Page 9 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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Library College To,W elcome Alum~iAt;~Fl6hfi~~;"ing Gamma Bets To Parade, Displays· Sponsor Dance To Highlight Day Homecoming activities Saturdayaf- Sponsored by Gamma Beta Chi ternoon will be centered around dis- Fraternity, the annual semi-formal plays exhibited by the sororities, Homecoming Dance will be held on fraternities, and clubs; the parade Saturday in Gill Gymnasium from which will include floats from var-ious s:ao p.lll. to 11:45 p. m. organizations; and. the football game With decorations of blue and white, with Drexel. "The Gateway to Heaven" Dance will The displays will be judged at one feature Carl Hamilton and his Or- o'clock Saturday afternoon on orig- chestra. Couples will gaze upon a new nality, artistry, congruity. with the surprise centerpiece. Following in- themes "Beat Drexel" and "welcome termission, the Homecoming Queen, Alumni"; and the amount of work ex- Virginia Hale, will be crowned by Dr. erted in preparation. Prizes awarded Ensor. At this time, the orchestra by the Student Government Assccte- will play "Stairway to~the Stars", the tion will be twenty-five dollars for the theme song for the dance. Sandwiches winning exhibit and ten dollars for and d~inks will be served throughout the project in second place. the evening. Because of the heightened school Phi Alpha 1'I1uSorority will assist spirit and the greater response of the the Gamma Bets in making this ye(Ir's students to Homecoming activities Homecoming Dance, as they predict, this year, the SGA has had to recruit» "the greatest in the history of the several new locations for the displays. college." 'I'Iekets nrc selling at $2.00 Overseeing and organizing these ef- per couple and may be obtained from forts is the Student Government vice- any member of Gamma Beta Chi or in president, Libby Schubert, assisted by the Blanche Ward or McDaniel Hall Charlotte Reed. the parade At 12 :30 on Saturday, offices. wil] form on Longwell Avenue, march Chairman Stu Abrahams is in' to Hoffa Field; and after circling the charge of the dance with several field once, the floats will be parked committees assisting him. Jim Muller behind the g-randstand for the recheck heads up the Decoration Committee, of the judges and reviewing by the with Lionel Lee, Jim Gordon, Bob public. The judgment of the floats is Langrall, Don Phillips, Peck Carter, 70 per cent on appearance and 30 per George Van Nostrand, Ray Faby, Jim 1951 HOMECOMING COURT: (left to 1'ight) Pat Fetcha, Sophomore Attendant; Nancy Walker, Senior Att&lldant; cent on originality; and at half time, Moore, Ashby Collins, Howard Wag- Virginia Hale, Queen,. Sally Fi8her, Junior .4.ttendant; Betsy Bowen, F'reBhman Attendant. the Student Government will award cnblaat, and Joe Renaldi as assist- fifteen dollars to the winning float ants. The Advertisement Committee and two honorable mentions to the consists of Chairmen Pat Huddle, runners up. In addition the [Alumni Glen Ashburn, Ed Coffman, Fred Association will present prizes to the 'Burn~ide, Ward Glasby, and Soup floats selected by their panel of Campbell. In charge of the Refresh- judges. ment Committee is Jim Sullivan, as- During half time the program will sisted by Dick Stone, CarfSeller, and consist of the presentation of the Bill Callas. Art Shanklin is respon- Queen and her court, formations by sible for the Ticket Committee, with the Band, and the freshman-sopho- Dave Sack and Chuck Immler as as- more tug-of-war. With ten men on sistants. Western Maryland Crillege, Westminster, Md. October 30, 1951 each class team, the bout, judged by Vol. 29, No.3 Dean Free, will last five minutes un- less one team succeeds in pulling the WSSF Contributes Prominent Speaker I Colleg~' Calendar I College Players To OFFer opposing team over the center divid- ing line. To Needy Students To Address Students Wednesday, October '31 Year'. First Production Dr. Paul Popence, internationally Soccer, Loyola, Away. Alumni Contribute will present Amid the rubble of the last world known speaker, author, and scientist, The College Players of the year, a New Cheer Song catastrophe, a new generation is will