Page 17 - TheGoldBug1952-53
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l,ibral'Y vreste rn 11u'yland College 7hwtminster, Md. Western Maryland Names Eleven For 'Who's Who' Banquet Held In Dining Hall In Honor Of-T.hose Elected On November 6th, at the first Wllo's Who Banquet in WMC's history, Dean Helen Howery introduced to the school the representatives from western Ma.ry- land to the national annual yearbook. The eleven worthy seniors named were: Stu Abrahams, Ashby Celllns, Nell Hughes, Carolyn Mangels, Jane McLeod, Jim Moore, Kay Nowack, Mike Renko, Bev Rye, Pete Warner, and Estelle Zies. These students were selected on the basis of char actor, seltolarship, leader- ship in extra-curricular activities, and potentialities for future usefulness in society. A biographical sketch of each nominee will appear in the publication, Who's Who Amcng Students I'll Musical Notes American Colleges and Universities, and ac- covering the college interests Spangler, Royer tivities of each one. They will have the use of the Student Placement Service which furnishes recommendation to Announce Recital employers and graduate schools, and may wear the honorary key. Mr. Philip Royer, violinist, and Mr. An active member of his class, Stu Oliver K. Spangler, pianist, will pre- Abrahams has for three years repre- sent the third in the series of faculty sented it on the Student Government. recitals by members of the college Last year he was one of the main- music department in Alumni Hall on stays behind the Junior Follies. As a Friday, December 5, at 8:15 p. m. senior, he is President of Gamma Beta Mr. Royer, a Western Maryland Chi Fraternity, and did a wonderful ;;::~~t~u:~~e~~:~a~i~n ~:~:!;~:IU~~'!~~Il~tA~~~~C:~~; b~~O!:r:d~e~~:i bia University. In addition to his du- doctor. ties on the Hill, which include the Cpllins Class President directing of the College Little gym, Ashby Collins has been the presi- phony Orchestra and giving instru- dent of the class of '53 since his fresh- mental instruction, Mr. Royer must man year, automatically giving him also find time for his position as membership in the SGA. In May of Supervisor of Music for the Carroll 1951, he was elected treasurer of SCA, County' Public Schools. a position he still holds. He has been WHO'S WHO AT WESTERN MARYLAND~(l. to r.} Front row: B(1) Rye, Nell Hughes, and Carolyn Mangels. Mr. Spangler, who studied at Otter- a member of the Terror Football team all four years, and plays basketball ~f::;:;~~:Siue~b~J:: ~~s~~~~n{:J~~~~~Joty ~~ :~i~'!Jih~~~r~i;~bt!!aYi:nR:O~~Q'~:i:J ~tU;n:.~!e~~~~~nyd c~~se~~at~~;d:;teM:~:k, i~~ banquet. . and baseball on his fraternity teams. ~ {fOlJ Buy 2;~;~1;;:i~~i~;~:ii~~E of many Ashby, who is a biology major, looks forward to a career as an officer in the Army. Nell Hugbee, our Student Christian Association president, is a gal interests. Besides being a soc major, in A Major; First Movem~nt of No.1 of Sonata .... mann .. in C, by Hindemith; and she has served in the capacity of Can- terbury Club president, director of the Sonata Op. 105 in A Minor, by Schu- at arms and Junior Follies, sergeant inter-sorority for Sig- representative Women's Glee ma Sigma Tau, sports manager for Vol,'30, No, 5 ( Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, November 25, 1952 WAA, and is in the College Choir. Last spring, Nell was tapped a Trum- Club lists Program peter. Interested in the school's publica- Black And Whites Graduate Record Exams Offered It has been a custom for several tions, Carolyn Mangels is the business years that the Women's Glee Club of manager of the 1953 ALOHA and is Present Christmas In Early Spring For All Seniors this college perform at the December the associate editor of the GOLD BUG. As an active member of Phi meeting of the American Association of University Women in this area. Alpha Mu, Carolyn was on the inter- 2050AD AtDance Record Examinations of the Graduate that th"estudent has met depart- Dr. Evelyn Wenner, of Western sorority council, and played sorority Advanced Tests requirements for the mental will be offered March 7, 1953 to all senior students. degree. Students making lower Maryland's faculty, is the President and class basketball. Her