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~ibl·tll'Y i_?stern 1'lB.ryland COllege 'I(~~, tmt-rs te r , loIn. "REPORT ON THE MEN TALK DORMITORIES" BACKI PAGE 2 PAGE 2 Vol. 31. No.9 WESTERN MARYLAND .COLLEGE. WESTMINSTER. MD. February 23. 1954 Hayward Granted State Ass~mbly Sextet To Present Juniors Select Ford, Lawyer Position In Regular Overrides Veto Operatic Program will To Publish 1955 ALOHA A · rmy C omponent The House of Delegates early this give a musical Operatic Sextet at The National Friday program ~:~:~~~~lrl~e~.n~~o~~eb;~~:~e u: y a~!~Or~ 8:15 p. m. in Alumni Hall. The group Col. Robert J. Speaks announced riding Gov. MeKeldin's veto of last will feature some of the great duets, last week that Arnold Hayward, May on an allotment of $250,000 for trios, quartets and sextets from well- ROTC Battalion Commander, and conatmcticn of a new men's dormitory known operas and operettas. president of the Western Maryland at Western Maryland. This unique singing group, now SGA, has received a commission in The state legislature late in the touring tho U.S. fOL"the first time the Regular Army, 1053 session approved an appropria- during the 1!)53-54 season, is com- Haywar-d, tho only cadet from tion in the state budget of $250,000 posed of a group of six soldiers, each Western Maryland to apply this year, for WMC and an equal amount for famous in their own right. submitted his application rlast Octo- washington college in Chestertown. Tickets On Sale bee. Senatore, WII1C Grad! Attilio Baggiore, Tenor, and Bruce The usual commission grunted to The men who introduced the items Mackay, Bass, are fQrmer members senior ROTC students is one in the last spring were Sen. Hoff, Republi- of the National Male Quartet. In ad- Reserve Army. Hayward's is com- can, of Carroll county, and Sen. Mal- dition, the other members of the sex- kus, Democrat, of Dorchester county, tet, Alice Rager, Soprano; Arthur both graduates of Western Mary- Rubin, Tenor; Margaret Baxter, land. . Mezzo-Soprano; and Mario Fiorella, Gov. !I1cKeldin vetoed the bill latc Baritone; bring a wealth of experi- in April.of last year. ence and outstanding ability to this Early this month, both houses of new group. The Musical Director, Ed- the Maryland General Assembly over- ward Berzin, brings to the American ruled McKeldin's veto, the House concert stage experience from the voting 86 to 23 on the WMC item. fields of both opera and television. The items, in a bond bill, totaled Tickets for the concert are now on $500,000-half for dorm construction sale at Myers Brothers in Westmin- Bea Ford was elected editor of the here, and half for the building of a ster. The activities card will cover 1955 ALOHA, and Phil Lawyer has new field house at Washington col- the expense' for all of the college stu- Men' s Dorms Elect been chosen as business manager by lege. dents who may secure tickets in Me- the junior class. Sigma of a member Bea, Sigma Daniei offlce., DownesAndCarvel Tau sorority, was elected to this posi- Exhibit Features The program will open with Gou- Carville Downes and Dick Carvel tion at a recent meeting of the class. -Berzin to Play "warsaw" She has had previous journalistic ex- and Metzler Works nod's Unfold Ye Portals, Rusticana", the were recently elected dormitory presi- perience working on her school paper of Albert dents Norman Ward ....Hall from "CavaJleria Prayer, High School in Baltimore. at Eastern Paintings and sculpture by Karl by Mascagni, to be sung b:( the entire and McKinstry, respectively. The new editor, along with her two group. Miss Baxter and M·r. MacKay of the McKin- The representatives Metzler, Baltimore contemporary art- will sing the duet, La ei darent la stry council are Jack Turney, who is associates, Mary Lou Arnie and Bar- A1'IWld Hayward ist, are currently being exhibited in a mano, from "Don Giovanni", by Mo- in charge of the first floor; Howard ry Winkelman, began planning for the one-man show in the Art Exhibit zart. Love's Own Sweet Song by 1955 year book immediately after the parable to a commission received up- Room in Old Main. Hunt, second floor; and Ed Smith, election. on graduation from West Point. This showing at Western Maryland Kalman will be performed by Miss tower. The editors, along with their staff, Hayward was chosen on the basis will be Metzler's second one-man show Baxter and Miss Rager. The other The members of the Albert Norman will meet with the representatives of of scholastic record, personality, char- in Maryland since he started exhibit- duets include