Page 14 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 14
2 The Gold Bug, Nov. 11, 1952 With Apologies The Joe College who contributed On Friday, November 21, the help in any way possible and will To William Blake that incensed item on the dorm noise was lost, for want ~f a tooth the head was lost, and for want of a head College Players, under the direc- provide traffic signs if the school around here (in the last edition under tion of Miss Esther Smith will desires to post them. However, Cup of coffee, who made thce? your door) evidently is a guy who has the rest was lost, strayed or stolen." present Goodby, My Fancy. To these signs are constructed of D08t thou know who made thee? not rushed to the pony express depot Box-Shadowing some of the students, this will paper and at best would be only Made thee strong and bla{;k as night, Now, there are a number of meth- be one of the highlights of the temporary. Moreover, we feel Did he think thy taste was right? every a. m.; who has not cheered as ods which have been developed since school year. To others, it will be that more durable signs would Made thee smell like burning tar the mail coach pulled to a screeching the 1880's at WMC for getting into merely be one of the "activities" have to be embedded in ten feet Or eeeence of a cattle car. squat in front of Old Main; and, who, that 50c per semester cubicle. First, presented in Alumni Hall. of solid rock, or they, too, would Grtve thee' 81.tch a potent taste, briefly (reminds me of the Shipwreck there's the underfooted technique, The College Players have long be here today and in the dorms Thy coffee bean8 would be Dance), has not gotten mail. whereby one utilizes hands, knees, and had a reputation for being a tomorrow. di8graced. Me? I'm different. determino to plow through the ox- group of talented young actors So, what can be done? 'College Cup of coffee who made thec? Great Acceptations fords, bucks, and loafers. Secondly, and actresses. To those not di- drivers can be asked to drive Dost thou know who madc thce? Letters from home, especially those there's the underarm (Oh, 'Mum, you rectly associated with the or- more slowly and carefully-a-but profusely illustrated with pictures of Fresh thing, Stopette! This Mennen ganization, it is difficult to real- we would not like to guarantee CI~P of coffce, I'll tcll tbce; Abc, Alex, and even George endow me is going by like Five Days in an ize the time and energy which results. Also, this suggestion, Cup of coffcc, I'll tcll thee : with a certain urge to surge out of Arrid Max Factory) mode of accom- each member of the Players ex- even if it worked for students, He 1II118tsm'cly be snistaok, bed, into breakfast, first period, and, plishment. Then, too, the boarding- erts. Weeks of preparation are would not contact outsiders who For he' call8 himsclf a cook. ultimately, to the P. O.'s house reach is employed; as are necessary, both from the acting use the short-cut through cam- Coffee, thou wert weak and mild, where my parcel-picking hopes get the "Pardon-me-while-l-borrow_YQUr_ and the directing standpoints. pus. Till he went a little wild; lower than the belly of that whale head - for - a - foot _ rest" and "see - The sets have always ex- We have not been concerned You the poison, I the 80t, those sacked Sigmas have been chant- if-there's-any-in-my-box" sciences. tracted amazement and admira- with the traffic problem in the Victim of the coffee pet, ing requiems. about. As a constituent And. Me? Believing that faith is the tion. Mr. Bailey and the students past; we are basing this on the Gup of coffce, God seloVcthea! of the fresh flock, as well as the oc- evidence of things not seen, and not who work with him put forth reports of interested students. If Gnp of coffee, God 8aV6 thee! cupant of one of the boxes in the Post having developed my P.O.B.O. (Post every effort to make the scenery the problem is acute-and when P.S. Did hc who nuulc the cggs muke Office wall, I'm privileged to be al- worthy of a Broadway stage- life and property are involved, it thce? lowed (who learns this kid English, Office Body Obliteration)-I wait. and they have never failed. is acute-then we feel that this nohow?) to stroll through the elite Tempue Fugitive This Thanksgiving production is an administrative problem. of the "J-Missed-Breakfast" Club. Of course, in the nwan time, I've . is the only one for which admis- We suggest that the SGA make q.4q 4 q. .4. q. The tour is always most cnUgh/..eninu: supposedly passed by the "Packages- sion is charged. The proceeds go a recommendation to the school "Gotta match, fresh?" for-the-Needy" list, and have signed into a fund for lights, makeup, authorities and work with them away two quarts of red and white paint and the endless list of ma- to curb the speeding through Jumble! Ah, yeah! corpuscles after a dissertation from