Page 19 - TheGoldBug1953-54
P. 19
The Gold Bug, Nov. 24, 1953 Ferguson Preparing Terror Courtmen Booters Aim Six Play In Their Final Contest For 21 Game Schedule Opener At.sOO Mark As Terrors Rout Blue Jays 46-0 With football season over, the eyes of Western Maryland sport fans once Freshman Al Miller stole the show from six departing se- more will turn toward Gill Gym. Here the Green and Gold Quintet will play This afternoon the Terrors of West- niors in a 46-0 rout of Western Maryland's arch rival Johns Hop- 12 of their 21 basketball games during the 1953-54 cage season. ern Maryland College close out their kins at the loser's field. Head Coach Bruce Ferguson, who is beginning his 14th year on the coach- 1953 spccer schedule -agalnst their On the first play from scrimmage after a little over three ing staff, at the present time is not strongest competition as the Terps of making any promises or predictions. Maryland University invade the Hill. minutes had ticked off the score board clock, speedy Miller helped traveled blocking by some excellent But Terror fans can be sure of see- Maryland, which stands undefeated in ninety-six yards for WMC's first ing plenty of basketball talent on the Atlantic Coast Conference competi- court. tion, is a heavy favorite to whip the touchdown and it was no contest from Besides having a list of 18 fresh, local heroes for the green and gold's that point on as J.H.U. couldn't do men who have signed up for the team, sixth defeat. WMC has won four this anything right. Miller's score plus the extra point Coach Ferguson says he will have aU season in~luding the annual alumni By Jim (Grantland) Roach by Nick Rausch were the only points of last year's squad back with two ex- game on Homecoming day. We understand that some in the first period, but the green and ceptions. This should be an. added Two seniors are playing their final members of the football team gold added 13 more in each and every boost to a successful season. game for the Terrors, Nick Gwynn have an eye open to a renewed Among the veterans expected back and Dick Linton round out their four boxing team here. A few of the other period -ot the contest as the one- are Al Bopat, Charlie White, Arnie year career against the Terps. Both boys were sparring around the sided game continued through the aft- Needleman, Charlie Phipps, Harry Gwynn and Linton were ejected Co- ernoon. traveled for 32 yards Needleman Tull, Soup Campbell, and Jim White- Captains this sean and have played other day and thought of the one score in the third period to make idea. hurst. Using these men as a nucleus, excellent soccer aJJ season. Seems to me, a few years ago, the score 26-0 at that time. Pat Ro- Coach Ferguson hopes to develop a WMC supported such a team, gan also scored in an afternoon which winning combination. 20 Goals For Season but had to give it up because of, sawall players that were dressed Bopst, last year's center, will prob- The team this year. has booted in a perhaps, one of many good reas- play. ably be called on to do most of the total of 20 goals with the opposition ons: lack of adequate talent. Seniors Play Last Game rebound work for the Terrors, along smashing 22 through the defensive Right, Bulldog. Making their final apearance of with Phipps and Tull. White and efforts of the Terrors. To recap the The varsity basketball team has be- their college days in football uniforms Needleman will be looked upon to do season to date, the green and gold gun preliminary operations, but is were six seniors. plenty of scoring for the Green and opened with a stunning win over still minus players who are just fin- From Baltimore, Md., a big man in Gold. Loyola 2-1. The next two contests did ishing up football. George Sipe will the forward wall was George Antonas. The squad has been practicing hard not come out so well, as the Terrors be lost for first-semester action. So Working well at either the guard, cen- for two weeks in preparation for its played excellent ball against Drexel far, • Charlie Phipps, Henry Tull, ten, or tackle slots the "Greek" has opener against Lebanon Valley on Goach Bruce Ferguson but experience won out 6-4 and the Soup Campbell, Will Pfeifer, and Bob figured high in past Terror successes. Dec. 3rd. Following that the team will University of Baltimore won out 4-3. Jackson have been fooling around, A product