Page 24 - TheGoldBug1952-53
P. 24
The Gold Bug, Dec. 16. 1952 High O~ The Hill by Pegg Janne.y Weekday Matinees: 2 p. m. Meet Bev Warner; trumpeter, din- Evenings 7 and 9 p. m. ing hall waitress, president of M.S.M., music major, Argonaut--on and on Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. in an unending list of activities. Meet Evenings 9 p. m. her, that is, if you're fast enough to Continuous 2 p. m. Saturdays and catch up with her, If you live in Mc~ Holidays Daniel you can usually find her in her room anytime after ten; but the rest WED., THURS., DEC. 17, 18 of us must be content with tripping SON OF ALI BABA her in the dining hall Of shouting to 'l'OIlY Curtis Piper Laurie' her as she dashes by on her way to (Technicolor) and from the music hall. So numerous are her widely varied FRI., SAT., DEC, 19, 20 activities that she is constantly THE SAVAGE troubled by conflicting schedules, but Charles Heston Peter Hanson she can always find a few minutes for (Technicolor) her "psychological breaks" and her daily rinse with the Debell's solution- WED., THURS., JAN. 7, 8 "fOl' oral hygiene". CLEOPATRA Just in case you're not quick enough Claudette Colbert Robert Wileoxson to catch her (01' even see her for that matter) let me give you a brief and FRI., SAT., JAN. 9, 10 (because of limited space) probably FLAT TOP incomplete sketch. Sterling Hayden Richard Carlson Bev is a girl who sticks to her own (Teehnicoior) /{I£'Y NOWfUk Bev lVaT'!!er opinions. She likes camping, Green- Kay's nctivi ties have not been lim- . wich Village, mobile sculpture (you WED., THURS., JAN. 14, 15 by Ruth Co.lltHlder ited to a few nreea however, because should see the purple and green job PRISONER OF ZENDA Sparkling eyes, dark brown hnir she is also a member of 'I'rt-Bete, hanging from her ceiling), music, (Technicolor) and a warm smile fOI' everyone-- M.S.M.; and the Argoneuta, of which music, and music. She couldn't live Stewart Granger Deborah Ken- that's Karin, better known as Kay, she is vice-president. Having always through the morning without a cup of FRI., SAT., JAN. 16, 17 When Kay arrived at W. M. C. had all interest in dramatics, her-high coffee, her pet passion, which she ABBOTI' AN D COSTELLO MEET foul' short years ago she brought with school experiences have carried ovev drinks by the gallon. CAPTAIN KIDD her those intangible qualities of lead- into the College Players, as could be But music is her first love. She has ership, scholarship and enthusiasm wttnesaed by her most recent por- boon a chctr and glee club member for which were quickly put to good use traval of Miss Birrlieshew in the four years, was a member of the SUN., MON., TUES., JAN. 18, 19, 20 on the Hill. Not only has Kay been a Thanksgiving play. Gil'ls' Octet, is conducting the French THF. MILLION DOLLAR MERMAID consistent dean's lister, but she has 'Vhut is KajT'S favcrite rainy after- Club carol service for the second year, Esther Williams also been more than active in the noon activity? Cutting or tearing pic- is currently one of the foul' paid solo- campus activities. tures from maguainea. No __ she is ists from the Bill at the Lutheran Her activities have ranged from the not reudy for Springfield yet; that is Church, and has tWQ piano pupils. freshman femme iatale football team just her interest in visual aids coming Her hobby at the present is writing to cabinet posts in both the S.G.A. out. Kay has spent her last foul' sum- postcards, II job at which she has NO WEATHER OR TRAFFic and S.C.A. Kay was elected by her mel'S at Camp Greentop, where she developed a money-saving device by delays to make you miss hoJidates classmates in her sophomore year to received plenty of experience in her which one card reaches at least two Continuous 1 p- m. Saturdays. Holi- __ . when you go home by safe, serve, not only as theu- student gov- plans for the future, which include people. day shows continuous from 2 p, m. dependable train. Ib'a a headatarf ernment representative, but also as Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. on vacation fun, traveling with class historian. She was elected to the ::;l:~~:~.ia and Dccupattonnl Ther- Hi~l~o~~~~~rB:~o~~e~l:~ti~~:~n:;'i~:~ Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows friends ... in roomy comfort with office of secretary of the S.C.A. in her Last sttring Kay was tapped as one talents she has other interests which continuous from 6:45 p. m. sophomore year and has served on the of the Trumpeters, and her most ra- are sometimes overlooked. She has swell dining car meals! cabinet every year since then. After cent honor was being named to TV/IO'1I been active in Wesleynnettes, S.C.A., WED., THURS., DEC.