Page 17 - TheGoldBug1953-54
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hId. 'he Librar:{ ~jestern il'aryland College r.===~~ter, <'1 PARKING BASKETBALL \ PROBLEM/ ~ NEWS PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Vol. 31, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 24 , 1953 Alpha Gamma Tau Vespers Inclucle Dean Helen Howery Introduces Six Senior Announces Them~ 'Messiah', Play Who's Who Members At Honorary Banquet Of Christmas Dance under the direction of Prof. Alfred W. Dean Helen Howery, at the second Who's Who Banquet in WMC's history, introduced to the program, The annual Christmas deLong, and Miss Esther Smith, will student body last night the six seniors named to the honor of representing Western Maryland in the The annual Christmas dance, spon- he presented to.the student body Sun- annual publication, Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. The six have access to the or- sored by Alpha Gamma Tau Frater- day, December 13 in Alumni Hall. The ganization's placement bureau, and may wear the society's gold key. Those introduced were: Bill Har- nity, will be held on Saturday, De- production, which begins at-4 :30 p.m., cember 12, in Gill Gym from 8 :30 represents the combined efforts of the p.m. until 11 :30 p.m. College Choir and the College Players. Music for the dance will be supplied Choir Presents Messiah by Ralph Graves and his orchestra The Choir will present the Ohriat- from Washington, D. C. The theme of mas Portion of Handel's il!e8siah, as a the dance will be Christmas 1953. part of the traditional Christmas Ves- Santa Claus will be there with his per service. Shortly before 4:30, the sleigh. A large Christmas tree will be organ prelude will begin the Overture in the center of the gym. The remain- No. 1 and the Pastoral Symphony. der of the decorations will also be in Following the processional hymn, the keeping with the Christmas theme. Choir and soloists will present the Served Cabaret Style following program: "And the Glory of Refreshments for the dance will be the Lord", Chorus; an air, "Rejoice appropriate for the season and will be Greatly, Oh Daughter of Zion," by served cabaret style. Chairman of the Meta Justice, soprano. Refreshment committee is Stretch Also included are: recitative, "A Haslip, Virgin Shall Conceive"; air and General Chairman of the dance is chorus, "0 Thou That Tellest Good Skip Berends. Other members of the Tidings," Marilyn Hardester, con- AT SECOND ANNUAL BANQUET, left to Bill Harvey, Patricia Herman, Arnold Hayward, Pareone. and Betty fraternity are assisting Skip as chair- tra~j;o; chorus, "Glory To God;" reci- , man of several committees. Harry tattve, "Then Shall the Eyes of the vey, Arnold Hayward, Pasty Herman, Jane Hutchison, Betty Parsons and Charles Wheatley. Grander is in charge of the Publicity Blind", air, "He· Shall Feed His In one year at W.M.C., after graduating from the Junior College at Frostburg State Teacher's, Committee. Dick Linton is chairman Flock," Barbetha Goeb, mezzo-so- Bill Harvey has been elected president of the Argonauts, College honorary scholastic society, vice- of the Decoration Committee. Jack prano; chorus, "His Yoke Is Easy"; president of the Student Christian Association, and is considered an asset to other campus organiza- Urion is handling the tickets. Bert chorus, "Hallelujah." tions. Among them are the College Springstead and Howard Zimmerman Players Enact Nativity are responsible for the Clean-up Com- Child, a nativity play by Cicely Ham- Evelyn Smith Set Glee Club Sings :!~~e~~e Ma::si~~a~!~de~~llMO;eec~=~; The College Players will enact The mittee. joined Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity. It the provides Tickets $2.00 ilton, while the Choir It is in three For Organ Recital '~electecl' Carols has been his plan for several years Tickets for the dance are $2.00 per musical background. to enter the ministry. couple. They may be obtained from parts, consisting of the prologue, three Miss Evelyn Smith, Assistant Pro- Arnold Hayward is W.M.C.'s Pres- any member of the Bachelor Frater~ tableaus and the epilogue. Those ap- The Women's Glee club, under the ident of the Student Government As- nity, in both girls' dorms, and in the pearing in the prologue and epilogue fessor of Organ at WMC, will present direction of Miss Evelyn Smith, will sociation. As a member of the Black various clubrooms. are Michael Leftwich as Private an organ recital on Sunday, December present its annual Christmas concert and Whites, Arnie has been chairman Harry Grander, Publicity Chair- Whitaker, the Englishman; Daniel 6, at St. Paul's Evangelical and Re- in Chapel on Sunday, December 6. of many of the important activities of man, has been quoted as saying, "Last Yeoman as Private Murdock, the formed Church, Westminster, at 3:30 The program includes a wide variety the group. 