Page 9 - TheGoldBug1953-54
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Libr!!ry ./estern. ~£~;l~<-J-~~'C01~l.ege SEE ':TRUE WMC CORNFESSION" RADIO SHOW PAGE 2 PAGE 4 "'1 Vol. 31, No.3 WESTERN MARYLAND GOLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 27 , 1953 Beauties" Dance, Mark Homecoming Black And Whites' Hutchison Names Thanksgiving Play WM Main Street Procession Harvest Moon Ball ALO'tA Editors Features 'Harvey' Covers Quarter Mile Course Climaxes Weekend Jane Hutchison, Editor-in-Chief of The C~lege Players, under the the 1954 ALOHA, made staff appoint- direction of Miss Esther Smith, will #' Homecoming Weekend this year will open with the performance \ The Harvest Moon Ball, apcnaored of Ruth Draper in Alumni Hall Friday. Miss Draper will present by Pi Alpha Alpha Fraternity, will ments recently. present their interpretation of the be held on Saturday, October 31, be- Associate Editors Bill Crawford celebrated comedy, HU1'1!ey, for the ginning at 8 :30 p. m. in Gill Gym. and Bev Springfield will assist Jane annual Thanksgiying play on Friday, in the production of the annual publi- November 20, at 8:15 p. m. in Alumni Decorations in keeping with Hal- cation. Hall. loween and harvest time will include Nancy Bayliss is the Art Editor, Wheatley in Leading Role harvest moons, pumpkins, shock~ of and Adaline Allen the Photography The leading role of "Elwood P. corn and wheat, black cats and witch- Editor, assisted by Dick Schafer. Dowd" will be played by Charles es. Chea Kellam, with his ten-piece Sports Editors are Jim Roach and Wheatley. Other members of the cast orchestra and vocalist, will provide Harry Grander. . are: Myrtle Mae Simmons, Carol the music for the dance. - Hon and Casky Copy Editors Bauer; Veta Louise Simmons, Jane Dr. Ensor Crowns Queen Mim Hon and Nancy Casky hold the Hutchison; Mrs. Ethel Chauvenet, As the highlight of the evening, position of copy editors on the year- Betty Parsons; Ruth Kelly, R. N., President Ensor will crown the Home- book. Ann Spears; Duane Wilson, Kenneth coming Queen, Debbie Meyls. The Chuck Taylor, as Business Manager, Ruehl. Queen with her escort, Bill Bime- heads Barbara Almony, Assistant The remainder of the cast consists stefer-, and her attendants with their Business Manager, Walt Preston, of: Lyman Sanderson, M. D., Harold escorts will be presented to the guests Laura Leigh Kline, and Dot Phillips, Posey; William R. Chumley, M. D., by Esoom at the dance. The attendants are: who are responsible for subscriptions, William Harvey; Betty Chumley, 1953 HOMBCOMING COURT: Left to 1'ight; ilIarilee Hodsdon, Sophomore Senior Attendant, Carol Sause with Carville Downs as Advertising Man- Nancy Bayliss; Judge Ormar Gaffney, Attendant; Sue Dor8ey, Junior Attendant; Debby Mey/.s, Queen; Carol Sause, her escort, Barry Winkelman; Junior ager, and Pasty Herman in charge of Irvin Cohen; E. J. Lofgren, Donald Senior Attendant, and BC1)crly Parsons, Freshman Attendant. Attendant, Suzanne Dorsey with her Patron contributions. Horowitz. escort, John Batista; Sophomore At- Janie sends out a hopeful SOS to Harvey, written by Mary Chase, is a series or original monologues that night; monologues that have tendant, Marilee Hodson with her es- all those interested in taking sub- not only one of the most successfuf won praise in this and many foreign countries. cort, Warren Bimestefer; Freshman scriptions. All pictures of sorority, comedies ever produced in America, Displays around the Hill, sponsored by the various clubs and Attendant, Beverly Parsons with her fraternity or dormitory gatherings, or but is also a Pulitzer P.rize play. organizations, will be judged and escort, Dick Davis. any other local color, will be gladly Opening on Broadway in 1944, the awarded prizes. The first prize of $10 Fay Sororities Induct accepted by the ALOHA staff for con- play ran five years, with Frank will be awarded the best display, Silberstein General Chairman in the role of Elwood and Josephine originality and effectiveness being General Chairman of the dance is sideration, she adds. Hull playing Elwood's sister, Veta 62 New Sisters taken into consideration. Ribbons will Chick Silberstein who has appointed Something Different Louisa. be awarded the second and third prize several chairmen to assist in the prep- The 1954 ALOHA will be a more in- Barley Planned Sets After the acceptance of bids October winners. Identical prizes are going to arations. Ellsworth Schabert will head formal and personalized volume than Mr. Don Bailey has designed and 13, the four sororities on campus re- be given to the parade floats. the Reireshment