Page 15 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 15
The Gold Bug, Nov. 10, 1953 3 Booters Hit .500 Blue Jays Host To With 3-1 Triumph Terrors On Nov. 21 The Green Terrors of weatem Maryland evened their soccer record The third oldest rivalary in the east at three wins and three losses with a renews itself on the 21st of this month 3-1 victory over the University of when Johns Hopkins University takes Delaware on the turf of the losers, on the Green Terrors of Western November 30. Maryland College on former's field in Denny Harmon came through with Baltimore in a football game schedule two goals and Don Tankersly with to start at 2:00. one in a game that saw the Terrors Contests started between these hold the lead. all the way through. In schools back in 1894, but this is only the first period, W.M.C. scored one the 32nd meeting of the two schools. goal to take a 1-0 lead. Each team In previous meetings the Green and scored in the second frame and the Gold have dropped 16 contests while final point was scored in the second winning 11, while four have come half with Harmon racking up the final out in dead-locks. The rivalry has point. been interrupted many times because Western Maryland fell below the of wars and such, but each contest hard-fought. The been .500 mark for the second time this played has of Maryland was at one University season when Franklin and Marshall ColJege spanked the local booters 4-0 time the arch rival of W.M.C., but on the victors field on a rainy and cold TERROR FIRST TEAM: S1wtved out, but not under, last Saturday, these gridders will face a strong Lebanon their size has -now put them beyond eleuen in Pennsylvania. thiJl weekend afternoon. The loss was the third of Valley Kelly, Needleman, MilffW, Walker. LAne: Butler, James, Rausch, HU1!t, Lenox, Hedgcock, Rogan. Back- the reaching of Green Terrors. field: the season for W.M.C. Western Maryland won the opening It was the first shut-out against the contest with the Blue-Jays. Terrors this season and the worst Western Maryland will go into the defeat this season. F. & M. had been - I Question Box .. game with a record of five wins, two beaten the week before by W.M.C.'s losses and one tie, if Lebanon Valley arch rival J.H.U. by the score of 2-l. by Jim Roach Win Tickets To falls before the Green and Gold in a The booters have only three more game to be played this Saturday in It looks like the cold days have finally arrived, and with them games on their schedule. This Thurs- that hard ground, so tough to fall on. Indian Summer had to go Carroll Theater Pennsylvania. After W.M.C.'s tie with Terrors the have Hampden-Sydney, day afternoon the team travels to won two in a row and are looking Gettysburg- to try to revenge a foot- sometime, I guess. stronger each outing. ball loss against their out-of-state The return of many alumni to the campus Homecoming was a pleasant Once a month the eponta de- The Blue Jays of J.H.U. are run- rivals. sight to behold. Renewing old acquaintances is always that way. partment of the GOLD BUG ning out of a single wing similar to The University of Maryland, .with A report has reached us that a certain member of the football squad has will publish a quiz on Western that used by Western Maryland. Last thcir league (Atlantic Cceee Confer- had a bench personally constructed for himself; one he can carry around with Maryland sports to promote ence) leading, undefeated team come him all the time. He feels that picking up splinters on Saturdays isn't enough school interest in Terror Ath- season in a contest which saw W.M.C. to this campus for W.l'II.C.'s last home -wants more for the rest of the week. letics. The person correctly fall before a television audience, 12-0, on two quick last period touchdowns game on the 18th of this month. The - What's this about the girls' athletic program being eutailed because of answering the most questions by J.H.U., the Blue Jays were running season closes against Johns Hopkins lack of participation? Come on, gals, give those who wish to playa chance. will be awarded, through the out of a "T". University on the 21st-the same day Intramurally speaking, the girls are all jumbled up-tie games and all that. courtesy of the Carroll Theatre, (IS the football game. Against the Alumni, the varsity soccer squad did pretty well, two tickets, to any performance. but indications were that a well-conditioned alumni team would To enter the contest, simply Nature Thwarts Bachelors Jump have beaten the boys . .Homer Earl ('50) certainly stood out for write your answers on a post- Gridiron Encounter card and mail it to SPORTS the Old Men. Time hasn't caught up with him yet. That game really DEPT., GOLD BUG. Into' Frat Lead ought to be played every year. The winner will be announced Mother Nature turned the tables on jinx over WMC finally was broken, thanks to the Delaware's hard work of Denny Harmon, and the feet of Don Seibol and Don in the next issue of the paper. the scheduled gridiron contest between The Bachelors broke into first pace Tankersley. The soccer team hadn't beaten Delaware in six years, That .person may call for his the Terrors and Drexel Institute by after giving the Preachers their first but the tables were sure turned this year. tickets at the GOLD BUG office. blanketing Carroll County with the loss. It was a hard fought game, but Former athletes Mitch Tullai (,52), Walt Hart ('52), Hank Norman ('51), This contest is open to all first snow fall of the year. the Bachelors, captained by Jack Ur- Jack Molesworth ('52), "Yug" Yuglinski ('50), John Sgarglio ('50), and the students and faculty members Coach Havens made the decision to ion, scored 13 to the Preachers' 2. incomparable Waldo Hadjuk ('50) were some of the erowd attending the with the following exceptions: postpone the game early Saturday The Bachelors have previously beat- Homecoming game. So was All-Maryland tackle of yestery~ar Hugh Ward, Sr. Members of the Athletic morning since the football field was .en every other teem in the league The Intramural Football league ncars_completion._ with- the Bachelors