Page 11 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 11
The Gold Bug, Oct. 27, 1953 3 Cadet AndT error Gridders Set For -Clash I - - I Hoffa Field Locale by Jim Roach OF Annual Classic The sports picture here on the hill hasn't, for the most part, The Cadets of Pennsylvania been disappointing. From all indications the outlook seems very Military College will march on promising. to Hoffa Field this Saturday to If the cross-country team continues to exist, an outstanding distance-man tackle the Terrors of Western will lend his support--lrv Cohen has decided to come out of retirement. His Maryland College in the annual aim: to lose weight and run the elephant mile. Homecoming game on the Hill. Rudy's Raiders (all sixteen of them) journeyed to Baltimore Junior Col. Led by co-captains Rocco Pa- lege Friday and decisively defeated the latter 31·0. John (Nick Bonelli) Car. lermo and Martin Stiles, the Red, lucci provided the spark with two touchdowns. His touchdown pass to Bob Yellow and White will take to the Butler on fourth down broke B.J.C.'s back. Phil Raimondo, "Enke" Carvel, Bill gridiron with two purposes. One Stewart, and Sonny Krantz played well in the backfield. is to avenge a 24-20 defeat of a Capt. Don Wallace, Bill Clem, Butler, Gene Krantz, Paul Harrol, and new- year ago the other is to bring to an comers Ronnie Jones, Harry Tull and Joe Ravenis played a fine game up front. end W.M.C.'s homecoming record. Coach Rudisill was mighty pleased. He alternated his vast squad beautifully and Western Maryland prides itself in succeeded in stopping Baltimore's scoring thrusts at the goa! line several times. the fact that it has never lost a home- Former gridder "Skitch" Henderson brought in instructions to the players coming game. This year's Terror team by acting as water boy. -Photo by Baum will be out to keep that streak intact A Chinese Ambassador whose initials are H. C. has agreed to N1·ck Gwynn (Co-caPtain), Etzler. Dick Linton (Co-captain), Hagenbuck and for another year. accept the challenge of the "Blonde Bombshell." Her manager, Jim Dwv·is lead Green. and Gold qgaiust F' & i1f Thw·8day «[ternoon. The contest Saturday marks the Whitehurst has contacted the B. B.'s manager and any day now- fourth meeting of the two schools and fireworks. the second time the Cadets have Against Drexel Tech, our boys did themselves proud before bowing 6.4. Bachelor, Preacher Harmon Sparks played here. The Terrors hold a 2 to Drexel has one of the nation's top teams and showed it, but not before the 1 edge in the series. they had before succumbing to the superior city slickers. AlI- Frats Lead League WMC Booters Green and Gold gave them the scare of their lives. The hicks frQ!!l the country Both teams have been defeated gave everything twice in the current gridiron cam- American Red Schmitz of Drexel couldn't get over the Tact that WMC refused Intramural football started with a paign. The Terrors have shown im- Led by Denny Harmon's two goals to give up. He said it was unbelievable. bang this year. With six teams play- pllls- one of Don 'I'ankersly, The pressive wins over Dickinson and Ran- The Baltimore U. game was exciting from start to finish. B.U. ing; four frats, the freshmen, and the dolph-Macon. pulled it out in the second half 4·3. The line played excellently while Seminary, it looks like a fight to the Green Tenors of Western Maryland The men from West Chester have the backfield was a little behind its usual self. A couple of fluke finish. rolled up another win 3-1 over the looked good in defeating Moravian goals won for a B.U. team that played quite a game itself. Goalie Delta Pi Alpha jumped into first University of Georgetown of Wash- and Juniata. Bob Crush has played well in all games so far and in the future, place by copping wins in its first two ington, D. C., on the winners' field. Use Split T with more experience, should be great. This evened the season record for the Following a poor season last year, A forthcoming hockey team has-been planned for during the winter months. :~ar~~ T;::~:a~:;,: ~~~~\ d~~~t; ~~~:r~~:~:vro 07~~s::s~PPO~d by the Coach George Hansell of P.M. C., has Attempts are being made to arrange games with teams in the Baltimore area. points, and the Black and Whites The game's first score came in rebuilt his team around 17 returning Anyone wishing to play please contact Don Wallace or Al Hagenbuch. This (PAA) by 26. The Bachelors (AGT), seven minutes of the first period when Jettermen. He will use a straight T team will play informally so each participant must furnish his own skates, however, came up to tie for first by Tankersly scored WMC's first point with variations which remind the foot- etc. winning its first two; one against the by 'heading' the ball past an expert- ball minded of the split T. Congratulations to Mary Lou Arnie for obtaining her girls' .Black and Whites, and the other enced goalie. From then until the first Charlie Havens' boys, who will be hockey referee license. She joins Rags Baum in the officiating ca- against the Frosh. They, in turn, "few minutes of the second half the operating from the single wing, will pacity. made 2nd place with a 1-1 record. game plodded on with hoth teams be expected to show plenty of power Orchids: to Joyce McLaret (Sister Broken Wings), disciple of Father Di- The fight, however, is coming for". playing not very inspired ball. through the air, as well as on the vine, who photographed nicely in Life; a bit belatedly, to Gene Paul and Connie four-th' place with the remaining three ground. In their past five games the Rector for deservedly winning those honors; to Coach Rudy and his boys for teams fighting for that spot in the Final Minutes Defensive Terrors have connected 26 times out their fine showing at BJC and Dickinson; to the fine spirit of Mr. Uhrig's BOC_ standings, which are: Harmon came into the picture as he of 62, three of them going for T.D.'s. cet- team; to "Enke" Carvel for playing with a chipped finger; to the W.M.C. scored two goals in a row to clinch the On the defensive side of the ledger, band, the best in years. Pe....che ..s .