Page 18 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 18
2 The Gold Bug, Nov. 24, 1953 No- Space On Campus Cars Increase At Western Maryland i Narrow Roads Add To Co~gestion by Gus LaMar Too many cars and not enough space. That seems to be the basis of the current campus traffic and parking situation. More cars are registered at Western Maryland this year than ever before. According to figures from the Office of the Dean of Men, which is in charge of car registration, 172 cars have those little yellow parking stickers on their windows this year. Seventy-five of these belong to dormitory students and 19 are day students. Seventy-six male students have cars registered, and 18 belong to female students. Faculty members have 51 cars registered, while 27 belong to staff members. Not included are cars belonging to students and faculty of the West- minsterTheological Seminary, which has its own parking areas. Also not included are quite a number of unreg- istered ones. And according to g" recent GOLD BUG count, there are 148 legal park- ing spaces available on campus: 40 in Ward Hall lot, 51 in McKinstry Hall lot, 17 spaces across from Blanche Ward Hall, and 40 in Albert Norman lot. This tabulation doesn't include parking spaces now being utilized in places such as in front of Baker Chapel and Alumni Hall, in front of Gill Gym, along Campus Main Street in front of Old Main, and alongside McKinstry. Cars shouldn't be there. All this adds up to too many cars places for all - and not enough parking Easy to see. The of them. The result? r-'1; ~r,"l.t' / 'j only thing to do is park wherever you can, it seems. So Campus Main Street '~)i'(- is lined with parked cranny on campus cars, and every likely nook and . Among other things at th~s sea- that is able to shelter a car is put son, we can be thankful that the to use. intramural football league has con- Our streets are narrow. With cars cluded its schedule here. parked along them and people walk. Harvey isn't responsible, but the ing to class on them, the mix-up gets list of injuries suffered as the re- pretty bad at times. sult of recent "touch" football Panic On Holidays games has been multiplying like On normal class days especially the proverbial rabbit .. around lunchtime or on Saturday Apparently it's been no soft mornings, traffic really gets thick. -GOLD "touch" either. CAMPUS PARKING' In upper left, cars line both ,ides of narrow road in front of dining BUG photo by GOi!Inell But on high days and holidays, look Upper hall. rigM The original "touch" aspect of the pho'to illustrat6lJ one of the primary reasons for Move condition: not C1tough space on the lot. out! Then it's downright, con:U"1sted. game seems to have developed instead Homecoming, there were cars parked into a contest that compares to many way out on West Main Street, cars contact. Colonial Totem Poll Casts Eye On ChieF Stuclent Suggests a varsity encounter in unrestrained sitting on Pennsylvania Avenue, cars aggressiveness and physical on Green Street, cars everywMre. It For one thing, the participants in Chief Gobblerless _in _the - Gizzard was next to impossible to drive these fraternity scraps are not ex- leaned back on a powder keg, Plltted are requestede toe attende one olde Heartier Thanks through campus. pected to be in the superior physical his shrunken stomach, and allowed one banquette aae the honourede gueste That snowfall not long ago messed "shape" usually ascribed to their var- select, carrionish grin to slither from ofe hise honoure, the Gouvernoure, Ine By Bud Holland things up, too. It looks like a hard Woodse, thise Thursdaye--- Penn'se sity counterparts. Furthermore, there between his bark-like lips and express whiche tee toe saye---todaye. Wilde- GOLD BUG Staff Writer winter ahead for Western Maryland is no equipment worn by-the former its malnutrified self: turkeye, rawepumpkinse, ereneber- I drivers. Snowdrifts clogged up the to protect against rough contact. "Hey, ugh, squaw, ain't ugh this riese, ande damselseeeowee. Bringe Thanksgiving Day began as an Idea The Same It is apparent that these two the ugh eTa.zwst yet ugh!" ordinary day in the late fall when This "parking problem" is really factors and in addition a possible "Isn't", inserted his papooseless mate owne tinne cuppe (ABC(d)e license the residents of Plymouth Colony in not the driver's fault. You can't make third element, sportsman-like (whose grammar had improved sur- 77e, ine ande out).''' Massachsetta met together to give all of them stop driving to school. And playing, have been disregarded. prisingly since she'd been hiding be- Upon reading this, Mrs. Not-eo- thanks to God that they had a bounti- when they get here, they have to park Broken bones, torn ligaments, hind some bits of Joyce Kilmer's Gobblerlees-In-the-Glzzard was re- ful harvest and that the prospects of somewhere. Narrow streets and small the and brain concussions attest all sources of inspiration-with an Eng· solved that things were not what they getting through the winter looked lots are not That's fault of the ad- seemed. Chief had been out on the the way the col- ministration. too well the validity of this con- lishlord). tribe a bit too regularly of late. pretty good. lege was built. . clusion. "Yeah-ugh, well, nohow, ugh, this Struggling to remain composed in the In the more than 300 years which Let's not lose sight of the ob- here hunk, ugh, of white man's paper, tepee, she shot an arrow through the have elapsed since that day, the gen- You can't block off Campus Main jective of these intramural ugh, says that I are invited ugh to eral idea has remained the same-a Street, because it's a public road, and games, healthful and enjoyable sit ugh my feathers down to a-aw, invitation and filed it behind his blue- day of thanksgiving for the blessings besides, that