Page 15 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 15
The Gold Bug, Nov. 11, 1952 3 I Henderson To White Pass !error-Jay Tilt Bachelors Take Terrors Nip PMC DeFeats Drexel Tech, 6-0 Shifted To City Mary- Intramural Lead For Second Win Hopkins and Western Johns four consecutive Showing victories Western team annexed Drexel Tech became Western Mary- yard stripe. land will renew their rivalry for the Alpha Gamma Tau has taken a com- ing football Maryland's vastly improv- its second land's third football victim of the Drexel's ground attack showed a thirty-first time November 22 when manding lead in the Intramural victory of the 1952 season November season as the Green Terrors scored net gain of 253 yards in the rushing the tWQ schools' football teams clash 'Fouch Football League, The Bachelors 1 as they fought back from a 14 point ear-ly and clung to a 6-0 advantage in department but their aerial attack at Memorial Stadium in Baltimore. took over undisputed possession of deficit to spoil Pennsylvania Military a game played at Drexel Field in Phil- failed miserably with the final statis- The encounter, originally scheduled first place by defeating their most Academy's Homecoming by a 24-20 adelphia last Saturday. For the sec- tics showing three completions in for Hoffa Field, has been re-scheduled serious challenger, the Rats, the ond week in a row it was the Hillsmen fourteen attempts for a net gain of 20 at the Baltimore site to permit tele- freshman class representatives. The in the role of spoilers as they ruined yards. Western Maryland moved the vision coverage. Rats were swamped 38-0. an opponents' Homecoming activities ball 151 yards on ground rushes and In the thirty games that have been The Rats hold third place with a with a football victory. they advanced 68 through the air , played, the Green Terrors have won campaign slate of three wins and one The Green and Gold opened the lanes with six completed in 12 at- eleven while the Jays have captured reversal. They posted a 12-6 win over ballgame by kicking off and forcing tempts. Drexel led in the first down fifteen. Four of the contests in the Gamma Beta Chi, downed the Semi- their adversaries to punt. Mike Di- department by registering 15 while series, which dates all the way back nary 6-0, and won on a forfeit from Venanaio booted to the WMC 22 and the Green and Gold rolled up 9. The to 1894, have resulted in deadlocks. the Black and Whites. The Preachers, it was from this point that the vic- game was decided by the alert West- Western Maryland romped in last with a two and zero slate, find them- tors started their touchdown march. ern Maryland forward pass defense year's meeting to the tune of 33-6. selves. in second place. Since the last With fullback Luke Suwall and half- as they completely bottled up most of Two and Fonr Record issue went to press they have taken a back Arnie Needleman doing most of Hug's attempts. Prior to the game he The Johns Hopkins 1952 campaign forfeit decision from the Black and the ball toting coupled with the pass- was one of the nation's leading small- state shows a two and four record. The Whites. ing of Harlow "Skifch" Henderson college passer's. Blue and Black and the Green and Gamma Beta Chi has defeated the the Hill gridders travelled to the Tech Gold have faced two common oppon- Black and Whites for their only vic- 25. From this point Henderson threw ents to date and if comparative out- tory and have played a 6-6 deadlock to end Charlie White who snagged comes are any indication western with the Seminary. The Seminary the ball in the end zone which proved Mar-yland will be established the pre- slate shows a one lost and two tied to be the winning margin. Nick game' favorite. Both aggregations record. They have also tied the Black Rausch's boot was wide in his place- ~::ed;~p~~i~~c~:t,b~~:sl:~dti~~ ht::~ ~~ and Whites, in addition to the Gan;ma ment attempt for the point after the Mason-Dixon Conference play. Bets,6-6. . touchdown. FOl" the remainder of the Standings: Howard Hunt first per-iod the two football squads Hampden-Sydney has also provided Frosh Defensive Star battled evenly. opposition for each of the squads. The lost o tied Jays were defeated by the Southern- Bachelors 0 After an exchange of punts PMC Terrors Fail Twice ers but 'Western Maryland scored a Preachers o 0 looked as if they were going to romp As the second quarter got under- victory in their Tiger encounter. Rats _ when they 'iacked up two early touch, way both clubs exchanged punts and Johns Hopkins has also lost to Frank- 'Gamma Bets .. downs. Mike Marchitto found pay- the Dragons began a drive which car- lin-Marshall and Carnegie Tech gud Seminary dirt ~first when he plunged 4 yards ried from their own 22 yard line has scored its two triumphs in games Black and Whites_ after the Cadets had put together a stripe to the Western Maryland. 