Page 23 - TheGoldBug1952-53
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The Gold Bug, Dec. 16, 1952 Court Tearn Breaks Even Cagers Face No. Name Arnie VARSITY Pos. BASKETBALL we ROSTER Brooklyn, N. Y. Clau He Hometown s-. ". F 10 =Needlemen, 5.11 In First Four Contests 21 Game Slate 11 Whitehurst, James F F 6.' 6.1 169 Soph. Bel Air, Md. Md. Salisbury, Sopb. 185 12 "'Tull, Harry With four of last season's fint 13 ·White, Charles F 6.• 17. Soph. Laytonsville, Md. Navy 126 - WMC 44 stringers moving on after graduation, 14 Campbell, Walter G 6.o 163 "- Baltimore. Md. Western Maryland dropped a lop- Head Coach Bruce Ferguson has his 15 ·Piiefer, Bill G 5.11 152 J,. Baltimore, Md. sided 126-44 decision to Navy, Decem- work cut out for him 8!:1 he attempts 2. Phipps, Charles C 6.1 163 Soph. Salisbury, Md. ber 3, at Dahlgren Hall in Annapolis to come up with a winning 1952-58 21 Jackson, Robert G 6.U 161 Fresh. Pittsburgh, Pa. in the season's opener for both squads. basketball combination. The Green 23 Mabry. Thoma" C 6.2 166 Soph. Ellicott City, Md. The Green 'terrors never were in and Gold courEsters face a rugged 24 Sipe, George G 5.10 146 Soph. Ardmore. Pa. contention as the Middies romped to twenty-one game schedule. 25 ·Bopat, Al Bob C C 6.2 176 Soph. Frederick, Md. 18. 6.1 gr. 26 "Len grail, Md. Baltimore, a 33-7 first quarter lead and stretched The major loss is that of Artie their advantage to 64-22 at halftime. Press, now a lieutenant in Uncle Sam's * Lettermen The score stood at 95-34 when the Army. Press, who performed at guard, star third session was over. was probably the greatest court Mary- Intramural Athletic. for Western ever to participate Forward Johnny Clune, the Naval land. In his tenure on the Hill he tal- Academy's leading scorer last season, lied a total of points greater than 1952-53 Sports Their final game with Delta Pi Al- topped the Middle point-getting pa-. 1500 and hig hallhandling ability was Schedule. pha being declared a forfeit victory j-ade by tossing in a total of 24 points. without parallel. for them, Alpha Gamma Tau bas Don Lange, center, and Bill Slatterly, Basketball captured their second consecutive guard, took second honors by dunking Other big losses include Walt Hart, Dec. Intramural Football Championship. 15 points apiece and Tom Wells, a a forward with a deadly one-hand . 3 Navy _ _ away Thus the Bachelors fielded their forward, flipped in 14 markers. Navy push shot, and Chuck Hammaker, 6' Gettysburg _ _ ._.away second straigllt undefeated, untied, W8!S phenomenally accurate in its 5" center, who proved to be a capable Catholic U _._Bway and unacored upon team. In the four shooting as they compiled a 51.6 per- man under the boards. Chuck was one 12 Alumni .__._ home games where opponents showed up the cent average while the Green and Al Bopst of last year's steadiest performers and' 16 Towson __.~ .._ _.away Blue and White scored 119 points for Gold hit in 15.5 percent of their shots. he was always there to take up the 18' American ,U. _ _home an average of 29.75 points. slack when Press or Hart were having The scoring limelight for Western Varsity 79 - Alumni 39 a bad day. Ernie Makowski and Art Jan. Their forfeit costing them a possi- Maryland wall held by three players The Varsity basketball team cap- Pisetzner will not be on hand, either. 8 Washington Col.... _.away ble league championship, the Preach- who scored seven points each. They tured its second contest of the season 10 Mt. St. Mary's ~._.....1lome ers ended up in second place. In third were center Al Bopst, reserve center last Friday evening with an easy 79- 13 U. of Baltimore awoy place were the freshmen representa- Tom Mabry, and Harry TuB, who per- 39 win over an Alumni quintet. Uncle 16 Hampden-Sydney ....away tives, the Rats, who were trailed by formed at guard. Sam cut deeply into the ranks of the 21 Mt. St. Mary's _ ..__Bway Gamma Beta Chi, Pi Alpha Alpha, and grads and their team was far under the Seminary. G F P Feb. While. r o a strength. 3 Loyola _ home With three victories in each of their Nftdlem&n ~i ~ The Alumni squad, lacking in re- games Pi Alpha Alpha and Gamma Peeter serves, was outmanned from the be- 7 Bucknell ~ c.hcme J.c~n ~~~ 11 Catholic U .. _ ..__._home Beta Chi have take.p. a co-hold on first BIlJIlt, c " ginning. The Varsity rolled up a 25-9 place in the dntramurnl Basketball Mabry , 14 Johns Hopkins __ away Tull, g ~ ~ i ,. , first period advantage and increased League. Phipps it to 45-28 at the half. Western Mary- 17 Washington Col. _.