Page 7 - TheGoldBug1951-52
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The Gol~ Bug. Oct. 16. 1951 3 Green Team WMC Routs WMC Women's Whips F&M Yellow Jackets Sports Program By 46~7 Score De~ned, Explained Remains Unbeaten Fighting back from a 7-0 first quar- by MU1'wnnu Wine ter defeat, Western Maryland's Green Two quick touchdowns in the third Tenor football squad ran rampant What's to become of college worn- quarter and stiff defensive play en's sports? Will they take the road throughout when the chips were down over an outclassed Randolph-Macon which leads to competition among the enabled Western Maryland's g-r-idsters eleven, 46-7, at Ashland, Virginia, on few or participation of the many? At to, notch their third consecutive tri- October 6. WMC for a number of years the ma- umph as they topped a rugged Frank- The Yellow Jackets drew first blood jor stress in women's sports has been lin-Marshall squad last Saturday late in the first quarter when Harlow on the intramural program which en- afternoon on Hoffa Field, 13-7. Henderson, Terror tailback, had one courages each individual to take part The visitors muffed several scoring of his passes intercepted by Jack in a variety of sports. Since the ques- chances early in the game. Running Wilson, who raced 40 yards for a tion of intramural vs. intercollegiate out of a T-formation, the Diplomats touchdown. The seventh point was sports is a Iively topic of discussion ripped off sizeable gains over the added on a successful conversion by on campuses this fall, it seems desir- middle and early in the first quarter Coaches R1/,$h To Sidelines As Ed Kelly Intercepts Gettysbw'fl, Pass quarterback George Bell. able to look at some of the facts. they penetrated to the Terror 11, But in the second quarter the visit- The arguments in favor of the in- WMC's Ira Zepp punted out of trouble, Western Maryland Upsets ors' power began to show and Harlow tramural that program are based on the the a fumble ended threat. where Mitch Tullai and Captain Henderson that is worth belief anything but F&M took to the ail' and the hard sparked drives for three touchdowns. having in a college program should be charging Green and Gold line threw ... It was Western Maryland, 20:7, .at made available to all. The chief val- back another threat that reached the Gettysburg College Eleven the half and they furthered their ad- ues of any sport are the enjoyment of 20 yard line. vantage with 13 points in each of the play, the development of friendly ri- The remainder of the first half was last two quarters. valry and competition, the improve- Coacff Henry While a punting duel between Zepp and the on his 25th Gettysburg College the was honoring eleven of Western T. Bream Others getting into the act and ment of skills, and the improvement powerful of service, year Mary- Diplomats' Bobby Werst. The clock land College downed his team 13-6 on the loser's gridiron. notching touchdowns for the Green of physical condition. All of these are halted another F&M touchdown bid in The first Terror score was set up by Terror team were Arnie Needleman, worthwhile and are recognized as im- the second quarter. Otts Shearer who recovered a kick Walt Hart, Ronnie Jones, and Ray portant in the intramural program. fumbled by the Gettysburg half-back Powerful Navy Stephenson. Tullai was high SCorer of Not only' can they be made available The~:1~:::~::i:::a:Yb~eO~~ early on the 45. With only a few minutes the day with 12 points. to all in this program: but it can be remaining in the half, Henderson flip- in the third quarter when Wally'Urt- ped a pass to Ira Zepp, who raced the Stops Terrors done with less cost and facilities than mer fumbled a punt return, and Joe in an intercollegiate program. Renaldl recovered on the visitors' 26. remaining yardage for the tally. The Western Maryland's spirited soccer The intercollegiate program em- western Maryland drove down to the conversion attempt failed. team bowed to a fast Navy team, 6-0, phasizes the training of a few. It is . two-yard line, where the visitors stif- The third quarter saw Gettysburg on the middies' home ground, Friday, very costly in both time and money fened and halted the Terror advance. corne roaring back after a partially October 6. The Terrors limited the and is a heavy strain on players and But the Green team was not to be blocked kick put them on the Terrors' scoring to only three goals, until the coaches. Instead of emphasizing par- denied and came roaring back on the 25 yard stripe. Freshman Tony Natale last quarter, when the Navy booters ticipation by a large number of peo- trusty right arm of Harlow Hender- plunged across for the score. After came on to tally three good kicks. ple, emphasis is too often placed oniy son. The quarterback unleashed a long a successful conversion nullified by a The Terrors played a hard-fought on the entertainment of the spectat- pass to Ira Zepp, who cut in behind the 5-yard offsides penalty, Gettysburg game from beginning to end. At the ors and participants. secondary, gathered the pass in and was unable to split the uprights and close of the third quarter, with the A recent statement by Miss Parker tallied. Makovitch converted, land the the game was deadlocked 6-6. score 3-0, the game looked as though points out the problem very well. She score stood at 7-0. The winning Western Maryland