Page 21 - TheGoldBug1952-53
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llhtppt! Nrur'rar Vol. 30, No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. December 16, 1952 Mareli Gras Set StudentConductors .Trumpeters Plan Traditional Seminary Pageant As Theme Of Prepare For Recital Christmas Dinner Represents Many Countries Bachelor Dance This year's recital of the lItudetft The annual Christmas banquet will conducting class will be held in Al- be held at 6 p. m, on Wednesday, Dec, The Nativity Guild of the Seminary will present the outdoor Alpha Gamma Tau will sponsor the umni Hall after the Christmas holi- 17 in the dining hall. performance of the Nativity again this year. The 1952 Pageant Mid-Year Hop to be held in Gill Gym- 'days, on Monday, January 12, at 'fhis is one of the outstanding tradi- will 'be held on Dec, 17th, at 7 :30, If there is inclement weather, nasium on January 01.7, from 8::10 p. m. 1l:30a,m. tions on the Hill, and the only oppor- the alternate date is Dev. 18th, to 11:45 p. m. Those in the class, which consists tunity that the e'btire student body Revised by William Winfree, The Certainty of Faith will be the The Marui Gras, with all its tr-im- of students with a music major, arc has to celebrate Christmas as a group. 23rd Christmas production of the Westminster Theological lnsti- mings, will be the theme of the Bache- Ernie Green, Joan Grube, Jo Kern- ?liaking plans fOI' this event are the tute. This is the first one, however, that it is entirely a student lor dance. Decorations will include panek, Marilyn Hardester, June Lam- Trumpeters, assisted by a group of production. James Ocan, a member of colored lights and balloons to add bert, Liz Adams, Bev Warner and Junior girls, as yet unnamed, Alpha Phi Omega, National Dramatic depth to the atmosphere of the dance. Ma,'ioll Martin, A Christmas atmosphere will pre. Seniors' C.aroling F'rnternit y, has had considerable ex- Lea Mischener and his orchestra 118ve College Orchestra Pla)'s "nil as the students enter the candle- perience ill dramatics, and ill Tke been engaged to playa Ja New Or- The Western Maryland College t~~e~,:;:t~~~:e \~i~Ends festivities t:~: leans style. LitUe Symphony Orchestra will be ~~n::i:gsnho~~' ~:~I~::~~YOf:{s ::;~~~/:;:e~o;: J\oJembers Sell Tickets the object of their direction in a num- menatcnal snowflakes hanging from part of his dramatic arts study at Following the college policy, the ber of varied selections, the ceiling, The rest of the decorations Members of the aenier class will Kentucky Wesleyan, where he is a dance wiU be Don-co"rsage and semi- Leaning the orchestra while they, are to be keP:t:,' ~"~'~~~=~~:2' graduate, and took the hest, at North- formal. Tickets may be purchased play TiI-c StaT-Spangled Bamle}-, as Mr. Rice, ill western University. His pastorate is from any member of the Bachelor fra- well as the Diai{)g!HJ Hnmorcequo, will the menu at Oak Chapel Methodist Church in ternity 01' at the door. Ticket price is be June Lambert, the first conductor include: Tn last Christmas activity of the Layhill, Md. $2.00 per couple, including tax. on the program, Next is Liz setrior- ass as a whole, during their Seminary Choir to Sing Lefty Kaufman has, been named Vallfc S£"t"c1Iadcand H1mgari stay i-e at Western Maryland Col- Against a background of recorded general chairman of the dance. He has being played under he,' lege, 5 a very important tradition. music sung by the Seminary Singers, . named the following committee chair- Ernie Green then clim the con- class will assemble in Blanche the theme of the Pageant demon- men: Elmer Richards, decoraticns ; ductcr'e box to lead ir from SU'ite ard Gymnasium at 4:30 a. m., where atrntea tile two confl.icting elements of Dave Rhoades, refreshments; and John Y, and _;o.Jal"l.:k of t} Little Pierr they will be served coffee, hot choco- Christianity; Doubt, or Despair, and Edwards, publicity, Ken Childrey is followed by Mario artin with late and sandwiches by the junior Faith, personified in the production financial chairman and Jack Ui-icn is from SCI'cnacle lValtz Pant members of the Intersorority council, as the Prophet Qf Faith and the t.icket chairman, assisted