be the guest of WMC on Tues- Friday, November 2 \ their first production struggling to regain its equilibrium. day, November 7. Soccer, Bucknell, Home. comedy, entitled The Silv"," Whistle "Fight On! Western Maryland", a Men and women who have seen the He will address an assembly of the Pep Rally, Alumni Hall, 6:45 p. m. by Robert E. McEnrae, on November new cheer song, written by John whole fabric of their lives. destroyed student body in Alumni Hall at 11 :30 Saturday. November 3 30 at 8:15 p. m. in Alumni Hall. Manspeaker and Henry Ackley, 1936 are now trying to build a new world a. m, on the general topic,' "The Homecoming Day Parade forms at This play, which was an outstand- and 1940 Western Maryland gradu- upon the ruins of the old. Changing Family in a Changing Alumni Hall, 12:30 p. m. ing Broadway success in 1948, will ates respectively, will be presented as feature Chuck Hammaker in the lead- Today, thousands of students in World." At four o'clock in the after- Football, Drexel, Hoffa Field, 2 ing role of Oliver Ereventer, a part a part of the Homecoming celebration, p. m, Asian universities have no choice but noon, he will lead a discussion in Mc- Homecoming Dance, Gill Gym, 8:15 portrayed by Jose Ferrer in the Thea- Saturday. Although the song was to sell part of their pitiful food ra- Daniel Lounge on "Looking Pcrward p. m. tre Guild production. The recent written 17 years ago, it has not been tion 50 that. they may acquire tools for to Marriage." movie, Mr. Be.l1)ed61'e Ring$ the Bell, previously presented. Manspeaker and Ackley were room- study. In European schools of higher Dr. Popenoe is director of the Sunday, November 4 was based on the theme of this com- mates living off the campus in a gar- learning a single book may, in the American Institute of Family Rela- Sunday Fellcwshfp, Baker Chapel, edy: ret room of a Green Street boarding course of a day, pass through the tions and has written many books in 9:15 a. m. Performance Directed By Miss Smith house. One night Manspeaker's sleep hands of a dozen or more students, his field. One of his books on child Chapel, Alumni Hall 7:15 p. m. All of the senior dramatic students who copy ont extracts into tattered heredity has been translated into five Monday, November 5 will participate in the performance, was disturbed by the nostalgic mur- notebooks or any odd scraps or paper languages. Soccer, Baltimore U., Home. which will be directed by Miss Esther murs of a college song; and as he he wakefulness into himself shook they can find. At Kiel University in His visit on the Hill is sponsored IRC meeting, McDaniel Lounge, Smith. realized that the dream was a reality. Germany, students are actually living jointly by the biology depar-tment, 6:45 p. m. Don Bailey, production manager, His roommate was aroused, and the in the holds of ships anchored in the the sociology department, and the Tuesday, November 6 will design the set and will be assisted two spent the remainder of the night harbor there, while scholars at the Cosmos Committee. Students and fac- Assembly, Dr. P a u I Popenoe, in the arrangement and lighting by trying to piece together the words University of Cologne live in window- ulty are invited to both of his appear- Speaker, Alumni Hall, 11:30 a. m. the junior dramatic students. less concrete air raid bunkers, where Wednesday, November 7 Tickets will be on sale at both and the college tune. Manspeaker During college days, tuberculosis runs rampant. Soccer, Gettysburg, Away. Blanche Ward and McDaniel Hall of- was a laundry representative on Active WSSF On Hill Intersorority Plans MSM meeting, Baker Chapel, 6:45 fices. campus; and the day following the On this college campus, as well as p. m. dream, he and Ackley drove the route hundreds of others throughout the Sadie Hawkins Hop Saturday, November 10 trying to erystalize their song. 9:15 a. m. nations, students have for a number The annual Sadie Hawkins Dance, Foothall, Lebanon Valley, Away. Chapel, Alumni Hall, 7:15 p. m. Finally this summer, after the song of years maintained an organization sponsored by the Inter-Sorority Coun- Sadie Hawkins' Dance, Blanche lay dormant seventeen years, the to channel this feeling of concern Ward Gym, 8:15 