of Patterson Park, George invade Galludet and then return to the 79-0 Win Gives The reserve Jacking University along with some energetic freshmen. came to Western Maryland well tu- Hill to play the Alumni on Dec. 8th of Georgetown fell before the boaters Word has it that the frosh really laid tored in the fundamentals of the grid for their first home game. be a Bachelors Crown 3-1, but Franklin and Marshall proved it on the varsity in a scrimmage game. As in past years, there will too powerful in a steady do..wnpour game. Standing but 5' 10" but having un- junior varsity game before the var- winning out 4-0. This was the only Coach of the Year Bruce Rudisill canny accuracy with the pigskin is sity game, The J. V. game will start The Bachelors once again won the contest in which the local boys we're intervened in a riot at Hopkins in John Richard Carvel. Dick came to at 7:00 with the varsity game getting intramural-fraternity football cham- held scoreless so far this season. The time to see his boys defeat the Jays' WMC after four-year tour of duty at under way at 8:30. pionship whipping the Preachers in a Alumni fell 3-1 on the same day the J.V., 20-13. This game was marred by McDonogh. A four sport man at the The schedule is: 'post season' battle 19-0. PMC fell 33-7 in the Homecoming frequent encounters, caused mostly by military prep, he has confined his ac- D""ember: Earlier in the season the Bachelors festivities. The varsity boaters trav- the Homewoo-d gang. Jim Lackey, tivities at WMC to football and golf. a Lebanon Valley and Preachers had met twice and had eled to the University of Delaware and John Carlucci, and Capt. Don Wallace "Don James, from Baltimore, Md.- 5 GaUaudet split a pair of contests the 'single 8 Alumni came back to the Hill victtortous 3-1. each received belts on the jaw for that was the often made quotation re- 16 Mt. st. MBrY'. men' winning the first one 13-2 and Janul:ry~athoHc Unlver!lity the 'clergy-men' throwing the race Bucknell Contest Cancelled their efforts. • peated over the P.A. system at home 6 Gettysburg into a deadlock by edging out the The only real casualty of the Intra- and abroad during football season. An 11 W... hington Coll"IJe The Bucknell contest was cancelled mural Football league came as the re- offensive man last fall, Don has 13 Loyola next meeting 7-6. sult of a try for an extra point Car- learned to play defense and played 15 Hampden-Sydney due to a small blizzard which covered 19 U. of Baltimore That was the first Bachelors loss the campus. The last two contests ville Downes, of the Gamma Bets, both very well. This left tackle also F~br~~ry~t.8t. Mary's have been hard defeats to take as broke his collar-bone when he tried to is one of Boyer's diamond-men in the 4 Galland"t ~~r::;: ~~:~S'te:~ t~~r~h::~\:~~; Gettysburg edged out the hard fight- dive into the end zone, and only land- spring. 6 W... hlngl.Qn College won, ending the season with a fine 6-1 10 Lebanon Valley ing Terrors 2-1 and the men from ed. out of bounds on his shoulder. Real The man moved from one position 11 C..tholic University record. 13 Johns Hopkins J.H.U. won by the same score only tough, C.D. to the other most often is most likely 16 LoyOla The Preachers came in second with last Saturday on. the day that the Well, the league now finds the two Edward J. Kelly. Ed, known for his 18 U. of Baltimore a 5-2 record. ~~~~kr!:~Unive,.,.ity football team was running- wild 46-0. top teams, the Bachelors and the ability to learn and learn fast, has 27 John. Hopkin. Preachers, tied for first place. Unless held down most any position in the either team loses to some other oppo- lineup since his arrival here four Sports Quiz nent, both clubs must face a replay. years ago. From New Brunswick, FOR THE FINEST L_ _ One nice thing about the last Bach- N. J., 'Bulldog' also plays varsity elor - Preacher game was the clean baseball. IN FLOWERS Here are those answers you have history? sportsmanship, which leaves one to Needleman Four-Year Man been waiting for. Some of you are go- Bill Shepherd think both frats are finally coming to Four years ago from Abraham Lin- See Us First ing to groan when you read them and 5. What football player now at- their senses. Intramurals should be coln High of Brooklyn, N. Y., came realize that you knew the answers all tached to the U. S. Embassy in Mex, played for