by Joe Deer- Next on the assisted by members from each sorori· P~ophet of Despair. Throughout the ing and HnlTY Grande)', ty, Pageant, the two Prophets work NO\'el Decoralions Secret Taking care of the makillg of sand- IIgainst each other, but with the dec- Robert Kaufman, General Chair- wiches will be the Phi Alphs and Delta laration of the Prophet of Faith that man, hints that a novel effect, unused under the direction of Carol Sause and regardless of the evils and hardships in previous dances, will be a further Nancy Bayliss, respectively, Dottie brought about on mankilld by those additiOJl to the Mardi Gvas idea, but hWips, of the Iotes is in charge of who desecrated Christ's name, there that it is to. be kept a sm-prise. Valse, dir toffee detail, while Betty Parsons shall be found torever "the child new- At the Mid-Cent.ury Homeeoming CO,I/a. Dlle Sigmas will supervise the cocoa born within the manger of faith in Dance, and at the Winter Carnival, conducted the hearts of men", the Prophet of 1951, the Bachelors' proved that they Despair slinks off into the darkness, nre particularly adept in sponsoring lea.ving Faith the victor, dances, fo,' the two wel"ll g,'eat sm'- James Coan, Direetor eeSSe5, , Those participating in the produc- Alpha Gumma Tau extends an in- tion undel' James Coan, direetor, are vitation to everyone- "to climb aboard as follews: Harold Oeche!e, as the the Mardi Gras wagon this January Prophet of Faith; Coorge Webb, as 17 for that last mng before exams. service. the Prophet of Despair; Wayne We can have a lot of fun, oui?" Yaple, the Reader of the Story; Ed- The singing ot carols .will begin the progl'nm, with everyone joining in the w81'd Wright, in the part of the Angel Intersorority Slates 8inging of the old familiar will act Gabriel; Mrs, Secrist, as the Virgin carols, Mary, and Robert Seerist as Joseph; Irene Pope and Bill Harvey l1arl'atOl'8 tor tlle service, Tea For Transfers !lS iI'nm Lee Hohmlln as ol'ganist, with Forrest Fan'is in the put of the Inn· keeper, and Donald Ripple, Al Ham. Sevel'!!1 selections will be rendered mond and Bill Hitchells as the Three McDaniel Lounge will be the scene by the Men's Trio with the Girls' Wise Men, for the rntersorority Transfer Tea on Quintet lendinG" their talents, also, Figures of various nationalities will Wednesday, JanulU'y 8 at 4:15 p, m, Soloists of the evening will be Jo be played by these Seminary stu- Those who will be pre!lent are tIle Kompanck and Pegg Janney, singing dents: The Far East, Dr, Ho; Arabia, mcmbel'S' of the inte,'so"l>"ity council, I lI'Ol1lit"-8$ J Wandu. Mayard Beal; American Indian, Bill the llOlIse mothers, Mrs. Lowell En- Aiter t.he shQrt carol service the Balderson; Teutonic Nations, John sor and Dean Hden Howery. Tbe Reverends Charles Craill and Reuben Jacobs; Far North, Ronald Gieder- I'ecipients of the tea \vill be 1111 h'ans· Holthal1s will officillte lit n fe.llowship dan; and South America, by Bob fer students and those girls who are, communion, Sc.h:lffer, at present, second selnCf'ler fresJunen. Technical Assistants Named As is the usual procedure, each Technical assistants named were ~orority wilf take part. in the prepara- Kenneth Hampson, Paul Woodbury, tions for the affair. The refreshments .Tohn Jacobs, Mahlon Hurlbert, Henry will be provided by Iota Gamma Cl1i, Morris, and Gardner ·Wyman. with plana for entertainment being A director of the Pageant in pre- lUade by Sigma Sigma Tau. Phi Al- vious years, Miss Dorot.hy Elderdice pha Mu and Delia Sigma Kappa will will furnish the costumes for this be responsible for the clean-up, sented. year's production. The tea is being t,"iven so that the rn its thh'd year of eXI :lororities may become acquainted with on the Hill, the club began in Dc the transfer students and, more im- 1950, under the leadership of Lo Christmas Bishop' N. C. Powell portant, that the transfer students Pietrofortc, Since his graduation the "What do YOHthink about social he Canterbury Club's Angel" Listed As Speaker may get to know the sororities before club has becn directed by Mr, Oliver dl'inkin~?" The Inter-collegiate Asso-' 1)lU'ty was on Monday, December 8, the second semester bidding begins, Spangler, ciation for the Study of the Alcohol The story of the "Littlest Problem is sl'onsol'ing an essay con· opened the party followed by some test on thi!