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Librl\ry \ ','[estern Maryland College GREEN TERRORS nhJJ'"71~_-==~=~N=~=~=:a=~=E=~=~~=:::::;] REMAIN UNBEATEN '11 -- T PAGE 4 PAGE 2 Vol. 29, No.2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER. MD. October 16, 1951 Virginia.Hale To.Reign As Homecoming Queen WMC Stuc:lents Prepare For Sally Fisher, Pat Fetcho Chosen Attendants; Annual Homecoming Festivities Jack Lambert Wins Senior Class Presidency The annual Homecoming ceremonies will begin Friday evening, November 2,1951, with a Pep Rally in Alumni Hall, at 6:30 p. m. Jack Lambert was elected to' Ginny Hale will reign as Queen of the Homecoming festivities Sponsored by the Inter-fraternity Council in collaboration with his fourth successive year as on November 3, as a result of the elections held this morning. Twice May on the year's and last Court the SGA, the Pep Rally will feature a song and cheer contest open president of the senior class at dutchess on the Court, Ginny is not a newcomer junior attendant Maryland Homecoming to Western to everyone. In honor of the football team and game, there will the student government assem- royalty. Our 1£)51 Queen is a member of Phi Alpha Mu sorority, was also be other songs and cheers led by the cheerleaders. Following bly held this morning in Alumni junior representative to the SGA cabinet, and is an active partici-. this there will be a bonfire and informal parade through town. Hall. He will be assisted by pant in athletics on the Hill. She is a native of Wayne, Pennsylvania, vice Hammaker, Returning to pre-campaign years, Chuck Dotty Lien, secretary; presi- and is a home economics major. After graduation she plans to teach Ken dent; will center around "Welcome Alumni" Miss Smith To Shook, treasurer; and 0 t t s junior high school. "Ginner", as she is known to most, has her own the theme for this year's homecoming and "Beat Drexel." Assisting in this Shearer, historian. special kind of wit and charm. The students have shown that they theme are the twenty-five club organi- Present Recital The junior class re-elected are aware of her distinctive personality when they chose her as Ashby She by a large zations of the college who will have dent; Jim Collins Moore, to serve as presi- Queen possesses her majority. special presi- as vice own also colorful displays around campus em- Miss Evelyn Lucille Smith, organist dent. Barbara Davison w.a s philosophy, "cheer up, kids, we phasizing the homecoming spirit of and new instructor in music to re- chosen secretej-y ; Soup Camp- always have each other!" faculty, students, and friends. The place the former Miss Grace Cordia bell, treasurer; and JaI1e McLeod, Chosen by the junior class as SGA hopes this year's theme will be Murray, will present the initial re- their attendant on the Court is a good follow up of last year's Mid- cital in the series of faculty presenta- historian. Rogan received the ma- Sally Fisher, who represented Pat Century Advance Campaign. tions for the year 1951-52 pn October jority of votes in the sophomore • the juniors as duchess on the During the parade, the Queen and 23 at 8:15 p. m. in Alumni Hall. presidential election; Bob Wilson May Court last spring. Sally, a her court will ride on the Senior Class Miss Smith, who also instructs in was chosen vice president; Betty native Baltimorean, is an art float. Then at half-time of the foot- piano and directs the Girls' Glee Club, Parsons, secretary; Pat Her- major and a member of Delta ball game they will -be presented to received her bachelors degree from . Sigma Kappa sorority. till'S. Lowell S. Ensor, wife of the Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia, man, treasurer, and Lee Gong- Fetcho president. The Queen and her Court and completed studies for her mas- loft, historian. Pat has been selected their freshman at- will be attended by a mifita ry guard. ters at the Eastman School of Music elect The officers until class will date. not by the sophomores queen. as Since her a later to the tendant Saturday afternoon, November 3, in Rochester. She also, studied under The election was conducted in arrival on the Hill last Septem- following lunch, there will be a large Katherine Crozier, noted concert the usual manner under the aus- ber, Pat has engaged in many parade through ~own. Wit{1 floats en- artist. pices of the Student Government campus activities. As sophomore tered by the var-ious clubs on campus She will offer a varied program of Association. At thetclose of the representative, she is a hard- and the Western Maryland Band plus both classical and modern selections, voting, which included the Home- working member of the SGA outside bands, the parade will begin including several numbers by contem- coming Court elections, the sen- cabinet. at Alumni Hall and continue down porary composers whose works have ior class announced that it would JI'he freshman election for Main street in Westminster. A prize not been previously presented in this schedule a new election for sen- Homecoming attendant resolved will be awarded by the SGA to the area. ior attendant. This will be done Virginia Hale in a tie. A re-election will be held sponsors of the best float. • The program is as follows: Cha- so that only seniors will partici- at a later date. At 2:00 p. m. the footban game, conne in E tn-inoY, Choyalc, "From God pate in choosing the attendant. The senior attendant will be Western Maryland College versus I ne'er will turn me," and Fuguc in Spa~gle; Directs chosen at a future election. This Drexel University, will kick-off on C 'majo)' by Buxtehude, Brahms' was announced by the senior Hoffa Field. During half-time several Chom!1! Prelude, "My heart is filled Men's Glee Club class at the close of the voting freshmen girls will surprise the with longing," and Piece Herioque by Notice and is being done so that only spectators with a