fun, and not for. prestige Arnold Needleman. Captain of the has DUTTERER'S the time. Galvin hit the 80% mark, ieo was All-Maryland for W.M.C.? in winning. Win, lose, or draw, sports- 1953 Terrors, Needleman and lacrosse. also Paul won letters in basketball manship counts the most. Sig Jensen and that was good enough to win the Currently leading the W.M.C. scoring, number of 6. What is the greatest Captain Crouch, was suited up 114 Pennsylvania Ave. two tickets to the Carroll Theatre. points scored by a Terror team in a for the GBX-Black and White Needleman points to football as his Westminster 350 Be sure to watch the next issue for game the other day, but didn't real 'sports' love. A free man at the the second round of the QUESTION_ si~~leF~:~!~~~~game? • see any action. The Captain, a present, during the Christmas Holi- BOX. 7. What is the highest national rat- former varsity man at The days the ball and chain will be at- 1. Who was Western Maryland's ing ever given Western Maryland? Point, in the days of Blanchard- tached. we Davis-Tucker, gridder understand, A likeable LAUNDROMAT greatest forward passer? 7th gridiron team prevented .looked mighty sharp at halftime, fourth year of gridiron completing his is activity Molly Twigg 1915' 8. What from Crumm 5 Locust Street 2. In what two years did The Terror the Green and Gold from capturing shooting passes like howitzer Pat Rogan. Hailing Pat has proven Lynne, Pennsylvania, shells 50 and 60 yards downfield the Mason Dixon title by completing Opposite Parking Lot soccer team win the state champion- a long pass in the final minutes? to ends Bgts. Lang and Murray. to be quite a competitor. Pat has ship? DAILY-7:30 • 5:00 1937 Johns Hopkins The Bachelors have two rare speci- proven to everyone that he is an ex- person. tremely versatile 9. Where did W.M.C.'s gridiron stal- FRIDAY UNTIL 8 :00 3.What is the longest winning warts make their first television ap- mens in their line-up: "Bird" Lock- These six will be greatly missed hart can fly, and Gene Paul can re- streak ever compiled by a W.M.C. peerence t place the Detroit Lions' 325-1b. Les next season, but the outlook is gen- Closed Wed. Afternoon football team, and what school ended Baltimore Memorial Stadium Bingaman anytime Lea gets hurt. erally bright for the future, with this unbeaten string? Westminster 1287 27 Georgetown in. What is the largest number of Larry now charges fares when he many players returning to the fold FREE DELIVERY SERVICE 4. What football star made the points scored by a Western Maryland flies people around campus. "Look! for ano\her grid campaign. the Before soccer team in a single game? the final in Baltimore Up in the sky! It's a plane! No, it's longest run in the school's gridiron 8 . Superman! No, it's a bird! Larry Terrors lost a tough one in Lebanon, Lockhart!" Pa. Lebanon Valley College scored What member of a eertain frater- points in the final period to defeat 19 a jacket be- J. WM. HULL, Jeweler For that special DELICIOUS nity was seen weafing frat 1 Photo- our Terrors 32-20. The Green and longing to a certain date, Corsages graphs have been taken, and will be Gold ended their season with four For Over Half Century FOODS presented to his club. 'Ve now await wins, three losses, one tie and one from his ex-ccmmunteauon. cancellation. Expert Watch, Jewelry AT Orchids: to those people who were drenched with snow not long ago, and and Eye-Glass Repairing The Flower Box managed to come up smiling; to. Compliments of Miss Esther Smith, I Griffin's the cast of "Harvey," Don Bailey, and J. R. EVERHART for staging 105 W. Main Street Phone 1420 14 W. Main St. such a successful presentation. COLLEGE. BARBER Onions: to Brad Jones, for having At the Forks the longest neck (like a giraffe's) on campus; to those JOKers who don't have their cars registered, and foul Baugher's Restaurant It Pay, To Look. Well up the campus parking lots. G.C. Murphy & Co. JUST OFF THE CAl\IPUS Vi.itThe PATRONIZE The Friendly Store OUR ADVERTISERS. FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Avenue B.rber Shbp Dormitory and Clallroom You Are Always Welcome Supplia Homemade Ice Cream and Thick lUilkshakes Where The Students Go at , Wine's Sport Shop 6-10 West Main Street OPEN EVERY DAY 85 Pennsylvania Avenue 46 Pennsylvania Ave. Westminster, Md.
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