__home ,,~ O:l 2 land poured it on in the second half 19 U. of Baltimore., home The Black and Whites have recorded C.mpbe!l Whilehul'IIt o 0' and swamped the losers 34-11. 21 Loyola . ..._ _ away triumphs over the Gentrys, Delta Pi Walt Hart, famed for his one-hand- 24 American U. _.._ away Alpha, and the Hawks while the Gam- the Mer- back ma Beta have turned er, lead the nights scoring activities 25 Dickinson ..._ _._.chome chants, the Hawks, and the Seminary. in 14 points. Al Bopst and ~Cb"lIeriod~' , " 12 100H by putting Tull lead the Varsity with 11 28 Johns Hopkins _home The Preachers, who have beaten the Harry N.~ 33 31 31 31-126 Bachelors and Gentry, are tied for markers apiece closely followed by second place with the Bachelors who Gettysburg 89 - WI\1C 56 Soup Campbell with 10 points. have reversed Gentry and the Mer- The Bullets of Gettysburg handed G F P LAUNDROMAT chants. ., Western Maryland their second set- ... s , Lodge,f The Hawks, with a win ever the a Emot back of the season by a 89-56 score Hut, c 5 Locust Street Seminary who have in turn beaten the in a game played December 6 at the ! ~: ;R.yde.,g Opposite Parking Lot Merchants, hold third place while the Mssbet,:t",. GettysbUrg court. • ~ ~ I~ Harry Tull winless Merchants and Gentry round Gettysburg, scoring a victory in K i~:~ Four players form the nucleus DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 out the standings. their opening game of the season, of the )952-53 aggregation being captured an early lead, led 25-12 at groomed by Ferguson. Harry 'rllll, a FRIDA Y UNTIL 8 :00 tIle end of the first quarter, and letterman last season, has one guard romped easily ener that. Bob Pizolato iT 17-19 post nailed down while Al Bopst, 6' Closed Wed. Afternoon THE led the scoring by dunking 15 while 85--39 COFFMAN-FISHER Bill Snyder, the Bullet play-maker, 4", goes at the pivot. The other two, Westminster 1287 swished 12 points through the nets. both forwards who have had con- COMPANY Harry TuB led the Green and Gold Five Terrors Gain siderable varsity experience, are awap- att.ack by sinking a total of 12 mark- ping their football togs for hardwood EXTENDS uniforms. They are Charlie White and AII.Star Honors Arnie Needleman. Compliments of WMC 71 • Catholic U. 5.1 This group will be backed up by a t;oliilay ~rrl'lings Four -Western Maryland soccer play· Paced by AI Bopst, the Green Ter- ers gained recognition on the Mason- host of players, none of whom have Wine's Sport Shop rors annexed their first basketball vic- Dixon bonference All-Star team which had much playing time. Many saw ac- tory of the season on December 8 when was released two weeks ago and an- tion with the Jayvees last campaign. they travelled to Wnshington and bat· Willie Pfiefer and Bob Jackson, a tered Catholic University by a 77-54 other Terror has been picked to at- transfer student, provide reserve count. It was Western MaryJand's first tend the forum for the annusl North- strength at forward while lanky Tom Baugber's Restaurant venture into Mason-Dixon competi- South All·Star Lacrosse Game. Mabry understudies Bopst at center. tion this season. Barry Winkleman, who starred last George Sipe, Soup Campbell, Charlie Catholic University took a 19-12 spring as the goalkeeper for the Green Phipps, and Jim Whitehurst are all Just Off The Campus first period .lead but the Hillsmen and Gold, is the Western Maryland vying for the other guard post. roared hack in the second period and candidate fol' the lacrosse classic took a 31-29 halftime lead. The first which will he held in West Palm Beach, FOR A MEAL OR SNACK half was all WMC (Is they oub;cored lo~lorida on Decelllbel' 30. As a fresh- Compliments of Illan last season -Winkleman saved the the losers 46-26. TelTors from being swamped on s.ev- Complete Fountain Service BopS-t's play under the boards meant ersl ooeasions with his brilliant de- J. R. EVERHART the difference between the two ball- fensive play. COLLEGE BARBER Open Every Day clubs. Thc big Terror center tallied Senior Walter "Soup" Campbell and At the Forks 14 times from the fioor and 4 times juniors Dick Linton and Nick Gwynn from the foul line fOI' a 32 point total. wa'e placed on the All-Conference George Sipe's set shots gave him a Soccer t~ams second string ana fresh- 12 point total and forwards Harrv man Charlie Luttrell, who sparked the Tull and Charlie White each tallied 11. team until he was injured late in the Froman lead. the scoring column season, re
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