17 played with Susquehanna and Swarth- 52-yard drive which was featured by before the Terror defense stiffened Tony Fini's 30-yard run. Marchitto and turned back the tide. Archie Hampered by Injuries Gallauaet Rallies To' made it 7-0 with a perfect conversion. Gross provided the longest run of the Hopkins Coach Frank Burns, one Top WMC JV's Minutes later the score went to 14-0 maneuver when he romped 22 yards of the youngest head coaches in inter- when PMC's Jody 'Ambrosino passed but it was a fourth down pass that Ray Stevenson collegiate competition who starred Gallaudet College rallied for three to John Udovitch on a play wHich cov- went incomplete in the end zone from Triple TMeat Back during his playing days at Rutgers second period touchdowns to hand the ered 47 yards. The latter plucked the quarterback Gene Hug that spelled University quarterback, has been Western Maryland JV's a 24-14 set- ball out of the air after it had been the curtains for this march. After club Green Terror Boote" hampered by injuries during the pro- back in a game played November 1 at deflected by the Green and Gold's Ron- thwarting of this threat neither gress of the campaign and as a result Hotra Field. nie Jones and Mike Hunt and raced was able to move the ball into SCOT- Tie One, Drop Three his club hasn't lived up to advance untouched into the end zone. Marchit- ing position and the half ended with notices. Power-running right half- With co-captains Bill Moore and to again converted. thc 6-0 tally still up on the score- 'Western Maryland's soccer record back, George Klemmick and fleet left Bill Smith playing excellent defensive Although seemingly outclassed at ball the Little TerrOTS scored two first board. fell to one win, six lost, and one tied halfback Eddie Simler team up with period six-pointers to take a quick, 14-0 this point Western Maryland ripped After Drexel kicked off to start the as the Green Terror booters were fullback Angie Fortunato to generate lead. Al Bopst scored on a 9-yard pass back and trailed. by only a pair of third quarter the Green Terrors tried trounced in three of their last four most of the running attack with 190- from Paul Schubert and Joe points as the period ended. Speedy Recker-t twice to go into the end zone for six encounters. Their record in Mason- pound Stan Dor-ney understudying went into the end sene after a 7-yard Arnie Needleman took a reverse and points but on each occasion the Dragon Dixon Conference play now stands at these three. Quarterback Bucky run. Larry Stewart booted success- outdistanced the entire Pennsylvania defense rose to the task and threw one victory, three defeats, and one Myers calls the T-formation plays fully after both touchdowns. eleven by running 53 yards for the back the attempt. With Suwall doing even-up game. from undercenter and can pass. He is Halfback Frank Willis took....a 23- first six points but a poor center en- a majority of the ball 1ugging and On October 31 the Green and Gold perhaps the most valuable Jay oper- yard pass from Myron Caswell for abled the onrushing PMC linemen to Henderson completing four out of six played host to Franklin-Marshall and ator due to hisl two-platoon-both de- Gallaudet's first touchdown and Tom smother Nick Rauch's extra point at- pasaing attempts the first march was the visitors romped to an easy 7-2 tri- fensive and offensive performance. Saunders grabbed another pass from tempt. a drive of 57 yards and was finally umph. On November 4 the University Guards Jimmy Curtis and Tony Mig- Willis for a 20-yard touchdown a few Mike Rentko set up the second score stopped by Tech four yards from of Delaware invaded \Vestminster and liore also bear watching. minutes later. Saunders scored the for the Hil.lsmen when he intercepted their goal line. A few minutes later won the election day battle by a 4-1 winning touchdown as the second a pass and galloped to the homestez-s Ashby Collins blocked one of DiVen- one game remaining and that takes quarter was coming to an end on an 3 before he was tossed out of bounds. anzio's punts and Warren Bimestetrer Fine goal tending by Carl "Cookie" place November 14 