it would stay relatively tight, but has said that, "If there are no limita- Minutes later another fumble gave touchdown culminated an 84 yard Navy's months of practice over- tions of time, facilities and money, a the home team the ball on the Diplo- march as Henderson passed to Zepp, whelmed a less conditioned WMC combined intramural' 'and intercol- mats' 47. Henderson connected with Tullai picked up 22 along the ground, team. legiate program under proper condi- two aerials to Walt Hart. On a reverse and Hart caught one on the two-yard In the last quarter, however, Navy tions is highly desirable." to the weak side, Mitch Tullai carried line, Warren McFague cracked the sent in a fresh first string, and they The women's athletic program at the pigskin to the 17 and on the next middle for the points as the score- proved to be too much for the booters. WMC combines in a limited way these board clock showed two minutes left two approaches but with emphasis on ~~::ve~ithi~a!!~rtar::n~e (~~d::~. ;~~ in the contest. The extra point attempt Chuck Hammaker played an excellent the intramural type of program. The game as goalie. Leading the field play conversion attempt failed as the Ter- was good. were Roland Fleischer and Soup sports offered are hockey, badminton, roes Ied ta-o. After the kickoff, Gettysburg march- Campbell. Skitch Henderson, Terror basketball, volleyball, Softball, tennis, A desperate aerial attack in the ed deep into Western Maryland but Although the team looks good, the Quarterback golf, and archery. They are all under final quarter brought F&M to within their drive ended as Henderson inter- coaches have expressed the need for the direction of the Women's Athletic six points of tying the game. Werst's cepted a forward pass on the 5 yard more fellows tc add depth. Association with Miss Parker and passes carried to the WMC seven, and marker. Two more plays ended the Terror Booters Miss Todd serving as advisors. By from that point Witmer banged the game. dividing. the women in each class into line twice for the score. Steve Compliments of groups according to their degree of Mischism's placement split the up- Bow To Drexel skill, it is possible for those of similar rights. Mitch Tullai thwarted another SMITH & REIFSNIDER J. R. EVERHART ability to compete. On occasion, WMC bid by the losers in the final seconds IncorporJted COLLEGE BARBER Western Maryland dropped its participates in competition with other as he picked a Werst toss out of the LUMBER-COAL second scheduled game of the -soccer schools. The teams for these activities air. Western Maryland retained pos- WESTMINSTER, MD. At the Forks season Iast Saturday to Drexel Tech, arc selected from the intramural session of the pigskin until the gun 4·0. groups. sounded. The Terror booters, playing hard, This program is designed to serve during ~.C. Murphy & Co. BOYLE'S kept the first game scoreless though the the large number of women on the the campus who are interested even whole in sports. half, Terror Racketeers RESTAURANT majority of the half was played in It is hoped that its purposes will be The Friendly Store the loser's territory. On the face-off achieved this year. Conduct Fall Drills after the half, however, the ball rolled goalie, Chuck Hammaker. to Terror Dormitory and Clauroom Across from State Theatre In kicking the ball out, Chuck hit a The Western Maryland tennis team, The Coffman-Fisher CO. weakened by the loss of four letter- Supplies Drexel player in the chest, and the DEPARTMENT STORE men, faces the task of rebuilding Excellent Sandwiches ball, by sheer chance, bounded back almost the entire squad. The fall try- 6.10 West Main Street into the net to break the scoring ice. 11 E.-Main si, Phone 102 outs have produced two promising Welbninlta', Md. Homemade Ice Cream The Terror bootel's were unable to freshmen, Henry Taitt, from Cam- gain their first-half equilibrium that might have brought them a victory. bridge, Maryland, and Ray Davis, a southpaw from Princeton, New Jer- Bixler and Guild sey. The two returning veterans are Socraiu preached: Ned Brown, last year's ,number one Drug CO_ man and beaten only three times in two years of intercollegiate competi- "THE BEST SEASON tion, and Merrill Trader, who held Drugs down the number six slot. Alan ToneI- FOR FOOD IS HUNGER. Cigars son, who played in non-conference matches last spring, has sharpened FOR DRINK, THIRST," Cosmetics up his strokes over the summer and Candies may play in number two. Art Salt- marsh, a substitute last year, has John and Main Phone 1050 shown considerable improvement over Score one for Soc. He's absolutely right the summer and may land a starting •.. thirst knows no season. That's why berth. Other budding racketeers are Chick Silberstein, Gordon Horsburgh, anytime is the right time for Coke. Economical and Dependable and Ken Ruehl. The outlook fpr next season is Dry Cleaning Service bright indeed for Coach Frank Hurt's protegees. THE WESTMINSTER LAUNDRY Good Health 'To Phone 328 -- All Leave your bundle at the Laundry Room in From Old Main -- REXALL WESTMINSTER UNDER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO,. INC. Men Stud6nts-Ask About Our "UTHORlTY COMPANY IIY THE OF COCA.COLA. SOTTlED !"Col-.";.a~lracI.-marIr. © 1951. THE COCA_COLA COMPANY Green Ticket College Special
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