Page 18 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 18
2 The Gold Bug, Nov. 25, 1952 ViewJ, q._ <71.e .IIdL- <7<>p Tomorrow our Thanksgiving MISS ELIZABETH SIMKINS -holiday begins, and it is fitting that we should think about our We finally cornered Miss Simkins many blessings. We as Western with various and sundry library cards Maryland students have so much in hand, and per usual found her sur- for which to be thankful that it rounded by eager students, all of whom is difficult to select a few items seemed to be having some sort of book- for recognition at this time. finding difficulties. After finding the Each citizen can say, "I'm books (and it was at this point that glad that I am an American", we decided that one of the prerequi-' and to each it may have a special sites for a librarian was patience), significance. To us as students, she quietly began to tell us the needed perhaps it means first of all that information in her distinctive North we are grateful fen the privilege Carolina accent, which made us under of attending college, for such if the South should not have won. was our choice. There are so North Carolina Graduate many factors involved in select- Miss Simkins graduated from the ing the particular college or uni- Women's College of the University of versity in which to enroll that North Carolina, received a JJ.S.L.S. we do not stop to think that un- from Columbia and a A.M.L.S. from der other circumstances we could the University of Michigan. Most of not choose to attend any institu- her library experience has been in eel- tion of higher education. lege libraries, for she feels that this During our four years here no "Oh, that's Birdley. He's always working on some crazy experiment ... is the most interesting side of library agency censors or distorts the I wonder where the Prof is?" work. Before coming to Western material which is available for Maryland she was the librarian at MWB ElizalJeth Simkim us to learn. No textbooks are Swarthmore, Ohio University, Ball re- A. E. Turk Sounds Off burned and others Issugd in their State Teachers College and Georgia Miss Simkins teaches several courses places. No professors are Tech. in book selection and related subjects. lieved of their duty without Contrary to popular 'opinion, all On weekends one often glimpses Miss Simkins headed in a Southern direc- warning and for no just cause to Old S.P.C.A. (Saint Peter in Charge "Now, S.P.C.A., while I had 'em librarians do not spend all of their tion. However, she does not go far be replaced by others indoctri- of Animals) placed his bifocals on the worked up into such a frenzy with time reading. Miss Simkins is so busy nated by the state. This is im- end of his broad nose; thumbed those powerful words, I began to heal' helping students to choose the right enough for her accent to become part portant to us as students for it through Volume 27 of his latest copy a creaking, sliding noise above me. I book that she never has time to pick of the native environment (That is- means that we have access to of E11Cyclopcdia,. Americana (paid kept noticing that the people were one out for herelf l She is very inter. not back to Goldborough, North Caro- the facts concerning any situa- adv.); stopped as he reached page standing' around with their packed ested in dramatics and ~as done con- lina). She has two brothers living in Harundale, Maryland and many of her tion. Also, we can learn both 180, column 1, under the heading breakfasts: some crying, but others, siderable work in Little Theatre weekends are taken up with her sides of the issue whatever it "Adlai Turkey"; and began mutter- with· little buttons on their lapels, groups. Another one of her interests nephews. may-be. ing aloud. Standing in front of him were jumping up and down. I tell is the orchestra-namely and mainly Sometimes we are not too on this January day, 1953, was a you, I really had 'em in my clutch. the first violin, which she plays. pleased when the examiuatlone neckless, headless, featherless, leg- And speaking of clutches, somebody Swimming Favorite Hobby contain "thought" questions, but less, but nonetheless turkey who had stripped a couple of gears at this Although Miss Simkins comes from here, again, is something that is evidently met with some sort of un- time. I felt a sharp, metallic tickle on a family that enjoys fishing, she could more vital than we realize. To conventional calamity. the back of my neck which quickly never work up any enthusiam for by Pa,sty Herman us who are encoura~ed to think Oh Say, Can You? Si! spread to the front of my Adam's quietly waiting for the fish to nibble The Student Government has been for ourselves, it is difficult to At the reading of this latest addi- apple, peeling the same. on the worm. However, she is not im- working very hard to meet all the picture the reverse situation. tion to his biography, Adlai fidgeted mune to water; one of her main hob- small problems which have arisen so Still more important is that we on his legless legs, scratched his head- What Fools Those Mortals Be bies is swimming. She also enjoys far this year. ' can freely voice our thoughts and less head with his wingless wings, and Old Saint Peter in Charge of Ani- boating, of the motor and rowing The Student Government wishes to opinions-not only as students waited for the inevitable question. mals raised lria eyelids and his head to variety. thank all those who helped