wouldn't be nice. West- recreation. We 'should attempt ugh, you read it, ugh." eyed (hereditaryInfluence from Ral- you now have or have received. We ern Maryland has a pretty campus, eigh's and we like people to come through left colony) secretary's "lost" to eliminate this over zealous This she did. ear. , move the date ahead or behind, de- and look at it. competition that fails to view the "'To Whome ite Doe Ooncerne: Ye "Well, ugh, I guess ugh I'd better pending upon who happens to be So, what to do for more parking game in its proper perspective be ugh ugh ugh ugh (indigestion) president and issues the Proclama- and even more the plain "dirty" going .. space! There are two or three logical player who hasn't got enough Gentle Air Seen Thus, the chief, whose ulcers were tion, but the day is still one on which suggestions. One is to open up the confidence in his own ability to already stripping gears in anticipa- one's blessings are counted and re- area in the Yingling-Ward-Old Main. This has been play it fair. sea- For Pesty Beaux tion, bade a farewell to his fidus viewed, our debt to the Higher Being McKinstry quadrangle. before, upon oc- known to happen In the intramural basketball squaw, acknowledged, and our gratitude ex- caslon ; during summer conferences, son that will soon be getting under Girls in college, as well as girls As soon! as his one-piece suit dis- pressed. and suchwhat, But that's only for' way, maybe we should decide to turn other places, are constantly being appeared behind the nearest smoke On this Thanksgiving Day of 1953, emergencies, we hear, because cars in over a new leaf and make the only faced with problems pertaining to signal, little wife began pulling down I would like to direct your thoughts tally kept the number of games won males. "How can I break off with my venetian blinds and draperies, put the to some blessings you may have over- there all the time would ruin the grass and stuff. and lost and not the number of in- roommate's steady?" asks one coed. key under the door mat, folded up the looked. We have reasons to be thank- Things To Get Worse juries incurred. tepee, and carried it mumishly under ful that we are Americans, that we Interesting as this is, the bulk of If worst comes-to ,vorst (and it will female frustration arises from the her 'aromatic arm. have a heritage of freedom and dem- any month now), there is a not-too- THE GOLD BUG inability to give a polite "no". when was Yes, reader, in Penit's Woods - to ocratic principles and the opportuni- farfetched idea that the little grassy :Crustratus our matus ties and benefits of life in the United called on the phone by an undestrable, and lot between McKinstry camping plot date-hungry gentleman. Of course, the keep an eye on hubby's cavorting- States. Science Hall could be made into a logical and impulsive thing to do is to and probably partake of some herself. Most of us do remember these parking area. Of course, that would scream "A date with you'! HA! I Not having received an invitation, things, and similar other ones which entail getting rid of the grass and wouldn't go out with you if you were she set up her conical, ranch-type fit our particular cases, but go little shrubs there, and would cost some the last slob on earth!" or, "Call me abode at the far end of the clearing- or no farther. It is not enough to be money. M.mb.r again sometime after I've just come so as to be unnoticed-yet, noticeable. just thankful that you are an Amer-i- There is a lot of room over by Gill Associated Collegiate Pre •• out of a coma." By the time she had the rooms in or- can. You must in addition understand Gym, but there could be more. That To be sure, the outright NO is quite der, the festivities were loudly voicing and accept and re-affirm your respon- lot could be enlarged fairly easily. effective, but did you girls ever pause themselves. She stuck her pigtailed sibilities as an American citizen. Do Western Maryland's Mid-Century to think that perhaps one of your cranium through the back door and Advancement Program plans call for ,~1~1~I~C~:::~-- rejected suitors might turn up next observed the surroundings. Not a bare not just be thankful in a passive way plenty of parking space "if and certain that fortunate or pleasant New" Edito,..__ to you, armed with a juicy crib sheet, plot of grass remained. All she could things have happened to you, and when," but that won't come about for during some future examination??? see interwoven between the totem quite some time. Parking spaces are Feature Edlto", __ SO--you must get rid of them poles and honeysuckle, were rows of don't either, be unthankful because needed now, not in two or three years; Sports &lito", _ politely! tepees, cups of teapleaae, and, in the some conditions or circumstances of that's why these stop-gap sugges- New ••Feo.ture Editllr __ Below are four short paragraphs to future, barrels of same. your life are not as you would like tions. PhotograDby_~ be memorized. Acted out correctly, She was just beginning to thank them to be. Be thankful, rather, that A combination of these two factors, B".in .... Manager_ they will discourage even the most last year's corn crop for her ten-yard you have in so many ways, everyday proper car registration and quick ad-,.. Exehan!O'e Manager _ persistent admirer. And each begins line seat when, her muddy brown, of your life, th; opportunities to see ditional parking spaces, should re- with the word "yes." Let's proceed Yangtze eyes were attracted to the and experience the better qualities of lieve WMC's current traffic and park. Pat Riehler. l.inda Skinner, Be... Reiber, Mo.r_ ilyn Goldrin!O' ~ Werner, Ronnie Krome.. (Continued on page 4-, coL 3) (Continued on page 4, col. ~) human nature, ing situation.
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