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Miss Ward '.1. M. C• .... Vol. 31, No.4 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md; November 10, 1953 Fernanda Dorra, Former Music Teacher SAC Suggests Dedicates library Collection To College Activity Changes The Fernanda Dora Music Library will be dedicated on Mon- day, Nov. 16, in Levine Music Hall at 4 :30 p.m. The Social Activities Committee Marian Bauer, author, composer and music critic and a life- reached several decisions at their last long friends of the late Miss Doria, will deliver the principal tribute meeting- concerning proposals previ- to the former operatic star and college voice teacher whcss-musical ously discussed, according to Secre- collection is being dedicated at the tary Barbara Plasket. College. In connection with open house in Special Room Houses Collection fraternity rooms, a new ruling was The late Miss Doria, a former resi- passed which will permit women dent of New York and Washington, students to go into clubrooms on joined the Music department here in Saturdays from lunch time until 1946 as a voice teacher. She be- dormitory closing hours for women. queathed to the College her entire Fraternity rooms are also open on music library which contains a collec- Sundays from the mid-day meal until tion of operatic scores, hundreds of 10 p.m. pieces of sheet music, textbooks and pictures. The collection will be housed One Movie A Month in a special room in the Music Hall The Calendar Sub-committee recom- to be known as the Fernanda Doria mended that only one movie be spon- Music Library. sored a month, unless a particularly Miss Doria's career as an operatic good one should corne in addition to star brought her fame not only in the the one scheduled to be sponsored. United States but also in Europe, It was also agreed that organiza- Canada, and Mexico. Beside achieve- tions lacking appropriations be given ments with her lovely mezzo-contralto preference in sponsoring movies. voice, she was widely known for her Sororities and fraternities are not Elwood P. Dowd And Friend intensive study of Folk Music. Miss Fernanda Doria expected by the committee to partici- Dr. Ensor To Open Program pate in these sponsorships. IHarveyl Cast Stages Final Another topic of discussion involved will open the Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, dedicatory program which will be held Sororitie~ Sponsor Friday night activities. The committee in the Recital Hall of the music build- recommended that only three Friday going to Rehearsals For PerFormance ing. Following his introductory re- Sadie Hawkins Hop night activities be scheduled per marks, Dr. Evelyn Wenner, faculty semester, with "precedence representative, will bring a few words The Intersorority Council will soon cultural events." of tribute to Miss Doria, who was a sponsor the traditional Sadie Hawkins '-Final rehearsals for the College Players' annual Thanksgiving member of the \V.M.C. teaching staff dance. It will be, held on Friday, Parties Not To Confliet play, Harvey, are now in process. The production is scheduled for for seven years. November 13, from 7:30-10:00 in Another recommendation of the Friday, November 20, at 8:15 p. m. in Alumni Hall. Mrs. De Forrest Anthony, 'friend of Blanche Ward Gym. The music for committee was that fraternity parties Mary Chase, author of Harvey and Mrs. McThing, has had a the singer, and another former voice dancing will be furnished by records. be scheduled "so as not to conflictwith varied career consisting of newspaper woman, political crusader, student here, Beverly warner, will Each sorority will be responsible school functions." housewife, and playwright. Out of the Irish folklore she learned also participate in the program. Miss for a particular aspect of the dance. Under the chairmanship of Dean of from her mother and uncles, Mrs. Chase has created her famous Maude Gesner, head of the Music The "Delta" will produce the enter, Men William David. the Social Activi- Haroeu, "the six foot white rabbit with long sensitive ears." Department, will introduce Miss tainment 'for the evening. Publicity ties Committee is responsible for Under the