'He is a pre-med student of' selections, , p.m. frpm ranging 13th to year the Bachelors sponsored the Mid- American; Ellsworth Schabert as Selections listed on Sunday's pro- 20th century compositions, and in- and a member of Tri-Beta, Arnie, Ycar Hop, a fabulous success. This Daoud Khan, the Indian Trooper; and gram include: Chaconne in E Minor cluding carols from France, Germany, who comes from New Jersey, has year we're not resting on past laurels, Bill Tribby as Joseph Garnier, the by Buxtehude; Chorale, "From God I and England. great musical talent. He has given re- and we promise that if you go to the French Peasant. Ne'er Will Turn Me", by Buxtehude; The selections, in the order of citals in outstanding "Halls" of the dance December 12, your time and In the three Tableaus, Nancy Bay. Musical World, and is a member of $2.00 will be well spent". lisa will portray the Virgin Mary; Prelude ami Fugufl""in G Major, by J. presentation, are as follows: Divinum the Men's Glee Club. Bruce Price, St. Joseph; Gloria Bunt- S. Bach; Epilogue on a Theme. of MY8terium, a 13th century Plain Song Veep from Washington ing, the Angel Gabriel; Sue Burkins, Fr6scobald by Jean Langlais; Sym- arranged by Sumner Jackson; R8- Pasty Herman has been engaged in Lecture Committee Mary Warren, Dave Hilton as the • phonic Chorale, "Jesus Still Lead On", joice, Ye Chrntian Me1h Rejoice, by many extra-curricular activities since Elert; and in Sketch Three Shepherds; Bill Harvey, Bill by Karg by Schumann; Divertis8ement F Michael Praetorius; Sing We Noel, a her arrival here from Washington, French carol of the 16th century ar- Minor Lists Army Official Schneider, Dick Palmer as the Three . by Vicine; Pauge Lingua by Edmund- ranged by Katherine K. Davis; While D. C., in the fall of 1950. Her office as Kings. son; Carillon-Sortie by Mulet. By Our Sleeping Flock We Lay, a Vice-President of the Student Gov- Lt. Col. James Kravitz, command- Miss Smith is a graduate of Wes- German Melody 17th Century song ernment Association incurs an auto- will be the guest Royer, Spangler ing officer of the Army's 89th Anti leyan Conservatory in Macon, Ga. arranged by Homer Whitford; Glory matic position as head of the Women's Aicraft Battalion, After her graduation she received her to God in the Highe8t, by Giovanni Council. Pasty was treasurer of her class in her sophomore year, and last Hall, December 8, at 11 :30 a.m. His Announce Recital Master of Music degree from Eastman Battista Pergolesi; Max the Reger; Virgin'8 The year she was the Student Govern- speaker an assembly at in Alumni by Slumber-Soug Conservatory, in Georgia. In addition subject will be "The Army's Role in to her position as Director of the Holly and the lVII, an English Carol: ment secretary. She is a trumpeter, the Air Defense of the United States". Mr. Philip Royer, violinist, and Mr. Girls' Glee Club here at college, ebe is the Hunter by Johannes Brahms; and is the 1954 ALOHA Patron Manager, Lt. Col. Kravitz attended the Car- Oliver Spangler, pianist, will present Choir Director at the Union Square the Briti8h Children's Prayer by and a member of Phi Alpha Mu. In negie Institute of Technology and the the first in a series of faculty recitals Methodist Church in Baltimore. Jacques Wolfe. between her various meetings, Pasty University of Maryland. He entered by members of the college music de- On December 1, the glee club will finds time to be an English major. in Alumni Hall on Monday partment the Army in 1927 and was commis- evening, November 30, at 8:15 o'clock. Ensor Announces entertain the Association of Univer- During Jane Hutchison's three-go- sioned in the Artillery Reserve in The following three major works sity Women in McDaniel Lounge. ing-on-four years W.M.C. she has 1933. From 1939 to 1943 he served will be presented: 1. Sonata No.9 in This program will include all of the always had "her fingers in the pie". as an instructor for the Coast Artil- AAUW Eligibility above numbers as well as A Ceremony A consistent Dean's lister, Jane is a lery School at Fort Monroe, Va. F Major by W. A. Mozart; 2. Sonata of Carol» by Benjamin Britten, which member of 'I'r-i-Beta and the Argo_ During World War II Lt. Col. Kra_ No.1 in G Major by L. van Beethoven; The placement of Western Mary- was presented by the glee club last nauts. In her junior year she was vitz saw action in bQth the Pacific and 3. Sonata No.1 