Page 22 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 22
2 The Gold Bug. Dec. i6, 1952 - 11~"'e at.., ~Fall Out At Present Arms' God Bless You! Delev Likes It Here ~ T,.€€5 H I never was a good marcher; but, of beef residing' to pull me out by the Pass The Pills After Fleeing Reds on my legs but he J&_,dfltif'f? believe me, for six drill periods I was still managed The more men of ROTC celebrity. noble rank dubbed me "Old deatrae, "You seem to be ccntueed." he said, Have you noticed the frequent ap- Western Maryland has welcomed I..._~~~_,-.~,___~- tion," "The Cyclone," and "The Left- caressing my temple with his rifle plication of Kleenex to noses, of late? many foreign students to its campus. flank Kid." butt. Are you fed up with wheezing Among these is Grosden Delev who Decorated trees, a battery of wretches hacking in your face and entered school in September as a tests, visions of sleeping late, And here are some statistics to back "Yes sir," 1 replied, tactfully ignor- cars? Do you cringe in your dorm at Sophomore. and talk of New Year's Eve me up: in five military drills, I per- ing the platoon sergeant who was the nearby gargler? No, the Bubonic Delev, as he is called by his friends, parties are indications clear sonally instigated three platoon stam- carving 'Don't anticipate the com- Plague hasn't struck WMC. nor the is thankful for the opportunities enough even to those who pro- pedes, seven squad crashes, and one mands' in the back of my neck. Red Death. What is this pestilence America has offered him and indeed runaway company pile-up. fess to sleep through a first peri- "Well, from now on, you're going to which has swept the Hill mercilessly? has cause to be so. Not long ago he od class that another Christmas But the last day was the greatest. do a special job for us. No more Ah, sweet misery of life--the common was attending the University of holiday is at hand. The senior officer stood before us marching for you. Now get off this cold. Sophia in Bulgaria. There he was That intangible, yet very real barking the orders. It could be seen field!" From the pen of one who has en- fee lin g we call "Christmas that he had acquired a nervous twitch "Thank you, sir!" I chirped racing dured and survived, please accept a spirit" has once again completely since that fateful day when I had for the sidelines, throwing my brass timely hint. At the first sign of a raw permeated the campus - AL- joined the ranks. in all directions. esophagus, violently flowing nasal MOST. There seems to be, how- Clear Orders Well, that was two weeks ago, I passage, convulsion from coughs, suf- ever, a few individuals on the "We will do column mass move- haven't found out what that 'special focation through breathing difficulty, Hill who have not as yet suc- ments today." he bellowed, "At the job' is yet; but let me tell you, those or_inability to see anything but lakes cumbed to its effects. command 'right shoulder-halt!' the officers have treated me mighty fine -go to the infirmary. It isn't hard This is a small minority of second and third alternate' squads ainee that Hoffa Field episode. Why, to find-just slip in with the crowd. persons, members of several fra- from the right will stand fast, but the they've even invited me to their You'll soon find yotlrself aqueeaed into ternities, who have not learned first and fourth odd men in the bayonet practice tonight! an immaculate 4 x 5 waiting room the true meaning of "fraternity" squads will execute a half oblique swarming with 3~ other groaning vic- rection. Then at the command 'to the Serenaders Provide much less the greater implica- movement in a counter-clockwise di- tims. Before an hour of wretched tions of "Christmas spirit", It brooding passes (interperscd with is to these few individuals that rear-rest!' every other squad will some Quick bridge hands) someone this appeal is made in order to assume a half right position and the Excitement At Ten jabs a thermometer into your mouth. ameliorate the situation rather others, except the stack men from the You sit and the other 37 sit, dumb to than to replenish it with further left, will do a column right move- 'Twas ot night after CltrfelO Olld all the world, staring at each other. antagonisms. ment." He paused, then" chuckled. thrOI!glJ the hal/ii, "Naturally, everyone will take up the Sway creotllre wos ~t.irrilty at gOSBijl Long Wait Loud Actions, Soft Words half step." ;eat brawls. After what seems nn eternity of It was made quite evident in A ripple of amusement ran through Il"hClt 01~t Olt. fhs lawn there arose mental dread, an arm reaches out, the series of smokers held for the ranks, but was quickly dispelled sucfln.clotter, pulls you into an operating room, prospective pledges not too long by seniors with clubs and bayonets. J sprang ;r01J1 'my bJ·idgc ha1ul to /lce plops you into a chair, yanks out the ago that the promotion of sports- "Are there any questions 1" the of· tG/mt 1(IOS tho