p. m. Monday, November 12 story of its creation was told to Mr. into action. The WORLD STUDENT cil, will be held Saturday, November Sunday, November 11 French Club, McDaniel Lounge, 7 Philip E. Uhrig, Director of Public SERVICE FUND, sponsored hy B'nai 10, from 7 :30 until 10 :30 p. m. in Sunday Fellowship, Baker Chapel, p. m. Relations. He encouraged Manspeak- Blanche Ward Gymnasium. B'rith, Hillel Foundation, the New- This is the traditional night on er, now the principal of the Taney- man Federation, YMCA and YWCA, which the gals treat the fellas to an town High School, and Ackley, now a among other organizations, brings evening out. Prizes will be awarded So~orities Pledge New Members voicc teacher at the Peabody Insti- yearly to the Western Maryland Col- for the most authentic Li'l Abner and tute, to perfect the song. Robert Ker- lege campus such activities as the Daisy Mae costumes. On October 23, fifty·five girls ac- bert, Sylvia Hillman, Nancy Lane, sey, with the help' of Mr. Philip S. student-faculty basketball game, the Dancing will be to the music of the cepted bids to the four sororities on Betty Norwood, Betty Parsons; Bar- Royer of the faculty, wrote the ar- college bazaar, and the annual per- jukebox, although Pat Huddle and the Hill, with the largest number of bara Plasket, Dorothy Redsecker, Lo- rangement for the band. sonal solicitation campaign,. The pro- the Death Valley Gang will be on girls being pledged to Phi Alpha Mu. lita Rollins, Doris Lee Sampson, and ceeds of these and 'other popular ac- hand to provide extra entertainment These 25 new pledges are: Adeline Barbara Thomas. tivities go -toward providing the ne- during intermission. Admission this Allan, Virginia Andrews, Joan Bar- Those who joined Delta Sigma FLASH! cessities of student life to needy stu- year will be 45c drag, plus one penny kelew, Joan Burrier, Lois Cermak, Kappa are: Nancy Ann Bayliss, dents the world over. for each inch around the boy's waist. Marjorie Cherry, Ethel Coffman, Marie Chenette, Shelia Harvey, Doro- JVko'B Wko Amon.@' Stud6'/~ts Many students feel that civilization Stag price is 25c, plus a cent per inch Faye Corkran, Patricia Fetcho, Es- thy Lawyer, Virginia Schoellner, and in Ameriean Univenutie8 and is indeed in terrible condition. Many around the girl's waist. No tickets will ther Gross, Sally Harrison, Suzanne Joanne Barkdoll. College8 have named the follow- from Western ing ten students believe that unless positive leadership be sold in advance. Harvey, Patricia Herman, Miriam New members of Iota Gamma Chi Maryland for this college year: is afforded in the blighted areas of the Each of the four sororities has been Hon, Jane Hutchison, Shirley Jarvis, are: Ann Closson, Shirley Jeffreys, Stan Bowlsbey, Mary Hawkins, globe our way of life is certain to placed in charge of a phase of the Joan Kellog, Mary Ann Klier, Marie Laura Kline, Betty Nieman, Ruth Millard LesCallette, Jack Loper, crumble. The World Student Service dance. Refreshments of cider and Kramer, Meryle Manchee, Jane Mil- Ann Lee, and Dottie Phillips. Don Makosky, Kay McLaughlin, F.und, as endorsed by UNESCO and doughnuts will be sold by Iota Gam- by, Carol Sause, Ann .Spears, Jac- Pledge services were held October Corinne Schofield, Libby Schu- CARE, is the most positive and direct ma Chi;~Sigma Sigma Tau will be in queline Temple, and Nell Wicker.. 28 immediately following Chapel and, bert, Mitch Tullai, and Ira way in which the future leaders of charge of decorations along the tradi- Sigma Sigma Tau's 18 new mem- by ruling of the inter-sorority council, Zepp. These students will be America can insure cooperative lead- tional "girl chases boy" theme; enter· bers are: Barbara Baumgardner, pledging will begin Tuesday, October featured in an article in the ership for the future in lands across tainment will be secured by Delta Sig- Nancy Caskey, Jane Collins, Janet 30 and continue through either No- next issue. the sea. Give it your wholehearted ma Kappa; and publicity will be Cross, Claire Due, Ella Mae Edwards, vember 1 or November 2, at the dis- support! handled by Phi Alpha Mu. Aileen Gongloff, Ann Greer, Ann Her- cretion of each sorority.
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