Page 46 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 46
2 The Gold Bug, April 14, 1953 .110._" E. at..,. I 1 ~~e~" Pins 'n Points Corruption And GraFt ~ 'J n. Even In W. C. T. U. Bout ~ \((®//. r (you can tell by the lousy weather). I once won a medal for "oratory COACH CHARLES B. HAVENS [us around the comer With ,pdng \...~~ ~~=-_ ~!~~:~*h!:~o~:d~:~m::e a~~:e::!~!; excellence". by Ken Reuht , At the a-are and tender age of ten and Don Radcliffe, Peggy Holt and year-s, I was wound up and sprung One of the most interesting and with Havens, who was a strict sixty- onto a grade school stage to recite a 'It Ain't Hay .... ' Bob Winfrey. Marian Martin and John poem, which, as far as I knew then, warmhearted persons on our campus minute man in those days of football Hall, and Carolyn Grant. The best of Numerous and sundry com- everything to all of you. was "just a pile of words in between is Coach Charley Havens, an illus- titans. trious man of letters and athletics. lead- Other positions, ali requiring ments have been made of late In the same vein, Nancy Moyer was a pair of words which sounded alike". ership ability, which "jolly Choliy" concerning the recent eppropria- gues~ of hon~r a~ a show~r given by Spread beyond my pigeon-toed feet Member of W.i\I.C. Squad has held are athletic director in Rome, tion granted to western Mary- Glorlu Bunting In the SIgma club- was the audience-the majority of His collegiate career began at Col- land College by the Maryland, room. The decorations were pink and which boasted spinstered members of gate University, where he was a General Assembly. The final de- green,. and refreshments of punch, the local, and fading, Woman's Chris- brother of Delta Epsilon fraternity, cision came in an "eleventh" sandwiches, and cup cakes were tian Temperance Union. Stainless, However, after completing his fresh~ or more appropriately term~d\ served. Nan~y will become Mrs. Es- beerless, and sexless girls. The other man year there, he decided to transfer "thirteenth" hour session of the sel Thomas rn September. contestants were students from the to Western Maryland and it was here Maryland I~wmakers. To change the subject, be sure to fifth through the seventh grades. that he made his mark in the history A newspaper widely-read in support the Red Cross blood drive on Memory Work of our school. From 1926 to 1930, Coach Havens Maryland covered the progress Wednesday, April 29. If you have not My subject was a memorized jumble was a member of the Terror football of the Washington College- signed up, but desire to give blood, of iambics entitled "My Boss"-the squad, and in his last year, as cap- Western Maryland appropria- report to Gill Gym and they will work titled character being a conscience tain, the green and gold had a highly youth from tion last week, coming out with you in. The Delts have worked hard who kept this knickered sin. This poem successful season with eleven consec- on this project, so let's help make it a the gutter of saveless a rather stinging denunciation success. was the "Rubaiyat" of the teetotalers. utive victories. Being a versatile and of the action in its most recent Charles Laughton really made last Thus, after the title was announced, accomplished athlete, he not only par- article. In order to omit a long night a red letter day on the Hill. the delivery was of only secondary ticipated in basketball, baseball, and and detailed account, however, This was one of the great opportuni- importance. (Incidentally, an accom- lacrosse, but held a non-competing only the significant highlights ties provided by the college, and plished reader could sensibly scan the post as manager of the boxing team of the amendment need be ana- as well. poem in five minutes-I almost lyzed. <; j_udging from the audience of it. The three.) recited it in Havens' talents varied from punt- took advantage everyone State Senator Louis L. Gold- evening will be remembered for years However, in all due credit to my- ing a football around during his au- stein (D. Calvert Co.) originally to come. self, I must admit that the selection tumn afternoons to engaging in liter- tacked the amendment on to the Another one of yesterday'S events of the subject matter was not the ary debates the very same eveninif. Coach, Cnartee B. Htuoens governo ling only which was -equally important to sen- only reason I won the contest. The As a member of the Webster Literary for an to Wash- iors was the annual Investiture serv- other was thc five judges-three of Society, he experienced many an ex- N. Y., Air Force intelligence officer ington t went through ice. This is one of the traditions of whose votes the winner must receive. citing verbal battle as the opposing during World War II, and director