major is Western Maryland's annual Christ- of this local group. math, and she plans to do some sort mas Dance sponsored this year by the This is the second year in which these at scores than seem consistent with This year the Glee Club will pre. of work along that line upon her have been given examinations their ability may be encouraged Pi Alpha Alpha fraternity will be Western Maryland on the institution- sent Benjamin Britten's Ceremony of graduation. take held December 13, in Gill Gymnasium. al basis. to later date. the examination at a Carols in Baker Chapel on December McLeod GOLD BUG Editor The dance will commence at 8:30 Each Advanced Test is a three-hour 2. Mr. Britten, a contemporary Eng- Jane McLeod, vice-president of the p. m. examination in one of the major fields. 2. A score which ranks at least as lish composer, arranged the score only SGA and automatic president of the A very different and unsual motif It is an objective type test, chiefly high as the fiftieth percentile a few years ago. This will be the first Women's Student Council, is also edi- has been chosen for the decoration multiple choice. Though factua\ mas- will be required of any student presentation of the Ceremony Carols tor-In-chief of the GOLD BUG, after theme .: The entire scheme is to be tery of the material is necessary, who receives graduation honors, in this vicinity. They were written four years of work on the publication. built around the idea of Christmas, many of the questions require judg- either general or departmental. for women's voices with a harp ac- In her Junior year, she was class his- 2050 A.D. Decorations themselves will ment, comparison, or application of Information coneeming- the exami- companiment. torian, and was tapped a Trumpeter. be of a futuristic and an abstract na- factual material. nation may be secured from any mem- It is hoped that Mrs. Elizabeth She is a member of Phi Alpha Mu ture: ber of the Special Examinations com- Marshall, of the faculty here, will be Sorority, and edited their yearbook Scores Compared Doctor of: consisting mittee Olive ... Rivers Chambers will furnish the Scores on the examinations may be R. Russel, James P. Earp, John D. the accompanist. The songs will be last year. sung in typical middle English pro- music for the dancers. compared by the percentile system with Makosky, William R. Ridington, and nunciation, but the harmony has been Jim Moore, as president of Western Arnold Hayward has been named scores of students from the other insti- Harwell P. Sturdivant. adapted to modern treatment. Meta Maryland's Student Government As- general chairman of the dance com- tutions which administer the same ex- Justice, soprano, and Beverly wer- sociation, has done an outstanding mittee. Refreshments are being ar- aminations. There are more than 200 ner, who is a mezzo-soprano, will be job in that capacity during these first ranged for by Bob Leather and Ells- cooperating are made only among stu. Dr. Murphy Speaks the soloists. few months. Jim is an active member institutions. Such com. ... worth Schabert. Supervision of the partsons The program will be repeated in of the Class of '63, as is evinced by his decorations is being handled by Clark dents who have all taken the same Sunday lJ.ight chapel on December 7, election as vice-president of the junior Callender and Paul Dawson, while examinations. That is, the scores of On Nobel Winner for the student body. class. Our president is a member of Jim Voss and Art Saltmarsh are con- History students are compared only Gamma Beta Chi Fraternity, and as- trolling the ticket sales. with those of History students in Professor Frank B. Hurt, chairman pires to teach history, his major here Publicity for the dance is under the other institutions. The results are re- of the lecture committee, announced Choir Schedules on the Hill. . direction of Tom Douglas and Harold ported to the home institution; and today that Dr. Eugene F. Murphy After four active years in the wes- Mc'I'eer, "Skip" A'mass is the manager they are also kept on file by Educe- would speak in Alumni Hall on De- Yu/etideProgram lyanettes, Kay Nowack was elected of the dance programs and Ernie _ tional