-17, 18 three years as an active member of Who. These boners indicate what we Sunday school, ant;! I.R.C. Slle has a 1\1R. MUSIC the Weslyanettes, Kay was elected aU know; that Kay will go on to great Rail' for the dranllltie which she has Bing Crosby Nancy Olson president, an office which she holds heights of success and carryon what been forced to drop because of a lack she has begun here on the Hill! of time. She love\> art, and her talent FlU., SAT., DEC. 19, 20 in that field is shown in the posters STREETS OF LAREDO for M. S. M. Sometimes ~he makes Local Snow Queen Gives she even fiJ1(ls lime to sit down and MacDonald Carey William Holden IT'S A GIFT I If you and two talk. It. is then she tells of her experi- SUN., MON., TUES., JAN. 4, 5, 6 to- ences at Gl'eentop and Devel'oe. These TORPEDO ALLEY friends go home and return Plan WMC Men Cold Shoulder are the times one becomes most aware Mark Stevens DOl'ot.hy Malone tickels SIlve you each up to 25% gether. . Group Coach sense of humor. of her sharp De\' has found the ke~' to success by WED., THURS., JAN. '1,8 of the regular round -trip coRch balaneing ~tudies with exh'a-eulTic\l- ON THE LOOSE farea. Or a group of 25 or more IIII' ndivitics. This is the thing whitl) on' can ellch save up to 28%1 Head i~ most \'cl'pClnl'ible for putting her DESER1_' J'ASSAGE home in Ute same direction at the Hi!!,h on the Hill. • (Double Feature) 8nme time. After the holida.ys. relurn aeparnwly if you wish on SUN., MON., TUES., JAN. 11, 12, 13 "SlH'e up your pennies and OPERATION SECRET this Incg-erGroup Coach Plan. come to BENNY'S Cornell Wilde Phyllis Thaxter ASK YOUR RAILROAD TICKET AGENT WED., THURS., JAN. 14, 16 ABOUT GROUP PLAN AND TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT SINGLE ROUND·TRIP SAVINGS Humphl'ey Bogart Lauren Blicall EASTERN. FRI., SAT., JAN. 16, 17 FORT WORTH Randolph Scott David Bryan RAILROADS SUN., MON., TUES., JAN. 18, 19, 20 'kJ~AfJ. THE LUSTY MEN Susan Hayward Robert M.itchum POPCORN" PEANU1'S CANDY "You're Good For It At" DAVID'S JEWELERS It Pays To Look. Well THE TREAT SHOP 19 E. Main Street ViJit The The 81WW quec1~ 18 8'M)W'I~ 1uith' two of hm- 8eulpt.orll, Milw Pizf!.lla. and Bill Westminster. Md. Not pictured are }'/o.ftri.ce MQbl(;lI UIU! Phone Westminster 1167 ,Avenue B••be. Shop Chuck Taylor, othcr 4rchitect8. Bulova - Longines - Elgin G.C. Murphy & Co. Not too long ago, W.M.C. was bles- girls' faces, watching the proceedings Bemus - Gruen Where The Studenu Go sed with the first snowfall of the year. intently--comp'Jete with apropos re- Wittnauer The Friendly Store It only lasted three days, but what marks. three days! Coeda were bombarded The snow girl was a masterpiece; OPEN AN ACCOUNT with icy s.nowballs and had to barri- the artists certainly knew their job Dormitory and Cl1Isuoom cade themselves in "La Grille." We well. For those who didn't see ber, Suppliea slipped and slid down icy steps and let us describe (is it possible?) First up icy hills. But it was worth it. The of all she was sitting--on a pedestal 6-10 Weat Main Street snow was booutiful, and we all felt of snow. With a few revisions, she full of the Christmas spirit. could have resembled history of art Weabniruttt. Md. Seems as if tHe men liked it too. slides. (This is somewhat delicate to They had a lot of fun playing in the \,\-'Titeabout, so this will compJete the snow, most particularly the snow be- description.) tween Lewis and Old Ward Hall. They All that seems to be left, right now, had quit:c a time building a snow girl. is a little pile of dirty snow wbere .J. WM. HULL, Jewel.. They provided great entertainment once proudly she sat. And the that afternoon for the girls in Mc- model??? For Over Half Century Daniel. Every ,,-indow was filled with Expert Watch, Jewelry Clifford's Jewelers SMITH &; RBIFSNIDER EXPERT REPAlRING and Eye-Glass Repairing Incorporated Exclusive Agent fot LUMBER-COAL STmFF' SILVER 105 W. Main Street 51. East Main Street I WESTMINSTER; MD. HUl< nepnl Photle 199
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