Committee. Walt the editions of previous years. The planned the two set.'l for the play, one ceived 62 new pledges, who are now Preston is in charge of the Publicity photography staff is making a su- of which depicts a scene in Elwood's members of their respective clubs. Nature of Floats Secret Committee. Chuck Longwell is chair- preme effort to tell the story of the home, the other a part of Chumley's Delta Sigma Kappa welcomes into The Homecoming Parade will leave man of the Decoration Committee. college year in candid pictures of un- Rest Sanitarium. As part of their its club Pat Ellis, Mary Angell, :f,lary the City Hall at 12:45, following lunch Duvall Jones is responsible for the dergraduate life. These pictures, will year's work, the junior dramatic art Bond, Marie Geisler, Tony Baxter, Saturday afternoon. Jim Whitehurst, Clean-Up Committee. include under-classmen as well as students are in charge of the entire Lou Spoerlein, Gayle Bankard, Mari- Parade Marshall, has disclosed that Faculty sponsors who will attend seniors. production. lyn McLennan, Janice Stowell and the procession will be one fourth of a many mile in length, and will feature the dance include Dean and Mrs. John The literary editors have been care- Peg Janney. colorful floats, the nature of which Makosky, Dean and Mrs. William fully culled from the "cream of the Ictes Receive Eleven are secret until the parade. These to prepare copy which will Dr. Marshall Plans David, Dean Helen Howery, and Dr. campus literary crop," and have been Iota Gamma Chi received eleven floats are also sponsored by Clubs aid and Mrs. William MacDonald. instructed new members, who are: Ann Butler, organizations. The College Marching Tickets for the dance are $2.00 per be "rhetorically sober." Covers and Sue Burkins, Barbara Hoot, Dolly Rill, couple and may be purchased from divider pages will be of a completely Ledures In Athens Ruth Rickson, Mollie Hargett, Kay Band and the Westminster High any member of the Black and Whites. unprecedented and revolutionary na- Holt, Jane Wheeler, Gwen Blohm, School Band will lead the procession ture. Dr. Thomas F. Marshall, Professor Sylvia Taylor and Frances Paul. down Main Street. at Western Fate Decided Freshmen's The twenty-eight Club News of American has Literature a Fulbright Phi Alpha Mu are: new members of At Alumni Hall the Freshmen will Maryland received Coombe, Marilyn award to teach in Athens, Greece. On Jean Wantz, Bev Reiber, Cbarlotte join the parade, leaving it upon reach- leave of absence from the college, Dr. Davis, Marie Upperco, Stephanie Wor- ing the portion of the stadium reserv- SCA' Announces First Fireside Meeting Marshall will spend this academic year rilow, Joan Bender, Claire Gates, ed for freshmen. This may be the at the University of Athens as Pro- Class of '57's last appearance as Rats, Student Christian Association His talk pertained to the life and fessor of American Literature and Janet Bruchie, Marilee Hodsdon, Deb- depending upon the success of the Hutter, Janet The SCA held a meeting in Bakel' works of Leonardo Da Vinci. New as- Civilization. bie Meyls, Joan Connie Rector, Reck, rope pulling team during the inter- Joanne Kay Siehler, Chapel on September 21 at 6:45 P. M. sociate members admitted to the club Phillips, Lorna Hamblin, Carol Con- mission ot . the game with Pennayj, The president, "Perk" Parsons, ex- were Harriett Cooley, Millie Eckhart, In Philosophy Department rad, Nancy Pennypacker, Helen Pret- vania Military College. Members of plained the workings of the SeA and Bea Ford, Elizabeth Shepherd, Ann- At the University, Dr. Marshall will tyman, Sharon Albaugh, Priscilla Mc- the Homecoming Court, Debbie Meyls, introduced the following commission Marie Summers, Mary Warner, and be under the Philosophy Department, Queen, Carol Sause, Senior Attendant, chainnen, who described the work of Don Hensler. lecturing in English, and will prob- Coy, Mary Jane Davison, Dotty Wade, Sue Dorsey, Junior Attendant, Mari- their commissions): Interfraternity Council ably be teaching three different clas- Peggy Artigiani, Shirley Gootee, Pat lee Hodsdon, Sophomore Attendant, Collins and Lois Coffman. Carol Herdman, Personal and Cam- Lou Jordan, IFC president, has an- ses. Thos students whom he will teach New Sigma Members and Beverly Parsons, Freshmen At- pus ; Bobbie Plasket, World Related- nounced that Pledge week for all fra- will have studied English from two New members of Sigma Sigma Tau tendant, will enter Hoffa Field during ness; Dick Brenneman, Social Re- ternities will be the week after Homa, to five years. the intermission, escorted