Page 14 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 14
2 The Gold Bug,"Nov. 10, 1953 View4 dJ._ "11u. ..IIdL "1op Food For Thought "Some like it hot, some like it cold, some like it in the pot, !!ine days old." No matter how you like it, however, the question of late seems to be getting some of it: Getting what? Food in the dining hall, of course. Recent and increasing criticism by 1.05T A VALUAB1...E a representative segment of students OFF TI-IE..~LOlZ\DA on the Hill, seems to indicate a feel- ing of discontent concerning the quan- I'" 190.3_ tity of food served in the dining hall. FIFT,,{ "(EAes LA1el2.., The chief discontented faction, of sufficiently large number to merit at- SI.IE WAS DEEP-SII..E S'( This is not the sole source of dissatis- - S~E RE"CI-IED ,,-oe IT, F ...LL O~"Reoo.=, faction, but can serve as the example MID WAS QuICI<:L'j .."TEN e-{ S~AI!KS_ rT5.EL~V"L~ TIII!EE. IS for other similar areas. APPEl> TD WHA.T? It is realized that planning for the serving of approximately 1500 meals a day is a tremendous task, Further- Unethical Gossip Committee Discovers Classes Worthwhile more, a sincere and honest effort given by the students on weekend meal Staggers Campus by Dr. Joseph W. Hendren cheeks would also certainly help to facilitate matters. MRS. HELEN D. HARBAUGH Recently a student requested a Good marksmanship can be applied series will drop mathematically a With these things in mind, For the past nine years, student in principle to whatever anyone whole letter grade (C to D, for in- however, the old equation still employees in the dining hail have had "gossip column" for the college paper. happens to be shooting at. The stance) if he earns a rating of zero on exists, empty bowls equals tb..e pleasure and privilege of working O.K., but it'll be nasty. Those asinine, Absence Committee wishes to call the' only one quiz by voluntarily not being empty stomachs, according to with Mrs. Helen D. Harbaugh, the innocent, milk-pure high school gossip thoughtful attention of all concerned there to take it. the dissident males referred to assistant to the steward here on the writers did not express true student to the logic and practical advantage of No "Cut System" above, who claim to speak from "Hill." opinion. For example, they usually aiming at a perfect record of class inaccurate In some quarters "Wa.s notions experience. Perhaps the short- For a woman 'whose day begins at meted out something like this: R.F.D. attendance, rather than a curtailed seem to prevail concerning a rational K.M. at the movies that with age is due to the underestima- 5 in the morning and ends at 7 in the one, in each college course. standard of attendance. Among the tion of a hungry student's ap- . evening (if all goes well), Mrs. last night? What a cute couple." Now "Seen in clear focus, 'steady attend- college regulations is a familiar state- petite. Harbaugh always has a ready smile really! Anyone on campus with two ance is an essential part of education. ment that "the faculty regards Whether it is a matter of Insuf- and a helping hand for everyone. The nostrils could tell you that K.M. and The classroom and the lab are the absences on the part of all students, ficient quantity or inadequate distri- time-consuming and highly responsible R.F.D. were only in the movies atout posts of duty; in the campaign sense from any cause, amounting to more bution, the fact remains, that more ten minutes. For the rest of their rip. they are the actual battle stations food is needed in the right places. A position of assistant to the steward roaring five-hour date, they chased where things are done or "not done, for than one week in a semester as serious survey taken over a few days might requires that Mrs. Harbaugh be able each other across the town golf course resultant success or failure. Absence and absences amounting to more than to fashion until, ex- credit for take of the the in highly irregular over position two weeks as jeopardizing help in this matter and 'provide a way steward, should the need arise. She means definite loss of instruction or the course." This statement has some- to "iron out the wrinkles" now exis- also has complete charge of the hausted, they collapsed in a heap. And practice or the benefits of group times been distorted into the belief tent. student waitresses and waiters. This they're certainly not a cute couple. discussion, which must result in a that a student is "entitled" to "three If this can be done the food last requirement is especially pleasing They are about the oldest pair of lowered quality of work and corres- free cuts" in each course, according to now agreed by the majority of biological organisms to turn up at the pondingly lower grades-in II word, which theory he