__..__ ._.__. _ 2 Bachelo~ _..• __ __._._ _ 2 win for the green and gold, At about the Green and Gold have looked fairly ._._ .._~. __.. Onions: to those guys who act. like pigs while eating in the dining hall; F!"08h Bet·s .._.._._. . .__ ._ 1 the five minute mark he slammed one well. They have intercepted 7 to their Gamma to a certain somebody for haridfighting an opponent in a game at Baltimore; Whit;;.;_·:::-:--·:···· __ ··- 1 across then with 11 minutes gone by opponents 5, recovered 13 fumbles to t.hosc people who follow others when they have good ideas of their own; ~:::,t'a;y - in the same period Western Maryland while losing only 9 to the other side. Up...,.,minlj" Games: especially to the characters who park their cars on campus where they shouldn't. O.whee scored their final point of the after- Ave-rage 5 Yards ~~ ~~~~: B~~;~. "ho..~minaey noon. The final 33 minutes were de- The Cadets can expect to find Athletic Department Novemhee renetve. Georgetown scored its only plenty of trouble in the forms of vo. SemInary Compliments of 3 P," vs. Gamm. Bet:. point ill the final period. Needleman, Bopst and Smith. Each of Aelels Cross Country 5 BlR~k & Whi_ VB. F!"08h This year's Terror team is jointly these Terrors is averaging five yards 4 B•• h"lo II P ......chers Bet'. yg. Gamma THIRD FLOOR Cross-Country has made its debut 10 Bla~k & WhItes VB. Bachelors captained by the two senior members per carry as well as figuring heavily JOURNAL at -.JYestem Maryland College this of the squad, Dick Linton and Nick in the scoring column. full- plays the right Gwynn. Linton Among the most gratifYing indt- fall. Following a successful track season Terrors Tie H-S; back with Gwynn showing signs of vidual performances has been that of ALWAYS REMEMBER the Terror thin-clads have decided to experience at right-half. The other. freshmen fullback AI Miller. Miller initiate a cross-country team under Lose To LaFayette nine positions of the starting team scored W.M.C.'s only touchdown "Ita not whether you won or find Bob Crush acting as goalie; against G-burg, and will be doing lost~ that counts, but whether the capable coaching eye of Mr. Rich- Western Maryland's Terrors and Roy Etzler at left-fullback; Davis at most of the ball-carrying Saturday you had a date after the game." ~rd Harlow. Hampden-Sydney's Tigers played to left-halfback; Al Hagenbuch as cen- afternoon. The team will be led by Charlie Phipps and Les Werner, distance men a O-to-O tie in a hard fought battle ter-halfbuck ; Taitt playing right- The starting lineup will probably of the '53 squad, and will be bolstered on the latter's field last Saturday. wing and Bruce Mills playing left- find Parks and White at the ends; by Tom Englor, Dick Shenton, and Neither team penetrated deeply in- wing. The freshmen members of the James and Antonas at tackles; Hunt You Are Always Welcome Jack Reed. to their opponnents territory. West- starting crew consist of Dell Kohl at and Snover at guards and Duh! at center. The backfield will be composed also at inside inside and Tankersly at The course, located on the back ern Maryland's best showing came in and the future All-American, Harmon of Needleman, Burgee, Miller and third when the terrors quarter the Wine's Sport Shop campus and 3 miles in length, is con- moved to the tiger's 33. at center-forward. Bopst. sidered one of the best. 46 Pennsylvania Ave. A tentative schedule is being ar- This scoreless deadlock leaves both Win Over B. U. Kick-off time is slated for 2 P. M. ranged and all interested track men teams undefeated in the Mason-Dixon So far this season the green and are urged to join the squad. title race. gold have split in Mason-Dixon Con- The green and gold of Western ference play Whipping Loyola of Bal- WIN TWO TICKETS TO Maryland lost to Lafayette 28-0 at "You'1·e Good For It At" Fisher Stadium in Easton, Pa. to even timore (2-1), then losing to the Uni- CARROLL THEATRE (4-3). versity of Baltimore It Pays To Look Well up their record at two apiece. The team DAVID'S JEWELERS got off to a bad start, trailing 14-{1 in This Thursday the bocters travel WATCH NEXT ISSUE 19 E. Main Street \ Vilit The the first quarter. This early lead prov- for an important game with Franklin FOR SPORTS QUIZ and Marshall on the latter's field. The Westminster, Md. ed too much for them as they were men of F&M have lost only one con- - Phone Westminster 1167 Avenue Barber Shop virtually.impotent during the whole test out of the last thirteen on their game. and that was to the Jays own turf, Bulova - Longines - Elgin play at Bemus • Gruen Where The Students Go For That Homecoming Corsage of J.H.U. (2-1). The Terrors against the WELCOME HACK 12:00 noon this Saturday OLD GRADS Wittnauer See Charlie Calarv alumni in one of many events con- 8.5 Pennlylvllnia Avenue $2.50 Up nected with homecoming. OPEN AN ACCOUNT DELICIOUS FOOD at PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS Order Now For Prompt Delivery Also Many Box Assortments at Griffin's / ~ Times Bldg. P. G. COFFMAN CO. Westminster, Md. , but the r BE"ST/ Baugher's Restaurant For that special date, Corsages -' JUST OFF THE CAMPUS from FOR A MEAL OR SNACK BLUE RIDGE LINES Homemade Ice Cream and Thick MHkshakes The Flower Box HUS DEPOT - Phone 199 OPEN EVERY DAY Phone 1420 14 W. Main St.
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