selections from "La Ward council are Jim Hari-ison and various publishing companies. Upon Boheme" 1\1o:1:art's "Abduc"tion and acter, and excellent military student ing in 1953 Jim Whitehurst, first section; Ellis the awarding of a contract to a pub- record. (He received the Disting- Prize Winner from the Seraglio". Cline and Carville Downes, second lisher, deadlines for formal and in- uished Military Student Award last Metzlc!' won the Artists' Guild of Edward Berzin, pianist, will play section; Nick Rausch and Gene formal pictures of the class of '55 spring.) He was recommended by Col. Maryland Award in 1948 for his Rachmaninoff's P1"c/llde in C 8haT}} Hedgecock, third section; Art Gould will be set. The staff hopes to have all Speaks, Western Maryland's PMS painting "Little Man", and in 1949, minor, and WarS!lW Concerto, by and Jim Menninger, fourth section. senior pictures taken this Spring in Adinsell. and T, and the commission was grant- at the Peale Museum's ninth "Life The rjrmaindet of the program in- The first council was formed in order to eliminate last-minute con- ed by the Department of the Army. in Baltimore" exhibition, was given cludes other operatic quartets and Ward Hall. It consists of Ed Kelly, fusion next year. Hayward is the accompanist for first prize for his painting "Baltimore sextets, and will close with a medley president, Jack Duhl, Phil Lawyer, the Men's Glee Club and a member of Harbor." Two years later in the 19th of love songs by Victor Herbert and Dick Betters, and Walt Preston. "Happy and Honored" Pi Alpha Al.pha·Fraternity and Beta Maryland Show, he won the Gretchen Through these councils the students Beta Beta, in addition to being SGA H. Hutzler Award for "Torso," a Sigmund Romberg. may report maintenance problems to Bea expressed great enthusiasm for president. large sculpture in ebony. Dean David and other student prob- her new job and said that she was Contrary to what it may seem, The Metzler exhibit will continue Fraternities Send lems to the SGA. The presidents arc "happy and honored, and will do my ROTC programs provide more officers through March. The exhibit room is now members of the SGA cabinet. best to make the 1955 ALOHA merit 7 ;30 to Mid- Term Bids for the regular Army than West opcn to the public on Monday and the confidence which has been placed Point, according to Col. Speaks. Wednesday evenings from Thc representatives can take ac- in me by my classmates.'; Last year Ashby Collins and Jim 9:30 and Sunday afternoons from 2 The four fraternities accepted 15 tion against noise, firecrackers, and Other editorial staff positions are There has been a sys- Moore received RA commissions. to 5 p. m. new members in the mid-semester water battles. in McKinstry whereby held by Barbara Harding and Ann tem initiated Pope, bidding. The acceptances were rc- messages from telephone calls will not Eckhardt; copy editors; Milly Irene Eckhart, photography editor; Club News turned by February 20, 6 p. m. be lost. A limited number of hot plates art editor; Ed Smith and Carter The Black and Whites welcomed arc to be used at one time to prevent Baum, sports editors; and Dick Bren- Waxman, Ro- Harris Guest Highlights Classics Club Me~ting Arnold Chapin, and Louis Manarin into blowing fuses. of the neman and Larry Crist, proofreaders. land Hays, is also a posaibifity There the club. organization of inter-dormitory com- A biology major and a member of The Classics Club will have Mr. Wesleyans Ed Kane, Bud Holland, Jack Reed, petition in basketball and ping pong, Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity, Phil Arthur S. Dewing as it~ guest speak- Dr. Charles Crain installed the and Ed Hemin accepted Bachelor according to one member. hails from Taneytown and worked on er at the meeting, March 5 at 8 p. Wesleyan officers for this semester at bids. his high school paper in his earlier m. in....McDaniel Lounge. Mr. Dewing, a meeting held on February 21. The Joining Delta Pi Alpha are Phil days. who is the frmer president of the new officers are president--Alan Hag- Raimondo and Rowland Baughman. Gould is Associate ,\merican Numismatic Society, will anbuch, vice president-C h a r Ie s The Gamma Bets accepted Les Students To Take Art Gould has been appointed by speak to the club 011 the "Archiolog. Clark, secretary-treasurer-Bob Steel- \Verner, Samuel Baer, Gary Mason, Phil to work with him as assoeiate jeal and Artistic Background of man, and librarian-}jeroy McWil- and Richard Huffines. GRE, CaT Exams business manager. Other business Greek