> subject of Social D1'ink· feats of magic by Les Werner. Those Speaking at the Student Christian French Club Presents 'Cantiques ele ing, The 1953 Roberts Award for this attending and participated in several Association program in Buker Chapel on January 14, will be the Right Rev- then refreshments games were $1,700 to Noel'In Annual Yule Program contest will amount. of the essay win- in !>erved, erend Bishop Noble C, Powell, bishop pri~es. The author of the Diocese of Maryland, ning first place in the contest will Sunday Fellowship Bishop Powell is a graduate of the Le Curcle Francais gave its annual Schneider's JflSUB Rcdamptflttr was receive an award of $200, Those es- The Gospel of Mark has been the Virginia Theological senlinary, and is Cantiques de NoiH in McDaniel Lounge Quitte;: PlUtrrnr* by Leslie Werner. says judged second, third and follow- subject of dhicussions during the No- a trustee-at-large of the institution. Qn December 15 at8:00 p, m. The pro- The mixed chorus then asked D'ou ing" places will also be eligible for vember meetings of the Sunday Fel- A Iso he is u trustee of the General gram was directed by Mlle. Beverly Vie'II8 tu, Borgh,,! with Liz Adams awards accordhlg to the quality of the lowship. Jntel'esting and informative Thoological Seminary in New York Warner, and the chorus was accom- sin~ng the part of the shepherdess, contents of the essay. Each essay analyses of the scriptures have been City, which is the only seminary sup- panied by Mils, Shirley Woodruff. Beverly Warner and June Lambert must contain between 500 and 800 presented by various students with ported by the entire Episcopal church, The program epened with Schu- next sang the duet Sain,te VWl'gc, fol· words. the hope of furthering better under- The bishop has his Doctor of Divinity bert's Avc Maria rendered by Mr, lowed by a ,,010 by Don Roberts, Information and pamllhlets con· standing of this Gospel and its mes- degree, Philip Royer and Anne-Marie Sum- ,1farch6 dCB Rois, cerning this organization are reeeived sage to us today. mers, Next the all gil'ls' chorus sang regularly by this SCA and are avail- The Sunday Fellowship is planning Voici la Naif', followed b~' Grunod's LeB Agnes dans fU)8 COII~paU1lCB able either thl'ough the SCA or in the December meetings devoted to the Ave: Maria by Beverly Warner, 11'1- with the Grorw cllorus was then of- college library. In addition to pub. expl'cssion of Christmas througll lllU- $5 Day Reminder Noel Wag given next by the boys' fel'ed b~' the full chorus_ Then came li-shed mateTial on the subject of sic, poetry, and art, All are welcome chorus, with Stuart Root doing the Meta Justice's solo, Les Viall: du nltohol, the Association sponSOrs an- to join in the hOUI' of worship and All students are reminded solo pllrt. Then Fail'y Fl'ock. Char- Ciel. The mixed chorus then sang Que nually ~llmmeT conferences at various fellowship on Sunday mornings hI that Saturday, December 20 and lotte Ridgely and Beverly Reiber gave C1w.cua S·E'II!]}rcssc and Noiil, fol~ colleges throughout the country fOi' Baker Chapel. Monday, January 5, are five Hnfl'e le Boru! el ['A-nfl..Gris. lowed by a solo by June Parker, Un the specific study of the alcohol prob- dollar days, Any class cuts for The girls' chorus followed with Flambeau, Jeanette [gabeUa. lem. Any student wishing to beeome a French Club reasons other than illness or DCIIUl les Ombrcs and then Voici Noel Marion Martin alld a girls' oet-et member of the group may do so Members of the' French Club are some unavoidable necessity will by the mixed chorus. Jo Kompanek $ang Jour de Lu1lti6I·c~ June Lambert througb application. sitting at a rl!servad fable in tha din· be considered unexcused and sang !.he solo patt of Il Est N6 with ended the program with the beautiful For further information. see Dr. ing hall now, at which only French is incur a five dollar penalty, fhe mixed chorus, Following Bill COlltiqne df! Noel, Charles Crain. spokan, ' ,
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