direction of Miss Esther Smith, the students are Bauer, the principal speaker at the and tickets will be handled by Phi studying the present calendar of working creatively to bring the dedicatory program. Alpha Mu. The Iotea will serve activities. refreshments. The gym will be The committee's 15 members are Exhibition Features ~~~:~li~~~~itc~m~~f:'e!:::sb:~::~~ Six Seniors Named decorated by Sigma Sigma Tau. Dean David, Dean Howery, Dr. er meaning in the play which has This year the sororities Phillips, Mr. Uhrig, Arnold Hayward, will intro- duce as sponsors of the dance their Pasty Herman, Perk Parsons, Charles Contemporary Art ~~~~!::.;~e;~e:~et~e:te~~o~;e~~l~!~ To 'Who's Who' new sponsors. They are Mrs. Crouch, Wheatley, Henry Taitt, Bruce Price, An exhibition of contemporary satisfaction of the final production is Three men and three women from Mrs. Uhrig, Miss Smith and Miss Lou Jordan, Lee Kline, Barbara prints c..,urrently is being held in the sufficient reward for their work. Plasket, Sleeper, Summers. and Barbara the senior class have been aelected=tc Traditionally, the girls invite the Exhibit Room of Old Main, continuing Juniors Assist represent western Maryland College boys. This practice is actually legal- through November 12. , As members of the College Players, in tbe annual publication, Who's WhQ ized just for this night. Dogpatch fraternities List Dr. William MacDonald says that the Junior Dramatic Art students are in A merican: College8 and Univer- style costumes will be in style for the the room will be open from 9:00 a.m. assisting Mr. Donald Bailey, Produc- sities. evening and, of course, the fellows to 5:00 p.m. during the day, and from tion Manager and Designer. For these Bill Harvey, Arnold Hayward, should sport vegetable corsages made New Members 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday, students, the production is a project Pasty Herman, Jane Hutchison, Betty especially for them by their escorts. Wednesday and Friday evenings. and part of their laboratory work. Parsons, and Charles Wheatley are The best dressed Daisy Mae and LiJ Four fraternities on campus have The collection includes twenty-five It is both routine work and practical the six named. The basis for evalua- Abner, and the most humorous charac- 70 new members. prints in lithographs, color wood, cuts, experience for which they receive tion in the selection being an analysis ter will all be awarded prizes. These The members of Alpha Gamma Tau serigraph, and aquatint, monotype, credit in the course. Included in the of their college life, including char- awards will be presented by the dance welcomed 24 into their fraternity. process, etching, engraving and color production angle of a play is the acter, scholarship, leadership in ex- sponsors. They were Frank Benson, Bill Cook, lithograph. handling of such things as hand props, tracurricular activities, citizenship, There will be posters about further Bob Davies, Jerry Fader, Gene Goll, The prints, lent to the College Art stage props, scenery, and publicity. and potentiality as future members of details. The faculty are all cordially Ric Gregory, Butch Hall, Gene Hedge- department by the Baltimore Museum society. invited to attend as guests. cock, Howard Hunt, Charles Luttrell, of Art, are the works of some o.f the Only Time Admission Charged In the Who's Who yearbook, each Bucky Manuel, Skip Merkle, Danny leading American artists. Prints which Traditionally, the College Players of these seniors will have their in- I Coll~ge Calendar I Moylan, Bill Myers, Gene Paul, Jim have received considerable attention will charge an admission, of $1.00 per bio- a graphical sketch, describing Pearce, Jack Randel, Nick Rausch, are "Angels of Puebla," a serigraph person, for the Thanksgiving Play. terests, abilities and accomplishments Don Seibel, Bill Shelfo, Pat Shelor, by Leonard Pytlak; "Squid Under This is the only time throughout the during their college career. The six Thursday, Nov. 12 Doug Shreve, Dick Steinkopf and Pier," an engraving by Minna Citren, year that the group charges admission Andy Tafuri. and "Ring Around the Rasg," a seri- for any of its productions. With these ~~avc:m:~~es~ur~oau,th:h~c~ga~~zr:~::~: In~:~~:~~~n~:~~~~:h!