Poetry." liams. Following the installation was staff heads are Rubin Bard, advertis~ Home Economics Club a. discussion of the ecumenical move- The Advanced Tests of the Grad· ing manager, and Gloria Bunting, Doris Tuckwood will be installed as ment. The Wesleyans plan to organize TV Columnist To Tallc uate Record Examination will be who will be in charge of subscrip- president of the Home Economics cell groups in the three boys' dormi· In Assembly Program given JIlarch 6 to all senior students, tions. After meeting with the various Club at the formal installation to be tories and to begin deputation, which Dr. O. R. Russell has announced. They publishing representatives, Phil and held at Mrs. Ensor's home on Monday, is thc taking over of services at dif- Mr. Donald Kirkley, TV critic-of will begin at 8:30 a. m. his staff hope to line up an advertising March 1, at 7 p. m. Other officers ferent churches by members of the the Baltimore Sun, will be guest The tests require three hou1"s, ex- campaign which ,vill begin next fall. to be installcd are Stevie Wan'iIow- group. speaker at an assembly Tuesday, cept those in French, home economics, The new business manager ex- vice president, Nancy Bearinger- I.R.C March 9. His talk will be entitled, and music, which will last 1* hours. pressed a sincere and humble attitude secretary, and Jan Chase-treasurer. The March 1 meeting of the Inter- "They Come Into Our Parlor." Mrs. Florence Low, State Director of national Relations Club will feature Mr. Kirkley is the author of a daily The room assignments are: 203- in being elected to the position and the Home Demonstration Club will be Frank Parrish, who will talk about column in the Morning SUtl. He biology, economics, philosophy, psy- said "It was an honor to be chosen I'm sure that with guest speaker f01" the meeting. the Bricker Amendment. According spends much of his time in New York chology, sOCiology; 207 - history, business manager. of the staff and the the cooperation Iota Gamma Chi to the president, Bud Holland, a hay- City observing TV programs of vari- mathematics, political science; 208- rest of the members of the class, I The Jotes have recently created {-ide is being planned for some time ous types and collecting material for French, home economics, music; 209 can successfully meet the challenge two new offices: chaplain, Barbara within the next month. his column. -fine arts; 210--chemistry, litera- which the position of business man- Hoot, and social chairman, Fran Paul. L. S. A. Professor Hurt, head of the lecture ture, physics. ager of the ALOHA presents." Le Cercle Francais Miss Alice Otterness, Field Secre_ committee, said, "1\-Ir. Kirkley's talk The Selective Service National Practice is underway for four short tary for the Division of Student Serv- promises to be one of the highlights Headquarters advised that all eligible skits to be presented by the fir'st year ice in Philadelphia, will speak to the of this year's assembly programs." students who intend to take the Col- Betty Niemann Gives French students at the March meet- Lutheran Student Association on lege Qualification Test in 1954 should ing of Le Cel'ele Francai8. The skits March 4 at 4 p. m. Her topic will iors who have completed at least one file applications at once for the April Senior Piano Recital are "Chez Ie Docteur," "Danx un concern making the L. S. A. success- semester here with a cumulative 22 administration. Train," "l..lEpagneul," and "Un Ani- ful. scholastic index of 2.1. Information and applications may Betty Niemann will present a piano mal TranQdilIe." Adding to the en- Argonauts The Canterbury Club be obtained at any Selective Service recital in Levine Hall on Tuesday, joyment wi]l be music rendered by The annual Argonaut Tea was held The Canterbury Club will sponsor loc!!l board. The application should be March 9. The program follows: The ~t~;e~zo.-.--=-~~--D'Blf:t~ some of the\talent found in the class. February 11 in McDaniel Lounge to a spaghetti dinner_on Thursday, Feb- filled out immediately and mailed in Each year one program M Le Cerele honor the freshman and sophomore ruary 25. Buses will leave Western the special envelope provided. Francais is IJresented by the itudi- students with a high academic record. Maryland at 5 :30 p, m. Tickets are to postmark should be no later than ant.s dqla IJTllJniel'c annie, The club consists of juniors and sen- be sold for 75c. March 8, 1954, , Three Walt .... ~ Cyril Scott Scott Neg[e Cyril Danae
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