Page 31 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 31
The Gold Bug, Feb. 9, 1954 3 [ - - [ Women Schedule Green And Gold Five Face Hopkins by Jim Roach Six Cage Games In Traditional .court Battle Saturday The second semester arrives and- we find that quite a few The Women's Athletic department Basketball will again hold the spotlight on campus this week as people have left school either through graduation, transfer or flunk- has posted the schedule for intramural the Green and Gold take the court for three games. The first will be ing out. In a few months spring takes the place of old man winter, basketball. and those that have never seen that fabulous time of year at WMC The remaining schedule is: played tomorrow night on the home court against Lebanon Valley, are in for a treat. Feb. 9 Junio,. A V". Soph. A followed by an.away game with Catholic U. on Thursday and anoth- er contest in Gill Gym with our traditional rival, Johns Hopkins, on Athletic Director Charley Havens has a right to be proud these days. 10 II F,.esh. B V". Mixed B C Saturday. Soph. B va. Fresh. His son, Charley Jr., was selected for the high school All-Amerlcan team, 12 Fresh. A '·S. Mixed A which gives some indication that a great deal of ability possessed by Coach R. 1~ Fresh. B VB. Fresh. C The Terrors will be out to avenge Soph. A vs. Mixed A 16 has rubbed off on the younger generation. Young Charley's a chip off the old 11 19 F"""h. A v •• Junior B A an earlier defeat when they tangle B va. Soph. Mixed block. • After the intramural season, The with Lebanon Valley tomorrow night. The students in Dr. Phillips classes "couldn't understand why Women's Athletic Association will The Dutchmen took the first contest his finals weren't the usual drudges. The reason could be that the choose an honorary team who will 83·51, scoring twenty points a quarter. Doc may have been mellowed by (his team) Michigan State's Rose compete in outside contests. The hon- With Sorrentino and Landa at the Bowl victory over UCLA. orary team is chosen on the basis of forwards and Finkelstein at center, The improvement shown by the varsity basketball team this year comes sportsmanship, participation, interest, the men from Pennsylvania are ex- as a pleasant surprise to many of us. The tremendous game displayed by the and ability, according to the WAA. pected to give a good exhibition of boys against Batlimore U. won the team a lot of new friends, as well as renew- The schedule for honorary team ball handling and scoring. ing the confidence of its loyal rooters. Words can't describe the thrills of each games is as follows: Charlie Phipps has been doing his minute of the game. Here Junia Bopst played his greatest game in a Western Fch. 20 2~ Goucher. ~wo games 2,80 p.m. share of the scoring for WMC. He St. Joseph·. Maryland uniform. ; 26 St. Mary·. Seminary 7:30p.m. has made 39 field goals out of 71 for 4:00 ".m. Charlie White, Arnie Needleman, Charlie Phipps, Chuck Mar. 4 27 Hood Sport.s nay 1:30p.m. a .543 average. From the foul line he At St. J08eph·s 7:80p.m. Bohan, and Soup Campbell fought B. U. tooth and nail be- 6 Towson. two gam"" 2,80 p.m. has sunk 10 out of 32 for a .312 per- fore falling to that high scoring team. The next night the centage. For an overall average, Char- The second team held the Mounties even in the second half. Terror Matmen lie has scored 88 points for a 6.7 fell before Mt. St. Marys. phyeically-exhauated hoopstera scoring scale. this year -haa been Soup Campbell. They're convinced Old Home Tomorrow its average, while reducing the scoring Fergie and Jim Boyer believe that the most improved player The team, as a whole, has improved William found his playing ability all over again. Undoubtedly Western Maryland's wrestling team Charlie Phipps of its opponents. Western Maryland the club will be strengthened by the appearance of George will hold its first home match of the has a 63.2 average and the opposition (Ziek) Sipe who has retired from the ineligible list. The unfortunate injury season tomorrow afternoon in Gill has a 70.3 percentage. of Harry Tull has cost the team his services for the rest of the semester; Gym against Baltimore U. The first JV's Have 9-2 In their last four contests, the Harry has been a regular his first two years. match is scheduled to start at 3 p.m. Green Terrors have won one while Nice to see Phil Raimondo will be able to continue in school. Count on the Coached by Ed .Heflin and captained dropping three decisions, and now freshman hoopsters to continue their winning ways with Phil in the lineup. by Dick Carvel, this year's squad has Hoop Record have a won-and-lost record of 4.9. The frosh have really played fine basketball this season which gives the court WMC played their best game since prospects for next season a promising outlook. Look for interesting basketball ~;:~ioS:so~~~;e;o~ia~;r:f d~~~it:q~:~ If there were a junior varsity lila. the days of Art Press when they lost from a bunch of hustling guys the rest of the '53·54 season. members are wrestling for the first son Dixon Conference, Western Mary. their closest contest of the current On the serious side, congratulations are in store for Western Maryland's time, but arc picking up pointers and land's high riding J. V. basketball season to Baltimore U. 68-67. The Soeeer-Ail-Amer-ican Dick Linton. Dick had no idea of his selection until he experience. squad would probably be sitting right Bees came to the Hill with the na- read it in the paper. Coach Uhrig, who was supposed to have attended the In its first match with Drexel, the on top. tion's highest scoring average for New York meeting, could not be on hand. Dick's selection came as a happy small colleges, but when the final surprise to him also. ~e;a~t w;::kd::ou~te~ef;:: ::e t~nt ab~~~I~o~~h n~~~~~~s~:;~,b~:~ :~;~ whistle blew both scori;g average and Pity the poor guys that referee ba.sketball games and receive threats upon scoring by the Terrors as he pinne~· have been