of "teams the first and committee Wl\fC which cont.inues to be impres- ~;aso~~et~~~~: of wordj" argued back and playgrounds in Westminster. Hap- unnoticed. Senators Stanford I. sive and meaningful year after year. of ~~~:e v~~-;~::id~:: forth. piest when he is working with chil- Hoff (R., Carroll Co.) and Fred- The graduation play, which is held bank. By a coincidence, my father was Joined Yellowjackets dren of all ages, Coach Havens is the erick C. Malkus (D., Dorchester in Alumni Hall on May 29 will be a lowly, worked-to-the-cartilage cash- After graduation from the Hill, father of two boys, of which one is a Co.) proved to be alert to the Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. ier in that establishment. Because Coach Havens signed on with the stalwart performer on the local high business at hand and suggested The GOLD BUG staff wishes to take fai.thful cashiers were hard to find, Frankfurt Yellowjackets. This pro- school grid squad. that a revision of the amend- this opportunity to congratulate the she decided she'd better keep this fessional club, now called. the Phil- The coach displays his broad good ment be made to also include a newly elected student government fidus Achates happy-and vote for his adelphia Eagles, fought it out with humor in all situations, whether in- $250,000 appropriation to West- president and vice president-Arnold malnutritioned son. Here beginneth the roughest, toughest, and most col- tramural softball, handling the golf ern Maryland to supplement the Hayward and Pasty Herman. Best or the ·support. orful teams in the country. Such team, wrestling, or tennis. He's inter- cost of building a much-needed luck for a successful SGA year. Victory at Last great stars as Red Grange, Bronko ested in all people, who, in turn, treat mens' dormitory here, "I'he calendar of summer weddings Second among the judges was a Nagurski, and Ernie Nevers tangled him as a man of success and one This amendment, no doubt will appear, as usual, in the last is- stiff-spined, pince-nezed neighbor of worthy of respect. after some political "log-roll- sue. If you plan to be one of the lucky ours whom we knew had wavered in ing," was passed by the Senate people, be sure to turn in your name her "temper-al control". My mother, Bored With Life? and House and need now only be paying her a visit one Saturday night, Letter To The Editor signed by the Governor as part and the date of the wedding. You may had found this frustrated WCTU'er Make Quick Change of incidents Because of the annual budget. place them in the box provided in the flat on her haunches in the living I don't know how you feel about occurred here at \Vestern which have post office, or hand them to any mem- Maryland This type of appropriation is ber of the staff. room-stone drunk. The threat of this Christine Jorgensen deal, but College and because of changing con- not a new one at Western Mary- blackmail makes strange bedfellows, I'm full right up to the gill slits. If ditions in the world today, students land, as related elsewhere in this The River eh what! Ring up vote number two. people-magazines, in particular- have been forced to face the ques- the hump" I was "over with the issue regarding Science hall and support of the thiql judge. This is the would just forget about it, I might tion, "Is the policy of refusing ne- the library. There should be no ~ Lm'ge was the river, vote I was assured of before entering be able to lead a normal life with a groes the right enter Western Mary- difficulty, either, in putting the Alld swiftly did flow, the auditorium; for, a few weeks pre- minimum of apprehension concern- land College intelligent, practical and money into use before the ex- Da·rk was its color, vious, I had overheard that this third ing a-bombs, final exams, falling just!" This issue had been discussed piration of the four-year period And de.ep was its soul. woman was to be one of the judges. meteors, biology lab, and banana skin in SCA meetings, by sorority and of grace stipulated in the meae- Consequently, her homely, previously- invasions; however, there's always fraternity councils, and small groups. Bare were its banks, unpopular, daughter suddenly became someone who has to talk about it, Last fall the intersororfty council the for regurgitating Whether or not this action is TVh6l'c oncc long ago the girl whose books I carried, and the sending me The whole trouble is that proposed that a student assembly be nearest.exit. held to discuss the question. The pros had l'lded justified is but another chapter Natw·e {Uowers did grow. object of my point-to-point races very few persons have reflected on and cons of the issue would be pre- And in the controversial book on the around the chalk rail. the future consequences of this hor- sented by speakers having no direct Another pencil spontaneously "x-ed" desirable limits of state subsidi- Now chilled was the ,'ivc,' the block beside my name. monic and moronic event. contact with Western Maryland Col- zation of private institutions, And stag1Ulnt its soul, Yes, I won a medal for "oratory lege. The decision of the council was and far beyond the limits of this Bwod.