out department, GOLD BUG staff, buried beneath seven inches of snow. and now have a record of 5 wins in front. Their game against the Preachers proved they're the class of the and all others closely associated It was agreed by both coaches that against 0 losses. league, to date. "Churchy" Fogler scored in the first play from scrimmage. with these organiZations are there will be no rescheduling of this The Slandinlls are: ineligible. year's game but another contest be- Bob Jackson gathered six points on a pass from "J,e~oy'; Zimmerman. The Preachers scored on a safety. Final score: 13-2. Noone can win more than tween Western Maryland and the once in a schocl year. Dragons has been arranged for next High scorers for Alpha Gamma Tau 'are Fogler and Phil Lawyer. Harry In case of a tie the card bear- Grander provides the spark in their forward wall. ' ing the earliest post mark will year. Maryland's Terrors chalk- Western The Preachers, led by Ronny Jones, have two good ends in Harry Tull be judged the winner. ed up an easy 33-7 football victory and Charlie Phipps. The forthcoming game between these two clubs should No duplicate prizes will be over Penn Military College to keep an be a lulu. awarded and the decision of the unbroken string of victories in Home- Looks as though .the girls are moving into another territory judges will be final. coming pigskin encounters. dominated by men-pool. Rags Baum and Marina Xintas will be Ready! Here goes: Led by the brilliant ball carrying Don't Miss challenging the better men, yet. They're already doing that in ping- 1. Who was Western Mary- of Arnie Needleman, who racked up pong. land's greatest forward passer? an enviable record of 91 yards-gained- 2. In what two years did The Needleman made a spectac- rushing. "THOSE REDHEADS The Homecoming game had many thrills. P.M.C. got quite a Terror soecer team win the ular run of 36 yards, resulting in a FROM SEATTLE" score when from out of the past with the speed of light and a hearty state championship? tally. The Bim hit Bob "hi ho Rogan", Warren Bimestefer passed again. Butler, a boy who only recently was playing with the J.S.'s, for a 3. What is the longest winning Warren Bimestefer held top honors T.D. In the third quarter he found "Broke" Rogan(ski) flitting streak ever compiled by a in the passing department by connect- W.M.C. football team, and what NOVEMBER 11 his way in the clear, and dropped the ball in his meathooks for a school ended this unbeaten ing with Bob Butler, "Jeep" walker score. Warren ended his exploits by connecting with "Jeep" Walker string? and Pat Rogan, accounting for three Sponsored by Junior for a six-pointer. All-American Arnie Needleman led the rushers 4. What football star made the touchdowns. Class with 91 yds. Jack Duhl failed to start for his first game since longest run in the school's grid- playing football at WMC. Did you notice the bruises on the faces of iron history? Basketball Squad Gene Hedgcock and "Hands" Hunt'! Don James was unstoppable on his side of the line. 5. What football player now attached to the U. S. Embassy Renews Rivalries Orchids: to "Cambridge Ed," for fine work in the sports publicity angle in Mexico was All-Maryland for FOR THE FINEST here on the hill; to Messr s.iCar-l Halle and A.T.&T., for their efforts on their W.M.C.? Homecoming floats; to the GOLD BUG page editors for their fine, unappr-e, 6. What is the greatest number The Terrors under the direction of IN FLOWERS ciated handiwork; to long-unnoticed "Warren Bim," for his great work all of points scored by a Terror Head Coach Bruce Ferguson, will year long (especially against PMC); to "Bones" Rogan; to the' Homecoming team in a single football game? again playa 21 game schedule. All See Us First Court, for looking so nice; to Carville Downes and his hard-working football varsity games will begin at 9:30 p.m. 7. What is the highest national managers; to Jim Whitehurst, for his fine work as Parade Marshal. rating ever given Western The schedule is: DUTTERER'S Onions: to the Government, for calling on royalty ("King Farouk" Bard) Maryland? December: Lehan;n Valley 3 to take his Army physical; again, to those slobs who eat like pigs in the dining 8. What gridiron team pre- .8 5 Gallaudet Alumni 114 Pen~sylvania Ave. hall; to those guys who forget that intramural sports should be played for vented the Green and Gold from Janul:ry~atholie St. Mary'$ 16 .11ft. Un;ve....ity enjoyment, not for personal grudges; to some frat members, for swatting too Westminster 350 'hard-that's senseless; to those lazy people who let others do the work they capturing the Mason Dixon title 6 Gettyaburg Homo by completing a long pass in the 9 W8.8hington iE: should do. final minutes? 13 Loyola ColIl'll:e Home Hampden-Sydney 15 9. Where did W.M.C.'s gridiron 19 U. of Baltimore stalwarts make their first tele- Febr~~ry~t. sc Mary's Away You Are Always Welcome vision appearance! 4 Gallaudet Home IIIlE nu lfJIIIJEIJ WITH THE1fJlIJlIII1 . at 10. What is the largest number 10 6 Leban()n Valley College ~:~! W""hington University Catholic Once upon a time there was a fat student Wine's Sport Shop of points scored by a Western a 11 13 John. Hopkins ir~: soccer Loynl .. 16 in Maryland team named Hiram. He was a real cube. Instead 46 Pennsylvania Ave. single game? 18 22 U. 01 Baltimore ii:.:! Un;ve,.,.ity American ~I jaunting home by those gone Blue Ridge 27 24 Dickinson Hupkina Away John. Away ';uses, Hiram spent his folding like a Dia· ----. mond Jim. When Santa time came, Hiram LAUNDROMAT Good Health was nothing. His chick tben switched to a 5 Locust Street J. WM. HULL, Jeweler lad 01 distinction who always went by Blue Opposite Parking Lot To Ridge and thus was loaded with green. For Over Half Century DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 All Moral: GO BY BLUE RroGE BUS- FRIDAY UNTIL 8 :00 Expert Watch, Jewelry Irs Cheaper' Closed Wed. Afternoon and Eye-Glass Repairing From BLUE RIDGE LINES Westminster 1287 105 W.l\lain Street REXALL BUS DEPOT - Phonel99 FREE DELIVERY SERVICE
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