in F Major by Edvard land College on the approved list of year, and which is being repeated by secretary of her class. Janie is a European theaters of war. Grieg. the American Association of Untver- request of the A. A. U; W. members. member of Phi Alpha Mu. This year Mr. Royer, a Western Maryland sity Women was announced at a her time is consumed largely by the graduate, received his graduate de- student assembly on Tuesday, Novem- College Player's production of "Har- gree in music education from Colum, ber 17, by Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, presi- SCA Sponsors vey," the ALOHA, of which Jane is I College Ca/enc/ar bia University. dent of the college. editor-in-chief, and practice teaching Mr. Spangler, who studied at Otter- Dr. Ensor read a telegram received in Westminster. Jane is an art major. J\londay, Nov. 30 bein and did his graduate work at the night before from Dr. Dorothy Annual Bazaar Tapped a Trumpeter Recital, Music Hall, 8:15 p.m. Peabody Conservatory of Music, in- Woodward, Chairman of the Commit- The Student Christian Association Tuesday, Dec. l. structs in piano and is the college tee of Standards and Recognition of Five hundred dollars has been set and Sigma Sigma Tau claim the same AAUW, McDaniel LOUnge, 8:00 organist. the A.A.U.W. It stated: "I am very as the goal for money raised by the gal as president this year-"Perk" p.m. happy to inform you that the Board W.U.S. (World University Service), Parsons, a Philosophy-Religion major Thursday, Dee. 3 Anthology Publishes of Directors of the A.A.U.W. voted formerly the W.S.S.F. (World Stu- from Parksley, Virginia. "Perk" was Intersorority Tea, McDaniel yesterday to place the name of your dent Service Fund), during Solicita- president of the College Sunday Lounge, 4:15 p.m. Poem By Patterson institution on its approved list." tion Week, beginning November 30 School last year, and still directs the Saturday. Dee. 5 Recognition by the A.A.U.W. means and ending December 5 with the an- Sunday School Choir. She was secre- WUF Bazaar, Blanche Ward Gym The National Poetry Association, that women alumni of Western Mary- nual bazaar to be held in Blanche tary of the class of '54 during her Monday, Dee. 7 publishers of the Annual Anthology land are now eligible for membership Ward Gym from/7:30 to 11:00. freshman and sophomore years. The Home Ec Club; 7:00 p.m. of College Poetry, announeed. recerrtly in local branches of this organization. Responsible for raising the money, College Players make good use of her IRC. McDaniel Lounge, 6:45 p.m. that Patr-icia Patterson, a freshman The announcement followed formal which will go partially to a tubercu- dramatic tendencies. Last spring Park India, in Madras, Tuesday, Dec. 8 here at Western Maryland, had a application made by the college and a in losis sanitarium to our foreign student was tapped a Trumpeter. of the and partially visit made to Western Charles Wheatley, President Maryland Assembly, Lt. Col. James Kravitz, poem accepted for publication in the October by a representative of the scholarship fund, is the World Re- Class of '54 for the past two years, Alumni Hall, 11 :30 a.m. Anthology. The poem, called Oppor. Chi. Wednesday, Dee. 19 tUnity, is re-printed in the GOLD A.A.U.W. latedness Commission, whose co-chair- is a member of Gamma years Beta here he Plasket During his first three BUG by permission. and Lee are men Bobbie Canterbury Club, Mc~aniel Lounge, I slept, Gongloff. This commission comes un- worked for the GOLD BUG, until last 7 p.m. And as I Biept, der the Student Christian Association. February he was appointed Editor- Sunday. Dec. 10 An angel knocked upon-my door. NOTICE The bazaar will feature dancing, a in-Chief. Last Friday night "Wheat" Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 7:30 "Crrme in", I eaid Students are reminded that to· sideshow, ice cream and pop corn appeared in the College Players' pro- a.m. "And re8t with me a while". morrow, November 25, and the booths, a booth for baby pictures of duction of "Harvey", as Elwood P. Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:'15 p.m. The angel smiled sadly. two days following Thanksgiv- important people, a booth for ex- Dowd. This is his second year with Monday, Dee. 11 "Rest',!" 8he 8aid ing vacation, November 30 and tinguishing candles with water pistols, the group. Wheat, a political science French Club McDaniel Lounge, 8 And left me December 1 are $10 days. a booth fo~ telegrams, and a booth for major, is planning to enter the min- p.m. Sleepinp. "two for th~ money." istry upon graduation.
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