by the Bat- sponsibility; Ellsworth S c h abe r t, coming, lasting through to Hell Night, In addition to lecturing- to students, tire: Janet Kopraun, Jean Wooten, taliofl Staff of the Western Maryland Christian Faith and Heritage. November 6. Dr. Marshall will present a series of Kate Service, Nancy Bearinger, Nancy College ROTC, where Dr. Ensor will All students who attend three meet- Home Economics Club public lectures, one every two weeks. Ripple, Nancy Kemmerer, Nancy present Queen Meyls with the tradi- ings before the membership meeting, The Home Ec. Club meeting on Oc- While many of these lectures will be Parks, Evelyn Hann, Betty Shepherd, tional bouquet of "mums." Shirley Chirichillo, Irene Pope; Fran agree to the commitments on the tober 20 was a welcome party for the in Athens and Corinth, Dr. Marshall Clarke and Mary Warren. During the afternoon, the dormi- membership card, and agree to act as freshmen. Beside the regular business also expects to tour Greece, giving tories will be open to visitors, and commission members will become ac- meeting, the members enjoyed enter- lectures around the country. the fraternity and sorority clubrooms speak French or Ger- Library Offers tive members of the SCA at the mem- tainment and refreshments of cider At the University of Athens, most will hold open house for alumni and bership meeting on November 4. and doughnuts. Mrs. Ensor was a of the faculty friends of the school. man in addition to tbeir native Greek Freshmen should begin to plan for guest of the club. On November 16 the and a few speak English. The univer- Books For Sale the Fireside meeting which will be guest speaker will be Mr. Haines held some Sunday night in the near from the Quality Cleaners in West- sity has an enrollment of about 6,000 Approximately 400 books will go future- Carol Herdman announced. minster. This will be an open meeting. students, and has courses including on sale in the bound-periodical room Freshmen will meet in groups accord- Methodist Student Movement medicine, law, and liberal arts. of the library during the week begin- MonologuesHighlight ing to their home states to plan skits The MSM held its first meeting of Accompanies Husband ning Monday, November 9. Miss Eliza- which will be given in McDaniel the year on October 14 at 6:45 P. M. Mrs. Elizabeth Marshall, who teach- beth Simpkins, who is planning the Draper Appearance Lounge after Chapel. ' in Baker Chapel. Paul Galvin, preai, es Mechanical Drawing here, is ac- Included in Miss Ruth Dra- I. R. C. dent of the organization outlined the sale, has listed the price as twenty- per's program Friday night in Thanks to an appeal for member- purposes of the MSM and conducted companying her husband on this trip five cents per book on November 9 Alumni Hall will be A Chil- ship in the last GOLD BUG, a large a brief business meeting. Rev. Harold and wilJ also be a;"ay for the entire and five cents less each succeeding dren'8 Pu.rty in Philadelphia., A day. Books which have n'ot been sold Marshalls The year. left academic turn-out came to the first Interna- Hodgson spoke to the group on the from New York City last Thursday by by Saturday will be given away. Debutante at a Dance, On tiie: tional Relations Club meeting. Bud topic, "Personal Devotions." TWA airliner. Many of the books are being sold Porch in a Maine Village, In a Holland was elected president. The Wesleyanettes An interesting aspect of the trip Church in Italy, and Three club's initial event, a hayride, was The October 16 meeting of the was brought out when Dr. Marshall because they are duplicated or be- Generouone. staged last Saturday night. Meetings Wesleyanettes was held at Harvey cause they are not needed by any will be held every other Monday eve- Stone Park. Members of the club en- remarked, "We leave the U.S. Thurs- specific department of the college. Tickets, in McDaniel office, Money will probably be put towards ning, starting November 2. joyed a marshmallow roast and hymn day morning and will arrive in Athens the purchase of a charging desk or are free to activity ticket hold- ers, and are for sale at Myers Friday evening in time for dinner." Argonauts sing. The speaker for the next wes, The Marshalls expect to be back on some other article of furniture which Bros., Westminster, for $2. All Dr. MacDonald, opened the new leyanette meeting on October 30 will the Hill at the beginning of the fall seats are reserved. in the new term for the Argonauts on October 9. be Dr. Whitfield. semester next year. will be used eventually says. library, Miss Simpkins
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