matteT. thermo, and foc-uses a 500 watt bulb Groscl(lJ/ Deteu manship was a primary aim for ficer asked, glaring at me and taking on your swimming eyes. A voice from each fraternity on the Hill. If a substantial grip on his rifle stock. A100·Y 10 the 10indof(l / ji.Bw like u the unknown ecmmanda "Say All!" placed in a concentration camp be- this objective is anymore than Sllenee fiash. Before you get your mouth halfway cause of his anti-communistic senti- the mouthing of hollow words, "All right, then," he roared. "Lu- Someone thol'ell) off the 81citeh 'while / open, a stick is jamming your tonsils. ments. He was under the death sen- then now is truly the time to bah .. Frup!" threW·ltV tAB/wsh. In the next terrible instant a 12·ineh tence when he escaped into Turkey. demonstrate that old adage that There was a sinister shuffle of feet Thel~ ,chat to lily 1lJ01!derillg eYC8 toothpick is swabbing the pit of your Grosden wandered fr-om one European actions speak louder than words. in my direction. "Pardon me," 1 Sh01dd appear stomach while your digestive tract is countrv to another until, arriving in A recent series of incidents squeaked. "But I didn't hear the com- Bllt a mob of tmlellty he-men below performing eontortions. Italy, he was put in a camp for im- and malicious rumors involving mand ... What did you say? . and. qlLitc -near. migrants. a range of topics from basket- WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Whife I sat down on the sillo-so Uvelll Senses Reel Then Mrs. B. Pearson, while tour- ball games to dances have arous- "Cow-pah ... Gloot!" alld qltick. At the passing of this torture you ing Europe with a Methodist organiza- ed particular attention. No doubt "A" company was beat-ing down on Ten. roving fema,lea crashed iJtW ,It'y weakly gasp for air, attempting to tion, agreed to sponsor Delev and those concerned with the former me with siekening fOl·ce.Huge bubbles lU:el.:. ~wallow the repulsive potion. While help him eome to the United States. matter felt quite justified in of perspiration cascaded down my Undel' till! 11(;08 drowned ill the begging for mercy, your head is He arrived here in May 1951 and actions 'at the time. With cooler forehead. I felt. my sanity slipping storm, pushed baekward to the floor, and a worked on the eampus of Drew heads and valuable hindsight, away; all I C9uld see was my body Irhilr u/Ord 1VltS II/)read qnickly glass hose emits a gallon in each Theological Seminary. There he made however. these same persons buried under dozens of those army t.l!l'(mg/wld Ou; whole dOrln. nostril. In the act of reviving, a bar- sueh progress in mastering the would probably confess to the in- shoes. NeVel'! Desperately, I lunged Marc rapid Utan caUle, fhe women? rage of stuffed envelopes is pushed English language that it was decided appropriateness of their conduct forward-into the back of a platoon they f!iJ"W into your limp l1and. As you stag~r 11e should go to college. Grosden at- in a game which has enjoyment sergeant. He stumbled wildly ahead, A It WilldoWB were jam1fl.ed~th6 SWl faintly out the door, a ringing in tended West Virgima Wesleyan and and relaxation as its primary cracking the skull of the man to his porch 10(1-8 loo your ears ehants-"get plenty of while there became a member of the purpose. right with his I·ifle. One thing led to Now the bltildillg was darkened ami of rest, drink plenty of water, take Methodist church. Then he was of· More disturbing moreover is another and a scramble of falling lit b1J the ·mOUlI; plenty of medicine."-Say not the fered a scholarship to Western Mary· the unpublicized campaign of personnel ensued, at the end of which The group bclml) huddled Inld struggle naught availeth. In view of land and decided this was what he "smears" _and "slams" made in I found myself atop a magnificent into tlUle . this testimonial, don't think I'm bitter. really wanted. increasingly alarming propor- heap of thrashing bodies, artillery, AJt air of e",p"ctflol/,CY hll-8hcd every Just remember-n friend in need ia a Delev speaks nine languages fluent- tions by minority members of and eurse words .. IJqllrul friend in dL'ed! ly, and has worked for the United various fraternities. It is every- Meanwhile, "A" company waa upon Soon CR"te tf~6 ,vordl ill a Illclanelwly States as a translator. He is a waiter one's duty to eliminate these us. With a gallant effort, they tried to llCa.l in the dining hall, frequents the rumors. In subsequent cases of surmount the human hill of "B" com~ Now b0880S, 1!OW tenors, IIOW mOl1o- Grille and has become familiar to us controversial issues, it might be pany. Up and over they tramped fon:e8atr~ all. We welcome Grosden to our cam- well to give the other party the methodieal and grim-faced i screams Sillg a'way, croolt away-ate nole8 pus and wish him good luck in the benefit of the doubt, and moans erupted from those below ril'lC altd fall. future. And occasionally one of "A" com- Orodl/aUN, the Cm'usos