terials which any theatrical campus. And we hope that some- Thus, one may view, as a Kodaslide, some upper-classy vampire. group requires. We feel that the thing will be done before some- picking my inferior, rattity way By the time the last bell for second two plays presented each year one is injured. through crumbs of two-for-a-dime's; period has brought doors to close on draw many interested outsiders. the invigorating, entrancing, and di- the heels of stragglers, I find myself They publicize the school and it Spirits Po;sess Freshmen gestive gulps of "Have you (slurp, rawther alone (Pass the Listerine, has been long agreed that it is glump) heard about (gluck, blunk) please), left holding a souvenir: the excellent.publicity . However, the Wanted-One Witch that freshman who's (tee-bee, glush) door to my post office box. Players need your support. They trying to date (meow) Patty Ray?" I had no mail today. are working for you-for your Dear Editor: lIS co-eds drain with parched lips the individual entertainment and As a' worn-out, aging senior, I'm good-to-the-last-dime drop of Javan- evening's enjoyment. It is one taking eyebrow pencil in hand to reg- ese Delight; and "just remembering Open Letter To Students of the few occasions during the ister a mild query with you. The Hal- all the while" that all this will be year for which an activities card lowe'en goblins seem to have settled worth the eplstular document I re- A negro has been refused the right won't let you pass by the ticket down for a long visit, and I'd like to ceive in the next room as "You Belong to eat in western Maryland College's collector. We feel that 75 cents know just when they are leaving. The to Me" warbles through the smoke grill. Nothing can be done about this is very little in lieu of the re- spirits appear to have taken posses- rings, the sleepless "eyes, and the individual case. The present policy of turns. They are depending upon sion of the freshmen girls living above "why - is - there - a - second _ pe- the college prohibits the use of col- you, and we are confident that me, and frankly, I'm worried. Poor riod" refrain. lege facilities by Negroes. But we as students can change the policy of the you.will not let them down, girls-they seem attractive enough, But, tally ho and away, you tram-. college! without the bloodshot, glassy stare us TRAFFIC PROBLEM old'una have, but apparently some pled speck of toast and grape nuts From the chapel pulpit and the It has been brought to the at- demon has affected the kids. Until flakes! Vive 1'Infantrie-"Charge!" classroom lectern it has been asse~ted pin At point, Operation this tention of the Student Govern- they are on their floor in the dormi- MASHEDME is reminding the above that color of skin has no effect on ment that motorists are using tory, they are normal, red:"blooded personal pronoun that he's feeling intellectual ability or moral stand- the main drag as a speedway. American girls, but once in their rooms like a cork on ..Jeave, i.e.: Squeezed ards. Do not our very actions deny The city officials were contacted, they change into lumbering animals, through the grill ("who's the Jill who this? and they reported that the road emitting rowdy screams and weird nomenclatured this fair Grille where 'Ve have accepted Japanese, Chi- is a private thoroughfare, there- thumps. J can vouch for this, Ed., be- I'm mashedandpotatured?") and re- nese and German students in our fore not within the limits of their cause I've heard it myself. The leased through the aperture into the group here on the Hill. We have jurisdiction. They are willing to strange thing is that when an upper- mail bag proper, with a significant shown that racial barriers can be classman (or woman, in this case), back wind of carbon dioxide as some overcome. in wonderment, goes to find out what sophomore (Hail.vall hail and sleet to western Maryland College is be- Etiquette On is happening, the girls instantly you) shoves in his all-noing and hind the times! Other educational in- change back to their normal selves. adenoiding way. stitutions such as the University of Would-Be Emily Post No matter how quietly you sneak up Maryland and the Baltimore Poly- on them, they always look human. But Simply (?) Carried Away technic Institute (With their "A" "Don't pay any attention to them; no human being can possibly make course) have already adopted the nobody's looking at you; just make those noises! The biology majors have Next, in the most escalator-ish fash- policy of non-segregation. believe you're eating alone." This fond vouched for it. ion, I'm woven into the currents of the A college should be a society's ex- and incoming (two tides outgoing advice was uttered to me while trying Now, I don't mind the girls having "It's a date, then, for the Sadie boxes for 49c at the A&P). All this, perimental laboratory where new