is normally expected students to be of better-than- to her, since Mrs. Harbaugh likes school for years. absences are always negative in effect, average quality for an institu- working with the "courteous, willing Partly to oblige-e-and partly as an steps in the direction of failure, just to shorten each semester by one week and gracious students." tion of this size, can in addition experiment _ a group of students as they are, and logically must be, in -or, in other words, that a scheduled be in greater quantity, thus Professional Experience wrote a "gossip column" in the nasty any other business or profession. semester, minus one week of classes, constitutes record in effect a perfect eliminating this "bone of conten- Before coming to Western Mary. style. It preserves all the color and Absences Serious of attendance. This is, of course, a tion." ·Iand, Mrs. Harbaugh, a native of flavor of authentic is"a college small talk. Some students are unaware of the deplorable misinterpretation. There there Perhaps demand for this D~-Fe,ted _ Westminster, was the hostess at the sort of thing after aU. seriousness of absence, especially An in is no "cut system" at WMC. A perfect her exper-i- Shellman House. Perhaps all scheduled record means attending work. written its bearing on ence there is one of the reasons why THE GOSSip ICOLUMN unreflective absentee, conforting him- meetings. The class meetings arc, Evidently editorials are still she someday hopes to operate her own "AUt.he news that's crumby!" self with the soothing but erroneous after all, held to be attended; each going unread. tea room. Cooking has always been II Edited by setty Jastey notion that "Well, one little quiz one is part of the course, and to attend We're thinking about giving Slo1)fm!y old Phil Dirt offered his couldn't make much difference" would all of them, rather than some of them, up on the Dining Hall Deluge, frat pin to Hilda Heuger last night, is the logical norm. . and Chapel exiting is more exas- but the cute little junior gal 11Wrely be shocked to discover that in a series perating than ever. uiguled in his face. That makes an of ten quizzes his total average for the Attendance Shows Interest Last issue, we nicely made a few even dozen prospects you've tried in The smart strategy of good attend- comments on the proper procedure for the past year, doe8n't it, Phil? Pi a la Moan ance should not be underestimated the student body to leave Alumni Hall and would never be by a realistic aiter Chapel and assemblies. From the Rumor has it that Penelope Higgins thinker. Being in class shows interest looks of things Sunday night, GOLD and Ernie Klarp are going to be Glazed in notes of terra cote, and concern that is not lost on an BUG readers either ignore the edi- married as soon as Ernie can ditch Bas-reliefed a bit too lotta, instructor. An empty seat, on the con- torial section of this sheet, or take Irene Harrow. Comes this tragic Grecian epic, trary, makes a poor impression. In delight in continuing to do wrong. Bob Fralgog told Milt I11acD01~gh Slimed in clay somewhat dyspepic. cases of doubt concerning scholastic Our October 27 issue outlined the that the blind date he has 8et up for Young and bold was Harphoclogy standing, a fine attendance record correct, traditional, polite way to him i8 a "ravishing beauty." But (He used slide rules in his logies), always throws the odds i~ a student's leave Alumni Hall. Seniors should file behind poor Milt's back, Bob artisti- Having studied, now was stymied- favor, and such cases of doubt occur out first, juniors should WAIT until cc~lly de8cribes this babe us "a hulking Pledged to join some club eublimied. hundreds of times in every semester. the seniors are out, sophomores should monstl'08ity, c01Jered with oily fur The right to be in a class is the im- WAIT until the juniors are out, and from head to foot, and pos8es8ing an He had smoked of reeds Egyptahun portant matter, not some mistaken freshmen should WAIT until the soph- odor somewhat 8imilar to the city At the meets wherein the Stygshun "right" to be away from it. In the omores are out. dump." You should see the way he Realm was guised by jugged cider, long run, and often in the short run A special rap on the knuckles mimics her walk, 'II1ilt. It would kill Jokes, trap cheese, and caves of nitre. too, good attendance pays off in grades to freshmen men, who, the mo- you. as well as in making a course more ment the final "Amen" is sung, Was that Patsy Van Weiss who was 'Long about the Martinmassing rewarding in the plain educational dash for the exit, ignoring all stre. Helm D. Harbaugh , seen driving away from campus with (Nine starved days before its passing), sense. There are, in short, excellent upperclassmen, ignoring pleas several drunken truck drivers? 