give West. but also as citizens of the com- "Suppose that you tell the nice a "blank point" range with A.E.'s. Miss Simkins has been at Western ern Maryland such successful pep munity. scented Investigating Com mit tee "Brother Adlai," said he, "anybody Maryland for six years and is now rallies this year. The parades down And, always it means that as where you've been since this final in- who can tell, and supposedly endure, residing on Penn. Avenue, where she town have been spirited and orderly. students and citizens, we can stallment (two months ago), and how such fantastic adventures deserves The townspeople feel very close to worship as we please. The you came to kick the corn can." some consideration. Now, if you can Western Maryland's student body and ~ churches will be open on Thanks- Sweetly Sings the Donkey think of some appropriate "Adlaige" Letter To The Editor desire that this friendly relationship giving Day, and as we attend the "My friends, and you I" are my to be delivered to those on the planet, Dear Editor: be continued. one of our choice, we should give friends, How you all? I reckon you Earth, I shall certainly grant you In the last edition of the GOLD It has been brought to the attention thanks to Him for the many bles- all'd really like to know as to the admission." BUG a letter appeared telling the 01' the Student Government Cabinet sings that are ours to cherish wherefor and whyfor of my location "Known for my brevity, I have but students that a Negro was refused the that the recreation hall has been and protect. for the past two months. Well, it's a one-belated word to give to my coun- right to eat in the college gril~ and opened on Sundays by someone who strain, but, to tell the truth, gentle- try: Being a turkey was wonderful. dining hall. By what code of ethics should not be able to do so. This has Thanksgiving Anticipated men, I've been in the cooler. Seems But rather than the chief, I'd sure may a Christian organization refuse not been Western Maryland's policy Hke the folks I'd been livin' with, like to have been one of those fr-ee- a person this right, or tiny right, on in the past. The night watchman Holidays "aah, Humbug" they're called Demagogues, suddenly lanced fowls who was carved into the basis that his skin is of a different locks up on Saturday night, and the got a big charge out of a certain white and dark morsels on 'I'hanks- color! Does it follow from this that a rec. room is supposed to be closed all Just one more night in this place inspiration that said something about giving day-way back in November. Negro would be refused the privilege day Sunday. When the plans were and Thanksgiving holiday begins. 'fowl is fare and fare is 98c a pound'. As for the humans, I just hope they of worshipping in our chapel? Doesn't made for this room by a past SGA, the Good thing, too, I'm just about ready "Well, anyhow, as the sun squatted appreciate all our sacrifices for them, an incident like this make the numer- ruling was also made that it should for that nervous breakdown I had behind those Illannoyed hills that day, both on straight tickets and rounded, ous sermons we have had on "brother- be closed on Sunday. promised myself. Once I get home, Harry, the hired man, came down to crnnber-ry-fillad plates. That's all I hood" seem a bit trivial? Even a bit Two years ago the problem of Sun, though-good food, peace and quiet, shut the door on the turkey coop and have to say." insincere? day activities was discussed in a gen- time to yourself-l'H be rehabilitated to tell me to go sleep it off. As I S.P.C.A. opened the gates. rt seems to me that an institution is eral assembly. The administration al- in no time. usually did what he said, even though founded upon ideals-and ideals are lowed more freedom in recreation te- Of course, Mother will have a few sometimes I felt like he didn't know cilities on Sundays, but the rec. room little errands planned for the first what this turkey's life was all about, Pause Refreshed ~~7s~~';~~:;t~;!, nCo~\;~:n:eedc:~~~~~ was to remain closed. It is always a afternoon consisting of putting down I cammed my head under my wing carded as a woman chooses the bonnet good idea to utilize all approved con- the winter rugs, washing the windows, (my first realization on doing this was she will wear with each change of veniences and allow those which are cleaning my room, and killing the that I needed a bath, but too tired to At Nearest Bar dress or season. frowned upon to remain closed. Let's turkey. I'll be convinced that work get up again, I !\rinned and bored It seems further, that one of two keep up traditions! around the home was at a complete through it). The coke machine is certainly a situations' now exist, neither deair- The SGA received a letter of praise standstill since school started. Charge of the Missouri Brigade marvelous invention. Theoretically, by able. The first is that the ideals upon from Jack Lambert, Class of '52, who At last I'll settle back to read, when "I didn't hear 'anything else but the merely inserting a nickel (or a reason- which this institution is founded are is now attending Temple University. father comes into the picture. He, of rise and fall of pin feathers for the able, facsimile thereof) in the slot ideals which lead to the assumption He sent an editorial from the Temple course, will remark that I am doubt- next several hours. Then, at some provided for the purpose, the