyan picture. You among today's marksmen. neighbor's Bird of Paradise; and, Kathryn Grayson Howard Keel Rod Cameron Tob Hunter guessed it-Wheatley was there ahead Another four-year stint was turned substituting for Eddie Arcaro in the of me, and he was still grinning. in as manager of the soccer team, Kentucky Derby. To illustrate her "Look", 1 said to the girl photog- where he has been a loy~l aide to consideration for this over-travailed rapher, "I can't stand this guy Wheat- Coach Phil Uhrig. writer-the other night she passed ley. He's haunting me." Father Ex·Editor up her usual shoulder-scratching re- LOOk! "Pick up your flashbulbs and come quest, went out tHe front door, and, on," she said. I let her pull me along In addition to these activities he for forty·six minutes, rubbed her since she was considerably stronger has held the position of advertising back up and down an oak trunk. than me. manager and financial wizard of the Above all, she sings oriental lullabies The next photo was of Who's Who GOLD BUG, from which he retired to our fourteen children. in American Colleges and Universi-- in January. This is also in the Lam- Yes, that's my choice-the family ties and Wheatley was there too. 1 berston tradition, since his father was size, who tears along the right dotted editor of the GOLD BUG in 1927. had developed a nervous twitch by Paul, an econ major, hopes to enter lines, wears cellophane negligees, then. When he showed up in the the business world some day, but be- is devoured by otber men, and re- Argonauts (The Campus Intellects) fore that he'll have business with placed by the factory when she's stale photo, the twitch switched to waltz or buried. time, allogJ"o vivace. Uncle Sam. In military or civilian We made the rounds of the tm- life Paul's friendly disposition and THERE ARE ternities. For three pictures, I re- warm humor will surely be an asset. laxed and began to regain my sanity. WAYS AND WAYS But Wheatley showed up again as chaplain of Gamma Beta Chi. Compliments of OF TRAVELING Grinning Again J. R. EVERHART He was also grinning at me in the COLLEGE BARBER midst of the college players. I don't At the Forks know who looked like more of a ham, ~~'. he or that simple looking white rab- ~~.... bit he was standing next to. And w hen he showed his teeth to me in the Stu- dent Government picture, I threw down my flashbulbs and quit. Heck DELICIOUS FOODS with expanding my knowledge ,r AND campus activities, I said, I just can't stand to look at Wheatley anymore. VALENTINES I headed for the solace of my girl- friend's arms, knowing that only AT there would I find comfort. You guessed it-Wheatley beat me to her. Griffin's ALUMNI SUBSCRIBE TO THE GOLD BUG ED KELLY Baugher's Restaurant 105 WARD HALL PHONE 454 IS YOUR CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVE JUST OFF THE CAMPUS FOR THE FOR A MEAL OR SNACK MODERN G.I. LAUNDRY 223 E. GREEN ST .....PHONE WEST. 1478 Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milk.hake. ALL DRY CLEANING AND OPEN EVERY DAY LAUNDRY WORK IS GUARANTEED BUS DEPOT-Phon. 199
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