when they meet Ray Stevenson smashed over from recovered on the Drexel 19 but from Cohen featured the Western Mary- Gettysburg in a tilt scheduled for 8-yard 'buck through the center of the this point and the failure of Ted this point the. Green and Gold could land-Towson State Teachers contest home. . line. Samakouris to convert left the score Jack Thompson padded the lead for not generate any attack and they lost played November 7 at Towson and the the visitors in the early part of the at 14-12 as the period ended. the ball. final result was no score for either third period when he grabbed a 12- Ashby Collins, putting forth a tre- Hug Fumbles team. On November 8 the Terrors "For Enduring Quality and yard· pass and tallied. Gallaudet mendous effort at his defensive end Joe Haenn intercepted one of Hen- travelled to Bucknell University and missed all its conversion attempts. post, set the stage for the only tally derson's aerials as the final session came out on the short end of a 7-2 Friendly Service" ill the second period when he blocked got under way and a 56-yard gallop score. a punt by the Cadet's Bill Applegate. by Gross put the ball once again in The Wcstern Maryland outfit has BROWSE AND SHOP WMC.Hopkins Clash The bounding ball twisted backwards scoring position. The drive continued into the end zone where war-ren Blme- to the Terrors 9 but an incomplete at Last For- Nine :!e~:rt \~~v~r~ i:l":~~' :orto~~:d~:s~ pass by Hug ended the activity. In the POPCORN. PEANUTS closing minutes of the final canto the CANDY Colonial Jewelry Co. Nine Western Maryland football time. This time it was Rudy Rudi- Dragons were again knocking on tho players will be donning the Green and sill's turn to attempt the extra point victory door but Ed Kelly grabbed a THE TREAT SHOP 32 W. Main Street Gold colors for the final time Novem- but he also missed and the score stood Hug fumble in midair and western be,' 22, when the Terrors collide with at 18-14 at the half-time. Maryland took over on their own 17 the Johns Hopkins University Blue- The Green Terrors put the game on jays. ice with their final score which came Bruce Rudisill, 205·pound tackle, quickly in the third quarter. Hunt re- and Harlo'w "Skitch" Henderson, vet- covered a fumble by the Cadets all the er an paaaing back, who have co-cap- PMC 30 and two long aerials by Stev- tained the 1952 squad will pave de- • enson with Charlie White and John parted from the scene after this en- Carlucci on the receiving ends carried counter. Both Rudisill, who hails from the baU to the 2 and Stevenson Hagerstown, Maryland, and Hender- plunged over the goal line for the son, a product of MeTchantville, New points. He attempted to pass for the Jersey, have been fixtures in the extra point but was knocked down by Green Terror lineup during four the PMC secondary and Western years .at Western Maryland. Maryland held a 24-14 advantage. Ashby Collins, Farmville, Virginia's From this point the Green and Gold gift to WMC, a dependable end, and went on the defensive and threw back Ray Stevenson, whose hometown is two Pl\1C threats with Rentko's inter- Cumberland" Maryland, a triple- ception of two Ambrosino tosses halt- threat back, will also be playing their ing both. However late in the final Campus capers call for Coke formillg their swansong. will be per- 80 yard march for their final score an last game. Three guards session of play WMC engineered Ted Sama- City College, the with Ambrosino cracking through kouris, from Baltimore's Andy Rusinko, from Nanticoke, Penn- line for 3 yards and a touchdown but sylvania, and Ray Faby, Baltimore. Marchitto missed the extra point and Mike Rentko, blocking back and that ended the afternoon's scoring defensive star from Nanticoke, and activities. With seconds remaining No matter if this year's team is the Dwight Scott, a back from Arlington, PMC attempted and recovered all on- Virginia, are the final two players side kickoff but time ran out when underdog, spirits soar at the homecoming participating in their last game for the Green Terror pass defense foiled the Hillsmen. a long pass attempt by Ambrosino. rally. There are bonfires, pep talks, cheers- and for refres~ent,.delicious Coca-Cola. PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COM.PANY BY LARGEST SELECTION IN TOWN WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO. INC. P. G. COFFMAN CO, "Coh";'a~mxIe-morJ:,' © 1952, TH~ COCA_COLA COMPANY Times Bldg. Westminster, Md.
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