quietly compiling one of prestige had dropped, and Western their lives in the process. Take Ronny Jones and Ellis Cline who refereed Maryland could claim a moral victory. a game at Robert Moton, for eeample. Some wise guy claimed they were ~!S~::~n:;~~:~e i::t l~~c~~:e o~::th~:~:t::Vo~;c;;:~ i~o::~:n: ~e~~~ 2 The next night the Green and Gold, incompetent refs and threatened to knife them. Fortunately, friew of the cisions. record With Victories over Mt. St. boys came to thei-r (l,id,dispelled the agitator, who later returned and (l,powgized Last Saturday the squad traveled Mary's; 56-44; Gebtysburg', 61-58; tired from their game with Baltimore to those involved. to Gallaudet and lost 31 to 3. Andy Baltimore Junior College, 70·32 and U., fell before a fresh and determined Mt. St. Mary's squad 78·55. Box lacrosse, which had great possibilities of being a solid groundwork Tafuri scored the lone win for West. 76·50; Baltimore U., 62·50; and Gal_ for spring lacrosse, had to be curtailed because of lack of consent by Blanche ern Maryland by winning an 11 to 4 Iaudet, 70·54 and 96·31. On February 4th, the squad reo Ward Gym officials. Ed Kane claimed he had recruited 40 men. Seems too bad, decision over his opponent in the 130 An All-Star team made up of fra- turned home to score an easy 88 to but you can't fight city hall. lb. weight class. ternity and freshman stars has also 64 Mason-Dixon Conference basket- The condition of Fred Burgee continues to improve. At one time the been beaten twice. ball victory over Gallaudet. Every home player got into the game and like Phillips To Lead former 185 pounder was down to 100 Zbs. Fortunately he's up to 135 lbs. now, The squad's two losses have come scored. Arnie Needleman took the and gains weight slowly but steadily. Seems hard to believe something at hands of a strong Loyola team, scoring honors with 23 points. this could happen to such a well..developed f/.uy like Fred. foot. Faculty Cagers 58-77; and to a fast breaking Navy Don James has outdone Pat Rogan as far as receiving professional five, 46-70. Washington College took the meas- ball questionnaires go. Don had two to Pat's one. That must mean he's more Ahe the faculty better than the Phil Raimondo, transfer student ure of the Terrors on February 6th sought-after than Mr. Rogan. from Rutgers College, has been the by the score of 66·50. Al Bopst led students? That's the question that's The track team already beckons past performers to the colors and urges going around campus nowadays, as leading scorer, accumulating 210 in the scoring for both teams with new ones to join immediately. 'On the basis of last year's showing, the team Gill Gym is being readied for the an- points for a 19.0 average. Phil's back- 24 points. should have a good season what with a great many veterans returning. The nual Student Faculty Basketball cour work and floor play have upset In Saturday night's game with tracksters have one consolation they won't have to face Joe Della Ratte, of game Monday at 7:30 P. M. opponent defensives on numerous Johns Hopkins both the varsity and C. U., this year. If age and knowledge mean any- occasions. JV's will play. Keep a close eye on a winning outfit, the rifle team. This group faces thing, then Dr. Phillips' five "old men" stern competition and has been on the winning side more often than not. ought to lick the pants off the young upstarts of Soup Campbell. Remember this, "When the one Great Scorer comes to mark against your name. He marks not that you won or lost but how you played the game." While neither team is divulging the names of their brave warriors, Orchids: to Doc Phillips and other profs, who have helped both are claiming pre-game victories. students remain in school; to the vastly improved basketball teams, Coach Phillips says that he'll use for an enjoyable year so far; to Gus LaMar and Charlie Wheatley, the two platoon system to wear down for giving this writer a chance on the GOLD BUG.; to those people his opponents. He has also hinted that who have given blood to Fred Burgee; to a hard-fighting Brant the men of wisdom will use an entirely Vitek, for his great wrestling up at Drexel; also to the wrestlers, new and startling secret weapon who, though inexperienced, have given their all; to those hard which will be unveiled for the first workers who give their time and energy in trying to make WMC time Monday night. a better school; to Les Werner, for his fine work on the GOLD BUG Coach Campbell says he has al- sport page; to Adeline Allen, for running the March of Dimes cam- ready received some effect of pre- paign on campus; to Spike Denny, new editor of the BOLD GUG; game pressure. to Carol Conrad, an ardent disciple of Dennis the Menace; and fin- He claims that his team members ally, to all those many people who are just plain NICE--especially have been offered fewer assignments the Education class ... and better marks on exams if the rae- Onions: to the slobs eating in the dining hall; to Baltimore U. ulty wins. for resorting to freezing tactics while narrowly defeating WMC's As to the validity of these claims, cagers; ... Not too many onions this time, except to those who no one can be sure. Only this is cer- aren't very NICE . .. ' tain: the game should be terrific. GET THOSE FLOWERS FOR YOUR HAMILTON X HOUSE VALENTINE AT DUTTERER'S 114 Pennsylvania Ave. WHERE Westminster 350 ALL SMART CUPIDS SHOP LAUNDROMAT HAMILTON HOUSE 5 Locust Street Opposite Parking Lot "Gifts of Distinction" DAILY-7:30 . 5:00 FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 90 EAST MAIN STREET WESTMINSTER 340·1\1 Closed Wed. Afternoon (FACING THE POST OFFICE) (OPEN FRIDAY AND WESTMINSTER, MD. SATURDAY EVENINGS) Westminster 1287 aornec UNtlER AUTHORITVOf THECOCA·COtA COMPANY ~... FREE DELIVERY SERVICE WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BO'ITLING CO.• INC. . ··Coke··;, Q '~9j,l~'.d !,aa.·"lOIk. © 1953. THE COCA·COLA COMPANY
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