Page 19 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 19
The Gold Bug, Nov. 25, 1952 Jays DeFeat Terrors 12-0 Sooters Tie, Lose Girls Sp~rts WM( Satters In Campaign Finale by Fat F,t,h, In Traditional Contest up their 1952 soccer schedule last No- WMC vs Towson 'I'eaehers Lebanon Valley The Green and Gold booters wound Johns Hopkins, their attack dor- about face as the third period got vember 14 when they battled to a 1.1 The girls hockey team of Western Western Maryland's football forces mant for three periods, exploded for underway. Jim Curtis, Hopkins guard, tie with the Bullet soccer squad from· Maryland College defeated the Tow- annexed their fourth victory of two touchdowns in the final period to recovered a Scott fumble on the WMC Gettysburg 'College. The game lasted son Teachers eleven on November 5 the season November 15 when they take a 12-0 decision from Western 43 and for the rest of the game play six periods-the regulation four plus on the Towson Field. Two games were slogged through the mud of Hoffa Maryland in a game played in the remained enti rely in the losers terri- a couple 'of overtime sessions before played and two victories scored for Field for a 26-0 verdict over the Fly- mud pi Baltimore's Memorial Stadium tory. Hopkins drove to the 28 after darkness called a halt to proceedings. WMC. In the first game M. J. Davison ing Dutchmen of Lebanon Valley Col- last Saturday,.It was the eeeson's the recovery but was forced to kick After three periods of scoreless play scored four goals and B. Schmidt two lege. Thus the Green Terrors came swansong for both clubs. and Klemmick's boot travelled to the Western Maryland took a short lived bringing the total to six for a final out on top fOl" the fifth consecutive 12. one goal lead after three minutes of score. Even though the opponents were time in their Lebanon 1948. Valley series which dates back-Eo After an exchange of punts the play in the fou~th quarter. Senior unable to score a goal, they provided Bluejays initiated their first touch- Walt Campbell, participating in his good competition for the Green and down drive from the Terror 39. Full- last varsity soccer contest for the Gold. back Angie Fortunato carried for five Green Terrors, booted the ball into the The score of the second game was 'yards and halfback Eddie Semler nets from approximately five yards 3-0 with L. Ohler and J. Kellogg tally- smashed over the middle to the 12. out, but Bill Heacox, Bullet center ing two and one goals respectively. Quarterback Bucky Myers sneaked to forward, knotted the tally a minute the 7 and then pitched out to Semler, later. Hood Play Day who romped over untouched. Yank Especially notable was the work of A- group of Western Maryland girls Samberg missed the extra point. the goal keepers of both clubs. Carl went to Frederick on Saturday, No- Carlucci's Punt Blocked "Cookie" Cohen, WMC net-tender, vember 8, to participate in the Hood A couple of minutes later Hopkins and Ed Mann, Gettysburg goalie. College Play Day. The sports repre- sented were golf, tennis, hockey, and tallied again. Curtis set up the score archery. ' by blocking Carlucci's punt and it In golf WMC came through number twisted backwards to the 12 where Ed one with B. Almony having a score of McNicholas wrestled the ball away 36 for six holes. Towson and WMC from the Western Maryland punter. tied for first place of the winners McNicholas grabbed a pass from group in hockey; score 1-1. Hood Col- Myers a few moments later to make it lege was the winner of the losers Mike Rcntko 12·0. Samberg again missed the con- group. The score of the game between Thus the Green Terrors completed version attempt. Hood and WMC was 0-0. Four schools Ted Samakouris showed Western Maryland eight their season with a record of four first downs achieved from a fiet yard- played in the hockey games: Hood, wins and a like number of defeats. age of 128 of which 79 were gained WMC, 'I'owson, and George Washing_ Bill Bimestefer opened the ball The Hopkins victory saw the end of a rushing. Henderson attempted eleven ton. The tennis and archery teams game by kicking off for Western four game winning streak that the passes and completed a total of three placed in the competition. Maryland and both squads battled Terrors had put together plus mark- and Carlucci punted nine times for a After the games an overnight out- evenly during the first quarter. The ing the first time in 20 games that the 28.5 average. ing was held at the Hood Cabin, five Flying Dutchmen put forth a mild Green and Gold suffered a shutout. Hopkins rolled up seven first downs miles from Frederick to which all the threat midway in the period when The Hillsmen provided 'the only as they amassed a total net yardage schools were invited, however, WMC John Carlucci fumbled and Tom Snu- scoring threat in the first quarter. In of 155 yards of which all but five were didn't attend. kis recovered for Lebanon Valley on the closing minutes of the session gained on the ground. Two passes WMC vs lIrlt. St. Joseph the Terror 37. However the visitors' George Klcmmick punted out of found receivers out of five. attempted attack was stopped cold and quarter- bounds on the WMC 36 yard line. Campbell On November 13, 1952, the Mt. back Lou Sorrentino punted out of Maryl8nd T Luke Suwall ripped through the left and Klemmiek averaged 29.5 yards of 1952 SOCCER RECORD Saint Joseph's hockey team was de- bounds on the WMC 5-yard line. The 10 punts. side of the line on the -next play and feated for the second time by the first session ended with neither side carried to the Bluejays 25 but a clip- Lnyol .. Hopkins WMC team. The game was played at showing any tally on the scoreboard. Johns ping penalty threw the Terrors back WBsh;ngton College Western Maryland. Due to the late Collins Scores of U. to their own 38. From this point West- r~=-~ Fra~klin Baltimore arrival of the team and darkness, a & MArshall ern Maryland was unable to move the Delaw8re fifteen minute half was the total play- With the second quarter well under- Tow"on ball and John Carlucci punted dead Bucknsll ing time of the game. The final score way the Green Terrors mustered their on the J.H.D. two yard line. Gettysburg was 3-0, with M. J. Davison and B. first scoring threat. After a Sorrentino Terror March Halted Schmidt sharing one point and D. punt and a clipping penalty put the Midway in the second period the Tuckwood and J. Konieczory scoring ball on the Lebanon Valley 34 Luke Suwall ripped through the line to the Green and Gold put forward their Compliments of THE the other two points. 