-l·cd was its color, excellence"-once. Sex by Science immediately approved by the SCA discussion. The whole episode Its b!l.1!ks blaek as coal. Imagine yourself for a moment in cabinet who referred it to the SGA. might be considered merely a the future-say 1975. Modern science The SGA cabinet thoroughly dis- matter of political "making hay Its bottom lay eovercd DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE has perfected sex hormones and the cussed the advisability of an assembly while the sun shines." Even in With men stiff and cold. COPY: secret has fallen into the hands of and finally decided that a poll should advertisers. these days of inflationary prices, Dark was the ?'iver, Tuesday, April 21 "Boys and girls! Only one week be taken. Ii a majority of the stu- however, $250,000 is quite a tidy And swiftly did {low. dents feel that the issue is pertinent sum, and in any man's language, left before spring t.acation, but and important, an assembly will be there's still time to swap sexes at the held. You will vote on this proposal "it ain't hay," q.tJq IN, q. II. q. your folks by coming home a different wIlen you cast your ballot for next Hershey Hormone Surprise Parlor. Bloody Business .... person!" year's SCA offieers. negroes to When you vote you are not voting OR: admitting for or against Wars are bloody business, "Fellows! Not making out as a ·Western Maryland College. You are even if they are nominal police man? Why not change then? Try the voting for or against an assembly the actions. Despite the prolonged Johnson Rapid Transformation Plan purpose of which is· to present both peace rumors, the continued for thirty days. If at the end of that sides of the question intelligently, need for blood in Korea goes on. time, you're not completely satisfied, maturely, and objectively. we'll cheerfully your sex free refund In addition, the blood reserves of charge. Signed by, in the United States must be "Here's a letter from a happy cus- The cabinet of the SCA. built up in case of major emer- tomer, Mildred O'Feen, formerly gency, and whole blood in quan- Harry Krockley,' of Westminster: tity is necessary to produce the "'Dear Sirs; THE GOLD BUG new polio serum, gamma globu- Before trying the Johnson plan, lin. T was an ugly boy. After only This imposing demand for· three days, the change was mar- blood makes the Red Cross drive velous; I was transformed into here on the Hill more vital than an ugly girl! Please send me ever. .Make it a point to sign up some more of your pills as I'd M'mber for the Red Cross blood bank. like to feed an overdose to an old Auociafltd Collegiate Press enemy of mine.' " Make it your business to give Subi!leription Price $2.00 a Year blood. Beat the Bus Another interesting thing, when EDITORIAL STAFF pop a pill into ~~1~JN~~~=~=~1~f~~~g~~U you hop on that 1975 bus, all crowded Lost And Found with people, merely Carol '55 your mouth and change into a beauti- One man's full length brown and ful girl. A seat will be offered to you Feature Editora._ ..__ ._~Anne Hury Ceo '55 '56 '64 . Sports Editor white checked topcoat; size 42 with in no time. (Unless, of course, ev- NeWll_Fe"ture Editon,-.Mary Lee '55 Anne extra long sleeves; and matching but- eryone had the same idea as you.) Copy Editor_._ ....._.. Martha Stretch '55 'M tons. It was last seen on the dining Naturally, science will keep on ex- Production M"nager. Chuck 'H room coat-rack on the right side fa"C- perimenting and perfecting, so that Typing" ._._ .. _.__ ._. __ . .Rita Ann M '55 Photography ing the building. If. the whereabouts by 2000 A.D., perhaps, all babies BUSINESS STAFF are blown please see mc. A reward will be born with built-in attach- Busin_ Manager ..Pau] Lambertson. '5( shall be given if returned. ments for quick changeover. No more Ad~erUsing Manager._._._Jim ..Craig Marahall, '55 '55 Schmall, Exchang"e .__ .__ ._ Spoerl,,;n, Charles H. Clarke, pills-just flip the switch near the Circulation .~.Lou Dottie Wade, '56 '56 right kneecap, and presto! 313 ANW, But the whole picture is not so rosy. CONTRIBUTORS Phone 590. What in the world does he see in her? Loi. Cermak, Davis, Bill Tribby, Sentt, Ruth Lorna Ann Woerner, Hamhlin. Cbarlotte Tom (Continued on page fou.r) Martha Nicholson, Dick Cantel, Doreen McNiel.
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