starving, that the Negro race is inferior to newspaper saying that few students less catching up on studies since the dark hour of the early morning, the young student is able to procure a other races, that all men are not up there even knew that Temple had a few little mid semester lovlies didn't door opened, and Harry entered. One relatively harmless, and stimulating created equal. If this is the form our Student Council. Western Maryland's overwhelm him with joy. Craftily look at his eyes and I could tell he'd substitute for champagne, vodka, te- ideals take-then there is something cabinet hopes to be of such service sitting on my "True Romance" I'll been televiewing again. Behind him quila, scotch, red-eye, popskull bath- wrong with our ideals. that Jack's faith in the SGA will be grasp the soc book eagerly. were the cook and maid, Bess and tub gin and the myriad other bever- The other situation is that the rewarded. Please give them your sug- Well, at· least I'll eat good on Maggie, singing a duet that went: ages of the world. People of discrimi- ideals are congruent with those of gestions. Something can and will be Thanksgiving, but what price nourish- 'Hallelujah We're Movln' On'. Harry nating taste in every corner of the Christianity and Democracy, but that done! ment? I forgot that this was the oc- came over to the roost, and told me globe-s-dewy-eyed debutante and bare- the institution is such that it can over- look these ideals in its functions, that casion to which we invite the repul- to come on out in the yard. I followed. bellied bushman alike-partake of the it can profess one thing and practice THE GOLD BUG sive members of the family also. Each The Tumbril Cometh refreshing liquid it provides. Indeed, asks the same questions, hoping for "Out in the turkey range were the coke machine is America's most ....another. If this is the case-then a picture of the typical rah, reh, col- crowds of animals, who, when Lnp- efficient ambassador. there is something wrong with our lege girl-they read about. I can't pea red, began yelling something But, frankly, I hate the #$' things. institution. tell them what you really do at school, about: 'To the guillotine with him, They're always lurking in dark corners This is in no wayan appeal for the and after the third description of the Pierre.' And he gracefully led me to of public places, waiting to take you admitbance, of one Negro student to fun I have sitting at the soda fountain a rostrum, which, surprisingly, had by surprise with their ghoulish green the college facilities; neither is it an Member singing college songs I'm ready to a place for me to lay my weary head eyes and' gastro-intestinal mumblings, appeal for the students to rise up in Ancelated CollegIate Prell convert my fork into a secret weapon. and wings. I was used to getting up or else deliberately trying to .humilatc wrathful indignation over something If it was placed firmly in the cran- at all hours to deliver some gobblede- you in front of your friends. Never which most of them will forget as soon Subseripti~n Price $2.00 a Year berry sauce and flipped at just the gook speech, but never with such con- tackle a coke machine single-handed. as the next tough English exam is right angle, it would catch dear old veniences. Without further 'adieu', I They're diabolically clever, not to say announced. It is an appeal to a much ." ." .., aunt Bessie right betwecn the eyes. began one of my standard riot- downright perverse, and will get the higher calling then either of these. It ... Having had psychology I'll repress raisers: best of you every time. You can sneak is an appeal for those of us to whom ." this feeling and plan to steal her "'On behalf of my party, to which- up on it from behind, bribe it, beat it, Western Maryland means so much ... 'M crutches later. you're all invited, I'd like to say one kick it in the shins, if you like, but from the students to the trustees, to ." By Sunday morning I'm beat. Plead. thing, and that's all I'm going to it will only stano there, winking its retain our powers of conviction, to 'M 'M ." ing some sort of traditional vesper say about it. I Sllre hope you fellow one green eye, maliciously jingling defend what we hold to be true. This ." service in the afternon that I just yardbirds vote a straight, "egg-laying, your nickel around in its stainless· strength is the underlying current of can't miss, I'll dash for the bus. Purina ticket. Now, I don't believe in steel guHet. Christianity, this willingness to de- Busin"". Manag",, Glen Ashburn. '53, '54 Manager_Paul AdvertiSing School, boy--can't wait. I'll scream any half-way platform: for me, it's So take a tip from an old abstainer; fend, thc core of Democracy-without Circulation Managel'll __ Su" Simpson, '53 something over my shoulder about all 'er nothin', and viced verse. I I always avoid the whole unpleasant either, Western l\farylana becomes, Barry Winkelman. '1i5 classes on Christmas Eve this year believe in a good platform for us tur- business by stopping at the nearest not an Institution, but merely a CONTRIBUTORS and plan a party for Saturday night. keys-it keeps us off the damp, cold bar for a short beer and a few kind . school. Gene Paul. Pat Collina, Keith Wbitehu ....t, Carol Coleman. Dr. John D. Mak08ky. Millie Eckardt, A. N. ground in the winter time.' words. Bill Kern. Tom Doulitlaoo. Jane Hutchi9
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