'Weak companions of our Harpho reasons for excellent attendance, and from the old GOLD BUG, and hobby with her, with a leaning toward Barbara II1cFlagg, senior golddig_ Plunged with him into this surf-o, you arc asked to examine carefully ignoring even the Student Gov- the making of all kinds of desserts. ger, has just published figure8 con- for yourself the grounds which sup- ernment Association. Our "smiling lady in white" enjoys cerning her recent 8tring of date8 with Within hours beyond their starting, port the Committee's urgent advice to Let's try and look a little bet- preparing for banquets, teas and Harry Flock. It appears that Babs Memory was versed with narthing be in class if you are physically able ter, huh? parties. In short, we feel that with milked him for a heaping total of But the concept of the laws of to get there. We agree that this Proper Method aU of her experience and apparent $27.74 for only six outing8. Student Habeas Albumenas Tos8ed-up. of Leaving Alumni Hall is hard to delight in the art, Mrs. Harbaugh opinion huriedly dubbed Harry the Later followed tasseled coifers, catch onto at first, because all fresh. must be II true culinary artist. sap of the year. Diapers, males a-setttn' hens for, man classes act that way at the be- Studied At Peabody Rumor has it that Jane Pert.ini and Matterhorners; all these dicteed: THE GOLD BUG ginning of the year. But it seems that Music has also played an important Ernie Klarp are going to be married "Fear the Greeks e'en bearing the Class of '57 doesn't want to catch part in the life of Mrs. Harbaugh. as soon as Ernie can ditch Penelope gif~ees." ~~: on.. While at the Peabody Conservatory of Higgins. • Feb- If things don't show some improve- Music in Baltimore, she studied voice, Help wanted; lIfyrtle Duga8 and Paddles struck and lit the feelings; ~:il,!! merit this Sunday night, we intend to concentrating in the field of religious Willie Fazzelli are to be wed next Sparks from Acropolian ceilings 0111.".. put our, Remedial Suggestions into music. For the past 25 years many Crashed on steles (Beta Pi2)- Membe, action, via the SGA and via following choirs in Carroll County have claimed Thursday at 9 p.m. They would like "Delta, Alpha, Mu, plus Nu" sweared. Auoci.ted CollegIate Press editorials (provided they get read). Mrs. Harbaugh as their soloist. to hire someone to sit with their baby that night. "One of my greatest joys in life," Harpho witnessed days grow brighter, Subscription Price $2.00 a Year Snow Business says Mrs. Harbaugh, "is found in Chariots swung from cirrus lighter; doing things for others." Proof of two rooms in Smith Hall furnished Then did all on Mount Olympus EDITORIAL STAFF The first snow of the year, last this statement is the fact that for 4 with the Early American furniture 'Peer much nearer to his glimpus.·Chief _ .._Chule!l Wheatley. 'u Asooeiate Ediwr __ LaMar, '55 ~_Gus week, that came with the un- years Mrs. Harbaugh was the leader which she has collected. This brings Managing EdiWr_~_Nan.y Caskey, '1>4 expectancy of a Whitfield pop of a local Girl Scout troop. With her us to her second "seeret desire"-if You may ask how came this male to quiz, caugh t a good many peo- group of teen-agers, much good was she can't have her own tea room, per- Shriek, to shrink, a~d end this tale ::::reEd:i::--=-~=- __ pat Collin". ::.:':,!,':!: ple, including the weatherman, done for the community. Upon leaving haps interior decorating will do. bleu- Sports Ediwrs __ . _ with their anti-freeze down. the troop, she was given the Thank Just as Mrs. Harbaugh's "pre· Hill" He was spurred by AC current News_Feature Ediwr_ All in all, to coin a few psycholog- You Badge, the highest award pre- days were full, her 9 years with us (Athens-Corinth-amps afferent); Copy Ediwr_. _ Photography_ ical phrases, it proved to be an escape sented in the Girl Scouts. have been filled with activity. She Some professor, near the week's end, BUSINESS STAFF device for many students in helping Junior and Senior Home Ee. feels that the faculty and the students Asked numb Harpho (Death then Buoin"". MBnager __ Paul Lambertoon, '54 Jim Marshall, them eliminate some of the frustra. students may 1;emember another one of WMC have made it an "inspiration seeped in) Advertising ManBger_ Craig S<:hmall. '55 '55 Euhange tion accompanying a "staid and pure" of Mrs. Harbaugh's hobbies. Up until to work here on the hill and have made If he'd mind declining d claIse CONTRIBUTORS academic life. II year or so ago, Mrs. Harbaugh had the days here very happy." Verb fraterniter------d voix basse. Pat Richter. Linda Skinner, Bev Reiber, Mar. ilyn Goldring Leo Werner, Ronnie Krome.
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