bit of entertainment. Cesar Franck. Her choice of contem- seniors will participate in choos- Those not participating in this enter- porary selections include: Sonatina Applications for the Decem- A new musical organization under ing the attendant. tainment will assist the band with by Leo Sowerby; Divertissement, ber 13, 1951 and the April 24, faculty direction has sprung into ac- letter formations before the second Louis Vierne ; Le Banquet Celeste, 1952 administrations of the Col- tivity on the Hill during the past few Immediately following the as- half of the football game. According Olivier Messiaen; The Fountain, Eric lege Qualification Test are now weeks. The Men's Glee Club, under sembly, representatives of the to statistics of previous years, ,\VMC Delamarter : 'and Carillon-Sortie, available at Selective Service the direction of Mr. Oliver K. Spang- Student Government and mem- has never lost a homecoming game. Henri Mulet. System local boards throughout ler has had two rehearsals on Men- bers of the GOLD BUG editorial staff at 7 -p. m. in Levine counted day evenings of the ballots the To climax- the week-end, Gamma the country. Hall. election, which proved to be a Beta Chi Fraternity is sponsoring a With this theme in mind, couples will Applications for the Decem- This is an attempt on the part of close one in many cases. semi-formal dance in Gill Gymnasium dance to the music of Carl Hamilton bel' 13 test must be postmarked at 8:30 p. m., Saturday evening. "St. and his Orchestra. At the dance, Presi- no later than midnight, Novem- the music faculty to give u permanent Peter will meet you at the Golden dent Ensor will crown the Queen of ber5,1951. footing to a group that has hitherto enthu- College Gives Aid Gates" at the Gateway to Heaven. Homecoming. been led entirely by student siasm. evidenced last felt that to sing the Mr. Spangler spirit year Bowlsbey Announces GOLD BUG Staff For Fall Term "just for the fun of it" was a strong To Fire Victims of the need for a indication such The SCA, working through the Red project. Cross, has collected money and cloth- The chief aim of the club is to sing ing for the victims of the fire at the good music, both popular and classl- Zepp Apartments on September 30th. and to have fun in so doing. It is to noted that, unlike the choir, The eighteen - family apartment experience is not a prerequisite for ~~I~~~~~gb~vabsot~I~\~:ta~~I~~!~:~I.yOd:~ admittance to the group. Anyone who woman, a widow, perished. has a desire to sing is invited to at- At the last count, $170.00 and 350 tend the next Monday night meeting. nt-tieles of clothing were received from students, professors, house di- Ec:litorial campus. and people who work on rectors, The SCA and especially the Social During the Franklin and Mar- Responsibilities Commission wish to shall football game on Hoffa thank everyone who helped in this Field last Saturday, the men's worthy cause. dormitories were looted by un- known thieves who escaped with a surprising amount of money SGA To Sponsor' and valuable property. Eve1'Y room which was en- tered had been left unlocked! Song, CheerContest The College provides a lock for Staff positions for the coming se- the staff, will serve as news-feature Ernie Green, '53, \vill serve as staff every room and a key for each As announced at the first pep rally mester have been announced by Stan editor. She has previously worked as photographer this year while Jim individual residing in the room. of the year the SGA sponsored song BowlsbeY'r editor-in-chief. "-, a feature writer and has assisted in Muller, '52, will remain as the GOLD It also provides a safe-deposit - and cheer contest is now under way. in the treas- All entries, which must be turned in located Jane McLeod, '53, will retain the page make-up. BUG's HiJi-arious cartoonist. department office where students may to either Pat Petcho or Stu Abra- urer's managing editor post which she has Charles Wheatley, '54, has been ap- The business staff, headed by Jack place money and valuables for hams by Wednesday, October 24, will held since January. John Haller, '52, pointed copy editor. He has previous- Loper, '52, business manager, will in- and Barbara Bankson, '53, co-news ly served as proof reader and news clude Glen Ashburn, '53, as assistant safe-keeping. appeal to all be presented and judged at the pep This is an urgent rally preceding the Homecoming game editors, wiJl be in charge of the front writer. Formerly he was editor of the business manager and Sue Simpson, students to use these safe-guards with Drexel on November 3. Presenta- page. Southern High School newspaper in '53, as circulation manager. Both to their advantage. Leave noth- . tion can be done either by the students Baltimore. Anita Fiery;o-'53, returns to her post The exchange editor for this semes- Glen and Sue have had previous ex- ing of value in the rooms and or by the cheerleaders, according to as feature editor and will be joined ter is Paul Farnham, a junior and perience working with the staff. keep the doors locked! Short of the preference of those participating. by Betty Walter, a junior, former long-time worker for the GOLD BUG Many new people have joined the posting a twenty-four hour Cheers must be original; songs typing editor. in many capacities. ranks of those who prepare the GOLD guard in the dorms, this is the may be original in words only or both The sports department remains un- Betty McWilliams, '53, is to be the BUG in the various departments, as only adequate defense against a music and lyrics. Two prizes will be der the editorship of Bob Wilson, '54. new typing editor. She was one of the shown in the "Mast-head" on page repetition of such an occur~ awarded on the basis of audience re- Carolyn Mangels, a newcomer to most active typists on last year's staff. two. renee! action.
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