26 but Bob Tarantolo stopped the ad- game of the season was The last most serious threat of the ball game Friday, November 21 at Goucher Col- vance when he intercepted Arnie by driving from their own 37 to the COFFMAN·FISHER lege. So far this season WMC has Needleman's pass on the Bcyard line. Hopkins 11. Harlow "Skitch" Hender- Wine's Sport Shop son opened the march by passing to COMPANY totaled 19 points to their opponents The Green and Gold were not to be a denied and however scored they Carlucci who was brought down on 1. M. J. Davison leads the scorers few plays later. Terror safetyman the Jays 32. After an incomplete pass ·DEPARTMENT STORE with 8, B. Schmidt follows with 4 and Suwall rushed to the 24' and Dwight one point shared by both. Ronnie Jones returned a Sorrentino Scott carried to the 11 but the drive "For Enduring Quality and 11 E. Main St. - Phone 102 punt to the Lebanon 43 and Harlow stalled here when three Henderson "Skitch" Henderson tossed a 30 yard aerials went incomplete and Suwall Friendly Service" Westminster J.ayvees Lose 7-0 aerial to End Ashby Collins and he was thrown for n four yard loss; romped 13 more yards for the touch- Johns Hopkins, who showed little BROWSE AND SHOP To Johns Hopkins down. Larry Stewart's placement at- offense in the first half, did a complete tempt was blocked and Western Mary~ at land took a 6-0 halftime advantage. POPCORN \ PEANUTS Johns Hopkins scored a third period Henderson provided the homesters Colonial Jewelry Co. touchdown to hand Western Maryland with a touchdown opportunity early in It Payl To Look Well CANDY their second straight setback 7-0 in a the third quarter when he recovered 32 W. Main Street THE TREAT SHOP J~nior Varsity gam-e played at Hoffa a fumble by the Dutchmen's Ralph Visit The Field November 14. Giordano on the losers 35-yard line. After both teams played a sloppy Suwall carried for a first down on the to Collins pass Avenue Barber Shop brand of ball in the first half with 25 and a Henderson on the 10-yard both suffering numerous penalties, the placed the pigskin No Time to Lose game tightened up in the second half marker. Carlucci drove to the 1 after Where The Students Go It's Time to Choose and became a rugged affair. grabbing a Henderson toss but a line CHRISTMAS CARDS. GIFTS. AND WRAPPINGS After the opening kickoff for the plunge by Suwall was stopped and 85 Pennsylvania Avenue at second half, Hopkins marched 60- Lebanon Valley took over on their P. G. COFFMAN CO. yards to paydirt, scoring on a touch- own lh-yard line. At this point a poor Westminster, Md. down pass from Arlyn Marshall to kick by Sorrentino went dead on the Rowland King which covered 16-yards. 22 and the Hillsmen bounced right The conversion was made by Charlie back for a six-pointer when Hender- Davis. son's aerial was snagged by Ed Kelly The Little Terrors tried desperately in the end zone. Dick Carvel missed to get back in the ball game but they the extra point attempt and the score failed on all their endeavors. After stood at 12-0. receiving the Hopkins kickoff they appeared to be touchdown bound, but Scott Paces Drive a pass interception by Howard AI- Western Maryland scored again a fandre of the Bluejays spoiled their few mtnates later after marching 54 chance. The Green and Gold attack yards. With Dwight Scott doing most was also stopped within the John Hop- of the ball carrying and Henderson kins 20-yard line on several other oc- pitching, the drive went to the 5 and casions. a pass to the end zone with Collins Standouts for Western Maryland on the receiving end netted the points. included: Jack Buchanan, Brad Jones, Nick Rausch converted successfully Al Bopst, and Charlie Clark, ends ; to make the score 19-0. linemen, Bill Moore, Bill Smith, and Late in the final session Warren Dom Cuiffreda: and backs, Paul Schu- Bimestefer set the stage for the final bert, Joe Reckert, Bill Stewart, and Terror score when he intercepted a Walt Gentry. Sorrentino pass on the losers 45. Again it was Scott rushing and Hen- derson throwing as they sparked the Good Health drivel down to the lh-yard line and The hour hand moves fast the night Henderson cracked over. Rausch split before exams-lots of ground to cover and To the uprights in his extra point at- tempt and the score went to 26-0. Once again it was the stellar West- panic setting in. To relax and refresh? -All ern Maryland pass defense that told That's easy. Have a Coke ••. it's delicious. From the story. Sorrentino completed only 3 of 17 aerial attempts as the hard REXALL rushing of the Terror line led by Ted Samakouris, Bruce Rudisill, and Andy ,OTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY 0' THE COCA·COLA COMPANY· IY Rusinko completely outplayed the • WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTl'LING CO. INC_ LVC forward wall and rushed him un- "Coke" i.IIIr~ ,totJ..-i. @ 1952, THE COCA-oCOLA COM'AN'( mercifully.
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