ftwcll Utt> Peace On Earth pany's members would be sucked into refrfliu The SGA eabinet wishes to thank the cheerleade~s for the Hopkins pep Inasmuch as it is far easier to the groaning quicksand of flesh. "OIL Top of Old Smoky", while 300 rally and also for the rally given to Students To Prove be critical than correct, let us "Hol~ it! ,Hold it!" roared the offi- necka crane. . conclude by vowing that as we cer, avoiding a small landslide of Ji'(·u1.I'illg and 81l)Oyillg, the songs /loa" stal"t basketball season. • approach this Christmas season cadets. "You men just aren't getting oul., Thanks should al80 be given to Themselves On TV we will profit from the past, and it." He waved disgustedly at a pla- All(l hI betwecl~ 111L1)I.bcrs "Marc" is Connie Weisenbach and Eddie Smith work for an increased coopera- toon which was Valiantly attempting the shout for the Christmas decorations in the The lllany "experts" who have tion to justify the place of leader- to march over the football stands , , . Tho audtcJlc6 18 enchanted, thouoh recreation hall and to Ed for the charged the younger generation with ship which fraternities should With a cat-like motion, he began root- "hilled straight flo'Qugh Christnlas tree opposite Old Main. being passive and unquestioning are the next The council decided that occupy. Let's remember the true ing through the pile of cadets until While the night air rings dcar with SGA assembly will be postponed until getting their answer every Sunday meaning of Christmas and devel- he found me. There were 800 pounds "lI'h('Jt I Look at You." morning when "Junior Press Comer· op our attitude in accord with Then the choristers scattered a11do after the Christmas holidays and will eO('e" hits the TV screens, Associated the theme of the season, "Peace qllq tu, q. II. q. b£gan to d£/Jarl, feature a speaker. Two suggestions Collegiate Press reports. on earth, good will to men". While stra.iJIB drifted back of "Good- have been made concerning the Originating out of Philadelphia and We can do this in our own ltight Sweetheart." speaker, and it will be. publicized be- filmed for viewers in other cities, the small way here at W.M.C" by fore the day of the assembly. show eOllsists of a panel of college starting this policy today, and The problem of speeding on campus students who do the asking, and a carrying it on throughout the . streets seems to have abated since the prominent adult who does the answer- ensuing new year. SGA began its drive to improve this ing. Last week's show featured Sena- ~ condition. Let's ~ll try to drive slowly tor Estes Kefauver. and carefully at all times and exer- The program is now being sponsored cise extreme caution on icy days. b}j the American Broadcasting Com- Underclassmen Edit As in the case of the lOe coffee in pany and is being shown all the way the Grille, the SGA has looked into the J u n i 0 r 13, sophomores, and 12c milk situation. This price was irom New York to Chicago. Mrs. Ruth freshmen have compiled and raised because of higher prices in Geri Haiy, Philadelphia newspaper edited this issue of the Gold Bug. general, and the SGA cannot do any- woman, is producer and moderator, The seniors traditionally take a thing about it. "The entirc show is unrehearsed," rest on the Christmas issue. Three new representatives were says Mrs. Hagy. "Our young people Working under the supervis- welcomed to the ranks of the SGA must be given the fullest opportunity ion of Charles Wheatley on this cabinet at the last meeting, The new to present themselves to the public," issue are Gus LaMar as man- junior representative is Don Haut. She adds, "To insist on particular aging editor, Pat Collins and and the freshmen elected Beverly Rei- questions, to restrict students in ex- Nancy Caskey as news editors, ber and Bruce Price to represent them. pressing their views, is t-o undermine and Shirley Riekards as eopy A new a'nd larger room is needed the contributions which these young editor. Working up the feature for the SGA cabinet. At the last meet- people ean and must make to demo- page are Anne Nuttall and ing there were two visitors from thc cracy." George Gipe, while Harry Gran~ student body, and the council was .der remains in charge of the THE GOLD BUG sporta. ~a~h~ir8e~!::i~:~~r~ w~:;nr::e~: Others working on the edi- needed to enable Plore people to attend torial staff include Martha Anne these meetings if they are interested. J Kohout and Mary Lee Younger All students are invited to attend the as news-feature editors, Rita cabinet meetings, which are held each Burket, typing editor and Maur- Wednesday night at 6;45 in the SGA ice Mobley, photographer. room, M.mb., Paul Lambertson is acting as A heart)': wish for a very Merry Alloci.ted Collegf.t. P,e.1 business manager. Christmas is extended to evoryone Any of YOU boys like to buy som,. Christmas lSeal$1 frO'm the SGA ca.hiJlct. Saburt.tioa Price U.OO • Teat
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