~m:ea, Mc- Delta Pi Alpha received John graph, by Robert Gwanthmeg. proceeds the Dramatic Art Depart- recommendations to future employers Batista, John Carlucci, Bill Clem, Three pieces of bronze sculpture, ment is able to purchase equipment and graduate schools, and as an ad- Friday, Nov. 13 John Dorsey, Gene Funk, Bill Harvey, needed for the remaining productions. ditional privilege of the honor, they Sadie Hawkins Dance, Blanche Don Hutchinson, Brad Jones, Lenny each by well known artists are, The equipment, including spotlights, may wear the honorary key of the- Ward Gym, 7 p.m. Martin, Bruce Mills, Barry Murphy, "Reclining Ballet Dancer" by Matisse, is used not only by the College Players society. Sunday, Nov. 15 Bruce Price, Walt Sanders, Dick "Seated Girl" by Reuben Cramer, and but by other clubs and organizations Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:30 Shafer, Ken Smith, Bill Stewart, Buz "Mother and Child" by William on the Hill for dances and various 4 Zorach. a.m. Turney. and Jack SCA Announces Chapel, Alumni HaU, 7:15 p.m. Thomas, Betters, Martin Broadhurst, exhibits is the first of a by the Art of campus activities. This series Dick to be sponsored Bruno, Bob Crush, Bob Active Members Monday, Nov. 16 of the Fernanda Doria Charlie Hugh Howell, Dick Palmer, Department throughout the year. Assembly Group Herzog, Dedication Howard Shores and Bill Tribby joined The SCA at the close of last year Music Library, Levine Hall, 4:30 Gamma Beta Chi. Alumni Plan Fo. Dance p.m. adopted a new policy concerning mem- IRC, McDaniel Lounge, 6: 45 p.m. Nineteen pledges became members Schedules Editor bership, whereby a student must at- Tuesday, Nov. 17 of Pi Alpha Alpha. They were Neil The "Victory Dance," sponsored by tend three meetings in order to be an Assembly, J. R. Wiggin, Alumni Blake, Tom Carrick, Ralph Close, Bill the Baltimore Alumni Chapter of Mr. James Russell Wiggins, the active member and receive a member- Hall, 11:30 a.m. Crawford, Bob Green, Carl Halle, Don Western Maryland College, will be managing editor and vice president of ship card. All others are considered wednesday, Nov. 18 Horowitz, Phil Jackson, Gene Lam- held Saturday, November 21. It fol- the Washington POfJt, will be the guest associate members. bert, Mike Leftwich, Tom Maier, Jack lows the annual game between the speaker at an assembly on November Approximately sixty membership Carroll Club, McDaniel Lounge, Morton, Lyman Seaman, Bill Snyder, Terrors and the Johns Hopkins "Blue 17 in Alumni Hall, at 11:30 a.m. Mr. 6:45 p.m. cards were issued at this service and Ed Thompson, Byrd Towson, Bart Jays" on Homewood Field in Balti- Wiggins will speak on "The Freedom attendance at the services has been Friday, Nov. 20 Vidi, Hans Willen, and Dan Yeoman. more. of the Press." greater in number this year than for Thanksgiving Play, Alumni Hall, Mr. Alleck A. Resnick, president of Mr. Wiggins' first experience in the past few years. Betty Parsons, 8:15 p.m. the Baltimore Chapter, extends an journalism was as a reporter working President of the SCA, commented up- Sunday, Nov. 22 NOTICE invitation to all students, alumni and for the Rock County Star in Luverne, on this fact in the statement, "Because Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9: 30 Photography schedule is on the friends of this college to attend the Minn. He was later placed as editor of such interest and enthusiasm, I a.m. Old Main Bulletin Board. All dance, to be held in the Wedgewood and then publisher of this paper. He am confident that the SCA will be Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p.m. students are requested to check Room of the Emerson Hotel. Joe has also worked. as an editorial writer quite successful and will prove to be Monday, No,'. 23 dates to avoid unnecessary con- Valley's Orchestra is featured at the for the Pioneer Dispatch. in St. Paul of great value to the college com- Argonauts, McDaniel Lounge, 8: 15 fusion. informal affair, which is from 9:00 and as an assistant to the publisher of munity." p.m. p.m. to 1:00 a.m, the New York Tim.e8.
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