Page 12 - TheGoldBug1953-54
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4 The Gold Bug, Oct. 27, 1953 I II t:IIiyh (j~ ~Ite .:Ad/, Ken Sey (continued) . .. I Co ege Ca enelar WMC'~rs Pr~s~nt none around this burrow worth Hutchison, Taylor Head Aloha Staff twitching noses at." satisfied, three Tuesday, Oct. 27 Local Radio Show Assembly, Alumni Hall, Neil H. Conclusion: I was hours later, as I was packing my lie - Swanson, 11 :30 p. m. The first of a series of weekly va- by Joan Barklew by Wa.l~ Preston: detectors, truth serums, ear clippers, Friday, Oct. 30 ~ riety programs was broadcast last and Canasta deck. The verdict was Saturday at 1 :30 p. m. from station Jane I Campbell Hutchison, more Ruth Draper, Alumni Hall, 8:15 my patient commonly"known as "Hutch" or just final, and promised future: Jacques a11 WTTR. This fifteen minute spot the happiness in plain Janie (no relation to just plain would be more content as a Jacqueline Saturday, Oct. 31 features a narration of the college Bill of radio fame) came to Western (Psych. theory #4: "There's some- Parade, Westminster, 12:45 p. m. history interspersed with recorded Maryland from District Heights, Md., thing rotten near Denmark."----Jorg- Foothall, P.M.C., 2 p. m. music. four long years ago .• During these enson-1952). Open House, sororities and The faculty-student committee will years she has engaged in many camp- fraternities write and present these programs. us activities. Love Conquers All Harvest Moon Ball, Gill Gym, 8:30 A committee is composed of Robert As a freshman she was active in To seal my success, t gazed once p. m. Bartl, Thurman Lambert, Jack Ness, Tri-Beta, the orchestra and the again at the locus of interrogation Lois Cermak and Betty Riggleman. French Club, whose annual play she and-and found, to my utter consti- Sunday, Nov. 1 The faculty members are Miss Joy starred in. Her dramatic talents have pation, that he was activating most Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:30 Sleeper, Donald Bailey and Philip since been displayed in her appear- anti-theoretically (heredity, environ- a. m. Uhrig, Public Relations Director. ance with the College Players ... and ment, and late hours). First, one ear Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. The idea for the program was orig- those who attended the Junior Follies heaved itself (response to exterior Monday, Nov. 2 inated by Robert Bartl and Thur- saw evidence of her directing ability. stimulus) screechingly to an erect IRC, McDaniel Lounge, G:45 p. m. man Lambert. They both have had Jane's class has shown ita confidence position-followed curiously by the previous exper-ience. - in her by electing her secretary in other enlarged auditory center ("The Wednesday, Nov. 4 Future programs will feature stu- her junior year (never, but never have sense of hearing is more acute as the SCA, Baker Chapel, 6;45 p. m. dent guest performers and speakers. there been minutes like those!) and individual approaches maturity." Friday, Nov. 6 Current popular records on the "hill" Chuck Taylo?' Jacques was two weeks old). His nos- Piano Recital, Levine Hall, 8 p. m. will also be played. trils arched and rearched simulta- neously with his now Anthony vs. Saturday, Nov. 7 This will be the second regular If you live in the grille or frequent Cleopatra eyes. His stiff feet began to Football, Drexel, Hoffa Field, 2 p. m . show the college has presented. the golf course, i.e. if you play bridge pound the dust out of the surrounding Sunday, Nov. 8 or golf, then chances are, you know leaves of grass on the Whitman Chuck Taylor. An enthusiast of both, horneplace as he pointed his whole Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9 :30 Compliments of Chuck usually plays in the 80's or low equilibrium toward one common ob- a. m, 90's in golf,. and is accredited Junior ject (stimulus). The ominous, five- Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. J. R. EVERHART Master in the American Bridge As- Monday, Oct. 9 COLLEGE BARBER sociation. lettered Gestaltist alphabet swam French Club, :l'.fcDani'elLounge, At the Forks dizzily off his whiskers-B-O-I-N-G- Charles S. Taylor was born July 17, and dropped heavily through the 7 p. m. 1930 in Tuscaloosa, Ala. He grad- ground'. Tuesday, Oct. 10 uated from St. Paul's School in Balti- Then, I saw her. Student Recital, Levine Hall, 4:25 more in 1947. After one year at the . p. m. S University of Virginia which he de- Thaw-Breaker • FOR THE F INE T scribes as being "interesting," Chuck She was the altered embodiment of became a commercial artist and ad- Horace Greeley's advice, with the IN FLOWERS vertising copywriter for a period of word "Go" delted to read "Mae." The J. WM. HULL, Jeweler See Us First two years. He came to Western Mary- very road warped its ditches as she land in the fall of 1950. sacbeted her strategic powder puff For Over Half Century and ability) (aptitude Jane Huwhison An English major, Chuck has been of the curved (highway) from one side to DUTTERER'S surface known to turn out accreditable short Expert Watch, Jewelry by appointing her editor-in-chief of stories, plays, poetry. He was elected the other '
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