to manage round, slippery, green peas their fun, and if the gobble-una have Hawkins Dance!" the reader must understand, is for ideas are tested and ideals put into at a very exclusive restaurant one got 'em, they can't help it, but by the the gaining of entrance into a small practice; instead Western Maryland night last week. time you're a senior, Ed., as you well niche of about 3x3x3x3 (ribbon's is clinging to outmoded concepts and You see, it wasn't only the peas know, the old bones is pretty weary, stuck in this typewriter) ; and J begin making decisions on the basis of that bothered me, but when I dine out, and you like your afternoon rest--or to recite with Ben Franklin something prejudice and fear. it seems as though everyone has their your evening rest, for that matter. about "for want of the mail the tooth College policy must change as the optic lens focused on me, on what I Them there sounds are driving me by Pa8ty Herman world progresses. This can only be am eating, and how I am eating it! crazy-Why, sometimes at 12 o'cloek The Student Government is making accomplished by student action. Talk There were four of us with muscles at night there are horrible thumps big plans for improving the recreation it over in the dorms, plan to discuss tense, but one who was calm and who that make the ceiling shake! Of Pins 'n Points the problem in sorority, fraternity thought she was a second Emily Post. course J wouldn't tell Mrs. Veale this, room. In the near future the walls and and club meetings. Write a letter ex- She enjoyed eyeing us, as the rest' of but I've even heard a scream or two furniture will be paintcd and other Congratulations to WMC's contribu- pressillg your views to Dr. Ensor and cleaning and repair jobs done. the diners did, and every now and during study hours. It has been pointed out that the tions to Who's Who. We feel that they to the president of the SCA. Take then she would pop up with one of her To combat this evil I've made pri- chairs in the Grille need repair or re- couldn't have picked eleven more de- action now. Let's bring Western helpful remarks. vate arrangements for a good witch I placement, This suggestion has been serving young men and women. The Maryland College up to date. Finding a Holder 'know ~to come and exorcise the evil given to Mr. Foutz who has charge of college has every right to be especially EstelieZie8, "It's all right to pick up a chicken spirits that are possessing those in- the grill. proud of these people and will ~oubt- Karin Nowack, leg," she would coyly say, "provided nocent little girls. This takes quite a Thank you notes have been sent to lessly continue to be proud of them in Pcg Janney. it has a holder on it." As legs were bit of money, so if any of your read- all those townspeople who helped the future. getting kicked under the table, I ers, Ed., feel it in their hearts to help make Homecoming 1952 a success, Carolyn Mallgels recently joined the instantly knew that I wasn't the only out this worthy cause, I'd appreciate The confidence and cooperation of league of diamond polishers--compli- onc who didn't know what a "holder" any monetary contribution they can these people give Western Maryland- ments of Charles W. Black, Jr. Mary THE GOLD BUG was. Was it that little pink thing make. ers a job to do-to live up to their Alice Amoss has exchanged her foot- sticldng off the drum stick? Or was it Exhaustedly, opinion of us. ball for a left-hand gem which may that blue thing hanging off the edge Your classmate, E.R. Pri:;;es for the winning Homecoming account for the sun glasses on first of my plate where I had put it just float and display will be presented floor Blanche Ward. Warren McFague, ten minutes ago because I didn't know ous as they did at first. But alas, at the next SGA general assembly. of Green Terror fame, was the doner. what it was for. Suddenly my glance what fork should I use? This time the The first pri:;;e of $10.00 for display Connie Weisenbach made an am:ning Member fell on a stout gentleman seated helpful hints were just that, as the went to Delta Sigma Kappa, and the recovery and recommends diamond Associated Collegiate Press down the aisle a-way. Ah yes ,the pink soothing syllables floated to my ear Class of 1955 won the $10.00 first therapy for anyone feeling under the bad won. drum. "Of course any fool would prize for their float. The Western weatheJ·. John Wolfe is credited with Subseription Price $2.00 a Year There's a Technique know that you use the small curved Maryland Alumni Association and the disc?vering the new miracle treat- Now that we had our ehicken mas- fork for peas and salads," she moaned. SGA are awarding the prizes jointly. ment. EDITORIAL STAFF Oh of course, and I agreed with her The SGA cabinet meets every Wed- The GOLD BUG would like to con- Edit
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