Testing Service at Princeton. cember'9 at 11:30 a. m. president of the organization this Green is responsible for obtaining the They are desired and often demanded Dr. Mur-phy is a professor in the Carols of various foreign nations year. During her career at WMC, she orchestra. Last, but not least on the for admission to graduate schools. Department of Romance Language at constitute the Christmas program of (Continued 01~page 4, column 3) list of committees, is Ed Shattuck, Since the Advanced Tests are the the Johns Hopkins University, School the College Choir this year. The Choir who is heading the clean up detail. only nationally used tests in the sub. of Philosophy. He has chosen for his will sing in the Sunday Night Chapel sex PI.ns Scavenger The price of tickets for the Christ- ject matter. of a student's major field, theme "Mauriac's Message to the on December 4. mas Dance is $2.00. They can be pur- the.y consbtu.te the only means by Modern World". Among the selections to be sung are Hunt For Yul. Baskets Francis Mauriac was selected one "Carol of the Doves", a Polish carol, ~~~s~:~~~ o:n~t~~:t;::o;fo!h~:;:~~ ;eh~~~!:n:aJ~:;o;: ~~~~ua~:~ts:i~~ of the Nobel Prize Winners for 1952 "Lay Down Your Staffs, 0 Shep- Sponsored by the Student Christian ber 13. the same work at other institutions. in the field of literature. He first re-c- herds", of French derivation, and a Association, a scavenger hunt will be Experimental Last Year The dance committee has reminded ceived acclamation as a novelist after Swedish Carol named "Christmas held beginning in McDaniel Lounge on eve~yone to hang a bit oflmi~tletoe on Last spring the examinations were World War 1. During the Nineteen Snows of Sweden." December 10 at 6:45 p. m. thelr best space helmets, strmg some given on a completely experimental Twenties and Thirties he set a rapid Also included in the program are The purpose of this hunt is to col- sleigh bells on their rocket tubes, and basis. The results were used solely as pace, averaging almost one novel a several English carols: "The Friendly lect canned goods and clothing, the whizz off to a great evening of enjoy- a.. basis for study and planning. For year. The locale for most of these Beasts", "I Saw Three Ships", "I items to be on the list, so that the ment in "Christmas, 2050 A.D." _ the 1953 examinations, though the stories being the great commercial Wonder As I Wander", "Song of SCA can fill Christmas baskets for experimental study of the results will and agricultural region around Bor- Mary", and "Hallelujah Chorus", the needy. The names of tp_efamilies be continued, some effort will be made deaux. taken from Handel's Me8f1iah. will be gotten from the Welfare De- $5 Day Reminder! to integrate the examination into the Mr. Mauriac's most recent contri- The dramatic art department, un- partment and the Social Responsi- college program. Two uses will be butions have been editorials appear- der the direction of Miss Esther bility Commission, headed by Mary All students are reminded that made of the 1953 examination results: ing once or twice weekly in the Paris Smith, will also contribute to-the pro- Jane Munson, will have charge of the Wednesday, November 26 and Mon- 1. Scores on the examinations will paper Le Figaro, dealing with the gram. They have arranged a series of baskets. day, December 1, are five dollar days. be reported to the department of pronounced political controversy in tableaux that will appropriately com- The lists of foods and clothes will Any class cut for reasons other than the student's major study; the France. Dr. Murphy is particularly plement the choir selections. be given at 6:45 and the hunt will last illness or some unavoidable necessity score and the percentile rank_ well qualified to speak on M. Mau· All friends of the school are cor- from 7 to 8. Participants may go out will be considered unexcused and in· . ing of the score will be included riac's activities in respect to both of dially invited to attend this annual alone or in pairs. A prize will be given cur a five dollar penalty. in the departmental statement these areas. Christmas presentation, to the winner.
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